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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1978, p. 13

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nadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 2., 1978 .13 DEADLINE FOR ÇLASSUFIWJD Phone 623-Q3Q THÈIRTELL - Lisa Anne, born Jul1y 26, 1978, 6 1bs. 13 azs. Proud parents are Orvitie and' Cid Therteli of Orono.ý Pr.ud grandpanents are Mn. andi Mrs. Don Graham, MiII- brbok and Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Theteil, Kendai. 31-1 N W fLSON- Ross and Susan (niee Ricard) are excited to antiounce the birth of their daughten Rebecca Susanne, 6 lbe. 4 ozs. on July 27th at 10: 01 a.m. Happy g ana>hdparents are Jafk ad eani Ricard of OIs awa and Cliff and Litian Wison of Owen Sound. "We gie eGod the Glory.- 31-1 e"Ffowers with Feeling" For an y Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and HoIidays 8ev. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 B$RTLEY - Janette Marie. Atthe Port Penny Community Hsi tal on Friday, Juy 28, 1978. Janette Evans, dearIy 1 ~ed wife ot Milton BartIey. Dean mather of Robent, C -ono, David, Kart and M ichael at home. Funenai s êrvice was heId atthe Chapet o' McDenmott,-Panabaker, Fxat Penny on Manday, JuIy 3j st, cit 2 p.m. Interment k nion Cemeteny, Cadmus. 31-1 IFOP E - Louisa Em it1y. At the ~hawa Generai Hospital on Aonday, July 31, 1978, Louisa El iy Hunt in hen 78th vear, 1dow of Ernest A. Pop e, nother of Albert, Bowman- vill11e, and Mrs. Arthur Harmer (Barbara) of Barrie. Grand- Mother et Bian, Janet, lcadand Sandra. Sister of Mrs. Edward Barber tAalorie) o Chatham and -4e late William Hunt. Rested atthe Mcl1ntosh- Anderson F.,uneral Home, 152 King Sreet East, Oshawa. Service vas held in the chapel Wednesday, August 2nd at 1ý30 p.m. lntenment Mount Lawn Cemetery. Memonial dobnations ta the Canadian Cancer Society wili be great- fQly acknowledged. 31-1 LF~WIS - Thomas. Suddenly at Lake St. Peter, Ontario on S;turday, July 29, 1978, Tom L*ws, ona, Onania. BeIov- ehusband of JeanRansben- rkDeanrfat heroet Lorna (Mrs. Gardon Atkins) and Marie (Mns. Kaye Lycett) bath et Orone. Dear brother of Ethel and Lily bth of England. Aiso làvingly. remrembered by seven 1grandchildren. Rested at the Ban ow Funerai Home, Oroifa. Service was held fnom Oirono United Chunch on Wednesday at 2 p.m. Inter- m ent Ot-ori Cemetery. 1- eîtý For sn iE et ïï ' , 1 0 1_ For: Sa le MaSPEArad raes Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Linton wish te announce the forth- coming marriage of their dlaug hter, Brencda Louise te Mn. Ciare Ashton, son of Mn. and Mrs. Harold Ashton ait of BowmanviIle. Wedding ta take f, lac e in St. Andrew's Presby- erian Church September 29, 1978 at 7p.m. 31-1 Mn. and Mrs. David C. Peters, R. R. 4 BowmanviIle, are happy te announce the forthcomin grmaniage of their daughter Nancy Louise ta Bruce Borden son of Mn. and Mrs. Walter Bonden, Tarante. Cenemony te take place in Salem United Church. August 24,1978at7:30p.rn'. 31-1 Mrs. Ruth Richardson, of Pontypool1 is pIeased te announce the forthcoming marriag e of her daughter, Karen Ruth to Donald gni an, son of Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Gibank, of Bethany. The marriage te take place Saturday, August 26, 1978 at 2 p.m. in Pontypoot United Church. 