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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1977, p. 6

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n,.~ j:.... M n P .,nville. Webriiarv 2,1977 Th~e Caiiauian Sttea ~, mnvna. r u, ý,-, , --um Edito For the b Floridaa climates, b there. Wé old-fashioi snow and day was commuter Communit to strande Newcastle was alive - was not sa to proceed phone line it took mu calls. CB very helpf boys who Friday nig sandwiche been serv Fire Hall were brou the childr Glanvillei day thata Hall by 9 p that paren who assis As thisi 7:15 Mon school buE again, bi back toi School, re tion as us Mrs. M visiting i daughterE and Mrs.1 Miss M away at1 Bowman Jan. 27th. was helè Funeralh Sympathy cousin, lM Mr. andI Tracy an Mrs. Ross and to t] ately cal 0-- IT MAY BE SNOWING OUT.e but February lst 2 -kicked off our 1977 CENTRAL AIR 0 ', CONDITIONING SEASON with fantastic "'EARLY BIRD" prices in effect until March 31st. Do you own a small bungalow or semi? Try a YORK 2.0 Ton Central Air Conditioning System, completely installed for our EARLY BIRD price of $1,075.00 . . . . including outside condenser, pad, coil, heating-cooling thermostat, one third h.p. motor, and two maintenance service calls, one in spring, one in the fa ll. We provide in-home quotations at no cost or obligation - or call our office, and we'll send out a brochure describing why YORK has the corner on qua'lity central air conditioning systems - and beautiful, furniture- styled room air conditioners, too!! P.S. - We stili have a few, 90S WAIT SKUTTLE DRUMATIC HUMIDIF I E RS left, completely installed, for $95.00 (C.O.D. only). YORK T HE QUALITY NAM E IN AI R CONDITIONING CORID SERVICES 161 BASELINE RD. EAST uthorized Bowmanville Ô 24 Hours a day Consumers' Gas Dealer 623-6281 728-6890 was most int showed the wo making cheese As eacb Ii brought three d Dairy Dessert were attractiv and all present secure samples cup of tea or c Following1 laughter was er group had a sho of songs, skitsi representatives and Mrs. Tizza put on a skit, original poema talents not real Closing rema by Miss Mary' was especially the large atteni Branches, and taken in theI Agriculture Course. Appreciation to ail who had such a varied program. Mrs. Tizzar morning, for t] daughter, ino she expects to1 weeks, while b in ho spital, for Mr. Bud J same plane, as and she was en home, in Edi waiting for tr High Level, th daugter, abou miles north of Supper gues with Mr. and ONeill were M Bennett, of Be AECB Extends SLicence For Port .42f01 The Newcastle Independent rs: Jack and Hazel Crago Telephone 987- Mrs. George Allin enter- programmes. Thi tained the Ladies' Euchre speaker is from Club last week. Crisis Centre in B Birthday greetings to Mr. Mrs. Lesle Camp] Tom Wilson, Mr. Alfred report for the Un Graham, Barry Rowe, Mrs. Women, adding Rene Roberts, Mrs. Ellen ladies are lookinî 0 ctaQ aUd ~ Duxbury and v - used refriger enefit of friends in We also extend sympathy to Jaynes.laronew an thrwam Mr. and Mrs. Farncomb Le Mr. Howard Allun remamns a reotNe me Sthe ware esleyand girls on the deatb patient in Memorial Hospital, bealcome Mrt are having a rgood of her father, Mr. Gordon Bowmanville. chard gave bis r ned winter, cold, Wonnacott on Friday Jan. According to Fireman Joè time Mr. Harry drifted roads. Fri- 28th. Miller, who occupies the sented a plaq a real horror for Most conversations this apartment over the FireHall Barchard for is The Newcastle weekend concern the weather. about eigt stranded travel as treasurer for y Hall was opened Storm-stayed with Mr. and lers were forced to spend ars. Mr. Ba ed motorists. The Mrs. Harry Wade on Friday Friday night at the Fire Hall. esigned because Villagee re Hall night were Mr. and Mrs. Dan HorticulturalPot Luck rklgd ex hsuden as it Murdock and five children, Supper work load, ex wit stdens a itCars. After fîve bours on tbe On Tuesday evening, Jan. appreciation for1 fe for the bus driver Mr. Harry Wa J any further. Tele- road between Bowmanville lth, a smali but enthusiasticthbugtfr119 s w er e ytbat andNewcastle, Mrs. Bernice group of Newcastle Horticul- t bg for ýs were so busy tha Mann spent the weekend with turists enjoyed their annual meeting adjourne spentgr o laeFrancis Jose e3i uch longer to place Mr. and Mrs. William Storks. meeting and pot luck supper. thanks to the Sel] fui.iFrom thewo Mr. Lorne Johnson, who Mrs. Mary Brett gave a fine the Saturday s stayed with us