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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1977, p. 13

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n, Bowmdnvillec Februar 2, 1977 13 FOâ'R CLASSIFIE Tues. 12 noon - - B . ADAMS - Biaine an Barb are pleased ta announce the, arri- vai of their daughter Dallas Amande weighing 6 Ibs. 91/4 ozs. on January 22, 1977 et Memoriai Hospital, Bow- manvilie. A sister for Duane. Proud arandperents are Mr. and Mrs. Z. Adams, Bowman- ville and Mrs. Helèn Browes, Bowmanville and Mr. Elmer Browes, Pom pana Beach, Florida. Special thenks ta Dr. Westgerth and Dr. H. B. Rundie and ail the nurses on ELDRIDGE - Glenn and Drien are pieased fa announce the arrivai of their daughter Jessica Aimni on December 31, 1976 weigh-ing 7 ILs 11/4 ozs et Memnoriai Hospital, Bowmen- ville. A sister for Beck. Grendparentls are Mr. and Mrs. L.F. Eîdridoe, Bowman- ville and Mr. and MArs. A. Vanl Haftum, Oshewea. Special thanks ta Dr. Ewart and maternity staff. SWAIN - Jim and Susan are pleased ta announce the safe arrivai 0f their son Kirk Allen, 8 ibs. 3 azs., on Jan 28th, 1977 et Oshawa Generai Hospital. Proud grand parents Mr. Harold Sawin, B iackstock and Mr., and Mrs. Laurence Wearn, Peterborouqh. TILLSON - Narm and Linn are pieased fa annaunce the arrivai of their daughter, Sherri-Linni, et 6:25 p.m. Friday, January 28, 1977, Oshawa General Hospital, weight 8 bs. Y ozs., height 22 inches. She's the sixth grand- child of Mr. and Mrs . Dave Kipatrick, rono, and first grandchild of Mrs. Florence OLDFIELD - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilîe, Thursda yJenuary 27th, 1977, Mabél Ol fieîd, of Newcastle, aged 93 vears. Deer aunt of nieces and nephews. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Saturday afternaon. ,ti.erment Union Cemetery, Oshawa.5- WOOD -Thomas E. Suddenly t his late residence, R. R. 1, '-ýampbellcroft, Ontario, on Tuesday, February 1, 1977. ThomTas Woddear brother of Wifred, Newcastle, Albert, P.R. 2, hw, Leverne, R.R. 2 Peterboro and the late Mae, (Mrs. Herbert' Red). Friends may cali et the Ross Funeral Chapel, 135 Walton St., Port Hope, Wednesday 2 - 4 and7 -9. Compiete service in the chapel Thursday at 2 p.m. Interment Weîcomie Church Cemetery. In memoriam donations to the Ontario Heart Foundation wlll be gratefully acknowiedged. 5-1 "F owe ISay i VAN BELLE DAI LY DeiverY te ... Oshawa - Bownanvilîe Ai Phone 623-4441 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Andrews, Orono are pleesed ta announce the en egement of their daughter, emma Marie Ruth ta Gi en Reid, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood, Newton- ville.5- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark, 579 Ritson Rd. N., Oshawa, annaunce the engagement of their daughter, Candace Joan to -Thomas Robert (Tom) Leadbeeter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leadbeater, Enniskillen. The wedding wiii take place June 25, 1977 et 4 p.m. et Hillsdale Wesleyan Methodist Church, Oshawa. 5-1 Mr. and Mrs. Carmen White are pleased toaennaunce the engagement of their onIy dau gter, Val erie Annette ta John Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tedl Coatham. Wedding wiII take'place on September ln honour of the 35th Wedding Anniversery of Nor- man and Doris Rohr et, their femily request.the pleasure of o ur company ta a dence on aturday Februery 12 et 8:30 p.m. in Nesttetan Community Centre. Best wishes anIy. 5 lx ADAMS - In laving memary of a deer deug hter-in-lew Verna wha passed away Jan. 30, 1976. Who suffered much, but bore it oatientlv.