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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1977, p. 14

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14 The iO lowmanville, January 26, 1977 s * -e HOME CARPENTRY FOR FREE ESTIMATI Ne Job teeSmal Phone 668-6798 GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Ca rpentry lkemodelling General Repaîrs Interior Exterior 1 -4x OXFORD Brick Iayers and, Stonemasons (Our fireplaces do nlot smioke) 1-983-5606 25-tf Lloyd Barnes Plumbing Carpentry, Renovating AI I4Geral1 Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-228à Ref rigeration and Applilance Service Commercial and Domestic R.frgeration - MiIk Coolers PHOE BERT SYER Days .............. 623-5774' Nkhts .............623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tf Jim,'s Body Shop Iocated at Pete's Esso or Scugog. Paint and repair, cars and trucks. 623-3122 DARLI NGTOiN MASON RY Brick, Block, Stc CHIMNEY & FIREPLA( CHIMNEY CLEANIN9 Phone 623-2176 Durham Masoni Contractors Lt Bricks- Legs Field Stonework Specializing in Fireplacq Phone 839-2431 INSTALL an Esso furnace, bolier, humidifier, heater or air cleaner. Combination wood and ail. Financing avail- able. Furnaces cieaned. Parts and service policy. Cal1 Hîarvy-y Partner., vour Esso service dealer. Free esti- mates. Orano 983-5206 or Zenith 14620. 24 hour service. 36-tf Pro fessiona I Stea m Cleaning Services Commercial -Industrial < Residential WaIl-to-Wait Broadloom Carpets, Rugs & Upholstery CALL BOB AT 623-2383 29-tf D AY care given in my home by R.N.A. 5 days a week. Waverley and Lawrence Cres- cent area. Phone 623-6875., 4-1 NEED a pressure system? Water Soteners? Repairs ta ail makes. Harvey Partner, Orana 983-5206 or Zenith 14620. 36-tf D.Beers &Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Raamns Repa irs of ail types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf HORSES trained, show F ing lessons, at Hoskin St Blackstock by Doug anc ES Ruth Moore. Over t vears exnerience in alc -of hrsemanshtp. j arena. Phone 263- 2689a 2-3x or 1-986-5558 daytime. WORKING parents! babysit in my home Mor Friday. Comfortabie, fi atmos phere. Close ta town. C ail 623-2687. Anderson Insu la 579-2060, Blown Cellulose fibr City andceuntry hem, Peter Sutherla Aluminum Prc Bowmanville Siding - Soff il Fasia - Troug Shutters - Windi Doors - Awnini 623-4398 FOR FREE ESTIMJ NOW HANDLIN( VINYL SIDING f Bill's GLASS and MIRRORS 7 Division St., Bowman Ontario. Phone 623-5' Sheet and Float Gla Sealed Units - Storm Wli Store Fronts - Float Mii Patterned and Colored and Glazing. J. A. HAYES (SMOK MEATS Custom Cuttii FREEZER ORDEI 174 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa. Phone 579-8011 or 623-ý JACK BURGE OIL BURNERS - FURN CLEAN ED PLUMBING REPAI f PHONE HAMPTO 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowm; 'ne G Painting andi 5- "FrDecorating (-mster 35years4 Frne trouble te ti ry obligation te yeu estimi ry PLEASECALL 1. George Mycoc & Son es 623-7703 Ail-Type Painting& Roofing Flats, tar and gravel,i cold rrocess, Ieaks, rn shingles, interior and ex painting. Free estimai P H ONE 623-5038 Ron's Floor Ca Commercial and hou! cleaning.- Dry foam rui carpet shampooing. Wi moval, waII washinc Ron Turcotte 623-7966 C & C JAN IT( SERVICE Carpet - Uphols, Professionally Cleari FREE ESTIMATE Phone 623-362 BOWMAN VILLE WATER WeIIs bored, 30 Ward's Weil Boring. phone 342-2030. Repres tIve Harry L. Wade. phone 987-4531. INSTALLING or renova bathroom, kitchen, la room, etc. Pipes, valve fittings from Harvey Pa We service ail makes, Orono 983-5206 or Zenith ALLIN COLE'S MOBILE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS (Tune-ups - Brakes - Etc.) Ail work done by Licensed Cl ass "A" Mechanic 1At your home or-placeaùfbusànSm. AI l parts and labar guaranteed. Terms cash. PHONE 623-5045 Bowmanvi île Private SMALL FARM Close te village in Darlington area. Cali after 6 p.m. 263-8818. 