works in Cobourg was eight presei n rs. work, and to ght we learned that hours on the road coming prîzesewere given. Mrs.Brettworkandr. Wa s and drinks bad home Friday night. was presented witb a gift as famiiy. Mr.is Wa ed to trem at the Misses Candy Storks, Rex- she and her husband are xpresse s pply ad slemn ags t dale and Cindy Garrod, Hum- moving to Ottawa and Mary story suoksy ght to accommodate ber College, spent the week- wsan active member in the Bags to Seventy- en. Fire Chief Fred end at their respective homes. socJety. aa t ty- reprtd n atr- Mr. Herbie Gilson is a Mrs., Jenny Cave instailed availabie at the reported on Satur- patient in MemorialsHospital the officers for 1977. They are dollars. Rev. Sp all had left the Fire Bowmanville, hàving had sur' President Mrs. Vicki Lesnick Mrs. Edna Dar ts are grateful to al gery on bis foot last Thursday. Secretary Mrs. Donna Wallis reports an t ted in any way. Another storm item. Mr. Treasurer Mrs. Bertha Fisher adjourned. ted in anywiay. Albert Pearce, our faitbful and Directors Marj Freetby, ajund is being written at Alber einformed us on Lorna Crockett, Sandra Corn' es are ail cancelied Saturdaythat in ail bisyears ish, Carole Bennett, Carol N EWTON t custodian Jack of delivering milk, Friday was Mostert, Berniece Milligan, work at Lockhari the first day he failed to finish Queenie Fletcher, George and Mr. and Mrs. ,eached bis destina- bis route. Madeleine Buckiey., Bessie sett, and famiiy, al.h Mr. and Mrs. Foyd Coulter, Stephenson and Narda Hoog- Corners, spent l alKevn and Keit , Toronto, kamp. with Mr. and Mr arjorie Paterson is isted bis grandfather, Mr. For their meeting on Thurs- and family. n Ottawa with her Samuel Powell in Oshawa day, May 19th, each attendant Mr. and Mrs Davi Mo onw, Hospital on Thursday and is to bring a slip from a were Tuesday af 1 Da ' i Miton.houeplat o sevr.a' plnts ors wîth Mr. ai. abel Oldfield passed were Thursday supper guests useplanthor sever plants Fletcher. Memorial Hospital, with his aunt and uncle, Mr. for an exchage. wstMr. ville on Thursday and Mrs. Jack Crago. United Church News Mrs. Bea Jones lThe fnTeral service Mr. and Mrs. Ted Walton, On Sunday, Jan. 30th, Rev. Retired TeachE hat e Mr Brampton, spent the weekend David Spivey of the Newcastle held at Simcoe Chapei on Saturday. in the Village. United Çhurch delivered day on a y is extended to ber Last Wednesday, Mrs. May another sermon on his series, day noon. rs. Reta Embley, Scott, Bowmanville accomp- Great Questions of the Bible Mr. Bud Jone Urs Rea mblyanied Mr. and Mrs. Albert 'What Wouid You Have Me To ton aiTived here Irs. Tracy Embley, Pearce toaPeterborough Do?', based on the scripture a business trp e id Diane, Mr. and where they visited their Acts 22:1-16. The children's daying to wea Embiey an ffectan brother Mr. and Mrs. Albert story was also a question' conditions ,last ed ber Aunt Mabel Fowler. Does Godhave a plan for you? church servicev Lord, bep me to be content and along with i yet busy, where You want me Congregatione to be. Amen. formerly schedu Even though the weather day afternoon. was not co-operative, about 60 our msnster bas people attended the annual busy day a tead meeting on1 Sunday ýevening.sevcbrea After a sumptuous pot luck at 11:15 attShil supper a sing-song was enjoy- and in the wi he dishes were being induction servie edw iet e n inde lee isda ! done. The Hi-C entertained the wbich should ju- children while the various piete bis day! 9' reports were, being given. Mr. t as drCogeid - Murray Paterson was electe thatshur Cogre Chairman of the meeting and* ing sbould be po: Mr. Fancis Jose Secretary. Sunday, Feb. 1 Minutes of last year's meeting as planned, wit I .were read and approved. Rev. dînner at 12: O nb Of the largest Spivey gave a resume of bis business meet work since bis arrivai in july etc. to oaow. WE la £when, bis famiiy were 50 time, that roac ale c lenS of M acram e warmly welcomed by all the open, winds anc Village folk. Youtb counsel- isbed. plies In the area . . at lors Jack and Dorela Chard Fifteen mem lm and their assistants, Rick and Newtonville W( Diana Neal were praised for tute attended lowest possIble pricesi their leadership. Mrs. Kath- Senior Extensi leen Powell gave the Manse Day, head at report. Mr. Ross Allia, the Monday, Jan. 2 R EXAMPLE: Observer Representative sentatives, Ber gave bis report, stating that if and Sharone you are not receiving the attended the sp Observer, be or the minister November and sbould be contacted. Mr. Cecil Domonstration Bowler gave an account of the former's home, (Available in 12 colors) Sunday School activities, ary. Approx. 