CtJSTOMIZED dune buggy, convertible toproll bar, as is, or certif led. Phone Pontypool 705-277-2512. 33-2 '7 2 FORD van, Econoline 200, V8 automatic. '72 Ventura, 6 cylinder automatlc, p,.s. and Db. Phone 623-5577, ask for en. 34-1 N VITALIZINGI Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofing on new or used vehicles. Wrltten war- ranty. Durham Vitalizinl, phone 723-1155. 47-f THREE bedroom house on Courtice Road near high school. Avalable September 15. 011 heated. $275 month plus ufilities. First and last in advance. Phone 723-6952. 34-tf N THREE bedroom house, Port Hope, newly decorated, $250 monthly, f irst and last, 2-year lease, references. Phone 372-7545 in Cobourg. 1 34-tf N TEN acres, two barns, Tyrone area, $60 monthly. Caîl 623-7661.ý Ask for Donna. 34-1 N CENTRAL Bowmanville, one bedroom apartment, upstairs, $160 Includes heat. Phone 623-342.34-1 HARDTOP trailer, sleeps four, will rent by weekends, week or month. For more information caîl 623-6342 anytime. 22-tf SPACIOUS tour bedroom country home on well treed lot, 2 bathrooms, f ireplace, glassed in verandah, oul eating on paved highway, with school bus by door, two miles north of Blackstock, rent $350, a month. Phone 1-986-4280. 34-1 N ONE bedroom basement apartment, utilities supplied, near -hospital, adults pre- ferred, available September 1st. Phone 623-7945 after 5. 34-1 BOWMANVI LLE apartment, 4 rooms and bath, heated, cable TV, f ree parking Avalable now. ReasonabLe plus hydro. Phone 623-7523 or 1-705-696-3361. 28-TF THE Stone ale. Very ntee i and 2 beroom apartmenits with view and many features in Port Hope - 885-6500. 24t . THREE bedroom a partment, in Bowmanvil1le, $265 a month. Pay own hydro. Phone 623-9527. 33-tf N ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom bungalow near Newcastle. $300 a month plus utilities. Flrst and Iast month's rent for September lst. Caîl Edvan Realty Ltd. 623-4439. 3- FOUR bedroom house, two miles east of Newcastle on Hwy. 2, available September lst. References required. Phone 1-983-5791. 34-1 N FIVE bedroomhome located in village of Newcastle. $250 monthly, pay own utilities. Available Septem ber 1. Phone 623-7661. Ask for Donna. 34-1 N ONE bedroom apartment, Kin.9 St., Bowmanville. Avallable September 1. Phone 1-786-2039. 34-1 N THREE bedroom home semi- detached, very central, newly decorated. Possession September ,l'st, $325 per month. References required. Phone 623-5683. 34-1 FURNISHED rooms for rent. Phone 623-7071. Ask for Fred. 34-tf 15, 1978 toArr. -1-5,19709. Applications wi l be acceptedl untIl Sept. 1, 1978. Reply ln wrlting to Arena Management Board, P.O. Box 455 New- castle- Ont. or telephone ,987-444 after 5 p.m. 34-2 WANTED. Babysitter near Ontario St. School for 6 yr. old girl weekdays only. Phone 623-2733. 11 34-1 N HIRDRESSER, experienc- ed, top wages. Full or part time, excellent working condi- tions (V.I.P. Hairstyling) in Bowmanville. For appoint- ment caîl 623-2997 or 263-8184. 34-ff Required lmmediately Weekend Cashier for Cafeteria (Mature person need only apply). For interview phone 623-3373. Flying Dutchman Motor Inn 34-1 Kirby Company offNewcastle We, are looking -for someone with manag erial aspirations. UnbelievablIy rapid advance- ment towards Area Distribu- torship within 18 months. Car essential. Ca Ih 623-4668. 34-2N BABYSITTER for two pre- school children to come into my home 5 days a week in Newcastle area. Job to include, light housekeeping. Write Advertiser 774, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowman- ville, Ontario, LiC 3K9. 34-1 N LIBERTY BOWL requires Fuit Time Employee Phone 623-3287 or 623-4769 34-1 LIBERTY BOWL requires STUDENT for PART TIME WORK IN LUNCH COUNTER Phone 623-3287 or 623-4769. 34-1 RELIABLE babysitter re- qu ired in my home north of Bowmanville for two pre- school children starting September to December, weekdays, 8 f0 5. Light housekeeping, non smoker. Own transportation essential. Phone 263-8884. 34-1 N FULL and part time to caîl on Fuller Brush customers, car necessary, territories avail- able in Bowmanville. For -formafion caïl Paf WMiebe 1-372-9964 or write 416 Walton St. Cobourg. Students also welcome. 