for receipt of applications jfrom organizations which Y have been in operation for Imore than two years. Briefs AIT NY ~ HU CB outlnng the proposed projeet for which a du Maurier grant is requested should -be sent to T i J'The Executive Director, du Maurier Council for the Per- ______________________________________________forming Arts, 3810 St. Antoine I honor the birthday gai. Unable Street, Montreal. --to make it through the storm, Doug Hately, President of 5ymteMom had to corne up with the Canadian 'Club of West IIe mc71IS In t res make-do, with chocolate chip Durham announces that on O'I cookies instead of cake. uts Friday, March 25, 1977 the ~ ~one birthday Suzanne will speaker will be Richard Jones Phoned62s-3es3ley Down, O.C. Note that this is a change ______________________Mr.____and__ Mr .WseyDw, of ,speaker and date for the 'ne N.1-.L. Oici hmers vs congratulations to Miss Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. James March meeting. This meeting the, Kînsmen Al-Stars goes Suzanne Stainton who cele- Erving, Sept. Isle, Que and will also be held at 8:15 p.m. this Sunday at 2 in the local brated her llth birthday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden Mr. Jones is President of the arena. Corne out and support a hier friends despite the storm town, just returned fromn a Canadian Council of Christ- good cause with, proceeds on Friday. As a birthday treat very enjoyable week through ians and Jews. He was born in going for Community Service. she requested taking hier Southern Florida visiting Fort Elizabeth N.J. and entered the Admission ticket is good for friends to a pizza parlor in Myers, Fort Lauderdale, Methodist Ministry in 1934. He the draw of a, $75.00 Gruen Oshawa, who also supplies Miami and Key West with has represented Canada at Watch. See you there! birthday cake, plus favours to temperatures in the 70's. t World Brotherhood Confer- _________________________________________ was quite a different story ences in Paris and Brussels, Sunday to arrive at Malton to lectured in Iraq and Iran with see the results of the big storm Richard Haliburton and wrote St. aus Ü ]Lq»e that had taken place here. In many articles on human niteld Florîda, there was a 350 relations. His topic will be q'-Âh re,,hmillion dollar crop ioss to the "Trends in U.S. Politics and C nu enfarmers, Central part, mostly Society and their Effect on Minister: citrus fruit oranges and grape- Canada-U.S. Relations." Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M. Div. fruit, while further south A major art auction wilI be Orqanist: Gerald K. Burgess hundreds of acres of potatoes held on the third Sunday in planted in November and April by the Piyah Chapter of Sunday, February 6, 1977 within a month of harvesting Hadassah, Wizo, at the Geno- were cut down with 3 nights of sha Hotel, Oshawa. Close to 11 :00 a. m. frost the week previous. They 100 artists will be showing neyer had anything like it their work in ail media. WORSHIP SERVICE before. The Oshawa and District ÉpijlMr. and Mrs. Dudley Deeley branch of the Ontario Associ- "1WINTARIO - THE BIG LIE" have left for Daytona, Florida atîon of Superannuated for the month of February. Women Teachers held their 9:45 Senior Sunday School (9 yrs. and up) Many stories are circulating mid-winter dinner at noon on 11:G00a.m. Junior Sunday School (chilIdren wi Il attend of the kindness and considera- Wednesday Jan. 26th in Sim- f irst part of Church Service with their parents) tion shown by citizens towards coe St. United Church Hall, Pa rents ar e in-vit-ed -to-bri n g thei1r c hil dr en td"-PI1a y a nd those stranded in last weeks Oshawa. The guest speaker Learn" Nursery whi Ile they attend church. storm. The Samelîs wrote was Bruce Dawson, chairman praising the efforts of Mr. H. of the S.T.O. committee, who Raycroft, Dr. W.K. Mountjoy, explained and gave valuable