195feet- Reg.c$1.19eamping, penic etc. Steven Branches fro Aln, president of the Hi-C Maple Grove, 8 9 j gave a report on their work Soina, Kendal looking forward to having a stock were aisa y new members. there was a On Feb. 20th from 8 a.m. to ance. More than 29 Macrame 10 a.m. the Hi-C are serving a Mrs. Janet D pancake breakfast, charging Person and i pattern books to choose two dollars for adults and one Perha H dollar for children. Mrs. Duram Hom ho t, ~Carole Brunton gave the Miss Mary i (Et 0report for the Take A Break Food Specialis Club, a group of ladies and Ferguson, who .ing St. E. Newcastle chidren wo are now meeting badges to each GIFT WARE - CRAFT SUPPLIES on Thursday mornings at 9:30 Afieddarihee __________________________________ a.m. They do bave interesting CedrCes rhe home of her Alberta, where be for a couple her daughter is )surgery., ones took the s Mrs. Tizzard, tertained at his dmonton, while ansportation to he home of her ot five hundrec Edmonton. ts, last Sunday Mrs Maurice r. and Mrs. Jim elleville., is week, the, i the Rape owmanville. bell gave the nited Church that these g for a good ator. Mrs. ve the choir mbers would he choir.The Chris Bar- eport. At this Wade pre- ue to Mr. faithful work the past 16 rchard, who of his heavy pressed his the plaque. de presented W7. Before the ed, Secretary ,xpressed his by family for now removal the Spivey de had also anks to Rev. of thetchurch From Saddle Five are still price of five ivey thanked ling for her rthe annual he meeting VILLE Gerald Rus- of Wellman's ast Saturday s. Bill Stacey . F. Gilmer ternoon visit- td Mrs. Ken s attended the er's Dinner, Street 'United last Wednes- s, of Edmon- Thursday on ast, for a few ther and road Sunday, our was cancelled it, our annual al meeting, lled for Sun- Next Sunday an extremely , with church 9:45 at Kendal h at 2:30 p.m. evening, an ce in Oshawa, st about com- ed, therefore, gational meet- ostponed, until 3th, beginning :h a pot luck :30 and the îing, reports, g hope,by that ds will all be id snow dimin- nbers of our omen's Insti- the Durham on Summary Orono, iast 4th. Our repre- neice Milligan Buttery, had ecial Course in had held a night, at the in early Janu- m Bailieboro, Bowmanville, l, and Black- o represented, a good attend- ykeman, Ken- , was Chair ntroduced the e Economist, ompkins and t, Miss Gloria presented the of the leaders. as shown "The e Story" which teresting and rk involved in nstitute had onations to the buffet, these ely arranged, twer-e able to served with a :offee. lunch, muchb njoyed as each rt presentation or poems. Our s, Mr. Fletcher ard, very ably complete with lized befre.s .rks were given Tompkins who impressed wat dl the interest Department of Food Short * as expressed helped provide and enjoyable d lef t Sunday top". These were enjoyed by Osha' ail preserît and each received *,,aese. a gift in appreciation. The meeting cosed with the SNOWMOBI Benediction and lunch was A~n Orono mi served to the twenty-three as the result c preserit. between his sno Cards were signed to be sent a car on Saturd to our former President, 22nd. Shirley Marteli, now living in William Ail 1 the Peace River District, :10, R.R. 2, Orou Alberta, and Mrs. Agnes hitting a caru Burley now a patient la his sniowmnobile Memorial Hospital. ai road in Scu We all wish her a speedy about I a.m. o recovery. * *a* a * * Granby Dump Eldorado Nuclear Ltd.'s making improvem licence for the Port Granby present waste m waste management site has site, Dr. Prince sa been given a six month Regional planni extension, Atomic Energy velopment comm Control Board President A.T. chairman Bruce Prince announced Monday in indicated that regi Bowmanville. has taken a positic Dr. Prince told local repre- the extension of the sentatives of the municipal. firm's dumping lie provincial and federal govern- The company als ments that the board reached to give evidence a decision to allow the nuclear have taken steî refining company to continue finding an alterna its operations at the dump at a Port Granby site,1 meeting on Jan. 24th. Dr. Prince, ho The board's decision allows sured the governm Eldorado Nuclear Ltd. to that Eldorado Ni operate the site past the made a definite el expiry date for the previous other possible si licence on Monday until