31-4 FULL TIME, PART-TIME, YOUR TIME In' FASH ION TWO TWENTY Caîl Mrs. Green, between 4 and 6. 623-9301 33-tf N EARN extra money. Show our exciting line of Christmas cards and gifts to friends, neighbours, relatives.. No experience needed. Our big, colourfully illustrated catalogue makes if easy and profitable. Start now. Write- today for f ree Christmas catalogue and information. Monarch Greeting Cards, 217 Cannon, Hamilton, L8N 3K3 or' phone 1-527-3891. 31-7 FULL and part time waitress and cook . Full time gas attendant. Truckers Cafe on hwy. 115 in Orono 983-9702. 33-2N EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Phone 983-9545. 34-1iN WILL babysit in rny home. Vincent Massey Sthool area. Phone 623-9390. 34-1 GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Ref rigeration and Applilance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days ............... 623-5774 N ights............. 623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tf A Sales Pa u 's Home Improvement SPEC1ALIZING IN ALUMINUM SIDING, SOFFIT, FASCIlA, SEAMLESS EAVESTROUGH and STORM DOORS and WINDOWS CHARGE 623-6296 14-tf N MOU NTJOY BACKHOE SERVICE SEPTIC TANK AND TILEý BED INSTALLATION TRENCHING, BASEMENTS, WATERLINES, SCREENED STONE, CRUSHED GRAVEL, SAND, TOP SOIL PHONE BLACKSTOCK 986-4737 Ron's F loor Ca re Commercial and household cleanina. Dry foamn rua and ,carpet shampooing. Wax e- moval,walI washing. Ron Turcotte 62à-7966 33-tf William Grootendorst Ltd. BRICK BLOCK STON EWORK Specia lizingi FIREPLA$CES FREE ESTIMATES 623-3966 19-26N Ackerma n Septic Service PROMPT SANITARY SERVICEý REPAIRS and NEW INSTALLATIONS Phone 1-786-2261 28-8N Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Bowmanville >Siding - 'So ff it Fascia - Trough Shutters - Windows Doors - Awnings S623-4398 FOR FREE ESTIMATE. ALSO HANDLING VINYL SIDING 3-tf N Bit I's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phone 623-5187. Mon. - Fr!. 8:00- 5:o0 Sat. 9- 12 noon Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - F loat Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 9-tf N BB SS LAWN CARE We Specialize in Shrub Pruning - Sod Laying - Weekly Maintenance - Compete Landscaping NeWtonville .........786-2308 24-tf N Steve's Furniture Shop Fumniture Refinishing Dining sets to occasional pleces. We do upholstery. FREE ESTIMATES R. R. 1, Orono 983-9630 Steve Johnson Don Brooks & Son Genera I Contra ctor and Custom Builder Phone 723-6176 New homes, additions, altera- tions,, ;ec rooms, garages, rep rs of al types, etc.ý-t SANRIDGE Sand & Gravel L. GILBANK Bîackstock, Ont. - 986-4962 SER VICES SAND,- GRAVEL TOP SOIL AGGREGATES BULLDOZING LOADING - TRUCKING 20-14 MONTE HENNESSY 623-6629 Carpentry and Renovating Roofing Aluminum Siding - Fencing and Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES, 27-tf Robert Van De BeIt PAINTING <I.nter jor and Exterior) ODO JOBS 263-2113 Odd Jobs, Person with truck requires work. Scrap, yard dlean up, etc. Phone 623-5340 34-4 MOTHER wlll babysit in her home, pre-school children pre- ferred, references if required. Phone 623-4997. 34-i M. Brooks CARPENTRY REMODELLING CUPBOARDS - VANITIES GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 623-5566 10-ff AIl kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 Scugog St. Bowmanvi île 623-2756 13-tf WATER Wels bored, 30 file. Ward's Wel Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16-ff OXFORD. Brick layers and Stonemasons Ltd. COur f ireplaces do not smoke) Orono 983-5606 Lloyd Barnes Pîumbing Carpentry, Renovating Ail General Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-tf D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovatig Rec Rooms Repair-sof ai types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS - FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON '263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 43 - Bowmanville 30-f G. VAN LONDEN MASON RY BRICK, BLOCK, STONE AND FIREPLACES. Phone 623-5114. 131-tf WILL babysit ln my home, meals supplied, large play area, Hampton 263-2238. 