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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1977, Section 2, p. 3

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the United Church in Black- stock. Th is gives them a break from the children who will be kept busy with crafts, toys, and organized activities under the guidance of Mrs. Beth Schryburt. Babysitters will be provided for the children under two. Meanwhile, the ladies will be led in light exercises for the first haif- hour by Mrs. Karen Lomax, then have a coffee break, A wide selection of gifts for those special occasions. Many Specials stili available on leathercraft and macrame supplies. Beat the winter - start a new hobby Starting January 24th, 1977 Store wil11 be closed ail day Monday 1Open Tues., Wed. and Thurs. 9 a.m. -'6 p.m. Friday 9a.m. - 9p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. The Tree 133 Church St. Bowmanville 623-9192 -Q- $25 Perms, Regular $35 ..NOW Regular $25..-,.-..-..-.NOW $20 Streaking* Reg. $20.... NOW $18 .Senior Citizen's Special Shampoo and Set_ NOW $3.50 $9.00 $6.50 The Durham Region Family YMCA (formerly the Whitby YMCA) is expanding to the Blackstock area. They are starting with two programs, a Ladies' Take a Break pro- gram and a chîldren's Crea- tive Arts program. The two-hour Thursday morning Ladies' Take a Break program, which starts at 9:30 a.m. will be run for eight weeks for ladies of aIl ages at INITIATIVE The ambitious youth strikei out for himself-the lazy one de pends on a pinch bitter. LEVEL LOOP and SCULPTURED CARPET s.d from $3.99sq d I VINYL ICUSHION FLOOR from $ 3.99 sq. yd. I PLUSH NYLON I BROADLOOM I $4095 sq. yd. REMNANTS from $ 3. 00 sq. yd. SCIJLPTURED LOOP CAR PET "SPECIAL" from $ 3.00- sq. yd. Carpet Warehouse 110 King St. W. Oshawa 728-0292 Durham Carpet 160 Water St. Port Perry 985-3773 Sisters Celebrate Birthdays followed by a speaker, demon- stration or a group craft. Registration will be held on the "first morning, January 27th. Mrs. Krystine Wilson, ladies' programmer, will start off the first morning with floral arrangements. On Feb- ruary 3rd, there will be a talk on Fire Safety In The Home. On February lOth, the ladies will take a trip to the home and shop of Mrs. Heintzman who will give them a talk on antique collecting. On Febru- ary l7th, Mrs. Eileen Roland of Oshawa will give a' talk on skin care and demonstrate Fashion 220 skin care pro- ducts. On February 24th, Mrs. Paula Lishman of Blackstock will demonstrate some'of hier work with leather and rab- bits', fur. For the followîng two Thurs- day mornings, March 3rd and lOth, Mrs. Krystine Wilson will lead the ladies in a group craf t. To end the program, Mrs. Elizabeth Moore of the Durham Region Family YMCA will talk about pro- gramns that the YMCA has to- offer. A Creative Arts program for children from, 8 to 12 years will be held on Saturday mornings from 9:30 a. m. until 11: 30 a.m. The meeting place will be announced. The children will be led in three weeks of fun cooking, followed by two weeks of macrame, and three weeks of crafts by Mrs. Susan Wi- Afedz. This program starts January 29th and ends March l9th. Registration takes place on the first morning. There is a 10 per cent reduction in fee for famlies of more than two children. More YMCA programns are planned for the near future. Watch the papers for details. If you have any questions, suggestions, or if you would be interested in setting up a program and-or leading one, please contact the Durham Region Family YMCA at 668-6868 wh-ere details of fees may also be obtarned. Arena'Repairs Completed in Bowman ville Except for a few finishîng touches, the repair work at the Bowmanville arena bas been completed. "Now we're back on sched- ule," said Newcastle Parks and Recreation Director Bud, Fanning, last week. In a report to the town's community services commit- tee, Mr. Fanning added that the work lef t to be completed includes a few odd paint jobs and some cement work. Repairs at the Bowmanville arena were to cost just over $45,000. Some of the expense will be covered by a grant from Wintario. Newcastle Arena Inspected In another report bef