July radioactive dump. 3lst. Although the n M.P. Disappointed locations of alte Northumberland-Durham were not given, h MP Allan Lawrence told the that evidence of AECB president that the any's attempt to board's decision to grant an areasdfor the d extensionto the dump was provided for the a disappointing. But, in the final ai It indicated that they were board agreed witht retreating under pressure company's claim from Eldorado Ltd. to have alternatives were decided to stretch the licence practical or too cos out over another six months, Standards Mr. Lawrence said. The AECB pre Mr. Lawrence also ques- lined a number o. tioned the board's policy of ards with which th relying on figures supplied by complied to quali the company itself for inform- additional sixr ation on radio-activity con- operate the dump tained in the lake and the soil The crown cor surrounding the dump area. the amount of niti Durham East MPP Doug ed at Port Granb Moffatt also expressed some cent and complet surprise at the board's an- unloading liquidi nouncement. the site, le said. Allowing the nuclear refin- Eldorado Ltd. ing firm to monitor residue indicated to the bc levels at the dump was not a build a water trea fair method of policing the in the area to fui company, Mr. Moffatt said. the level of conta The company however, the effluent, added spent approximately $200,0O Among the im over the past six months in made at the 28 a company has bu We were glad to receive a seven feet in heig letter- from a former local to restrict the pub] resident Mrs. Shirley Martell, area. now living with her husband Ground water Joe, in the Peaée River intercepting ruî District, Alta. Apparently have alsô been p their weather is better than the dump's boun ours just now. north and west. S Our felicitations to the Assurances weî( following "Birthday Gang" to local represent Raymond Bruce, Leone Lane, government that and Charlene Hall, of Newton- had planned ono ville. waste site closed b Newtonvlle U.C.W. met in deadiine when th the church hall on Wednesday extended for six evening, Jan. 26th and Presi- July. dent Inez Boughen opened But the latest e: with the hymn "Stand Up For based on comp Jesus", followed by the Lord's AECB standardsa Prayer in unison. shwnLta h Secretary Shirley Stapleton radioactive resi read the reports of the last location was not regular meeting, also the Dr. Prince said. 1short meeting held after The termas of th church, last Sunday. There cail for a revi will be a sale booth in dumping facilitya Newcastle, April 23rd from i July to determine: a.m. to 3 p.m. and it was at the site. decided to put in our miscel- laneous articles, left from our Lette faîl Bazaar. Treasurer Sandra McInnes The E gave the financial statem ent, r i t r and that of the Special Mr. Editor, Account was reported by In June 1974t Violet Gilmer, who also ex- Health DisciplinE pressed appreciation for the passed. Its inte lovely card she and ber interest of the pub husband had received, on the protection." occasion of their 55th Wedding In Ontario, m Anniversary. Health Food Stoî The Annual Presbyterial ing between 750,00 will be held in Simcoe United customers. Church, Oshawa in March. These Health1 A request has been re- are selling for n ceived, for a bale of good used years, Vitamins u clothing to be shipped to al Legislation. TI Angola. This will include all spected by Feden types for adults and children, Drug Inspectors coats, sweaters, underwear, those Health Foo socks, plastic raincoats, etc. allowed, under F Everyone is requested to lation, to conti bring an article as an answer Vitamins. to Roll Call, at our next We, the Ontario. meeting. Stores owners, fi Shiloh will hold the World day that the Day of Prayer Meeting, on Pharmacists are March 4th at 2 p.m. gain a monopoly A request has been made for sales to pharm our branch to cater for the are clearly using Presbyterial, Oct. 25th about Discipline Act tc 130 to 14 expeted to attend benefit to make i and a motion was passed that and profit are the we do this. the responsibilit A filing cabinet is needed for ing the public is' the Manse, and Shiloh and ly an "after thot Kendal have agreed to share We as an indusi the cost, which will be about able to carry $42 per charge. Oshawa has a having sold at le suitable one, and a motion was dollars worth ol passed that we pay our shar·e. mins sales in On The March meeting will be sales were allowc one week earlier than usual. away from us, i