* "Gad s aur refuge and strength, a very p resent help in trouble'". Isalm 46-1. -Kindly remembered bv her mather - in - lew Gertrude Ada ms. 5-1 x BOTHWELL - In laving memary of a dear fether, g randfether and great grand- father, Dave Bothwell, Sr., who passed awey Feb. 2nd, 1976. His smile is gone farever, And his hend we cannot touch, Stili we have so many mem- ories 0f the one we loved sa much. His memory is aur keepsake, Fromn which we'Ii neyer part, God has him in his keeping, We have 4h~im.ir, ouihearts. - Loving rememrbered by Deve, Bernice and famniiy. 5-1 GI1bSON - ln loving memary of Requel Ginger who passed away ebruery 7, 1975.- The thoughts and memory of yau l'il aiweys treasure i love you elways and forget Yau neyer. - Missed Sa very much by your mother, Deborah Gibson (Battems). 5-1 Lr s FRY - At Campbeiiford Hospital, Tuesday, February s, 1977, Ray Fry. Husband of the late Winnifred Burieigh, dear father of Fay (Mrs. Stuart Ferguson) Toronto and Glenn, Tilisonburg. Resting et the Mrris Funerel Chapel, rea Bowmnvilie. Day and time of service later. Interment 43fBowmen-ville Cemetery. Durham County's Oldest FUneral Serviý MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. TIOP)GtteLLIotrt Funerai mome THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SER'V Your thoughtfuIness for others isc first concern. We wiII arrange charitable foundation donations (such Hearf or Cancer Societ Yfo be acknc Iedged anywhere in Canada wifh1 ,)propriate acknowledgement card p sent on the samne day, with the oti fribUtes. This is part of our service to communi 53DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 SIMPSON MEMORIALS 885-6434 49 Lavinia Street Port Hope Monuments - Markers - Inscriptions - Wrought Iran Flower Stands - Home Appointments Gladly Arranged RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.C. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Ontario 1LIA 3W3 Hligh QuaMiy et Reesonable Prices Phone 885-5216 Home 885-5222 WORKMANSNîP'QUALITY ýce LUXkTON- In laving memory of a deer fether and grand fether, Percy Luxton who pessed ewey Feb. 5th, 1974. Those who loved him Wiil remember him taday. - Alweys laved and remem- bered by deughter Millie and femily. 5-1 x PARKER - ln lovina mem- ory of e dear husband, fether and grendfether Bert, wha passed eway Feb. 6th, 1976. Those we love we neyer lose For aiways they will be, Loved, remembered and treasured In aur memary. - Sedly missed by wife Dot and famiiy. 5-1 l'n--M i sincereiy wish ta thi everyone for cards, vis fiowers and many phoneca Thanks also ta Dr. Sylves- nurses and staff on 2nd flot Memorial Hospital. IdaspFoiey Mys incere thanks ta relaties, friends, La( Leciaon Auxiliarv for f lowd cards, gifts and visits dur my recent stay in' Memi Haspital. Speci al thanks Drs. Clark and Hubbardi nursing steff on lIst fi( Nyhl Sheehan tank isits, ,ails. ter, or of DANCE Music by THE ADEL'S ORCHESTRA Sat., Feb. 5, 1977 St. Joseph's.e Hall $5.00per couple - 9 - lam. 4_2 Dance - Pontypool Com- munity Centre - Saturday, February Sth - 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Gary Bristow and The Country Fever. $5.00 couple - Refreshments. 5-1 Euchre - alternate Wed- klesiays in Pontypool Com- munity Centre at 8 p.m. Next one to be held February 9th. 5-1 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel N EWCASTLE COUNTRY SUNSMINE Friday - Saturday February 4 - 5 Dancing 9 - 1_ 5-ix MONSTER BINGO - New Starting Time my THURSDAY -7:30 p.m. di es Sponsored by vpc Oshawa Minor Softball ring JUBILEE PAVILlON oriil OSHAWA adta 48tl ar.