ore the community services commit- tee Monday evening, the engineering firm. of Totteni Sims Hubicki Associates told council that the New- castle Memorial arena, is in satisfactory condition "for limited, monitored occu-, pancy." At present,' the Newcastle rinlk can remain in operation as long as snow and wind loads are not too high. "On January 12, 1977, we carried out a visual inspection of the Newcastle Arena and advise that no unusual signs of recent structural distress were observed," the letter adds. NOuClIea r A letter protesting any extension of Eldorado Nuclear Ltd's dumping operations in Port Granby will, go to the Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB) from the Town of Newcastle Ratepayers' Assoc- iation. The Association on Jan. l7th vcted in favor of supporting the stand taken by SEAP tSave the Environment from Atomic Pollution) against al- lowing the nuclear refining company to use the dump afterJan. 3lst. Last vear. the AF.CB order- )ump ,, cd Eldorado Nuclear Ltd. to end operations at the waste management site in Port Granby by that date when their licence is due to expire. Since the order for decom- missioning the dump, the company has announced plans to huild an $80 million nuclear refinery on a 657 acre site in Port Granby. SEAP Chairman John Veld- huis said that the group received letters. from various other agençies which have also indicated their support. TLRINITY U.,C.W., The newly-elected officers of Trinity U.C.W. had charge of the first meeting in the new year, held in the church hall on January l8th with a good attendance. Mrs. A. Blair, the president, opened the meeting with a thought for- the New, Year and prayer. She asked that each member pause for a moment in her own home between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. to offer a short prayer. Reports were brought in from the executive meeting which was'held on January 7th. Mrs. R. Coombes present- ed the budget which, was approved. The minutes of the meeting were read by our new secretary Mrs. F. Jamieson. These contaîned many resolu- tions and ail were approved. One new suggestion was a Flower Memorial* Calendar which is now in the church. The president asks that if you wish to place flowers in the church in memory of a loved one that you put your name and telephone number on the specific date on the calendar. There are also Memorial cards at the funeral homes if you wish to make a donation to Trinity Church. Dates to remember are May 19 for a bake sale and salad luncheon and November sth for our CountryStore and Smorgas- bord. Ltwas decided to change some of the numbers of the units so the numbers will run consecutively from one to eight. Mrs. L. Tomlinson, as Literature and Programme Convenor reported everything under control wîth program- mes planned up to November. Mrs. Gordon Barrie read a letter from Dr. Burgess, who has returned to Angola, asking for clothîng, sneekers, band- ages, pens, pendils and paper. The Supplyý and Weifare committee will be responsible for packing this bale. As, a resuit of a letter, rend by Mrs. C. Trewin one' copy of the Mandate and Exchange will be ordered for each unit leader to help with program- ming. Mrs. Harold Hammond reported 39 get well cards and 3 sympathy cards were sent, also letters of appreciation to Mr. T. Rehder, The Canadian Statesman and Morris Funer- ai Chapel. Mrs. Blair expressed the appreciation of the U.C.W. to Mrs. H. Hammond for a donation of two mirrors to bc placed in the church in memory of her mother Mrs. O.K. Osborne. The president then called on Mrs. Nelson Osborne to ex- plain to us what the new Council of our church is and how it works. She compared the old and new regimes to our kitchens of 25 years agoand those we work in today. The new Council like our modern kitchens will be more conven- ient and much more efficient. Mrs. Osborne told us that a committee of eight people was set up months ago and these members hiave worked dcli- gently to do the ground work for this new Council. Not less than seventy-five rnemhers, appointed for a three year term, make up the Council. Lt will have a lay person as chairman, rather than