Used Christmas cards are to certain doom to be sent to the Ontario Hospital supphiers and atb an Scouts will hold nentand cripp their "Father and Son" ban- industry. quet here, in our church hall, The Health Dis Browies Mother and niytrothe phari Daughter" banquet will be mins are adequa held here, on June 1st. ai law and do Unit Leader Carolyn Gilmer additional reguli presented the Devotional, as- We believe sisted by Mrs. Tizzard and ments should re Berneice Milligan, and two people equally ai young ladies Kim Gilmer and rights and privi] Charlene Zietsma, sang two Gerry Li duets, "I Found the Answer" Sunshine ahnd "Mansion Over the Hill 75 Simco of a collision iwmobile and day, January Ian Ilidgely. no died after while driving e on a region- gog township ly Saturday. oeoeue COMEX-8 (Commonwealth Expedition No. 8 enroute with Warren Lowes) ents to the anagement id. ng and de- ittee vice- MacArthur onal council on opposing e Port Hope .nence. o bas failed that they ps toward tive to the he said. wever, as- ent officials' uclear Ltd. ffort to find ites for a number or rnate sites he stressed the comp- find other Lump were board. analysis, the the refining that the either im- stly, he said. Met sident out- f the stand- rhe company ify for the months to poration cut rates dump- y by 50 per .ely stopped nitrates on also has oard plans to atment plant rther reduce amination in i Dr. Prince. nprovements cre site. the ilt a fence ;ht around it blic from the drains for noff wastes placed along daries to the re also given atives of the the board ordering the by Monday's e licence was xmonths in xtension was hance with and evidence d transfertof idue to the t azardous, he extension iew of the at the end of future plans r to ditor the Ontario e Act was nt is: "the blic and their ore than 200 res are serv- 00 to 1,000,000 Food Stores more than 30 under Feder- They are in- ral Food and . Even now cd Stores are ederal Legis- nue selling Health Food ound out one College of e trying to y of vitamin acists. They g the Health to their own money,rgreed reasons and y of protect- very obvious- try have been on business ast 15 millhon fretail vita- tario if these ed to be taken t would spell many of the therefore it an iportant cipline Act of nacsts. Vita- tely a Feder- not require ations.- that govern rpresenit ALL nud protect the leges of aill ndsay Shop e St N. LER DIES an was killed New Legis lation Affects Durham Dental Students Twenty Preventive Dental Assistant graduates, who wished to update their skills to include scaling, have com- pleted a four-month program at Durham College to give them accreditationa However, the Royal College of Dental Surgeons has been influential in having legisla- tion introduced which will be passed early in February, to the effect that Preventive Dental Assistants with scaling will be replaced with Dental Hygienists. To qualify for the new category, the Durham students affected will have to take additional clinical train- ing of two to four months duration, after which they will have to undergo examination by the Royal College of Dental Surgeons in order to be licensed as Hygienists. Durham College is trying to accommodate the students to accomplish this end, but not only does it add to the learning programme of the students affected, it will also delay the start of a second class which had been scheduled to start .Jaauary 3lst. Durham College in Oshawa and George BrowCaCoClege la Toroato were the initiai Col- leges to conduet the experi- mental four-month scaliag module, and both Colleges are affected by this situation. Dr. Willey, Durham College. President, regrets the circum- stances. He emphasizes that the Dental programs involved had been approved by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities. The content and objectives had been the sub- ject of advice from an Advisory Committee com- posed of Dentists in this region and representatives from the Royal College of Dental Sur- geons. The Dentists are em- ployers of Durham College graduates and R.C.D.S. has licensing powers. The College, therefore, offered the additional training to Preventive Dental Assist- ants with the blessing of the Ministry and the Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons. It is aow unable to graduate P.D.A.'s with scaling certifi- cation because recognition for this, level of training wiIl disappear with the intro- duction of new legisiation. 