52-f USED Furniture and r....L.j. .4'.. Af.- ~1ampton 263-2241. 33-tf CASH for gold, silver, coins, guns, docks, jewellery, dlsh- es, furniture, crocks, paint- ins, seaiers, appliances. Ir endly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 38-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID, ACKE RMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-tf information call Mrs. Camp- * bell at 277-2010 by Jan. 29th. Pontypool Cubs with Kirk Gilliland as leader entered 12 n, rid- Auction Sale, cars in the Pinewood Derby taryWnedsFe. 6 held in Orona an Saturday. Al Wednesay, Fb. 16 boys wona prize. The Cubs twet at il a. m will participate in the District phas *Indpor Hol steins and Daîiry Derby on February 5th. after 6 Equipment Sympathy is extended to the Compiete Glen Rae Holstein famnily of the late Mrs. Lorne 4-1 Dispersai owned by Glen Rae Farrow of Millbrook. Funeral - Farms, Bowmanviiie. Seîîing service was held on Friday WilI at Malmont Sales Arena, 1/2 afternoon in Millbrook Pres- nday ta mile south of Biackstock. 100 byterian Church. The Farrow 'iendly head reg istered, classified family were Cane-time resi- down- and R.O.P. tested. This has dnsna aldf n ae 4-2 been a herd noted for high dewne th lal hffardare - production and show type for ondtelclhrwr aver thirty years. The 1974 store. Mrs. Mervin Bowins Grand Champion female for (Dorothy) of R.R.1 Pontypool tMon Durham County seils with a is a daughter. two year aid Emperor daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Manus Van- ter and a yearling heifer by derheul of Blackstock were r. Rosafe Citation R. Maud FrdydnrgutsfM. ies. (very good) selîs with over Fa drs. Hr Vnes or.e 1-_tf '20,000 lbs. of milk and due in an r.H ryV Wiige April ta Fury Lad. She is the an. ae tene h ac sixth generation of very good in the Pontypool Community il ni or xcellent females. 23 Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Vander- da -aughters by Downalane Ref. heul were celebrating their d. Emperor seil. Some exýcellentr 41st wedding anniversary. 4M- prospects In tis sale. Also The Pontypool Chamber of t selling 5400 lb. Sunset bulk Commerce sponsorecl a dance tank and Delaval Pipeline in the Community Centre on lh Milker plus 100 vials of'semen rdyngtwt orpo ýows availabie al sale. Lloyd ceeds given to the Manvers ig Wilson, Sale Manager and Community Centre Arena Auctioneer, Uxbridge 416-852- Fund. Jim Stanley presented a 3524. 3-4 cheque for $367.50 ta Wilfred AT E. Richardson, chairman of the 0 - committee. This was quite 3-tf pleasing as it means $1,102.50 ______from Wlntario. Door prizes were donated by Baldwin ROOM for rent. Phone 623- Sports, Peel Sports, Canadian 7750 before 2 p.m. 4-1 Tire and White's Economy LTD. Store. As advertised- Gary iville Bristow was ta provide the 187 music but because of îllness ss was unable ta attend. Fortun- indows Western Canada ately Rick Johnson of Clare- ~iarss colo mont and bis group were free ý,çyass cho L td. an Friday night and willhngly 17-tf Auctioneeri ng Ld filled in and supplied excellent - Canada's first, and the only music for the large crowd (EY) completeîy Canadian course present. We take aur hats off offered anywhere. Licensed ta Rick who came on such under the Trade Schools short notice (Thursday 9 rig Licensing Act, R. S. A. 1970, pi ehp ayi eln C.366. For particulars of the pm) ehp ayi eln RS next course write:, better and will be available for Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta,. or the dance planned for Febru- Phone 782-6215. 