the minister, with a Vice-Chair- man, Secretary and Treasur- er. These seventy-five mem- bers are divided into six committees, namnely Christian Education, Membership. Wor- ship, Property, Finance and Outreach and Communica- tions. Seven trustees are appointed to look after prop- erty. bequests 'and invest- ments. Auditors are appointed yearly and the Ministry and Personnel Committee com- prised of three members will sit for two years. There will also be Presbytery delegates, appointed from the Council. The Executive is the Central core of the new organization and is made up of the chairpersons of each commit- tee. They will meet six times a year whereas the Council will meet four times a year. Mrs. Blair thanked Mrs. Osborne for hringing us so much information in such concise form. The worship service was conducted by Mrs. L. Tomlin- son who gave us some thoughts for the new year. She read the poem- "A New Year's Garden" whichsuggested that kindly thoughts, prayer, rows of chuekies and smiles will ensure a happy year'. After a hymn and prayer the meeting cîosed by singing "Blest be the tic that binds." The foiîowing is the new executive for 1977: Honorary Presidents, Mrs. A. Amacher; Mrs. J. Peters; Past President, Mrs. R. Coombes; President, Mrs. A. Blair; 3rd Vice President, Mrs. T. Buttery; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Frank Jamie- son; Treasurer, Mrs. A.W. Harris; Assistant Treastirer, Mrs. D. Austin; Correspond- ing Secretary, Mrs. H. Ham- mond. Committee Chairmen Finance, Mrs. R. Coombes, Christian and Missionary Ed- ucation, Mrs. J. Martin; Nominations, Mrs. T. Rehder; Mrs. R. Coom-bes. Portfolio Secreilries Community Frienc hip and Visiting, Mrs. M .S'te; Mrs. A. Hilis; Literature and Pro- gramme, Mrs. L. Tomalinson; PrsPublicity and Archi- vist, Mrs. C.E. Allin; Steward- ship and Vocation, Mrs. C. Trewin; Supply and Welfare, Mrs. Gordon Barrie, Mrs. W. Bragg; Manse, Mrs. K. Shack- elton; Mrs. D. Wight; Pianist, Mrs. J. Munday; Mrs. L. Ayre;, Flowcrs, Mrs. Bail and Units; Social Registrar, Mrs. C. Downey; Kitcfien, Mrs. E .Shackelton; Mrs. Hutchin- son; Mrs. A.B. Lobb., Friendship Club-Mrs. G. Becch, Mrs. T. Gatcheil, Mrs. R. Mclntyre, Mrs. D. Wight. Finance Committee-Mrs. R. Coombes, Mrs. A. Blair, Mrs. C. Trewin, Mrs. A.W. Harris, Mrs. K.Shackelton, 1st Vice President. Unit Leaders-1. Mrs. Gor- don White, 2 Mrs. L. Dippell, 3. Mrs. A. Coverly, 4. Mrs. E. Shackleton, 5, Mrs. L.C. Carlson, 6. Mrs. R. Coombes, 7. Mrs. A. Strike, 8. Mrs, H. Watson. YMCA Expands fo Blackstock ELIZABETH VILLE (1 ntended, For I ast Veek> ('hurch services were heid as usual. Mrs. J<. Trew and Mrs. Betty Riches, dssisted with the services. Rev. R. Bartlett held the installation of the U.C.W. Gener-al Execu- tive. The followingwr installed. Past Presidents- Mrs. B. Wheeler, Pres. Mrs. Ken Trew, Sec. Mrs. M. Gardiner, Soci al Convenor, Mrs. B. Riches, Stewardship, Mrs. Leta McAllister, Citizen- ship, Mrs. Jean Cann, Mis- sionary, Mrs. M. Gardiner, Friendship and visiting, Mrs. B. Gray, Supply and social assistance, Mrs. Velma Scott, Press, Mrs. E. Thîckson, Pianist, Mrs. Marilyn Gar- diner, Treasurer, Mrs. M. Watkins, Assistant Pianist, Mrs. B. Mercer, Flowers, Mrs. B. Wheeler.1 Rev. Bartlett spoke on, "Cheerfulness-the sign of a healthy Christian"., Our congregational meeting will be Jan. 18 at 8 p.m. Session meeting was held at 'Canton last night. Our general U.C.W. execu- tive will meet on Jan. l9th at 12:30 at Mr. and Mrs. M. Gardiner's home. On Tuesday afternoon the United Church Women Unit Il met at Mr. and Mrs. R. Beatty's home. A good num- ber attended an-d the presi- Section Two dent, Mrs. K. Trew presided. Mrs. M. MAllister had the <evotional part. She also had the program in the absence of Mrs., H. White. Mrs. H. Quantrill read the- minutes and also gavea financial report. There wasn't much business. Mrs. Beatty report- ed that one quilt had been sold. Lunch was provided by Mrs. Wheeler. Next meeting to be at Mrs. B. Wheeler's home. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trew had Mr. and Mrs. W. Deremo and Ben, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fowler on Sunday.. Mrs. Fenwick, Manitoba, is still visiting in the area. She, was with Walkers on Sunday. Recently, Mrs. Thickson, Mrs. M. Gardiner, Mrs. H. McKolm, Welcome had dinner with Mrs. M. Langdon Wel- come. NESTLETON (Intended For Last Week) United Church Annual Con- gregational Meeting The Annual meeting of the combined Nestieton Congre- gation was held in the church basemnent at 1:30,p.m. Sunday, January l6th. This was pre- ceded by a delicious dinner provided by the U.C.W. Reverend Victor Parsons, who presided, opened the meeting with prayer. Minutes of the annual meetinig of January 13, 1976 were read by the secretary Mr., Lawrence For the comfort of your home, enjoy the beauty of 'Barrymore' fine upholstered furniture featured at McALLSf S-ofa and Choir OR/ Two Lovesei 'Barrymore' builds furnifure for the future, yet each piece retains.the classical luxury that has been a traditi on for more than 50 years with this renowned Canadian firm. Here, 'McAllisfer's presents a superb example of 'Barrymore' craffsmanship and distinction', grouped at a most inviting price. See them displayed in co-ordinated room settings. Cover is an elegant 100 per cent cotton chintz from England, cut and fitted to match and bring ouf the beauty of traditional floral $999 design. Each Iovely piece is highlightled by special decorative quilting to enhance its appearance. Treated with 'Scotchgard' fabric protector. Colors express contemporary leadership, in variations of rose, green or cocoa brown. decorati ve blue, gold, MasterfulI y-crafted rel nforcedi wood fra mes, web and col construction, 'Dacron' polyester and foam seat cushions with 'Dacr-on'ý. polyes ter fil1led back cushions. Sofa, about 74". Loveseat, about 50". Chair, about 31". 70 Rosslond W. OSHAWA 576-6465 Mon. thru Wed. 10:00-6:00- Thurs., Fri. 10:00.9:00- Sot. 10Q:00J-5:00 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 26, 1977 3 Malcolm. Reverend Parsons Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm was appointed chairman for sliowed a balance of $862.20. 1977. Mr. Richard MacKenzie was Treasurer's report by Mr. appointed to the Chruch Grahame Fish showed a Board. balance of $1957.58, Mr. Par- Votes of thanks were ten-, sons in his report for Missions dered to the organist, Mrs. and Service' Fund stated Lawrence 'Malcolm, to the $1472.92 had been subscribed treasurer, Mr. Grahame Fish from the Nestieton Congrega- and to the custodiân Mrs. tion which includes the $100 Victor Malcolm given by the U.C.W. In the 1977 budget 70 per cent will be assumed by VICTORIA, Blackstock and the remaining SI 30 per cent by Nestieton. This ,TE LEV,,I SION Will amount to groups for Expert Repairs Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm read Installation the Sunday School report for7 superintendent Laurie Mal- colm and Treasurer Glenn Malcolm stated that there is a PONTY poo balance of $368.98 in the PHON E Sunday Sehool account. The2 United Church Women's fin- 77-2461 ancial statement Presented by Patrick G. Deegon DT. DENTURE THERAP CLINIC formerly known as BOWMANVILLE DENTURE CLINIC has moved to a new location 36 KING ST., W. BOWMANVMILLE "623,4473 Laura-Lee was one-year-old on .anuary lBth and Leann-Louise was two on December 8th. They are daughters of Leigh and Gwen Somerscales of Bowmanville and grand-daughters of Mr. and Mrs, Tom Graham, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Len Somerscales, Courtice. Their great-grandmother is Frances Brown and great-great aunt is Mable Read, both of Courtice. Ratpayrsurge AECBJ to Close (Across f rom the water tower) Tandy Leather Authorized Sales 11Centre Color- -- -----NOW ONLY Shampoo Cut and Style --NOW (Women Only) Men! Corne See Ernie and treat yourself to an up-to-date hairstyle HAInRRT 'nSTY1[1LING 133 Church St. Bowmanville 623-490111 JANUARY CARPET CLEARANCE 100 PER CENT NYLONd SHAG Jute and Rubber Back from $,99 sq. yd. HARDTWIST 80 PER CENT ACRYLIC 20 PER CENT NYLON $99 sq. yd. SPLUSH $6,95sq. yd. ATERNED KITCHEN and RECREATION ROOM CAR PET, from $5.95 sq.yd. ____________________________________________ ~ le. 1 summff es

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