Mr. and Mrs Sam Carr and advice on Extended Health O5NAWA Mr. and Mrs. George Almond Plan benefits. After a brief for the wonderful care they business meeting, Miss Mar- FRE ME HO ISTCHU CHgave the childr en of the Soina garet Patterson gave à very METR DIS CHÎRCHSchool for the Retarded and enjoyable talk on India, illus- Truli's Road <Darlington No. 15) hapdicapped children during trated by the beautiful slides 11725-3606 their return to Bowmanville in which she took on lier trp Pastor: DAVID A. DYER the storm. The snow plough there last year. 725-3872 operators in the area were General Motors of Canada great, stated the Samelîs. recently announced the follow- Sunday SChool - 10 a.m. Motorists who stop at ser- ing promotions in their per- Morning Worship - 11 a.m. vice stations requestîng free sonnel department. A.M. road maps may soon be asked (Art) Joness is promoted to Specia I Guest Speaker to pay for them, due to Plant Personnel Administra- KEN EECHincreasing costs. Petrofina, tor, Truck Plant, reporting to KENLECHCanada is among several J.A. (Joe) Pegg, Plant Man- companieswho have discon- ager. Mr. Joness was General Hear a former Sergeant Detective tinued the service. Imperial Supervisor, Personnel Activit- Mr. Ken'Leech Oil was the first to stop ies in the saine plant. B.P. Tell His Life Story supplying the service. The (Byron) Blundell is promoted Sunday evenina - 7 p.m. practice, originated in the to Plant Personnel Adminis- U.S.A.,. who are now seîîing trator, Fabrication Plant, re- _______________________________ maps in vending machines. porting to R.P. (Ron) Migus, Free maps could return when Plant Manager. Mr., BlundelI *banks, realtorsý etc use them was formerly Supervisor, Per- as promotional value. sonnel Administration in the 1,500 dogs and about 3,000 Oshawa Parts Department. - eople will arrive in Cobourg R. C. (Bob) Towey is promoted the first weekend in March for to Administrator, Personnel the Pine Ridge Club's first BnftPas eotgt SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1977 International dog show to be H.C. (Howard) Toaze, Assist- Sunday School Classes for Ail Ages held in Cobourg for a two day ant Director of Personnel., Mr. 10 9 years and op- obedience and charnpionsihip Towey was formçrly Staff and Treasure Hunt Club trials. Registration is open to Assistant, Personnel Benefit il a. m. - Todd ler sand Nursery Care everyone and the public in- Plans. 11 5 ..- o -er-lsvited to attend., The Ontario Arts Council 11:5 am. 4to -yer-odsThe duý Maurier Council for and the Stratford Shakespear- la.mi. -WORSHIP SERVICE the Performing Arts has ean Festival recently an- - Sermon - announced that applications nounced the second William T. Hdden Tal1ent" are stili being accepted from Wylie Theatre Administration Canadian performing arts Award competition. The $2000 A Warm Welcome for Everyone companies wishing to apply award may be used by the Confirmation class cancel led as Phase Two of the for financial support during winner for such purposes as Congregtinal Council Training wiII be held in Church the 1 977-78 performing season. _education, travel, special Parllour 3 to 9 p.m. Registration, 2:45 p.m. The second week in February study or apprenticeship. LaI Annual Reports av;%'ibIe at off icei, has been set as the deadline addition, one or more candid- ates may be considered for summer employment at the Stratford Festival. Closing The Baha'î date is March 11, 1977. A jury ha will assess the applications Causeand may request a persona] AI "Think flot that We-have interview in Toronto. Travel P enteco tûo Chu rcn revealed unto you a a arrangements wiîî be the mere code of laws. Nay, responsibility of the candid- 75 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH rather, We have unseal- ate. Forms are available by migh an powr." writing to: William T. Wylie S unfday Services iBhau IIh Award, Ontario Arts Council, If itereted Box. 36, 151 Bloor Street West, Toron- 9:- 55 a.m .......... Sunday SchooI If intnres e. ton, Ontario. M5S 1T6. The 1:0am.....W rhpService award will be announced by 1:00 p.m . . . . o s i April 1, 1977. 