12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Februar 2, 1977 PRIVATE SALE 3 BEDROOM RAISED BUNGALOW 1660 sq. feet of Living Area, Finished Den and Famiiy Room 11/2 Baths Extra Large Living and Dining Room Spacious Kitchen Single Garage $500.00 WITH OFFER $500.00 ON OCCUPANCY WITHMY 30 DAYS P. IT. $435.00 Monthly SECOND MORTGAGE PAYMENTS NOT DUE TILL SEPTEMBER 1977. COMBIN ED EARN INGS 0F $19,000.00. APPOIINTMENT ONLY 623-7684, 623-6511 "EALTO« KEN HOCKIN B ~ El ,ETA T E LTD. REALTORt BOWMAN VILLE 623»4115 HETHERINGTON DRIVE Distinctive ail electric home with 3 major appliances, 11/2 baths, attached garage, 4 bedrooms, rec room. Ideal famity.home or f irst lime purchase. Large lst mortgage at 9/ per cent. Asking only 558,900. WE HAVE SEVERAL FARM &COUNTRY PRO- PERTIES LISTED IN THE COBOURG AREA. CALL FOR DETAILS. Pat Marjerrison - 623-4115 "On e Grade OnIyand Thot the Bes t"# Robert McLaughlin There is history in every inch of ground. Robert Mc- Laughhin Heights, 337 Simcoe Street North, sits, on the former estate of one of Oshawa's pioneering citizens. This is the distinctive building wýe have ail watched, with growing interest since the first excavations were made about a year aga. Rising as a beautiful young debutant with warm brown eyes among the grand aid ladies of Smcoe Street, it seems ta belong there among the trees and soon ta be richly landscaped grounds-just wait- ing patîenthy tocapture your heart. Buîlt using many of the concepts devehoped over the years, and of the best compan- ents avaihable. Mechanical systems are among the most saphisticated on today's market with heat- ing and air conditioning systems superior to those usually installed in apartment buildings. Privacy and lîfe style have been carefully considered each suite is connected to an Enter Phone System. Units contain 1, 2 or 3 bedraoms starting at 1170 square feet for a onebedroom with den ta a spacious 3 bedroom of 1937 square fe et. The 4th floor has choice 2 starey suites of 2 or 3 bedrooms. The four corner 3 bedroomý suites have log burning firephaces. Large patios are evident throughaut and are readily accessible from variaus parts of the unit. The kitchens have custom built cupboards, stave' exhaust fans and room for your intimate morning coffee. Savina Associates, developers of the project,, provide 5 appiances for each unit. Many of the suites have walk-in clasets, and suite bathrooms, dens with access ta your private balcony. On a hot summer's day you can ehect to watch the city from high atop the building's double sun decks, enclosed solarium or just'relax in the whjrlpool or sauna after doing your daily exercises. Just like us, numerous other "callers" are infatuated with our debutant and they are giving us more than a "once over." If you are one who likes, to "have and to behold" corne lift your telephone and ar- range a date withJulius F. Kedvessy of Power'Realty Limited at 576-1911 and let us have a leisurely stroll to acquaint you with our lady, soon to capture your heart. Scientist Tells SEAP Nuclear Dump Site Safer in Remote>Area' A letter urging the'Atomic "As head of the SEAP group Energy Control Board ta you can continue ta point out consider Blind River as a the concern shown by many possible location for Eldorado pohiticians regarding the ad- Nulear Ltd.'s propased uran- visability of using land in ium refinery has been sent on northern Ontario for such ta Canadian Minister of Ener- purposes as compared ta the gy Aastair Gillespie. South," the letter states. The letter sent by Blind "In view of this concern," it River's Mayor Ron McKin- non, ta John Veldhuis, chair- man of Save the Enviromnent from Atomic Pollution (SEAP) indicates that the town is interested in having the $80 million proposal bulit within its bouridaries. IN PONTYPOOL CONTy FOR $44,97O LIVING,. ndu HOMES TO SUIT YOUR LIFE STYLE from YOUNG FAMILIES to RETIRED COUPLES COME & SEF FOR YOURSELF ... fO. Visit us this weekend! 