31-1 STEPHENS - At Scan- borough Centenary Hospital, Wednesday, JuIy 26th, 1978, Ernest Stephens, Orono, in his 74th year, beloved husband of Greta Cewan, oved tather of Jack and Gardon, dean brother of Laura Heard, Port Hope, dean gnandfather of David and Beverley. Service was heId in the Morris Funerai Chapet, Bowman- ville, on Saturday affernone. Interment Orono Cemeteny. 31-1 N KIMBALL - At Memoriai' Hospital, Bowmanville, Tuesday, JuIy 25th, 1978, George Kimbail, Newcastle, in his 65th vear, beIoved husband et Kathleen McKa y, dean father ef Jean (Mrs. Dan Norton), dean brother et Jack and Lena (Mrs. Aitfred Graham). Rested at the Morris Funerai Chapet, BowmanviIle. Service was 1eId in. Newcastle United Church Fridlay attenneon. Interment Lakeview Cemetery, Newtenville. 31-1 N VIRTUE - Gien. Suddeni y at Tony Hill en Thursday, Jut y 25, 1978. Gien Virtue et 296 Scugeg St. Husband et Jean Martin, fathen et Mrs. R. Cote (Patricia) and Robin. Son et Mrs. Resamund Brisbee, brother et Reid, Mrs. B. Mimne (Helen), Mrs. M. Yourth (Doris), Mrs. J. Barclay (Ruth); Mrs. A . Cex (Merle). Grandfather et Mark and Aison. In his 55th yean. Rested at> the Northcutt EIiott Funeral Home. Funerai service 1:30 o'ciock Friday atterneen. Interment BewmanviIle Cemetery. ~~~IMSIMONIALS- Monuments -Markers - Inscriptions 49 Lavinia Street Port Hope 885-6434 IVEHOME APPOINTMENTS >-iV.U. GLADLY ARRANGED 41-1 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Blox 176 O Untnfln*rin .W aort HipOnaro WORKMANSHIP - QUALITY l 1 A lSvVJ High Quality at Reasonable Pnices Phone 885-5216 S ane 885-5222 DADSON -Harry J . ln oving memory of a dean husband and fater who passed away August 6, 1972. We neyer part from those we tose, No distance can divide. ln memory's garden every We dt', watk side b side. - Lovingty remem ened b y wife May and famity. 31-1 MANTLE - In Ioving memony of-a dear husband, fathen and grandfathen Joseph, who passed away JuIy 30, 1977. Quiet and suddenty came the cati, His sudden death surprised us att Dearer te memory than words can telli The loss of a husband and dad we Ioved se welI. - Sadty missed by wife Edie, sons Gordon, Jack and families. 31-1 PASSANT - In Ioving memory of a dean mot her and grandmother Elida "Ruth" who passed away August 4, 1972. Nothing could be more beautîful Than the memonies we have of you. To us you wene se special and God must have thought s0 too. - Lovingty remembered by Mary, Larry, Vincent, Eugene, Andrew. 31-1 STAPLETON - in Ioving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, George Stapeton, who passed away August 4th, 1976. n tears we saw you sinking, We watched you fade away, Our hearts were atmost broken, You fought se hard te stay. But when we saw you sleeping So peacefutty free from pain, We could net wish you back, To suffer that again. - Sadly missed and ever remembered by wife Gertie and family. 31-1 Dan and Debbie Butson woutd ike to thank the community of Enniskitten for their levety wedding gift. 31-1 We woutd like to say thank Pyu t't0 l fheldifkpeopte of Enniskitten and surrounding area who gave us the etectric blanket, tablectoth and sheet and p iltow-case set. They wiII surelIy be usefut. George and Lynda Marshall 31-1 To att y ou folks who remembered me with cards, ftowers, g ifts and visits while t was !Ili.A sincere thank you. Mrs. Ernie (Birdlie) Laird 31-1 We wish to thank the Enniskitten Community for the Ioveîy wedding gifts that were presented to us. Kyte and Barb Graham 3- I would ike to thank Dr. Murphy and nurses at Bow- manvilte Hospital, Rev. Amacher and aitl who came to visit, also att who phoned niy husband enquiring about me, att who sent f Iowers