ý 5-1 x We wish ta express aur sincere thanks ta the Base Line Community, for the lovely card table and chairs given ta us for aur wedding presentation. Robert and Linde Metcalf 5 lx We wouid like to thank everyone for messages af sympathy, phone cails, flaral tributes, donatians ta the Heart Fund and those wha heiped in an yway. during the recent ioss aof aur h sband and father, Robert Beers. Aiso thanks to the ladies who brought in or served lunch and ta Rev. E. Schamerharn. Our sincere thanks Lee, Kelly and Todd Beers 5-1 X I would like ta express my sincQre appreciation for el tkhe kindness shown ta me during me recent stay in Memoriel Hospital, Bowman- ville. Speciai ihanks ta Drs. Hubbard end Long and the nursing staff on lst floor. Tom Stewart 5-1 x We would like ta thank the custodian of the Orano Public Schaol that opened up their doors ta the chiîdren of Lord Elgin School, Bowmanviile during the storm on Friday andta Reddi-Chef for pravi d - ing food. An appreciative parent51 ORONO DISTRICT CREDIT UNION AnnUal Banquet FebrUary 21'sf, 1977 Newcastle United Church et 6:30 p.m.' Tickets AduitS $4. Children $2 Entertainment and speaker. 4-2 Va lenti ne Dance KENDAL ORANGE HALL Sat., Feb. Sth Sponsored by the Orange Lodge music by Audrey Gilmour's Orchestra tf EVERYONE WELCOME 4-2 The Durham East Liberal Associatian (Provincial) wiii hold its Annuel Meeting on Wednesdeay, February 9, 1977 vICE et 8 p.m. et Port Dariington Marina, Bowmanvi le. Elec- )ur tion of the executive for 1977 wili take place and also et this for time delegetes wili be elected as ta the forhcoming Provincial Ontario Liberai Party Annuel )W- Meeting ta be hel d et the, the Skyline Htel, Toronto from re- March 6, 1977. Ta qualify to -ier vote et the meeting your membership must be purchas- ed or renewed by Monday, ty. February 7. Contact Mariene Jaryis 623-2904 or Lynn Hous- iey 987-4735. 5-1 WEST DURHIAM DISTRICT BOY SCOUTS DANCE Tyrone Community Centre February l9th 8 p.m. -l1a.m. $3.5 PER PERSON 4-jFor tickets caîl - Eleanor - Dadson 623-5989. Art Brooks 623-3592, Tony Fendî,ay 623-6502 or 644-6620, Dale McQuarrie 623-4159. 52 Allis -Chalmers Expo Sponsored by Trewin Farm f quipment FaVrily Enterfainimenf Blackstock Recreation Centre Tues., February 15th 8:30 P.M. Barbershop Concert. Pre sented by B&P Womnen's Club, February 23rd at High School. 5-1 Sunshine Party Tours Escorted 16 Day Florida Circle Tour February th - 2th 24 Day Southern Texas Tour March 1lst - 24th Mid-term Holiday - Florida March l7th - 27th Easter Weekend in Washington Apri lth -l1Oth For information phone or write: SUNSHINE PARTY TOURS 36 King St., Cobourg 372-9961. 5-4 COURTICE SECONDARY SCHOOL DRAMA CLUB wilI present "GYPSY" a muskaî for family enter- tainment. Ma rch 3,4, 5, 8: 00 p. m. at B.H.S. Auditorium. WATCH FOR FURTHER DETAiLS. Reserve Friday, March 11, for Beehive Lodge Rummage Sale. Phone 623-5460 for pickup. 5-1 X AAMCO HOME Wi nter Sale of Storm Doors -Heavy Duty -Double Seel -Sefety Glass -Save -Save SAVE CANVASSER'S COMMISSION 2 PRICE, RANGES TO CHOOSE FROM P HON E 623-6828 4-2 COLD STORAGE Spy, Deliclous, and Mac apples. Bring own containers. Frank Hiemnstra, R. R. 1, E nn iskil1len, 263-2260 3-tf I-'AUuT"'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.s and stereos and aiso used furniture and appliances. Will accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radiai centre, 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tfý WH ITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, U HF, VH F Aerials, Rotors & Repairs Apartment & Homnes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee Phone 576-5606 30-tf t.r¶ bib.ot 0UIail iniiti,c.usiiJI made drapes and sheers, hard-surface flooring, profes- sionally instalied. F ree esti- mates. Your one-stop shop- p;ng. F. A. Kramp, 37-41 King SI. E., Bowmanville. Furni- ture, Carpet and Drapes. 