7:0pm ... Evangelistic Service This certainly is the year fori snowmobiles. Please, when TO DAYS operating one of these Mid Week BIBLE machines, for your safety m yet? It's the day ofth bi Febrcir 7ýdA '1thhockey game at the local arena. MONDAYD 8:00 pm Our Guest Speaker, Lyle McBur ney, wiII be discussing the role of the Christian School in the Ontario Association of Alternate and Independent Schools. Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursclay KNOX CHRISTIAN and DURHAM CHRISTIAN HIGH wiII have OPEN ýHOUSE. So, corne up Scugog Street and see what we are up to. REMEMBER ... Christian Education is NOT A DUTCH TREAT! Legion Ladies Bowling Gray 9 points, 11,351 piniail, Fairey 8, 11,220, Bragg 7, 11,200, Dunn 6, 10,904, Suteliffe 4, 10,477, Plazek 2, 10,2:37. High single J. Baker 27:3. High triple J. Baker 675. lligh average-J. Suteliffe 225. 700 Club-B'. Partner, J. Baker, H. Dunn, 1. Whitney, J. Suteliffe. S:300 Club-H. Dunn, J. Sut- cliffe. 275 Club-B. Partner, J. Baker, B. Terry. Graduate Policeman Graduate Policeman Stephen P. Land, son of Reg. and Florence Land, Bowmanville, graduated from Ontario Police College, Mlymer, Ontario on November sth, 1976 and from'Metropolitan Police College, on January 2lst, 1977. He is now with the 'Metropolitan Police Force. ENNISK ILn»LEN. On advantage our hillItop hamiet and community had was the opportunity to show the weatherman that the folks could rise above his snow drifts, with a litte mechanical help from our attentive road crew with the result that 45 folks ventured out into cold temperatures and gathered for Sunday morning Church services. Their reward was 3 inspiring messages. The Children's Story proved to ail that each one is "His or Her Brothers' or Sister's Keeper" as we care and help them in ail ways. Our Minister added then his sermon with the topic "Do Whatever He Tells You," based on John 2 and the story of Jesus' first Miracle. He also eiucidated the meaning of Micah's words to accept and use God's Gifts and miracles can happen again today through the use of our resources, abilities and people by a caring, loving serving and giving fellowship. >Meta Read >atthe -rin3,ld her choir of 9 in a delightful message in music by their anthem "Just the Whispered Name of Jesus", Gladys- Ashton was in charge of the Jr. Congregation. Joyce Vir- tue led the S.S. opening worship with daughter Judy as pîanist. Two past events were (a) The officiai Board meeting for the Pastoral Charge last Monday evening Jan. 24th in our church with a most acceptable attendance in the face of a very cold night. Annual report for 1976 was examined and 1977 budgets set as well as dates for future meetings and other plans. (b) Regular meeting of the Youth Group was iast Wednesday evening Jan. 26th in the S.S. room Pres. Linda Sharp was in charge of the brief worship, Roll Caîl by Sec. Susan Werry who read the minutes for approval, business period planned several future meet- ings, e.g. Birthday Party, Valentine Dance, Fun Night, special programs, Easter ser- vices., Sr; Pal project also evaluation of year 1976 report. Next meeting Feb. 9th at Susan and Scott Werry's home. Meeting ciosed. with Theme Song led by Ailan Ashton. Past events this week are 1. Monday at 7 p.m. Enniskiilen Stewards meeting in the Church. 2. Wednesday at 10 a.m. The Bible Study Group's first meeting in the home of Mrs. Phiip. 