34-1 N Ackerman Excavating If wafer is your problem, water is Our product. Phone 1-786-2261 28-8N Custom Grain 1and Corn Combining Contact CAP FARMING 987-5283 31-8N Hutton & Wiggans Insu lation BLOWN METHOD FREE ESTIMATES 623-2551 33-tf N MUTTON MASON RY AIl1 Types of Cement Work - Brick, B locks, Chimney, etc. SPECIALIZING, IN CONCRETE FLOORS 623-5981 14-tf N BowmanvilleGlass 143 Wellington St. 623-3410 Specialîzing in Cash &Carry, glass, mirrors, aluminumf products (sidîng and doors) 28-tf N DARLI NGTON MASONRY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 MIN ER'S f EXCAVATING FOR TRENCHING,ý EXCAVATION AND SEPTIC TANKS. PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4995 No Sunday Ca Ils> f li D &R CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM CHAINSAWING Phone Orono 983-5005 or 983-9627 ODD JOBS YARD and BASEMENT CLEANUP RUBBAGE REMOVAL LIGHTMOVING SPAI NTING Have truck will move. Phone Andy 623-9379 22-tf ALL-TYPE ROOFING Shing les new or Reroof ing Flats hot or cold process. Ail roof and chimney repairs. FREE ESTIMATES 623-5038 15-ff AN DE RSON INSU LATION 623-5181 or 579-2060 Blown Cellulose Fibre for Attic and RAPCO FOAM for Wa ls. CITY and COUNTRY HOMES 7-ff N GRASS cutting, plough and work gardens.hone 263-8031. 32-4 Saturda y, Aug us? 26th Farm Sold Auction sale of livestock, implements, household furni- ture. The property of Albert Vowles, Lot 6, Con. 2, South Monaghan Twp. 12 miles south fof Peterborough on Hwy. 28 to, South Monaghanand'11/2 miles easf. 16 head of cattle. 8 Shorthorn cows, bull exoosed July 27. 8 Charolais and Shorthorn calves, 4 - 5 monfhs ýold. 1973 John Deere 1120 tractor - 1275 hrs., M.H. 33 tractor, 1973 M.F. No. 12 baler PTO, John Deere 3 - 14's tgp beam plough, Triple K 29 footh cultivator, George White snow blower, John Deere tractor, manure spreader, 1966 Ford 700 single axle dump truck, New Idea 7' trai mower, John Deere 5 ton wagon, M. H. No. 60 combine - pull type with pfick-up and dutter head. GehI 10" hammer milI, Peerless roller mixer-crusher headifor cob ocara, Eastern 20' bale elevator, M.F. side rake, Cockshutf semi-mounit mower, New Idea 90 bus. manure spreader, Ferguson baler PTO, GehI 6" hammer milI, Kelly 425 hydraulic front end loader - fts 504 Int. tractor, bale buncher, cutter, full line of machinery. 14' fibreglass boa? - new 20 h.p. Evinrude motor - electric starf. Approx. 1700 bales hay - 300' bus. oats. Beds, dressers, fables, chairs, wood heater, wash stand, books, desk, 8 wooden chairs, up- holsfered 'armchair, wooden lroning board, antique Ray- mond sewin g machine '_ working, an tiques, many other articles. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. beginning with furniture. Carl Hickson, auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 33-2 Thursday, Aug us? 24 6 P.m. Furniture and Antiques Tools-sle E ui ment Aucionsal iclu îing shop equipment - 2 h.p. Ford Smith 14" shop grinder, Lincoln 200 amp 3 phase DC welder, air compressor, table saw, 2 ? inders wlth stands, 2 elec- ric B & D impact breaking chisels, Blackhawk quick take down shop crane, %/ air impact wrench, B & D vibrat- or sander, set wood chisels, B & D 3/ drill, Marquette acetylene forch, Victor acefylene torch, bumper air jack, 4" wolf grinderette, 3 welding torches, portable air tank, large quanti ty hand tools and garden fools, blacksmith tongs, chain saw, wheelbar- row, vise. Furnifure and antiques including walnut pump organ, antique buffet,' antique chest of drawers, upholstered platform rocker, round fable (centre pedestal), 5 chairs, fIat back cupboard, dresser with mirror (moustache handles), pine gate leg table, piano sf001, chlld's desk, 2 f iing room chairs, chair caned seat, 2 bar stools, 5 gallon crock, barbe- que table (round), Beaver quart sealers, press back chair, 6 wooden chairs, ches- terfield and chair, rocker, leather recliner, maple table and chairs, cast iron stove, rugs, picture frames, oval an- tique frame, trunks, antique dresser, small fables, Hoover washer spin dry, Viking dryer, dishes, vases, silver pieces,' plus many many other pieces. Sale will be held at Lloyd Wilson