1 1-4 p.m. NO. 2 SCUGOG REALTNLÈTD. Port Perry 985-3292 Toronto 293-3764 Real Estate imited R EALTOR 623-6121' 123 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone 623-6622 BOWMANVILLE, 4 B EDROOM Backsplit in, immaculate condition, beautifully decorated. Stiding glass doors to balcony. Only $45,900. CallEd Jeans 623-6622. ORO-NO, BJUILDER'S HOME 4yr. oldi hom-e, 5 bedrooms, family roomn with f ire place, patio doors, sun deck, rec room, 20 x 33 workshop, b ig 2 car garage with electric doors. $26,000 down to one 10/ per cent mortgage. Asking $79,900. Cati Ed Jeans 623-6622. OVER 3/4ACRE Century home. Large circular drive. Asking $59,900. Cati Shirley Hogg 623-6622. $7 1,000-QU IET COU RT 1 yr. old 4 bedroom 2 storey on large north east Bowmanville lot. Two bathrooms, main f loor family room with log ýburning f ireplace. Cati Shirley Hogg 623-6622. SEPARATE HOME 53,900. Bowmanvilte, 3 bedrooms, quiet living. Cati Darryt Sommerscales 623-6622. JUST REDUCED $57,900. 9 rooms of g aciaus living, bay windows, pine f loors. C ail Darry I Somerscales 623-6622. 60 x200 LOT immaculate 3 bedroom brick bungalow. Pne panelled rec room. Walkout from dlning room bo patio and treed yard. Newcastle. Cati Mary Pike 623-6622. v/4 ACRES WITH RCHARD 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, n4lurai stone fireplace, large master bedroom. Bowmahville. Cali Mary Pike 623-6622, $52,500 Buys a Bowrnanville backsplit on quiet crescent, 50 x 116 lot wîlh a 9 per cent first mortgage. Cal Gord - Barnes 623-6622. TWO FIREPL.ACES Backing o)nto green bell, two storey on 1/ acre between Oshawý%a and ýowmanville. Asking ,$58,500. Cal Gord Barnes 623-6622. continues, "we wonder about the' long-range wisdom of removing the 630 acres from agricultural pÈoduction." The hetter read out ta SEAP's members during a meeting hast Wednesday night in the Newtonville Public Sehool flathy asked that more consideration be given ta locating the refinery in Bhind River. "We deàperatehy need pro- cessing industries ta create steady employment," the mayor states. In addition ta the economic need of the community for the facility, the mayor pointed out that the site was not too far from Eldorado Ltd.'s re- source. The proposed site in Spragge ies approximately 90 miles by railroad from the company's raw material hold- ings at Elliot Lake and 17 miles from Bind River. "The North Shore provides, a ready dumping' area by using the worked out mining shafts adjacent ta the pro- posed site," the letter points out. The etter which SEAP is sending to the energy minister was also forwarded by Mayor McKinnon earlier in the year. 137 King, St. M MEL Phono East 623-7694 Bowanilo M37894 623-7661 LOTS & LOTS 0F LOTS - 3 - 1/2 acre bulding lots $25,Ooeach, building lot $30,000, 98' x 162' $12,ü000,57' x 175' $11,900, 1 acre $18,900, 4 acres $32,000 and 10 acres with stream $37,000, caîl ta find out more particulars. DUPLEX - ail aluminum, on town water and sewer, vendor says good income property, garage, good central location. ASKING ONLY $59#900. $2,500 DOWN' - no qualifyinq required for this 2 bedroom brick home, good location in a small village, we can do the f inancing, must be seen. ASKING ONL Y 533,900. R. "UD" lir t ue 118 King Street East, Bowmanville 623-2967 CHURCH STREET Income home or could be six bedroom family castle, 2 bathrooms, separate garage. Very close to downtown shopping and services. Just isted at 547,500. Be the f irslto see by calling now. OS HA WA 4 bedroom 11/2 storey home on large lot, fenced rear yard with swimming pool, separate garage. Close ta bus route and south G.M. Asklng onîy $43,900. Cal today. HETHERINGTON DRIVE Excellent 3 bedroom sidespîit with famity room and fireplace, large living and dining area. Basement has rec room, 4th bedroom and games room. Single garage and many other extras. Asking $63,500. Good terms. 1066 Sintcoe St' North Oshawa 728-73'28 OMM Il Il Keith Peters of Keith Peters Really Limited, is pleased la con gratu- late Mr. Allan J. Werry, Enniskillen, Ont., ýfor being the "TOP SAL ESPERSON 0F THE YEAR" in the Company for 1976. Mr. Werry specializes in rural and residential properties. YOU'LL NEVER REGRET-theday you finally decided btlook at this beautifully built three bedroomn backsplit with charm that starts at the front door. Large kitchen overlooking the family roomn with f ire- place. Back yard bor- ders recreational park in town of Bowmanvilte. FISHERMAN'S SPE- CIAL - If you want an executive home we have it, featuring 3 bed- rooms, sun ken living room, walkout overlook- ing stocked trout pond. 32 acres with this allur- ing home. Priced al $169,000.00. $117,500 ý- 10 acres, minutes from Oshawa, 4 bedroofi, ranch style home, terrific view, swimming pool and f ire- place. GOOD N EIGHBOURS - we have 2 semi 2 storey home side by side in Oshawa. Very seldom do we 'get this ideal situation. Gel Mom and, Dad to buy one or your frlend. Prîced to seilIal only $46,700.00 each. Buy and Seil with Conf idence Nationwide Referral Service *OWMANVILLE ORONO 623-3393 983-9547 BOWMiANVI-LLE Immaculate, 2 storey 3. bedroam twin home. Beautifully decorated. 