4-9 ary 5th. -7056 Several attended a surprise 36-tf hobuse-warming at Laverne Brawn's an Saturday night. A :SS W - 5-piece band fram Nestleton MACES, LOTS FOR SALE. Saunders unexpectedly dropped in and Court, Bowmanville. For in- provided music for dancing. IRS formation caîl 723-5225 during Many local pýeople are N business hours. 3-2 preisently in the flot-sa sunny South. Amang them are Dorothy Lethangue,, Mr. and ianville, Mrs. Glen Bradley, Margaret 30-tf __ Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin THREE bedroom townriouse Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon on quiet court in Bowmanville. Britton and Mr. and Mrs. Close to schools. Immediate Ralph Sharpe. Grant Mitchell occupancy. $300 monly. Cali is also bolidaying in Flarida -$a Vnr from 9a.n.tO wihfriends. us no p.m. at 623-3393, or Toronto: Get-wel wishesi are extend- ates." 23-917.,W r Reaitr ed ta Mrs. Jim Willis (Merita) EsjeLt.(eatr in Civic Hospital,' Peterbor- Tm~TT~~fYr ough and ta Daug Pingle in POUI'UIOU L Oshawa General. We under- "TheCeral helf isthe stood that Richard Rusk bas -21 tapie of study for the next unit be nhsia lobti - of the local 4-H Club with- home again. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mc- leader, Shirley Campbell and Dowell an d family of Oshawa assistant Thea Brandenburg. were weekend visitars with This course will be cammenc- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Plead- ing in February and is open ta weîî. metal, girls 12 years of age by Mareh Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Stew- epairs, lst an up ta 26 years. The art have sold their home and terior girls will be making lasagna, will be moving shartly intoaa ites. muffins and ather faads with new home in the subdivision. 19 tf cereal content. They will be Mr. and Mrs. Bert Grant have learning about grains, and will bought the Stewart residence be taught the basic things and Bert's parents from ire about being a good shopper. iselhod For further information th Kingston will be maving inta gad leaders may be contacted at 'the house vacated by Bert and rax re- 277-2010 and 277-2655. Jea. (oeyucnfl 9. Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. m) Branenbrg ae vry eer- Thase in, attendance at Brgti ade r r ryenr- churcb on Sunday -marning gb ads. rs. Brnden-ub enjoyed a Service of Sang and bug a aCocetn Cu Praise. On the previous Sun- 3-f which meets in bier home in day the cangregatian was the subdivision and she is asked ta write dawn favaurite DR willing ta enlarge it if mare hymns and gospel sangs. On ladies are interested. Mi-s. Sundayseveral of these were tery the subivison wiPae olin sung with rnany left aver till a ed a beginners' sewing course in laOn Sda r.ik ldi liher home starting early Feb- the singing of "Haw Firm a 4 ruary. This course will be one Foundation, What a Friend wek-cfcafternoon ee fr We Have in Jesus, In the ,45 wek-seiicatenonfe Garden, Brighten the Corner, - ta be decided. It will caver The Old Rugged Cross and D- tule, Shopping for materials, eut- Haw Great Thou Art." Alsa Tele-, ting and altering patterns, taking part in the service were -,ena- arau _samfinishes-And-11Have Ake,-rak-tae Trransport Tra lier Overturns on 401 Near Courtice A1 transport truck went into the median of the 401 near Courtice reportedly as the resuit of a faulty mechanism in one of the trailers it was haullng earIy Wednesday morning last wveek. Although there were no damages to the first trailer, the second overturned causing an estimated $5000 in damages. The truck was eastbound en route toMontreal from Toronto when the accident occurred. Strikers Man Picket Uine at High School Joe Devlin, Brian Anderson and Bob Perry were three of the 160 striking members of CUPE local 1206 who do the maintenance work, run the