13-tf Pure Pine Shavings Ba led, Dust-free Phone 723-6660 29-tf 6000 BALES of hay. Newton- v ille 786-2927. 3-tf Pineridge Tire Sales TIR ES AND WHE ELS To fit your car or truck. Phone 623-4866 BOWMAN VILLE 23-tf 1975 90 KAWASAKI excellent condition $400. Phone atter 4 - p.m. 623-5225. 5-2 SUNBEAM electric so thrower 22". Phone 623-5722. 5-1 SNOW tires on rims, good. Volkswagon 6.00X15, QI dsmo- bile 8.25X 14. $30 pair. Phone 263-8443. 5-1 LLOYD baby carniage, colo- nial crib and mattress, in excellent condition. Car seat and car bed, infant seat, jolly iumper and high chair also in good condition. Phone 987-4002. 5-1 INTERNATIONAL farm trac- for, 330, utility gas operated, hydraulically equipped, com- pI ete with snow bla de. Perfect condition. Phone 987-4314 after 5 P.m. 4-2 SIDES of beef. 69c lb. cut, wrapped and f rozen. Cali 1-983-5445 or after 5 caîl 623-5540. 52-5 ALL kinds of machinery. Sales and rentais. Ace Ma- chinery 859 Nelson St., Osh- awa. Phone 723-0933. 1-_tf VACUUM cleaners and polish- ers repaired at Reid's SmaIl Appliance Repair Service, 164 Base Line Road East, Unit 7, B3owman-rvýIile. Phonie-623-2**,ý à-2 APPLES, Macintosh, Deli- cious, Spy, Cold Storage, f irst road east of zoo. Turn north, third house, east side. No Sunday sales, H. Bandstra. Phone 623-2106. 2-4x Apple Special Mac Apple Seconds $2.00 Bushel This week onîy. Brin g own containers. Phone Feddema Orchards 263-2074. No Sunday Sa les 5-1 VIKING Plumbîng and Heat- ing, the name in quality you can depend upon today and for years to come. I1ersnaly guarantee it . Hmpon 263-2981. 5-4 GRAIN corn, caîl Walter Pingle 725-6089. 5-4- GOOD cold storagermacs, first and second grade. Phone 263-8430. 5-1 Lots of Used Pianos in Stock, Organs Too! Lowrey, Hammond, Heintzman, OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE 16 Simcoe N. (at King) 728-1675 3-tf 1973 SKIDOO, 400 ccw engine tachometer and a speedo- meter, cerbide runners $625. Phone 1-983-5267. 5-1 SUNBEAM snow biower $100. Gasoline. Phone 1-786-2932. 5-1 x '72 ALOUETTE snowmobile, 340 c.c. Best offer. Phone 623-5069. 5-1 SCRAP PAPER Suitable for homnewo rk, letter- writing, grocery notes etc., end of newsprint raIls suitable' for making patterns, ining shelves and drawers, wrap- ping china, etc. Alujinumn plates 24 x 36 suitable for. insulation, craft pro jects, pro-' tection of young trees etc. STATESMAN OFFICE 62 King St. W. Bowmanville Nam~TLIr~ FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CALL MARGWILL, FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 30 tf Harry Voerman Insurance 181 Church St., Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-4428 Res. 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE INSU RAN CE 28-tf Effective March Ist F. C. Tippins, and Staff of Frederick's Pharmacy will jn the Top Drug Mart Company. New location will be the Bowmanville Shopping MaIl, King St. East and Simpson Ave. 5-3 NOW OPEN BASE LUNE AUTO BODY Using the very latest in equipment. Specializing in Collision Work andRe-finishing. TELEPHONE 623-9131 164 BASE LINE RD. E. UNIT 5 THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION ANNOUNCES 1977 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FOR THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Schools wil11 be holding Kindergarten registrations as faliows: COURTICE SCHOOLS (et West Courtice) Principal Mr. I. Golder 725-4738, February 3 9:0Oa.m. - 12:,0noon ENN ISKI LL EN Principal Mr. B. Lush 263-2970, February 9 10: 