11/2 baths. Ont y$41,500 with easy terms at 83/ per cent. Cali Phyl s McRobbie. 623-3393. BOWMANVILLE -NORTH END Large 4 bedroom older 2 storey ftrame home. Close to school. Fuît basement. Good value for large famlly. Asking $45,500. Terms. Caîl Jan Oudshoorn. 623-3393. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY FEBRUARY 6, 1977 NÉWCASTLE 2 outstanding homes on overslzed lots in a country setting with terrific view of the surrounding countryside. Homes are custom bulît by top craftsmen. Ptastered walls. Aiso available 5 building lofs for custom built homes by Haiminen Homes Ltd. Directions: Go west on îst road north of No. 2 Hwy. off Hwy. 35 and 115 north of Newcastle. Go west 3/4'mile then turn south. Open from 1 til 4 p.m. Caîl Jan Oudshoorn, Bill Turansky, or Kay Brown. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY FEBRUARY6,1977. NOON-4 p.M. Ranch bungalow - Courtice - 2 acres. This beautifut home-has, 2i-f ireplaces,-,4 bedrooms-faml-ly room, laundry room, plus an office ln the basement, single car garage and double car garag e. Exceptional propertv at.S89.906- 0irertions: Takeo. 2 Hwv. to Ith Line, then north 1/2 mile to Nash Road. lst house on the corner. Charlie Reid wlll be there to, greet you. BOWMANVULLE Hue 157' deep lot. Lovely 2 storey twln home with extra plush decorating throughout. This home has a, fin lshed rocroom with bar,1/2 baths, and acompletel. fenced lot, Priced at only $42,900 with an 8-V4 per cent lifetime mortgage. Cati Albert Kerekes. C.>c Coas t oCoasg Real Estate Service 62 JACKMAN ROAD BOWMANVILLE, 0NTr LIC 2C9 (416) 623-6023 W. H. CIlipperton & Associates Ltd. REAL ESTATE APPRAîSERS W. H. Clipperton, F.R.l., C.R.A., S.R.A., Ontario Land Economhs m Brick Bungalow in Oshawa, Hollywood kitchen, 3 bedroomns, finished rec roomn with fireplace. Asking $56,900.06. Bowmanville -623-3911 BÔMNVILLE - immaculate 3 bedroom bungalow with finished rec room and covered patio. Good north end location, close to school, asking $52,500. BOWMANVILLE - 3 bedroom bungalow on quiet north end area street, 2 fuît baths, fenced yard and inground 36' x 22' pool. Cal for information. BOWMANVILLE - 4 bedroom brick and aluminum semi with 4 appliances, asking $44,700. We've several more semis priced from $39,900 b 547,500. Why not gîve usa cati? BOWMANVILLE - 3 bedroom 11/2 storey home with atlached double garage, new aluminum siding, wiring and furnace. Deep 165' fenced yard, close ta schoo , church, hospital and shopping, asking $40,500. Vendor anxious. COU RTICE AR EA - 4 bedroom 11/2 store y home with Holywood kitchen, garage and deep 290' lot. Minutes to downtown Oshawa. Calî1 for more information. PORT HOPE - 11/2 storey 3 bedroom brick house with extra lot, facing on Hwy. No. 28. Commercial zonfing .possible, asking $62,000. BOWMANVILLE - 2 storey 4 bedroom insul brick house overlookîng the lake, 'asking $30,000. Good starter home. REALTORS ~ 623-4428 Bowmanville REAL ESTATE LIMITEO OPEN HOUSES - Saturday and Sunday, February 5 and 6, 1 - 4 p.m. on the next tWo properties: WELL DECORATED 2 bedroom home, 3rd in base- ment, family room, heated double garage, storage shed. On 11/2 acres. $56,900.00. AND 4 bedroom sidesplît, fireplace, main level family room, dining room, garage, on 3/ acre treed lot. $67,000.00. DIRECTIONS - Taunton Rd. ta Leskard Rd. Turn north, go 1/2 mile for one and 11/ mile for the other. Watch for "Open House" signs. LOOK AT THE FEATURES - Finished rec' room, cedar sundeck, patio, nice shaded back yard. $4 1,500.00 Bowmanville, LOTS'0F KlIDS - Here's lots of space in this large 5 yr. aId 2 storey home wîth double garage and balcony. 1/2 acre lot in Newcastle. $59,950.00. 31/2 ACRES - Scenîc property wlth creek, 6 bedroom home plus 2 barns. Asking $70,000.00. Try an offer. 70 ACRE FARM - Good workable land with pond and stream. Exceplional home and new barn. Asking $109,000.00. l 1 IT. ist