and cards. Trinity U.C.W., Unit 3, Tyrone senior citizens, Tyrone Unity Lodge No. 1244, Womens Hospital Auiiaryo and my wonderful neigh burs. My sincere thanks. Anne Park ~ "Flowers Say it ~ Best" VAN BELLE DAILY Delivery ta... Oshawa - Bowmanville Area Phone 623-4441 43-tf SATURDAY, Sunday, Monday, August 5, 6, 7, Satina Road, quarter mite south of Highway 2. Tent traiter, traiter hitches, 14' cedar stnip boat, Iawnmower, electric motars, garden tracter, weId- ingtrh hardware items, n-tiller, otd bIow torch, aid china cabinet, radios, boat tenn wheeI' and wind- hield, ;gPoputlan Mechanics maaines rom 1920 - 30 - 40- 60'S baffls, cigarette tins and lots more. 31-1 N Photographic Art Show by TOM MAIN AUGUST 3rd ta 7th 11 a.m. ta 5 p.m. at KENDAL HILLS ARTS, CRAFTS and ANTIQUES on Durham Road 9, 2.8 miI1es east of Kinby (Hwys. 115Sand 35) Phone 983-9339 SPLASH TRIP 0F THE MON' DRAW, to be held THURS DAY, AUGUST3 at regutar Rotary Clt Meeting. Rickard FamiIy picnic, August l2th, Orene Park, Gather 3:30. Eat - 5:30. Pot Iuck, bring ewn beverage. 31-1 Chartered Bus ta Black Knights Parade Stirling, Ontario August l2th Leave BowmnanvilIe 9 a.m. Aise wiIl pick up Tyrone and Kendai. $3.50 Aduits Children under 6 FRE E Fan reservations phone 623-4289 or 623-6158. 31-2N APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel N EWCASTLE Music City Line Fr1. and Sat. Aug.4-5 Dancing 9 - 1 C.N.E._Special, Augu 31-iN thnough Seiptember 3.( ___ stand and-or transporf Best seats availabie. Cc TERRIFIC TICKETS, 6581, Port Hope. TH Tickefs and transpori avaitable for Canada JA 3, 1978 Mospont, August 26. ub detaits contact TERI TICKETS, Port Hope, 31-IN 6581. Jst 17, Grand- fat ion. .ontact 885- 31-4 dat ion A AAV .+ ,.For RIFIC ?,885- 31-4N Lakeview Cemetery, New- tonvilte, Ont., Decoration Day witt be heldon Sunday, August 13, 1978. 31-1 GOODYEAR RECREATION CLUB GONG SHOW and DANCE Saturday,September 9, 1978 Gong Show 7-9 p.m. Dance 9-1 a.m. NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL WANTE D: Acts for Gong Show Prizes: lst-$25, 2nd $10, 3rd $5 ALSO A PRIZE FOR THE WORST ACT Please write: Goodyear Recreation Club 45 Raynes Ave., Bowmanville, Ont. or phone: 623-2591 ext. 202 Deadlîne fan entries AuguSt 25th. 30-3 MR. JAMPOT, MR. BEANPOLE, POLLY and BANDICOOT invite ait children ta a performance of two puppet plays ý"TH+E 1<t*G'S INNER" - and ""THE EGG" PRODUCED BY The Travelling Puppet Show on August 17 at 2:30 at BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY ADMISSION FREE Spensered by the Centrai Ontario Reg ional Library System and Town et Newcastle Public LibrarySystemn BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC, LIBRA RY 31-1 OId jam cupboard. 3/ bed approimately 30 years oid. R ecord player (console), Tape deck and speakers. Old trunk (approximately 20 years old). Briggs and Stratton lawnmower (needs part). Armchair walnut, refinished. 2 recliner chairs, Some tires, one set of four. Phone 623-2793 p.m. Monday to Friday. 3- PICNIC table and wooden garden chair $35. Cati 623-5104. 31-lN 1977, 500 SUZU KI, 6,500 mites, good condition. $900. Phone 725-8046. 31-1N MOFFATT stove, 30". Asking $40. Phone 623-2962. 31-1 BRIGGS and Stratton Cornet Snapper ridina tawn mnnwpr with 24" bett driven rotary cutting blade, one reverse and f ive forward gears, two years old, five h.p., excellent condition. Nine foot counter top, white with gotd f teck with double stainless steel sink and :tfixtures and brass drain pipe ï-attached, 15,' x 4", louvered 4cafe doors, honey colored -inctuding hardware. Phone n263-2572. 