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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1977, Section 2, p. 7

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Snowmobile Àesorts Offer OutdoorApres Enjoyment Just as ski rmorts cater te skiers with a varietv of outdoor ,R- A. *Mriu Antiqus gtb. u 116 King St. E. Hwy. No. 2 Bowmanville (416) 623-5050 - WILL BUY SINGLE PIECES OR COM- PLETE CONTENTS' - APPRAISALS AND AUCTION SERVICE and apres-ski activities cen- tered on the ski hili as the major attraction, so have snowmobite resorts sprung up around snow- mobile trait areas. Most offer a wide variety ofoutdoor fun tîke camping, ice'-fishing, te- bogganing, and skating, as well as snowmobiling. Some ski resort areas have added snowmobile trails as an extra attraction, but resorts catering mainly.to snowmobil- ers during the winter months now exist far from the nearest ski hilt. Today, snowmobilers can enjoy their own kînd of out- door winter fun and apres social Our experience shows that ab- stainers have fewer car accidents, fewer home tires. So we can afford to insure for Iess. if you're a non-drinker, can you afford notto look into Abstainers' insurance for your home and your car? Osborne &Shank Insurance Agency Mt. 108 Liberty St. N. 623-2527 activities just tike the ski crowd. .Quebec has an outstanding re- sort catering to snowmobilers north of Montreai. Catied L'Es- terel, it has entree directly to miles of maintaîned, marked traits. L'Esteret offers package plans for weekend or week, using your own sriowmobites or Ski-Doo rentai machines. Guides are availabte and witl cook for you on the trail. Or they'tl pack a carry-atong lunch., Amenities inctude game room and indoor swimming pool. Many resorts wetcome snow- mobilers in other parts of Cana- da,-ficluding Ontario. Among the good ones in that province are Nottawasaga Inn, Alliston; Anderson's, Motor Hotel, Apsley; Trappers Inn, Buckhorn; Holi- day Inn Snowmobile Centre, Huntsville; Fern Resort, Orillia The Falcon Lake, Boissevain, Erickson, Minnedosa, and Seven Sisters Faits areas offer severat resorts catering to snow- mobiters. British Columbia abounds with scenic mountain traits, as do U.S. mountain areas around Yellowstone National Park, Jackson Hole, Wyo., the Grand Teton Mountains, and Lake Ta- hoe, Nev. Road Signs, Going Metric Celebrated Her First Birthday Marci Lynn Rowland appears quite pleased that she celebrated her first birthday on Sunday, January 23, 1977. Her parents are Debbie and Terry Rowland of Oshawa, Grandparents are Harry -and Florence Snowden, Oshawa, and Ernie and Beth Rowland, Whitby. She also has two great-grandmothers, Catherine Moore of Port Hope and Dorothy Snowden of Bowmanville. Team Bombardier Adds World Champion, Features, Leading Canadian, U.S. Drivers, Take 1975 USSA Pro Driver of the Year Larry Rugand and two-time,.Wortd ChamTpion Mike Trapp, add 1976 World Champion Ed Schubitzke and the 1976 Som 500 Champions, brothers Stan and Doue Hayes, plus a pair of flyvingl Canadian drivers, Roger Rouitiard and ~Clude]Ie~Rsiea;and you haïve the diriving com-bin-ation that could propet Team Boim- bardier and its Ski-Doo and Moto-Ski snowmobitles te the tep both t] of 1976-77 Sno-Pre racing. 440X The first'five -mentioned wit] compete on the SnoPro circuit Star which 'incluides primarity drove United States events, but with seasor two important races in Canada, botht the Kawartha Cup at Peter- (Stan's berough, Ont., and the annuai and th feature at Beausejour, Man. dure.. Reuittard and Desi oiers will Winnij be seen mainty in Canadian chamn events throughout the season. USSA DesRosiers, Bombardier test driver turned racing star, is one point of the fastest competiters ever to for fiv( get on a snewmobite. Rouiltard, also w( ries cr( premier cross country as wett as 1970-7 ovat racer, has won more than ,et 60 gotd and 20 silver medats. Rugh 11Schubitzke, who started rac- Rg ing snowmobiles on a steck Ski- Doo in 1968, won the 1976 Eagle IPHP River (Wis.) Wortd Champion- I l ship as an independent Yamaha I driver, setting a new singte-tap qualifying record.' He aise won Planningfor the day you retire or buy your'first home means having a master plan for your investment in the-future. So we have twýo plans to help. A Retiremnent Savings Plan, and a Home Ownership Savings 'Plan. They both earn you valuable tax savings, and when you subscribe to either one, or both plans your contributions can be applied to any one, or a combination of these investment vehicles': 1. Royal Bank R SP and H OSP Deposits. lnterest-bea ring deposits with The Royal Bank of Canada, offering a high interest return, geared to the general deposit rate structure. Because of the long- terni nature of these, deposits, it is possible to pay a higher rate of interest than on conventional savings deposits. 2. Incomne'Fund. High-yield bonds, deposit instruments and mortgages insured under the National Housing Act make up this portfolio which is adtively managed by professionals. The policy is to achieve as high a current incoie as is compatible with maintaining reasonable price stabil'ity as wel4las moderate capital appreciation. 