1To achieve the new level of hygienist, additional training time is, required.1 Dr. Wiley emphasizes that every effort wil be made by the Corlege to alleviate prob- lems affecting the students concerned. All of the students involved have been notified and arrangements for the additional training are being made. The College Dental Assistant program will now consist of a one-year Certified Dental Assistant programme and a two-year Dental Hy- giene programme. RED CROSS VOlLU NTEEP February Carpet Clearance 00 PFer Cent Nylon SHAGI Jute or Rubber Back from $.9sq. yd. Plush BROADLOOMI from 99sq. yd. Non-Wax Sculptured Loop VVINYL B ROADLOOM fromiqI from $2.9 sq.yd. 2.99sq. yd. Commercial CARPET 1HARDTWIST fromI from $2.99 sq.yd. $5.99 s ThickSplush HiL SHAGSHAG from 99sq. yd- from sq. yd. "Trend-Setters of the Carpet Inaustry" 110 King St. W. 728-0292 CHARGEX~' j Open 1:00a.m.to 8:00p.m. FREE PARKING- FREE ESTIMATES YES! WE INSTALL f4 Oshawa MI b Warren Lowes There was a time when the word "expedition" conjured up thoughts of military adventure or an explora- tion to the Arctic. In this past decade, however, a new concept has been born. On February 12, Comex-8 will depart from the Royal Marine staging base near Dover, England, - ten jumbo buses carrying a wide assortment of racial types, a full complement of survival gear and a high level of goodwill. The Canadian component will be 150 strong, made up of representatives from all rovinces from B.C. to Newfound- and - and including this scribe from Orono. You ask me, what's this all about? Well, it seems that although the days of empire may be drawing to a close, there are influential people among us who believe that great social benefits are to be gained by fostering and maintaining friendly relations amon people of diverse social and cultural backgrounds throughout the world. And, as Colonel Lionel Gregory, the leader of this expedition, reasoned when he first conceived the Comex idea, "Why not go abroad with a song instead of a sword?" On February 1, after a send-off reception with Lieutenant Governor Pauline McGibbon at Queen's Park, the Canadians will fly to Dover to be met by contingents from such faraway places as Singapore and India. After an intensive two-week training session, the convoy of SUF the FOP THE 153 K Carpet Warehouse ,At busses(known as the Silver Train) will cross the English channel into Belgium on the first leg of a 24,000 mile journey which will last four months and follow an itinerary which includes stops at such storied places Istanbul, Zagreb, Ankara, Damascus, Bagdad, Kermanshah, Tehran, Lahore, Delhi, Bengalore, Mysore, Poona, Simla, Budapest and Vienna. The buses can accommodate up to 54 passengers, and each carries a water tank and six tables. The crew consists of 4 drivers, 4 navigators, a mechanic, radio operator, 2 loading details, 2 cooking teams and one pursuer for each bus, working or- shif ts. The convoy is kept intact by a Marconi radio-telephone system and utility equipment includes tents, sleeping bags, Coleman stoves and the water supply. Personal effects are limited to 35 pounds per passenger. 0f the total complement, 10 per cent are over 40 years of age, 10 per cent under 20, and the remainder in between - both sexes. The film crew of Michael Jocot Productions will accompany the expedition and will record the highlights in a film documentary for later release. During the training perod and enroute, the formation oi a first rate entertainment company is envision- ed. Appropriate music and lyrics have been written. Rehearsals have already started in Toronto and eleswhere. Additional numbers will be added to the program, of course, as the talent emerges. A number of concerts have been scheduled - and that takes nerve. Of particular interest to Cana- dians is the fact that the return leg of the journey-from the continent will conclude on May 29 at the Cànadian Armed Forces base at Lahr, Germany. Here we will be guests "for rations, quarters and Canadian hospitality." It is hoped that in the three previous months of together- ness we will have put together a program of sufficient merit to elicit applause rather than catcalls. The return of the Silver Train to Britain is scheduled to coincide with celebrations connected with the Queen's Silver Jubilee in June. We hope to participate. With the kind co-operation of the Canadian States- man, it will be my pleasure to report intermittently as the journey pro ceeds.

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