31-IN HONDA 350 CL, excellent condition. $600. 'Phone 263- 2369, 31-1 I NTE RNATIONAL tractor M, good condition. Phone 623- 7470. 31-iN FOOT Pump grinder; beit driven saw used in mitI; used Iawnmowers, used winter clothes, many other items. Three mites east of four corners, Newcastle, north side. Aug. 5, 6 and 7th. Phone 786-2308. 31-iN POOLS IDE foldaway canvass cot, electric f toor polisher, large tape recorder. Phone 623-5340. 31-1 TALISMAN FLEA MARKET ANTIQUES 30 Dealers. Lots cf.Parking. Free Admission. Antiques, sCam ps, jewelIery, weaving, pottery, bnass, knitting, cnafts, retlnishing. op'en 9a.m. - 6 p.m. SATURDAY,,S UN DAY and HOLIDAYS - 987-5021 or 349-2605 11/2 miles north of Newcastle tram Hwy. 2 31-4N ATTENTION antiquens: 100 year ai.d lange Steddart square piano - Rosewood case nequines refinishing. Restera- tion possible. Make best otten. Replies ta Box 249 Bowman- villie LiC 3L-1 fan detaits. 31-2N WH ITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, U HF, V HF kAeriais, Rotons & GARAGE SALE HOWMANVL FRIDAY and SATURDAY SOCIETY _ Annual Flower and ->s; Augut 4 nd ~ Vegetable Show 103 King Street East Wed, Augtjst 9th--- BOWMANVILLE 1l f rom 4 until 9 p.m. PICK yaur'ov MEMORIAL PARK Appies. Bro YADSAECLUBHOUSE 3-NNewcastle.- YARD.SLE-98-2N Hampton Village Saturday, Aug. 5 1 P.M. SmaiI appiace, disiies, bookp lants, etc. North through village, east on Kerr St., north on Penny Ave. 2nd house on west side. 31-lN EAR PIERCING S$8.00 (no appointmnent Necessany) Plus~ 10 Der ,cent oUfffirst purchase rof earnings FLOERSBY neease slip. JACKM AN Hooper's Jeweîl Bowmanville Mail Ltd. 623-3365 'O-è PROMPT, COU RTEOUSý SERVICE FOR r ALL YOUR FLORAL N EE DS FINE-QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Look for this s.èal. lt's your guarantee of Ru peranence. RO RS.LD Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. - Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 Bowmanville 623-5747 BE A BIG SISTEI Volunteers are needed area ta be a friend ta aged 7- 17, who are in of suppartative relatiai CAL L SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOI at 728-7525 CARNATIOI FLOWER SH 33 Division St., Bowm< 623-7141,e HOSPITAL and, SYMPATHY ~ ARRANGEMENTS Flowering Plants and Cut F Iawers YARD SALE Saturday, Aug. 5th Junction 35 and 115 Sta rti ng at 9a. m. 31 iN House of Amber Gift Shop (north end Hampton Village) Hers Hours" Tuesday 9 to 5p.m. WednesdaY, Thursday, Friday 9 ta9 p.m. Saturday 9 ta 5 p.m. Sunday and Manda y by chance only. 23-tf N AiJgust Feat-ure 10 per cent off round cunia cabinets with brass trim, 2 suzes. R! ALSO in this 20 per cent off ait brass girls and copper itemnsand Bronze 1 need limited edition sculptures. ýnships. 263-2981 ÎUSE 31-2 26tfN OS HA WA SCREENED SAND GRAVEL &STONE IN LIMESTONE lop PRODUCTS ALL SIZES FOR Eir'~i anville DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL &DIRT FILL Phon e Oshawa , :D-e725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 12-tf 1 Mile North cf Hwy. 2 >576-5606 E. WHITE COU RTICE 25-tf )wn Transparent mview Farms, 31-2 Phone 623-3625. 31-1 Holiday and Chevron Trailers Large selection of truck caps frorn $259.00 insta led. Camnsport Tra lier Sa les Highways 115 & 35, Newcastle Phone 987-5174 9-ff USED furnifune and ap- p1Iances. Paddy's Market. Ham pfon. 263-2241. 33-tf F IVE professionai haindryen5, good condition. Ph one 623-2624. 