00p.m. - 3:30 p.m. -HAMPTONJUNIOR Principal Mr. E. Murdoch t 263-2252, February 1 r 1: 00p.m. - 3:30 p.m. 2 KENDAL-KIRBY Principal Mr. G. Gleibs 983-5802, February 1 9: 00a.m. - 12: 00noon MAPLE GROVE WEST Princiapî Mr. J. Beam, 623-2373, Februery 3 1:00Op.m. - 3:30 p.m, MITCHELL'S CORNERS Principal Mr. W. Pitt 576-7222, February 7 f 9:OOa.m. - 11:30a.m. 1 NEWCASTLE Principal Mr. R. Munro 987-4262, February 2 4 1:00Op.m. - 3:30 p.m. ORONO Principal Mr. R. Simser 983-5006, February 4 1:0Op.mn. - 3-30 p.m. FEBRUARY7- il INCLUSIVE, 9: 00a. m. - 3:30 p. m. DA1LY CENTRAL Principal Mr. T. Turner 623-5614 LORD ELGIN PrincipeaI Mr. J. Murray 623-3682 ONTARIO STREET Principal Mr. M. Sîute 623-5437 VINCENT MASSEY Principal Mr. R. Merkley 623-5502 Parents and Guardiens are remninded of the folîowing points: 1. In most instances the schooi nurse will be available et 1these registrations. 2. Chiidren, ta be registered must be 5 years of age on or before December 31, 1977. 3. Proof of age is ta be presented et reg istration in the form of a birth certificate, notice of birth, registration, passpart, etc. 4. 4. Property taxes for families -with chu d ren in the public shoswili go ta support public schools. 5. Precise information regard- ing residence location is important: i.e. Lot and Con- cession number where appli- cable. 6. For further information please contact any of the schools listed above. N.B. Application forms for aur French Immersion Kinder- gerten wili be available et ail of the above schools. WANTED, vacation lots and ecreeges. 416-267-9301. Harris- Land, 2625 Eglinton Ave. E. Scarbaroug h, Ont. 43-tf RESULTS COUNT! Multiple Listing Service Oshawa & District Real Estate Board tf EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's Jeweîlers Ltd. Regular Price $12.00 NOW $10.00 with studs Special 10 per cent reduction on fîrst purchase of earrings with the relea se form. Phone 623-5747 For Appointment ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 136 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 37-tf Roberta McCann, C.E. Per- manent hair removal. Free consultations. Phone 623-6214. 19 Burk Court, Bowmanviile. 45-tf 1974 Ford LTD 4 door, good lookin g sedan, fully equipped with V-8, auto- matic, power steerincl and brakes, radio, vinyl roof, body side mouldings. Li c. HE D622 - $2350. 1969 Chev. Belair Dependlable transportation at an economical price, 6 cyl. auto. 61,862 miles, certified and ready to go. Li c. E AD613 -$1175. PH-ON E 623-3396 COWAN PONTIAC-BUICK LTID. 5-1 1976 GRAN Torino, 2 door herdtop, Starsky and Hutch model. Phone 623-6460. 5-1 '72 FORDpick-up,,8 cylinder, 4 speed, certif ied. $1695. Phone 623-3851. 5-1 J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop' radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf VITALIZING! Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofin g on new or used vehic les. Written wer- ranty. Durham Vitaîizing phone 723-1155. 47-tf 1972 PONTIAC Le Mans station wagon good condition, 350 automatic, certified. Best offer. Newtonvîle 786-2609. 5-1 1974 MUSTANG Il 4 cly. in exkcellent condition, metellic finish, no rust. Phone evenings 623-2437. 5-1 x 1970 CH EV., 4 door hardtop, 350, V-8. power steering and brakes, new paint. Newcastle 987-4480. 5-2x 1973 VENTURA 350, speed, Mag wheels, sn<, excellent condition, cc trade. 263-2649. '69 OLDS Cutîass "S", buckets, automatic, nE and battery, powerk G60 tires, uncertified, best offer. Phone 623-5 1973 MONTE Carlo I excellent condition,1 rustproofed, snow tires. 987-4363. '73 MONTE CarlI,k lIeage,, excellent -con Phone 623-5193. I 1) tA D.