4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 26, 1977 Section Two BOOK0 By 1 M. Dineen, Chief Librarian. Newcastle Public Library Systeni, In tbe past few, years, Canadians have become in- creasingly proud of their cou ntry and of themselves. This bas been manifested in the growth of Canadian theatre, -art, music, and of course, literature. -We now produce books comparable in quality to those from other countries and sometimes ours are even better. ,Milis of Canada by Carol Priarno This is ,viat is commorniy called a cof fee-table book, that trated and expensive. Tt is also a truly beautiful book present- ing a istory of mnilîs in this country and including photo- graphs of many of tbe more notable milîs. The Vanstone millin Bowmanville can be found on Page 92. As it llappened by Barbara Frum Frum is certainly one of our more colourful broadcasters and ber book consists of selections from ber interviews witb trend-setters, policy- makers, kooks and criminals. Her book is just as bard-bit- ting as tbe radio broadcasts are. The far side of the street by Bruce Hutchison Hutchison is a newspaper- man wbo bas produced a number of boo ks in bis spare time. Tbis, is a series of vignettes of events in bis early life as well as brief glimpses of the background and personal- ities involved in many of the stories be covered. He cails it his book of rambling reflec- tions but if's more than that, it's a warm and funny book as well." Winter bvMorley Calta ghan Winter is mucb discussed but still flot a very popular topic tbese days. Perhaps you should keep tbis book in mind for tbose torriddays we're hoping sumnmer will bring. Beautiful pbotographis by John de Visser compliment the text b\y Callagban. It's a form of poetry witbout any hint of a rbyme and it does show tbat winter has its' beaùtiful side. Did you know that any resident of the Town of Newcastle can join any of tbe libraries here free, of cbarge and thus gain acèess tobooks, magazines, new.,spapers, fil.ms, talking books, and many other library programs and services. -For more in- formation cail your local library - we'll be glad to help. (Intended For Last Week) The A.C.W. of St. Paul's Bethany bad a delicious luncheon meeting at the borne of Mrs. na Palmer. Gloria Johnson had the opening exercises and rend a passage from Matt 8: 14-22 on the bealing of Jesus. She emphasized the need for growth and un derstanding of ourselves and one another. Women in the past bave made history and many made great changes for the betterment of women's conditions. The A.C.W. can contribute much to the welfare of the people of the worid. Gloria read the poem- "Church Garden"'. First plant five rows of Peas. Presence, Preparation, Purity, Prompt- ness, Perseverance. Next to these plant three rows of Squash. Squash gossip, squash criticism, squash in- difference, then plant five rows of lettuce, Let us be faithful to duty, ]et us be true to our obligations, let us be loyal and unselfish, Jet us obey rules and regulations,' let us love one another. No garden