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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1977, Section 2, p. 4

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4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvilie, February 2, 1977 Section Two Experiment ai Proj ect Offeringw Alternative to Life in Trraining Sehool A group in Peterboreugh are trying 10 prove that there is more than one methed of combatting crime and pre- venting young people from becoming connected with it. An organizer for the Otone- bee Youth program, Ted Wiggins, described various aspects of the project for members and guests of the Bowmanviiie Rotary Club on Jan. 20th. Now, going into its second year of operation, the non-pro- fit organization, cailed the Youth of Otenobee United (YOU), was established as a possible substitute for other cenventional crime preven- tion methods. With an MA in criminelogy fromi the University of Toron- to, Ted, formerly from Bow- manvilie, has worked as- a counsellor at the, Pine Ridge Training Scheol and the cor- rectional school in Frederic- ton, New Brunswick. The YOU project, based on the diversionary method- of' control ling crime, is aimed at keeping yeung people involved in an offense out of society's mainstream, he pointed out. About 9.0 per cent of the young people referred to YOU ,are given a choice of partici- pating in their program, he said. Open to those between the age of 10 and 16, it features an eight-week course in the first phase which includes 12 sessions for training in life skill1s. Although the pregram stresses training, for future employment, other activities James ns urance Agenicy Limited 24 King St. E. Bowmanvil le For ail your insuranCe needs Nesta Akey Doug James at, 623-4406 h DX PREMIUM *FUEL C AND STOVEC rnPrompt, Courteous Out-of-town cal l please cati collec oeREASONABLE PI * DXOI1 play an important role in life at the YOU project. Recreation Sports are given a high priority in the activities that go on at the centre. But, while sports provide a suitable outiet for the energies of the group, other activities are also planned to encourage them to develop skills in communicating. The majority of crimes committed are done by people under the age of 30 who have problems often in expressing themserves in ways found acceptable by society, hie said. But the probiem of juvenile deiinquency can aiso be brought eut and aggravated by trends in society itseif, according to Mr. Wiggans. Television and movies give the public in generai an unrealistic and exaggerated pîcture of crime, hie toid the club. Four trained personnel are on staff. at the Otonobee experiment, to heip organize the program'and give assist- ance te any member of the group who asks for help. Cornmunity Role In the second phase cf the pregram, the barriers be- tween YOU and the commun- îty begin te break dewn te aiiow them te use ail the facilities it has te offer. As the young people become integrated into community activities in the second stage, they may start te take part in sports such as recreational hockey and other programns organized in their area. The organization of their activities, however, is arrang- ed te avoid duplicating the services offered in Peterbor- ough as, much as possible, hie added. The project aise wiil serve Ha nirstylist Ini California For Seminar Beverley Martin cf the Style Shoppe in Bowmanvsile was one cf ever a thousand salon styiists te attend Redken Laboratories 1977 Interna- tional Educational Seminar, "Expressways te Knowl- edge." Heid January 16-19 in Holly- wood, Califernia, the Seminar featured the latest findings and creatîve techniques cf interest to beauty and barber industry prefessienais. Highlights cf the four-day Seminar included haircutting demenstrations,creative hair- syling. for r en. skin care, make-ur- derré)strations by gïctar-ists, a pregram d'--îned te educate profes- .