31-1N 427 COCKSHUTT self pro- peIled combine, new ovenhaul ob. Phone 1-985-3709 affer 6 p.m. 29-3N 9' 9"1 x 14' 1IN D1AN rug, wool, ivary, rose medallion and bonder, f elt underpad, $1600 or best off en. 6 pc. bedroom suite, Andnew Malcolm, white, mattness and box springs. $800 on reasonable offen. Phone 623-3669. 31-1 N 25 HORS E Alto motor, electrlc' stant, with ait attachments. Phone 623-2717. 31-1 L.h.p. ALUMINUM boat, 18 motor, tilt traiter, $950.F 263-2643. WRINGER washer, por automatic washer, Hardtop tent traiter.F 623-9115. 95 BUSHELS mixed bartey and oats. 100 bu 2-year-otd Wheat, 2501 hay. Phone 263-8413. FIREWOOD FOR SALE $80.00 A CORD Avaitlabte at any quant Lawn Garderi Hwy. 2, Newcastle Phone 987-4670 J and M TIRE Servic Michelin tires, your orq radial centre. 299 Dean Oshawa. 576-1220. CEDAR posts and poe, sizes. Phone 1-786-2261. OSHAWA Obedi Association announces classes. Novice and Handting classes September 5th in Bow ville. Novice and Open cl start September 6tý Oshawa. For funther infc tion cati 623-6258. FREE te aood home, 7-ý oId kitten, titten trai Phone 725-3947. La Joy's Poodie Clippin and Groominc (Aiso SmnaIl Breed;l BY PROFESSIONAI Please caîl: 623-6676 EIGHTweekoId Border Coîtie cnossed mate puppies. Farm naised. Stanley Taylor, Black- stock. 31-iN FREE - Puppies, part lab, mate and female, 2 months- otd, dewonmed. Phone 623-9309 after 7p.m. 31-1 ilii 111 ý . ýe l WiII SeIIOn Consignment Iimal4 TRAILERS, CARS ETC. ~ thr Wil11 Aiso Store Tra ilers Lots et Parking R.R. 3 Bowmanvilîe "HORSEMANSH IP" Fergusoný's Esso SUMMER DAY CAMP Taunton Rd. E. 263-2351 Monday thnu Friday 31-1N JULY and AUGUST 8 x 10 canvass tent, 1 -year-old, excellent condition, $95. Phone 623-6118. 31-1 MOBILE home 12 x 60; two bedrooms,' four plece bath, carpeting, drapes, washer- spin dryer, many extras, 10 miles south of Lindsay. Cali 277-2718 affer 5 p.m. .31-lN .FARM machinery Massey 17 run fentitizen grain drill, excellent. John Deere 81 cultivator, rubber tires. hydrauti'c lift, reconditioned. P hone 723-1308. 31-1 PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.s and stereos and also used furniture and appliances. Wil11 accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263-1 2241. 33-tf SAND & GRAVEL SIPPLY Information TELEPHONE 623-7336 31-4 ONE gelding, hait Arabian, two years old, quiet, $350. Phone 613-473-2010. FREE REMOVAL OF FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CALL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 LADY woutd like dlean 1 bedroom apartment. Phone 623-7463. 31-1 COLJPLE with 2 chitdren want 3 or 4 bedroom house for September 1. Can sup pty references. Do not drink or smoke. Phone 623-64,82. î~s:JM.u~u ROOMA and board avaitable. Young man preferred. No shift workers. Phone 623-3265. 31-1 Winners July 26th draw, 28th week, 1sf prize, $750. No. 1019 - John Fowler, 100 Liberty St. N. Bowmanville. 2nd prize, $150. No. 1193 - Ross Graham (l.G.A), 727 Westwood St., Cobourg3rd prize, $100. No. 2163 -red Borchuk, R.R. 1, Brooklin. 31-1 INSU LATION Seminar Clinic Wednesday, Aug. 2 7:30 p. m. 26 KING STREET EASTr BOWMANVILLE MOVIE and GUEST S PEAKER Newcastle CamnmunitY Conservation Centre 31-1 Dr. Keith Bittett's office wilI jbe ctosed from July 29 to, August 13 inclusive. 3- Newcastle Lionettes Draw, July 29th, 1978, lawnchairs. Winner Ticket No. 857. Hazet Murphy Newcastle. 31-1 Dr. A.F. McKenzie's office wilt be closed August 5 - 13 inclusive. 