i Reni Smelt, Recording Secre- tary-Mrs. Belle Smiith, Trea- surer-Mý,rs. Loraine Smith, Supply officer-Mrs. Vera Smith. A pledge of fifty dollars to the iocesan treasurer was accepted. It was decided to invite Mrs. Gloria Sadier, týhe Peterbor- ough director, of the A,C.W. deanery, and Mrs. Mary Macll1-wair, the trensurer to the next meeting wich will be, hield at the homie of M1rs Gloria Johnson on Feb. 21. The vestry meeting will be held in the Parish Hîall on Jan. 2th at 8 o'clock. PAPAY A BRING A 0K T OF F SPRIN C O OU OME6 NCH POT POTTED CROC)CUS 4ch p) t99< ChefBoy-A-De 7.5-FL OZ TIN t'RASPBERRY-STRAWBERRYN 3 FRUT MARJMALADE, WITH PECTIN r STAFFORD s p lb PO' ors 1 FRESH CHICKEN WINGS lb4 1TRAY SAVE 1lOc y 1ES 9 SAVE 14c Ful -nh. 2-zpie 75<1 Buy with onfidence! Serve with Pride! ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARAMTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, JANUARY 29TH, 1977. SEDLESS NAVEL SUNKISI COME SHOP OUR GARDEN SPOT! SMALI. NO. ONE, ONTARIO, RED DFTERGENT SAVE 20c ACTION PRICED! Ivor Liquid 24FIopaIibtI89 GREEN-LAVENDER-PINK-WHITE--YELLOW ACTION PRICEDI K leenexFACIAL TISSU[ B"~.ti59 TISSUEes9 0F 4 OFKG - ROLLS GRADE -A"-EVISCERATED-F ROZEN MAPLE LEAF-REGULAR OR ALI BEEF ROASTING CIC KENS WIENERS lb 64. 3'TO 4-LBS AVERAGE (2-LB VAC PAC-1.45> 1lb Vac Pac Mapie Leaf, Sliced, Luncheon Meat, Mac & Cheese,, Chicken, Pickle & Pimento COOK D M ATS 12-,VPa79 MAPLE LEAF-REGULAR-AILBEEF & THICK SLICED r% % j% à u a s à OZ Vac Pac 8 ,9 >ERS lb 169î 1-lb Vac Pac 1.29 20-oz chub 1.m29: GRADE "A -EVISCERATED PROZEN-VAC PAC APSELF-BASTING O 01SWIFT PREMIUM-DEEP-BASTED BUTTERBALL TURKEYS HIGHLINER-FROZEN FISH IN BîATTER 32-.7pkg 1.99 SPLENDOR-PLAIN 14-FI.-OZ TIN ACTION PRICED! S'#PAG"%HETTI SAUCE 3f.,1.00 SAVE 16 Instnt-4-ozor Quick-48-oz QUAKE R CATELLI SPLENDOR-READY CUT MACE ARO0NI o S«-P AG H E TI PKG, 14 VARIETrIES NNE LU VES CAT FOOD POTE ATOE CHIN-IP-SAL 1-TTLEY TEA RAP RITE ACTION PRICEDP WAX P"APER, 187-189 KING ST, E. BOWMfANVILLE MON. - TUES. - WED. - SAT. THURS.oand F1.9:00 à.m. - 9:00 P.m. NTOMATO 'SAUCEACTION PRICEDI H'ENlyZ aSPwjAG;HETTI 14-f1 oz tin 2f.,69< VEGETARIAN, WITH-I ORK IN TOMATO SAUCE OR MOLASSES ACTION PRICEDI HEINZ BEANS 14-f-zti2fo69e 9 VARIETIES INCLUDING FANCY PEAS, FRENCH STYLE GREEN & WAX BEANS YOfeRK fVEGETABLES îO-f-oz tin4fr10 TOMATO HEINZ KETCHUIP DELICIQUS 3L oEfDC ULUUWA C57I 9 F EJ MAPLE LEAF, SOECOEDNE APPES AG15 PIECES PORK SHOULE PEE Y H A T UOFRISDA ACRED each MAPLE LEAF-SLICED CELERY N GRADEFRHDALO< uXOC IKE SIDE BACON PARSNIPS -ONTARO 2lhceo bag 59e. 4%3LGQUARTERlîS, '3. BREASI QUARTERS COORSH COLE SL~~~A PESHDAL8-oz cello pkg 3for 10 E H COEAKEODIY10 3 WINGS, 3 NECKS, 3 GIBLET PKGS SALAMICU 16-c PARTLY SKIMMED FRESH I~o ~ OR JG 11 AMMLK R UBAC qi (PLUS 40c JUG DEPOSIT> SWEET MIXED, KOSHEP BABY DILLSBREAD & BUTTER HEINZ PICKLES ACTION PRICED! 6/2-oz tin, 3 for 79< -T AND VINEGAR 250 g pkg7 7< ACTIOI PRICED!, pkg of 144 bags ,2. 2 9 REFILLS-1 D-FOOT ROLL-55,# box of 100-ft roi! 5*9< ACTION PRICEDI 1l-fi-oz 6>149 Pl