3. Thursday 1:30 p.m. En- field U.C.W. meeting in the Manse. Advance Notices are 1. Sunday Feb. 6th Fun Night in School Gym 7-9 p.m. for, Youth Group and Wednesday Feb. 9th 7 p.m. Business meeting at Susan and Scott Werry's home. 2. Thursday Feb. 10th 3 p. m. Those interested in forming an Enniskillen Senior Citizen's Group or a Bible study group are invited to drop in at the Manse for tea. 3. Moniday Feb. l4th 8 p.m. The Official Board will meet in Tyrone Church Hall. 4. Tuesday Feb. 15 6:45 p.m. Oshawa Presbytery wiil meet in Ebenezer U.C. 5. Wedaesday Feb. 19 1:30 p.m. U.C.W. wIIl meet in the Manse, 6. Satur-day Feb. 19 6:15 p.m. Oshawa Presbytery Men's Rally ln St. Stephen's U.C. Oshawa. 7. Saturday Feb. 19 8 p.m. Valentine Dance in Commun- ity Hall sponsored by Youth Group. See Coming Events next week for details. .Miss Elva Orchard is visit- ing with Mrs. Aima Perîgoe, Caesarea. Mr. an Mrs. Bruce Taylor, R.R. Enniskîllen were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. an Mrs. E.R. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs., Angus King, Little Britain were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery. Sorry to report Mrs. Edith Stainton, is a patient in Bowmanville Memoriai Hos- pital. We wish hen a speedy recovery. Mr. Joe McGill and son Dean, Mississauga, Mr. and Mrs. H. McGill were Sunday guests with Mn. and Mrs. R. Virtue and girls. A surprise family binthday party was held for Veima Gniffin at their home last Monday evening. Congratula- tions to Velma. Miss Jackie Veale and Miss Henrietta Foote, were week- end guests at Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry's after returning home from a vacation in Hawaii and returnied back to 200 Citizen Port Granbi A spokesman at Bowman- ville's Port Granby Informa- ion Centre said last week that about 200 visitors have filed through the centre since it opened January 7th. The Port Granby centre is located in the Waverley Plaza and it has been set up in order to explain Eldorado Nuclear, Limited's plans for the Pot Granby area. "We feel it's a success and we iust hope that we can allav work on Sunday to Halifax by plane. Mr. and Mrs. David Cecch- etto, Sudbury were weekend guests with parents Mr. and Mrs. T. Werry and will return home on Monday. Dale McGill, Western Uni- versity, London spent the weekend with his parents K. McGill's. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hane- wich, Oshawa were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry's, Miss Sandra Werry, Pickering was home for the weekend. Eight little folks attended a birthday party Sunday after- noon at the home of Mr., and Mrs. Bruce Milîs to celebrate Kevin's 6th birthday. Congrat- ulations Kevin. Miss Heather Griffin held a dinner party on Friday even- ing at lier parent's home for some of the nurses that she has kept in contact wýth since she graduated four years ago. Owing to bad weather condi- tions, the girls and husbands didn't make th~e trip. Those who did were Mrs. Nancy Cobb, Kitchener, hier husband Brian was ill with flu, Marilyn and Bob Jones, Guelph, Bar- bara and John Besso and baby Adam, Bowmanville. Wedding Belîs are ringing so Bridai Showers are popular events. 1Most of our folks with aches and pains are recovering slowiy. We wish for ahl of them a speedier and complete return to better health. In the large audience, at Eastdale Collegiate, auditor- ium, Oshawa, to enjoy the Keath Barrie Concert, spon- sored by the local C.A. agency were Orville and Margaret Ashton on Sunday evening. Local bird feeders are popular these days for f ea- thered friends like the Bluie Jays, Grosbeaks, Chickadees, Dowvny and Hairy Woodpeck- ers. Cardinals, Sparrows and Starlings. First Binthday Panty for Youth Group As the Guys and Doils Youth Group was one year old at the end of Jan). it was a re-asoni to celerateitsfirst birthday withi a party at our Manse Couple's home on Sunday Jan. 3th. Rev. Harold and Mrs, Norma Kempiing enter'ýained the 14 young people and counsellor most royally with a delicious buffet dinner enjoy- ed cosily in front of the glow of the fire place and it included a prettily