31-2 NOTICE 0F SALE UNDER POWER 0F SALE Phoneý PROPERTY: 3 Bedroom 31-1 dwellinq situate on 7 acres - Iocated in Lot 13. Concession 1. ntable geagnaphic township of 1970 Clarke in the Town of«New- Phone castie in the Regional Munici- 31-1 pality of Durham. - Pursuant ta a f irst Mortgage fe, beaning instrument number fe, 76920 and which Is presentIy in ushels default for the requisite bales oeriod, and notice Of exercis- 31lN fmicioower of sale under the provisions contained in the mortage having been served on ai those entitled, and the time period having. elapsed, the first mortgage William J. tify Stapetan, by his atorney Bent Stapleton hereby advises that lS the said pnoperty is being off ered'for sale. Sealed affers ta purchase 49-tf N the above property will be - neceived by Mervyn B. Kelly, ice for as solilcitor for the mont gagee ne-stop at his office at 28 King Street i Ave., West, P.O. Box 159, Telephone 46-tf 623-4444 in the Town of - Bowmanville, Ontario, until es, ail four o'cIock in the affernoon of Friday the 25th of August, 1978 28-8N for the purchase of said reai Tpofert urhsems Tge fer ty uchs m e 'made in accondance with the standard form of agree- e n ce ment of purchase and sale and ?s fail must contain a legal descrip- Show flan of the said reai property stant which wilI be supplied by the vman- undensigned upon req uest. lasses Offers, must bDe ac- lh in companied by a certif ied forma- cheque payable te William J. 31-5N Stapleton ton ten percent of - ,the amount aftered as a goad 1-week- fa!th deposit which willI be ined. retunned if the offen is not 30-4N accepted. The date of comple- tien et the sale wiIl be on the thirtleth day atter the accep- tanrce of the of fer te punchase. ng Arrangements ta înspect the propeàrty may be made by ig contacting the undersigned. 5) The highest or any effer ýLS shaîl not be necessarily accepted. Acceptance shahl be expressly cnditiona u p on thene being no redem ptlan 16-tf N befone clasing date. William J. Stapleton b y h is sol icitar Menvyn B. Kelly P.O. Box 159 28 King Street West Bowmanville, Ontario LI C 3K9. j JiceandMTIRE Seorvine-stor raiachentre,'299 DeaneAve., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf '65 ACADIAN, runninig, as iS. Phone 623-3462. 31-iN 1975 DODGE Dart Sport.360 - 4 barret. A-i condition. $3000 or best offer. Caît 623-3135. 31-iN 71 MONTE Carlo, mecfl- anicatly fit, needs minor body work, dan be seen at 335 King St. W. Newcastle. 31-iN 1970 VOLKSWAGON, engine 1600 newty built, gas heater, car seats, doors etc. Excellent condition. Phone 1-986-4454. 31-IN 327 CH EV. stock car, ready to race, lots of accessories, setI for $500. firm. Phone 725-8046. 31-iN 74 VEGA, good condition. $925 certified. Phone 705-277-2481. 31-iN VITALIZING! Phone 723-1155' for Rustproofing on new or used vehicles. Written war- ranty. Duham Vitatizing, phone 723-1155. 47-t Need Extra Income Work days, evenings or take orders where you work. Set your hours, set your incomp qolin your. own business. Forinervewcaîl Mrs. Green 623-9302 between 4 and 6. 23-tf N APPLY in person Thunsday, August 3rd, 3 - 4 p.m. Pepi's Pizza, 140 Kng St. East. Bowmanville. 31-1 29-4 or stanage, 200 amp wiring, heated, neasonabie. Phone * 983-9402. 31-1N THREE room apartment - 4 miles north of Bowmanville on Liberty St. Includes fridge, stove, drapes. Availabte Sept. 1. $170.00 mo. Singlte or couple ý ref erred. Cal G. Van Dyk eat1tor 623-4428. 31-1 FURNISHED rooms for rent. 623-7071. Ask for Fred. 31-1 TWO bedroom apantment and three bedroom apartment in Bowmanville, Phone 623-2371. 