cafeterias p lus a few bus drivers for the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education' s58 schools. They went on strike Friday.night and formed a picket line at Bowmanville High School on Monday morning. K rm3s Claim w%îTwo Moimp re oints CUo&u'nty's Ga ailpjlyVgeuaTie By John Vance The first match -saw Kramps Furniture grab two mare voints by defeating Haoper's Jewellers 5 ta 2, putting Kramps in tirst plaee. Steve Samersford started the scoring for Kramps by getting, the anly tally in the first period. Somersford again started the scoring in early part of the seeand periad assisted by Rick Shackleton and Dave Willoughby. John Colwell started bisbat-trick at the 10 minute mark, giving Kramps a tbree ta zip score starting the third. Third periad was a mucb tighter game as Hoopers claimed a pair of goals by Kerry Milner and Bob McLaughlin and John Colwell, with bis skates in full flight gave Kramps a pair of goals ending it 5 ta 2., The second exhibition saw the Lockes boys eoming out of a slump by holding County off mhe new owner of a 175 lb. St. Bernard. 1The January meeting for the local Chamber of Commerce was cancelled because, of inclement weatber. The next meeting will be held an Monday, February 7th at 8 p.m. in the 1-Cammunity Centre. All are welcome. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Larry Short (nee Elaine Mitchell) who were married in Queen Street United Churcb, Lindsay. at 7 p.m. on Friday. Wedding reception foll owed in Nestletan Community Centre. The newlyweds will be resid- ing in Lindsay. *with a tie. The scoreboard started into action, almost immediately as Rick Waolner and bis wingers talled at the one minute mark. County claimed the next goal when rookie "Wip" Murphy gat bis first goal of the season ta, be chalked up on bis new hockey career. Doug Crough tallied again for County only ta be matched by Lockes, as Mike Hewer tied the score 2 all enterîng the second period. In the latter part of the period, Rick Woolner finished bis hat-trick leaving County two goals dawn going into the third. County did prove ta the fans that tbey still had some wind left and fought-desperately in the third. By the end of the period tbey were able ta salvage twa mare goals by Doug Crough and Jerry Mac- Donald ending the score 4 alI. This Thursday is the last regular game of the season. Don't miss it as Kramps and County try ta defeat their opponents ta sit in first place._ Eagles Drop Cobourg By Don Wilcox Bowmanville Port Darling- ton Marina and Hatel Junior C's dropped the Cobourg Cougars on their home ice by a 6 ta 3 count Monday nigbt having full contrai af the game most of the sixty minutes. Eagles got some playaff calibre gaaltending from Lenny Chappell especially in the third period when Cougars pulled out ahl the stops trying to get back in the game. Chappell came up with excel- lent saves and should have' earned a silver cross in the game. Cougars got on the score- board first and looked as tbough they might have a strang game. -Stevenson scoring on a rebound from Witteveen. Eagles who were playing uptigbt hockey, the result of sa many pressure games, settled dawn and played their passing game after goals by-Rory Gibbs on a breakaway a slider ta the open side, beating Ron Fowler, then AI Emard 53 seconds later, giving Eagles the go abead goal after being left uncavered assisted by Brian Simpson and Rory Gibbs ta finish first period scaring. Ted Puk apened the second period scoring from the edge of the crease assisted by Gary Cox and Don Spicher on a rebound. Cougars Chemiere deflected a Stevenson blueline drove past Chappell. Boyd Knox, mataring flat out, scored for Eagles assisted by linemates Gary Nemisz and Rary Gibbs. Eagles clicked on' a power play goal by Rory