> 1I~ r UUyi inh,, conditîoning, 8 track, good condition, wiil certif y. Best off er. 623-5427. 5-1 x 1971 PONTIAC Grand Prix, V-8 automatic, power steer- ingi brekes and windows. Air conditioned, excellent condi- tion. $1500 firm. Cali 623-2265. 5-1 1969 G.M.C. /2 ton and Wînebago cap, 350 engine, excellent condition, $1400. Phone 623-2889. 4-2x THREE bedroom home, garaeg e, barn, 18 acres border- ing Newcastle. $300 monthly. Cali G. VanDyk, Reaitor, 623-4428. 3-tf ONE bedroom apartment, two months in advance, heat included. Phone 623-4387 after 6. 47-tf 1000 SQ. FT., heated store to rent. Located on King Street East, dôwntown Bowmenviiie. Available Mat-ch 1, 1977. Tel ephone 623-7664., 3-tf ONE bedroom apartment, three rooms plus bathroom. ln private home in Bethany. $145 monthly. Phone 705-277-2772 or 277-2821. 42 THREE bedroom townhouse on quiet court in Bowmanviiile. Close to schools. Immediate occupancy - $2835 monthly. Cali Marylin S impson from 9 a.m. to 5- p.m. at 623-3393, or Toronto: 923-9174. W. Frank Real Estate Ltd., Realtor. 5-1 STORE or office for rent, 19 Temperance Street, Bowman- ville. Availabie now. Phone 623-7438. 5 lx BOWMANVILLE, twc raom bungalow, $27( month. Cail Guy LeBien Estete Ltd. Reeltor 623- 1 -983 9645. HOUSE for rent, 3 bedri gaad 'location in Bledl area. Rent negotiable. n writIn g ta Advertise Canadien Statesman, Box 190, Bowmeanvîlle, RESPONSIBLE man req roomimmedietely in manville area. Phone 623- RELIABLE eduits wou country house ta rèént. commuting distanc Oshawa, 1-705-292-7121. NEED money to pay Christ- mas bis? Celebrity Fashion Jewels is now hiring Fashion Show Directors. Top commis- sion. No outiay. No experience necessary. Cali 579-1909. 4-4 URGENT: Men interested in helping a boy become a man. There is no cash reward for a Big Brother, but, there is no greater reward than when a man helps a boy. For informa- tion tefIephone 623-6646 or write to Box 13, Bowmanville, Big Brother Association of Newcastle. 4-4 OCCASIONAL babysitter re- quired in Rehder Ave. area, capable of laoking after in- fant. Phone 623-3639. 5-1x Experienced Industrial Sewing I nstructor ta instruct and supervise sewing depertment of a medium size furniture menu- facturing plant. Caîl1 for more information and appointment. 1-983-9355 extension 24. LEGAL- SECRETARY Experience required, short- hanýd. To work in Newcastle office. CALL MR. MICHAELS AT 576-3392 or 987-4767. 5-1 TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE REQUIRES A CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY 0, four Director of Public Works in owtires, Hampton Office. Applications :onsider wilI be received for the above position up ta 5 p.m. on -1 February 18th, 1977. Applications to be sent to the office of the Town Clerk, 40 2 door, Temperence Street, Bow- iew rad1 manvilie. brakes, The person required shouîd be 1as is, proficient in Typing, Short- 5040. hand and other off ice pro- 5-1 cedures. Previous Municipal Expe- ..andeu, rience wouîd be an asset. ioaded, Duties tacomme-nce on March sPhone ý 28ih, 1977. 5-xSaîery commensurable with 5-x abiîity and experience. ow mi- J. M. McILROY, AM.C.T. ýdition. Town Clerk 51 40 Temperance Street - Bowmenviîle, Ontario %mAr LIC 3A6. AMBITIOUS and sincere wo- man as full or p art time beeuty consultant. F ull train- ing given. No initial cost. Cali Mrs. Newman, 9 a.m. ta 12 noan, 623-475.7. 