31-1 LARGE country homne, available August 22nd, $300. a month. Phone 263-2216. 31-1 BEDROOM for responsibte person. Breakfast privileges. Phone 623-2793 p.m. Monday to Friday. 31-1 LARGE, self-contained, 1 bedroom ; apartment in modern country home within community distance of Peter- bor ugh Oshawa, Lindsay. Si0mUming pool and garden facilities. 705-277-2084. 31-lN LARGE three bedlroom apart- ment, front street, stove and fridge, $300 monthly. Phone 987-4793 or 623-7587 or 263-8362. - 31 -1N LARGE three bedroom, front street, -stove and fridge, $300 monthly. Phone 987-4793 or 623-7587 or 263-8362. 31-lN LARGE two storey, 3 bed- room, semni detached house, Tyrone area, $265 mothly, inctudlng heat and hydro, f irst and Iast month's rent requir- ed. Availabte Septemnber lst. Phone 263-2948. 31-IN, BED-SITTING room, heated, stove and f ridge. Avatable now. Write Advertiser 770, c-o The Canadian Statesman, P..Box 190, Bowmanville. 31 -tf N Ntxrtiirutt IEtiItt \THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE sConcerned people often inquire about pre-arrangement of funeral details. Infor- -nation. can be simply and thoughtfully cbtained upon request. This is part of our service to the comrmunity. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 9 el h Marketing INSTALLATION Service $200 Per Week Now hirin g men and women t0 fili severat salaried ,and commission positions in Marketing Installationi Service Department, of early warning f ire detection company. No experience necessary. Will train. Inter- views by appointment only. Cati Thursday and Friday 9 to 5, Whitby 668-9671. 31-lN SERVICE station attendant required, art-time help wanlted. A p Imperial Oit Service Cenr, w.40fn Wavertey, Road, Bowman- ville.' 31.2N EARN extra money. Show our exciting line of Christmas cards and gifts to friends, neighbours, relatives. No experience needed. Our big, cotourfulty itlustrated catalogue makes it easy and profitable. Start now. Write today for f ree Christmnas cataloaue and information. Monarch Greeting Cards, 217 Cannon, Hamilton, L8N 3K3 or phone 1-527-3891. 31-7 FULL and part time to cati on Fuller Brush customfers, car necessary, territories avait- able in Bowmanvitle. For information cati Pat Wiebe 1-372-9969 or write 416 Watton St. Cobourg. Students also welcome. 31-4 Maintenance Mechanic An opening exists for an exerenced Maintenance Mehnic. The successful candidate wiIl have a mini- mum of three years ex- perience and be capable of operating ait machine shop equi pment. Excellent working conditions. Satary commen- su rate with experience. Appty in person orcafIl: Dennison Manufacturing Company ofCanada-Limited 200 Base Line Road East Bowmanviîte, Ontario 416-623-6311 31-1 PAPERBOY - girl to detiver The Canadian Statesman In the Division and Church St. area. The route consists of 23 papers and is available immediatety. Phone 623-3303. 32-i TWO sales positions. Satary plus bonus. Free trip every three months. Rapid advance- ment for ambitious people. Car essential. For interview Phone 623-4668. 30-2N BOWMANVI LLE apartment, 4 rooms and bath, heated, cable TV, free parking. Avallable now. Reasonable plus hydro. Phone 623-7523 or 1-705-696-3361. 28-TF BOWMANVILLE - large two bedroom apartment, quiet building, $260. monthly includes cable TV and parking. Adutts preferred. N o ets Available September lst. hne 728-5123 from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 31-1

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