3. Equity Fund. lnvestment mainly in Canadian common stock port- folio which is actively managed by the same professionals. Long-terni capital growth with reasonable current income is the objective of this fund. lt's aIl in how you plan your strategy. Your Royal Bank manager can help you work out a master plan. Why not caîl or visit today. Now it's your move. Ross Duncan Bowmanville ROYAL BAN K .. fr a lot of reasons. Don't wait for spring to dlean up around the house or at work. Many serious acci- dents and health hazards are caused by poor housekeeping, cautions the Industrial Acci- dent Prevention Association. Materials and scrap scattered around, liquid cleansers or tools lef t within the reach of smatàl children: ail these things could cause injuries, damage, and less productive work. Take a dloser look at your houskeeping, says, the TAPA. Clean up. don't:slip up. Claude DesRosiers the USSA Super Mod 3 and 'World Series tities. in and Deug Hayes, who for the Mercury team tast n, teamed up te capture the 1976 Smo 500 endure is second win in that event) ;e Mackinaw City 150 en- Stan is aise a former peg-St. Paut marathon pion. Deug, who was 4Central Division high- driver in the Mod I class ve straight years (1969-74), von three USSA Wortd Se- rowris ini Mod I andlfrom -5. Both eut their racing on Ski-Doo snowmobiles. land, who paced Team IlLips Sales andr~ Roger Rouillard Bombardier's 1975-76 perform- ance by winning bis second straight Kawartha Cup at Peter- borough, Ont., ptus the Eagie River Super Mod 3 title, was hîgh-point SnoPro driver in 1975, second in 1974, and tied for third last season. Trapp, only driver ever te win two consecutive >Eagte River World Championships (1971- 72), aise was runnerup-for the Wortd crown in 1973. For the February 3 Winfar.io draw, your Winfario tic ket fias two sets of numbers-one for the regular Wlntariodraw, for beiween $3 and $4 millionin prizes. And flie other for the special million-dollar Bonus Draw-wîl h one iîundred extra pnizes of $10,000 tr ,îccordance wîfh ihe Loiiery regulafionis. al unr Iaîmed prize rnoney is reiained in tfl irze fuid, unfil lte expiry of the onie-year (laiinirnq period il is lhi iiranslerred ic a special prize lii d tb be Get your ticket now. Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvitle, January 26, 1977 49f-H Pro gram Trains Young Snowmobllers Thousands of youngsters throughout the United States and Canada are tearning how to have safe fun on snowmobites through the North American 4-H snowmobite program funded by Bombardier Limited. The program is now in its fifth con- secutive year of sponsorship by Bombardier and is the first 4-H program te, be jointly impte- mented in the U .S. and Canada. Under the program, quatified snowmobite'safety instructors from' 4-H Extension Services teach youngsters safe snow- mobile operation and mainte- nance. Once quatified to operate their machines, the youngsters take part in both practical and recreationalprojects 1like groom- ing and marking traits, organiz- ing 4-H snowmobiie clubs and snowmobile outings, developing snowmobite safety exhibits and audio-visuat training materials, and demonstrating their P'ro- ficiency in handting snow- mobites at tocal winter sports events. Many teenagers and young aduits qualify as safety instructors via the 4-H program and in turn train others. Bombardier provides 4-H in- structors with educational ma- teniais. Street Light Improvemnents Bowmanville Public Util- ities Commission is proposing $9,416 worth of street light improvements in Bowman- ville this year. A letter from PUC manager,, Morley, J. Watson recom- mends improvements in light- ing fixtures on three streets. The letter was sent to the Town of' Newcastle works committee iast week so that the project could get approvai fromn the town. The cormmîttee voted to meet with Mr. Watson for more discussions on improved lighting. Fast-Growing Snowmobitîng is one of North America's fastest-growing win- ter sports, according te a recent survey. Snowmobiling offers the opportunity for healthful exercise coupted with camarad- arie in a variety of outdoor activities, indluding cooking out, camping, strait riding, ice fishing and jut plain retaxing. TAYLOR'S REPAIRS 337 Arthur St. Oshawa 725-8584 Authorized Dealer for JOHN DEERE, Snowmobiles and Lawn and Garden Tractors LA RRYS Sports &Marine Sales &Service 725-8232 1403 king St. E. Oshawa BY THE DAY-WEEK RENTA-"c- AiOR MONTH AS L10W AS Perday ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ 219 KING ST. EAST BOWMANVI LLE Hwy. No. 2 East of Liberty I#~"i"ii'Phone 623-4481 "The Friendly People"'ý February 3,19i0,7 Extra one milli'on dfollars for 100 bonus priesof 10,0 ah Eight-digit Bonus Draw number. If the elght digitbonus number on your ticket corresponds exactly with one of the 100 bonus numbers drawn. you win $10,000 fax free, Regular five-digit , Wintario ticket and series rîumîbers. For five chances ai $100,000 and more than . 45,000 ofher tfxfree u cash prizes.a- U available for addifîonal or bonus prizes in subse- queni draws. February 3 is our f hird Bonus Draw, On Ihîs occasion, le accommodafe the advance bonus drawing. ticket sales wili cesse at 6:00 p.m., Thursday, February 3, 1977 50 get your ticket now. because f bey re goîng fasf. And watch the special orie four Winiario show live on TV from the Bowmaniville Higli Schooli n Bowmanville, February 3 aI 9.00 p mý orey i cclmng perod. weallwi'n #ONTAnC IDTTFW 'CORPORATKII wO more good reasons for flot drinking: SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE! Leading Canadian manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools Ieft over from.1976 season. HALF PRICE! Guaranteed installation and'terms.- Cali collect days or evenings. 1-416-221-:4840. TELE VIS ION SERVICE CO. Mel Samelis, Prop. 185 Church St., Bowmanville Telephone 623-3883 The go in Argo lis buit-in Test drive on Argo A.T.V. Vehicle at, Snowmobilîe, Clinic K ing St. E.,1/4 mile east of Townline Tellephone 723-8861 REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES PARTS - CLOTHING - ACCESSORIES A buck, and you'me in for -both.' '1ý

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