~cas about nutrition as it reltes te beauty and a lecture by IDr. .Joyce Brothers. Advanced classes were heid again this year in many areas cf biolegical research and advances in Trichoanalysis, Redken Laberatories' exclu- sive hair analysis service. The Seminar clesed with a gala cocktail party and ban- quet, which featured famous Hellywood personalities in- ciuding Danny Thomas. )IL Service. ZICES M I I I C M.,i as a researchs experiment giving its observers an oppor- tunity to evaluate its effect on the comrnunity as well as on its participants. Peterborough itself is, rnaking ai direct contribution to -the project by having representatives of several of its agencies sit on YOU's board of directors. Another hope expressed by the youth worker was that it might resuit in changes in policy to allow more training programs to start up in the community, replacing centres located in remote districts of the province. Pro ject's Feasibi Iity Examined The Waverley Community Association has appointed a committee to undertake a study of building a community centre in Bowmanville. The association's vice-pres- ident, Dennis Sadler, said the purpose of the committee is to study the feasibility of a community centre for the area. Somie aspects of the pro- posai that the committee will look into include costs, possi- ble funding, the structure of grants available and whether the town would co-operate with a community centre projet Mr. Sadier said. Use water base wax on rubber and asphait tîle floors. Business Directory Accountancy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowma nvi lie Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telep hone 725-6539 D. V.SNODDON 212 Liberty St. North Bookkeeping and Tax Service Business: 623-7950 Residence: 623-7308 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 67 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 JOHN P. WINTERS Chartered Accountant 20 Coiborne St. W. Oshawa, Ontario Phone 579-5659 or 623-5828 Chiropractic LAU RENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chirop ractic 270 King St.E ast Bowmanviiie Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN,' D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment Dental1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D. D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanvilie (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9p.m. inciuding Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WI LL IAM K EAN E Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional Bldg. Office Hours: Weekdays 9 -5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy- 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D. D. S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional Bidg. Bowmanville Telephone 623-7349 Office Hours: 8: 30 - 5: 00 Weekdays Closed Friday Afternoons DR. W. M. RUDE LL D.D.S. 75 King St. E., Bowmanville Office Heurs: Mon ., Tues., a nd Thu rs., 9 'tii 5 Wednesday - 9 'tii 2 Friday - 9 'tii 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Office Phone 623-5790 PATRICK G. DE EGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 36 King St. W. Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:30 'tii15: 00 Wednesday 8:30'fil 12:00 Safurda y- By a ppoin fment only Phone 623-4473 SUgog Mayor,'s L 1 SMayor Malcolm You asked for a pro- gress report on what I see for the people of Scugog in the way of I'rograms and new faci- lities during the next term of council. I could come up with grandiose proposals. These would sound great. They would also add a lot to the tax burden over the next several years. The mes- sage I am receiving from the people of this Township is tht no one wants large amounts of money spent on' frilîs which will shove up property taxes and I agree. I am doing every- Repoi thing possible to these thoughts Regional level Board of Edi which is a large property taxes, take note that i no mood for "ni cialized prograr. Our Recreatic get should be u such things as upgraded ball monds, tennis summer roller in arenas; per] cover for the B swimming poo] would extend its a longer peric( -year. Utility co M t imprint at meI Our road program 1. Our should provide for spot puarton improvements and a profgradual extension of should surface treatment. Dust 'e are in is a problem in summer ew, spe- and gravel has become fl5. very expensive to lay ýon bud- and maintain. The only ased for Qther avenue open, that new or we can afford, is surface Il dia- treatment. We used to courts, rebuild stretches of skating road, but I now feel that haps a "spot improvement" is 3irdseye a better way to upgrade 1 which our township ýsystem' suse for By this I mean that we d each should each year re- osts are build the worst "spot" CAVALIER3 ASOfITEOFLAVORS climbing fast so any new facilities for Re- creation must take this into account., We have planned recreational programs for groups of children in summer. These could be expand- ed considerably at no great expense when and where there is a demand for them. These and similar projeets will- provide much recrea- tion for a lot of people at minimal cost. on each of sèveral roads instead of spending all the