Gibbs from Ted Puk and Bayd Knox. Puk finished the second period assisted by Jerry Johnson and Don Spicher an a backhander. Cougars tbrew everything but the kitchen sink at Eagles in the third but were beld toaa single goal by Buckley con- verting a rebound on a breakaway Lenny Chappelîs driving style held Caugars at bay for the rest of the third period. Eagles were witbout Captain Joe Humenik, Ron Strike and Dean Morgan. OBITUÂRY CHARLOTTE JANE ROY, A.T.CM. A beloved music teacher, Charlotte Jane Roy, A.T.C.M. aged 79 died suddenly in Memarial Hospital, Bowman- ville on Thursday, December 23rd, 1976. She bad been ill since early fail. Born and educated in Cooks- ville she was the daughter af Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Elling- ham and was married April 25th, 1931 ta the late Robert Roy wbo passed awýay in January 22nd, 1976. M" a il màýqffl unv»MMM SAVUNGS and QUALITY AT DYKSTRA'S DELICA TESE FOOD JMA4RKET BIEF ROAST SALEý BONELESS BLADE, RST BONELESS CROSSCUT RST BONELESS SHORT RIB RST PIERIB ROASTS BON ELESS BIEF STEW 'eI09LB. $129B STORE SLICED STORE SLICED COOKE HAM SWIFT PREMUM $2*2B.BLGN CHEESE 0F THE WEEK DANISH ELBAI TYBO OR HfAVARTY TRY A SAMPLE i~ For Your Home Freezer Try Our Ass't Frozen MEATS ORDERS CONTAIN ASSIT. BIEF CUIS CHICKENS and CHICKEN CUIS ASS'T. FREEZER READY PORK CUTS GROUND ü-BEEF $25to$5O1 MONARCH 100 PER CENT VEG. OIL MARGA RINE 49 c LB. TOASTMASTER CHAPMANS WHITE SLICED ICI CREAM BREAD 2LR 2/79f-PKG. ____________ ASS'T FLAVOURS ENJOT A FREE COFFIE WhiIo You Shop Thurs., Fri,, Sot. At DYKSTRA'S DELICA TESSEN FOOD MARKET 73-77 KING ST. WEST FREE PARKING OFF QUE EN STRE ET PRIVATE SALE 3 BEDROOM RAISED BUNGALOW 1660 sq. feet of Living Area Finîshed Den and Famiy Reom 11à Baths Extra Large Living and Dining Room Spa clous Kitchen Single Garage >$500.00 WITH OFFER $500.00 ON OCCUPANCY WITHIN 30 DAYS P. I.T. $435.00 Monthly SECOND MORTGAGE PAYMENTS NOT DUE TILL SEPTEMBER 1977. COMBNEDEARNINGS 0F $19,000.00. APPOINTMENT ONLY 623-7684, 623-6511 Oshawa Monument Co. Fomily Mdemoriols - Mankers Ail Design end Lttering Dons by Us on Promises -NO SALESMEN INVOLVED - Please Telepho'ne 728-3111 for Fuil Details A graduate of the Royal Conservatory of Music, she was devoted ta bier mutzic anid, pupils, teaching- from 1920, and ta bier home and-family. A member of St. John's Anglican Church, Cooksville, she-leaves t' mourn lier passing a son William %oY' à daughter Mary (Mrs. William G. Henderson) and three grandchildren. Reverend Kempling cond- ucted the funeral services at the Morris Funeral Chapel. Several favorite hymns of the deceased were played by Mrs. Albert Cale. Paîl-bearers were Messrs. AI Hoar, Gordyn Brent, Ralph Glaspbell, Jimi Woodey, Len- ard Stainton and Paul Vaneyk. -Spring intermrenit Bethesda Cemeteryv Ifoydwg Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones and family, Port Coiborne had Saturday supper with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Black- burn and family, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Blackburn, and Wendy, Enniskillen, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn and family. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cameroni and Shanna, Ponty- pool called on Mr. and Mrs. Tom EPotts and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewins. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones, called on Mr. and Mrs. A. Boumne and Mrs, Meta Kellar, Oshawa an Sunday. Mrs. Roy Graham, and Mrs. Hilda Crossman attendecl a Tupperware party at the home of Mrs. Raymond Cameron, Pantypoal, on Friday. Mrs. Mildred Anderson re- turned from the Port Perry Hospital, an Wednesday. Susan Slemon spent the weekend with Ruth Baker, mwmmý

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