5-tf MATURE' person for part- time days. Apply ta Uncle Benny's Submarine, 242 King St. E. or phone 623-6434. b-? THE Toronto Star requires persan for part time rur deliveries in the Kendai arE three ta four hours int afternoon, six days a weE Reliabie transportationE sentiai. Suitabie for pers living in Bowmanvilile deiivery area oniy., Pho 728-5117. Ontario Ministry of HealtM Occupational. Therapist Part-lime $6.25 per hour Whîtby Psychiatric Hospi has a vacancy for a part-tii Occupationai Therapist ta sist in an active psychial programme. Greduates from a recogni; schooi of ,Occupatiai Therapy should apply. Personnel Officer, W hi Psychiatric Hospital, Box ê Whitby, Ontario LIN 5 This competition is open bath men and women. sea rai ,ea, the ?ek. es- ,son. or I *.slâ'fl 2nd and 3rd MORTGAGE MONEY AVAl LABLE - 5 year term - Open Mortgages - No payments for threE months - No bonuses - No Credit Checks - No inquiry from neighbors - Confidentiai arrangements made in your homhe - Borrow as low as $1,600 - Fast service Cali Mr. Wilks Mortgages bought and sold (Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax) 683-2611 R.O.P. tested Yorkshire boars. As low as 134 days ta market weight. Tomn Pleas- ance, R.R.5, Bowmanvilie 263-2719. 5-1 x FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARK ERS, Look for this seal1. lt's your R k\guarantee of permanence. OF STAFFORD Siattord Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. - Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 NOTICE TO CREDITORS lN THE ESTATE 0F TH-OMAS EDWARD KIRK CREDITORS and al others having dlaimrs aqainst the Estate of Thomas Edwpard Kirk, late of the City of Oshawa, wha died on the lSth day--of October, 1976, are requested ta send full particu- lars of such dlaims ta the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of March, 1977, after which date the estate's assets wîli be dlstributed having regard aniy ta dlaimrs that have been received. DATED this 27th day of January, 1977. Greer, Stelmach, Seller Barristers and Solicitors 54B Centre Street North P.O. Box 917 Oshawa, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix. 5-3 sa one $500 DOWN PAYMENT, 2 5-2 bedroom bungalow, broad- - loomed throughout, full base- ment, full price only $32,900. Guy Le Blanc Real Estate Ltd. Reaitor 623-4862. 5-1 PRIVATE Three bedroam, 2 storeyi1//, baths attached garage,i arge famnily room wîth firepiace, ta stefu iiy decorated, paved driveway. Price. $57,500. hPhone 623-4162 alter 5 p.m. 5-2 Lots for Sale, Saunders Court, Bowman- ville. For information call 723-5225 during' business itai hours. ime 5-2 as- ric zed )nea[ ta: itby 613, S59. ita 5-1 Ontario 3bed- MINISTRY 0F REVENUE '0 per DURHAM REGIONAL ASSESSMENT OFFICE c Real WHITBY -1 rASSESSMENT TRAINEE - ~(Property Assessor 1) 'ooms, Sta rti ng Sa la ry $9,607. 00 Apply The Ministry of Revenue, Assessment Division 'announces a r 661, vacancy for the position of Assessment Treinee in the Durham P.O. Regionai Assessment Office, Whitby. Ont. You wi lîbe trained in ail aspects of reai property valuation, 5-lx initialiv receivina instruction from senior Personnel in the estimation of building costs, sales analysis and real estate *economîcs. Oppartunities exîst for promotion througit indîividuai performance. QUALIFICATIONS: a diplome froma coilege of appiied arts and technolouavin an assessment administration course or e degree from--a university or recognized standing or an acceptabl e equ ive lent!in education and experien ce relatred -1aOthe, qurs field of assessment. l îurs THIS COMPETITION IS OPEN EQUALLY TO BOTH MEN 13373.AND WOMEN. 3-3373.This competition closes on February 1 lth, 1977. 5 lx A licationsinwrmtn to uld like Assessment Cammissioner, Within Durham Assessment Office, ce of 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Onterio, 2-12x 'LIN 551. -- .1

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