decorated cake fromn the kitchen of a former local maiden-Carrol (Wright) Clemens, Hampton. Enter- taimnent was a number of contests and relays with winning scores by Beverley Stainton and Scott Werry. Pres. Linda Sharp thanked the hosting couple for the gener- ous hospitality and the group joined in singing their closing theme song, "Au Revoir, Adios, Good Night.' BOWMAN VILLE 623-4473: FLOWERS,) PLANTS and THINGS. by SLen Koenderman . Carnation Florist A rose is a rose is a rose. H-1w many Ti mes have we heard it. But is a rose just a rose. Today's florist varieties are just fantastîc. We now have specific roses - to meet specific needs. Would you believe that'Town, Crier, a deep yel low rose has more substance and lastsý longer t han Rega I Gold. But thon Regai Gold has a larger bloom . Whch do you need? Why isn't Red American Beauty the largest selling rose in America. The song says it is. Perhaps because Forever Yours has a nicor color or Cara Mia Iasts longer. These rose growers have reaily done a fob for us. I remember years ago how we hated to mako white rose bridai bouque7ts ecu the petals bruised s0 easiiy and tur-ned bon Not so with White Butterfly and Jack They iust iast and last and iast. -h rss you purchaDse in Our si-op are not field grown somewjher-e and shipped in by chance. Today's florist rose is carefuliy nurtured in vast ranges of glass houses throughout the nation. The rose ranges are highly mechanized so that the temperature is properly maintained, humidity can't be toc high, fertilizer mnust be reguiarly checked. Even the carbon dioxide, levels in the greenhouse are checked and altered at regular intervals. And new advances in lig-hting are being used to increase production. Nhe-roses are cut daily, shipped into our f lower shop and refrigerated at 38 degrees until you need them, and need them you do, because the rose 'is probably the most important year round f lower in our store. You must reaily like 'em. So - is a rose just a rose? Remember, y ou can cal on us for ail your floral needs. We wiIi be happy to answer any questions. ______ CARNTIONFLORISI 623-7141 ______ 623-5577 33 Division St., Bowmanville _________________ I THE INCOME Tr-A X PEOPLE att -JUST BELOW1D1ý KING Tex Returns for Individueals, Farms anid SmaII Busînesses MON. TO FRI.-9a.m.to6p.m. SATURDAYS-9a.rn. ol p.m. PH ONE 623-6454 u.NO APPOINTMENT, NECESSARYq ommommumom The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 2, 1977 7 1v.. Pickering Nuclear Power Sta- ýs visit tion. The centre is open noon till Y, trEnine on weekdays and 9 a.m. C entr to 5 p.m. Saturdays with members of Eldorado Staff on the fears of anyone and hand to answer questions. answer their questions intel- Mr. Roy eiyplained that the ligently," said John Roy, an amount of public interest will Eldorado employee on duty at decide how long the Bowman- the centre yesterday. ville Centre remains in opera- He said that visitors to the tion. centre ask questions such as "1where is Port Granby?"' He Protect children from falîs said that they also want to by placing gates across al know why Eldorad a stairways and bariers on chosen the Port Granby area windows, cautions the Indust- as the site of a proposed $80) rial Accident Prevention As- million nuclear refinery, sociation. The LAPA also, Mr. oy aid omevisiorssuggests you make sure crib Mr. Rtoy si o e isiors c sides ae sturdy and high, and wan tokno th diferncs keep a watchful eye on infants between the proposed refinery at ail times. and proîects such as the _____________ TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN lMANUEL, C.G7.A. Income Tax, and Related Accounting Services 67 King St. East - Suite 2 Bowmanvilîe, Ontario LiC 1N4 Patrick G. Deegan D.T. DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 1formerly known as BOWMANVILLE DENTURE CLINIC has moved to a new location 36, KING ST. W.