money available on M one or two concession lines. A lot of money is spent on winter "Maintenance. The level of service will have to be continued and improved upon so many people are depen- dent on an open road to get to work. School buses going over almost évery road, three times a day require a lot of service, and at definite times. Indeed our snow- ploughing schedule is geared to accomodate the various bus routes. We have several'pub- lie arks in - Seugog whicE we mailntain in a neat and simple man- ner. We could spend many thousands of dol- lars turning them into highly developed parks. They produce no direct revenue but do provide for a relaxed type of recreation for our people. We have many orga- nizations in Seugog ON THE PURCHASE OF A 13-FL. DL TIN OF E.D. SMITH lumato Paste COUPON VALID UNTR. CLOSHYO SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, Ign L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WITH THIS, COUPON ON THe PUR14ffl IPRFA 48-FL. OZ. TIN OF VAN CAMP (IN T OflAiù SAUCE) wrdi Pork COUPON VALIO UFJ-(iL CLOSING L -2-1t LROLY, J ------------ WITH Tous cou-ej ki, ', È"" 5-1 ALUMINUM Siding, Soffit, Fascia, Rain Goods, Shutters, Doors, Windows. INSTALLED YEAR ROUND - For Frée Estîmates Call 576-0126 Af ter S. call Phil Rooney ut 576-4240 COUPON VALID UNTIL CLOSINC SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6. 1M - - - - - - - - - - - DYM-SERVE - - - - - - - - - - - er Èe 1 TI =TI H IS C U U fflVUýN. Il ON THE PURCMASE OF A boh 1-LO. TIN OF MAPLE LEAF tel a 1 Canned Hams COUPON VALID UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5ý, 1977 rER, CHOCOLAIE ONUT MALLOWS 16_ ON THE PURCHASE OF A BOX OF 50 LIPTON ONE CUP 8 qÇ Orange Peke, Tea Bags .11^A. 'ýU UNTIL CLOSING FEBRUARY 5, 19n L - - - - - - - i - - - - - - - - - - - WITH THIS COUPON JËON TnE eUIRCHASE fflOF NA 5-M BOX OF Bold Dete'rgent (PRE-PRICED $2.45) COUPON VALIO UNTIL CLOSING TUL -1ý8-BL j9p ROLL Box 79' WITH THIS COUPOr AM fjÈ ON THE PURCHASE OF A PKG. 11-01. IIOX OF COLD OF 20 WATER WASH 31ý0Z.'$2 39 1- Zero P G COUPON VALID UNTIL CLOSING 1 SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 5,19«R 1 -- - - - - - - - - - - 1 G 'i- pK . r Iffl S .70 ýOr 1 - -9 "' iH 77'Kîng Street East Bowmanville V.0lues Effective at BOWMANV,,ILLE STORE, ONTHE PLIRCHASE OF A 12"x 150' ROLL BOX OF ALCAN Aluminum Foil COUPON VALID UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY, FýBRUARY 61 tq77 L - - - ý - - - - -J - ------------ WITH THIS ILIUPLIN R 1 wâ2àfâ ON THE PURCHASE OF A 2-OZ. UN OF wolunnaten Créam COUPON VALID UNTIL CLOSING SATUROAY, FEBRUARY 5, IM - - - - - - - - - - which contribute more to the life and vigour fo the Township than any that êould be created by a Council. I have always felt that every Couneil- lor should take an active part in as many organi- zations as possible. This will provide two-way information and keep misunderstandings to a minimum. I think Council's job is to, create a climate in which each and every organizations can flourish. Couneil can then look after the Township's interests on aný matter that does not fa 1 within the scope of one of the foregoing groups. If Couneil vi- gorously pursues this role for the next two years I am sure that they will be doing what the people of Seugog feel that they were elected to, do. All kinds of liver are good sources of protein, iron, ribo- flavin, and niacin. E.P. GRANT RETIRES Edwin (Ed) P. Grant re- tired December 31, 1976, after eight years as director of Agriculture Canada's fruit and vegetable division. Mr. Grant first joined Agri- culture Canada in 1934. He served overseas and also worked with Ontario food processing firms for several years. W.E. Smith has suc- ceeded Mr. Grant as director of the division. A e BLEU STUART HOUSE,12" WICTH Aluminum Foîl PLASTIC Baggies Alligator Utility Bags FROZEN, ALL-DRESSED Pizza Famosa KRAFT. PROCESS Velveeta Cheese PRICES EFFECTIVE WED., FEB. 2, TG SAT., FEB. 5,1977 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT, TG LIMIT GUANTITIES. HARVEY ZL11,91 PARTHER 0RONG ?83-5206 'ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE Savîng coupons -at IGA- 1 WITHTHISCOUPON MON THE PURCHASE OF A 40-FL. OZ BTL. OF WELCWS Prune l' Nectar 'i VA " Lo SATURDAY, FEBRUARYCS. SIgINnG L - - - - - - - - - - 1 Coun', U U"", WITH TH7s -CO-UP-ON-l LI ru L ý ASSORTED FLAVORS ON THE PURCHAL OF A 24-FL. OZ. TIN OF CORDON BL ami âlcfff n ri De-Cil a( 48-Fl. Irîsh Stew Fruit Drinks OZ. TIN FOR 31 p >IWIWP qwqwpdb

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