Auction Yard 11/2 miles north of Uxbridge fo Beaver Rd. then east: to, 1sf farm. Lunch available. Sale at 6 p .m. Sale managed and sold y Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 34-1 Thursday evening, Aug us? 17 Farm Sold , Berry Equipment, Machinery,' Furniture Auction Sale including Dominion piano and bench, sfereo, furniture, Quebec heafer, picnic table, machinery and equipment, MF 135 diesel tractor wifh loader (good>, Case S tractor, Farmaîl H row-crop tractor, John Deere bulldozer with front end loader, John Bean FMC Orchard sprayer - air blasf 3 point hitch (new), Cockshutf 30 fractor, 2 sets tractor chains, 2 wafer troughs, Wisconsin engine, A-C 5' rotary mower, 2 rubber tired wagons, International 275 tractor, 200 steel posts, rolîs of fence wire, cedar P osts' cedar rails, 2000 bales tstraw, 3 pt. hifch blade, 3 trailers, chain saw, large quantity of berry f lats anid boxes, Homelite pump, ro Ils plastic pipe, wooden wheeled wagon, 2 drag plows, 3 furrow plow, ski-doo trailer, garden fractor, Lincoln welder, plus wagon load of small fools, 1974 Ford 1/2 ton truck, certified, 1966 Dodge Van, 1966 Bronco 4-wheel drive, as is, 1967 Cadillac, a& si and other vehicles. The property of Parkinsons Berry, Farm, R.R. 1, Port Perry. Sale at 5:30 p.m. Sale managed and sold b y Lloyd Wilson Aucf ions Lfd. Ubridge, 416-852-3524. 31-3 NO sale at Pethi'ck's Auction Barn until September. Clif Pethick, auctioneer. 34-1 N Wednesday Evening, August 3Oth Twi light Auction Sale of Household Furniture and Antiques The property of Inez Collins, 18 Albert St. S., Lindsay, Ont. Duncan Phyfe dining table, 6 chairs, Duncan Phyfe glass top coffee table, 1978 GI bson stove, Philco f rost-free refrigerator, 1978 GSW wash- ing machine, 1976 lng lis dryer, complete set of Eng[ish china, quantity of dishes, glass and china, linens, becding chrome suite, antique steeple dlock, antique mirror and coat rack, antique rocker, electric ap p li ances, 2 extension la ders, 2 commode chairs, new de-humidifier, beds, dresser, wash stand, cedar, chest, section book case, antique writing desk, picture, frames, French Provincial chair, linen*cupboard, many other items. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 6:00 p.m. sharp. Carl Hickson, auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 33-2 We would like to thank our family and friends who helped us celebrate our 25th Weddîng Anniversary at Tyrone Oran.ge Hal on Saturday evening, Au gust 19, 1978. Specia I "than ks"' to those who pla nneýd the even ing, those who provided music, and to every one who helped in any way to, make the occasion one which will remain a happy memory. Thank you for tghe lovely silver tea service and the individual gifts, cards and good wishes. Sincerely, Paul and Bessie Vaneyk 34-1 Nes tieton Miss Cindy Mcoll accompanied her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott of Oshawa to Flint Michigan on Friday where Cindy will be in'residence at General Motor Institute. She commences classes, on Monday. She was quite pleased to know that 'her roommate, is from Whitby. The Elliotts remained until Sunday. On Saturday evening, Cindy and the Elliotts also Dennis Malcolm had dinner together. Mr. and Mrs. Zack Adams, Bowmanville, attended services in the United Church on Sunday and were afternoon and evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mairs, Cannington, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Virtue, Newtonville, attended the United Church service on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mairs called on the Bruce Heaslips and were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mairs. On Saturday Mrs. R.W. ,Jackson, Caesarea, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jackson, Port Perry, attended the wedding of Cleve Sheffield and Carolyn Shalton in St. John's United Church at Aliston. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Moffatt of Welland were Saturday overnight and Sunday guests of Mrs. R.W. Jackson and Mr. Alan Jackson at Caesarea. Sunday overnight guests were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jackson, Michele and Angela of Ottawa. Western Vacation On Monday, July 18, Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fish left for a motor vacation to the west coast. They returned, home on Saturday, August 19 after travelling six thousand miles. When going west they travelled by Sault Ste. Marie where they crossed to the United States. They attended the State Fair at Minot, North Dakota. At Carnduff, Auction Sale Saturda y, August 26 .atlla.m. Village of CIa remont The rpety of Mr. Erwin Carruthers, coplete house- hold furniture, antiques, cook stove and a number of fools. Terms cash. No reserve. Properfy sold. Earl Gauslin, auctioneer. 34-1iN ANTIQUES Monday, August 28 a? Claremont Community Hall 6:30 p.m. Approximately 300 antique items f0 be sold. Dealer going ouf of business. Terms cash, no reserve. Earl Gauslin, auctioneer. 34-1 N Corneiî's Auction Barn Friday, August 25 7 P.m. 3 miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles wesf of Lindsay on the Lindsay-Liftle Brifain Road. Pressback rocker, oak sideboard, Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table, dining room chairs, oval top trunk, armoire, coloured, T.V., oak extenson table, cuckoo dlock, manfle dlocks, ice box, partial foilet ses ran sol large quanti- seys orpcture frames, wicker bJask e ts, 16' fibreglass boat, Walfham wafch, Fiandtools, ~uantity of china and glass, ain ware, bestî of Shakespeare, plus many more antiques, furnitureand house- hold items. Tuesday, August 29 7 p.m. Wicker fern stand, wicker chairs, chests of drawers, oval top frunk, settee, quantiiy of oak chairs, bunk beds, parlor chairs, day bed, table lamps, stereo, Quebec heater, coffee fables, chesterfield and chairs, occasional chairs, quantity of hand tools, plus many more antiques, furni- fure and household items. Don Corneil, auctioneer. R. R. 1 LittIe Brifain. 705-786-2183. 34-1 N Auction Sale Saturda y, Aug us? 26th at 1: 15 p.m. At Bannister's Auction Hall in Bewdley consisting of: French Provincial chesferfieîd suite, cedar chesf, china cabinet, arm chairs, colour and black and white TV's, 8 track recorder with AM-FM radio, waIll dock, dishes, glassware, 15 x Il carpet, crib, shelves, small applicances, chairs, tables and other items still belng consigned. Items ln aood condition. Rouer Bannister, auctioneer, 416-797-2651. 34-1 N Auction S ale Aug us? 30th at 6:15 n.m. The household furnishings of the estafe of Mr. Clifford Bruton, Orono. lncluded in the sale is a Renfrew cookstove, refrigerator, colour television, old table.and chairs, sewing machine, g as stove, hall rack, old radio, beds, new matfress, la, rofo-tiller, quanfity of fielc ood, pIlus many more items. Charlie Reid and Cllff Pethick, auctioneers and Lawrence Harris, clerk.! 34-1 Auction Sale Thursday, August 24 PropertyOf VMrs. M. Snyder, Hardwood Ave., Ajax, fo be held at Stirtevant's Auction Hall, 33 Hall St., Oshawa. Viking 2 door refrigerator, 24" elecfric stove, 5 piece dineffe suite, washing machine, Viking automaflc washer, Beatty automafic dryer, chesterfield suite, black and white combination T.V., radio and record player, marble top coffee and end tables, pIat- form rocker, pedestal table, corner whaf-not, 5 piece bedroom 'suite, large book- shelf, 4 office stacking chairs, radio and record player, rocking chair, wooden kitchen suite, wardrobe, washsfand, 2 trunks, 2 continental single beds, umbrella and table, power lawn mower, lawni sweeper, large quanfify of garden fools, dishes, pots and panis. Terms cash. No reserve. Ail furnifure welcome. Sales every Tuesday and Thursday af 6 p.m. Mles King, auctioneer. 725-5751. 34-1 Congratulations are extend- ed to Mrs. Richard Davison who observed a birthday on Tuesday, August 15, In honour of this happy occasion, Mr. and Mrs. Carl JElliott and Kim, Leaskdale, hosted a family party for a noon buffet on Sunday, August 13. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davison, Nestleton, Mm. and Mrs. R. Douglas, Davison, Scott and Neil, Lakefield. Mr. and Mrs. David Elliot and Donovan, Uxbridge. Mrs. Davison's grandson's wife, Lori, made a lovely birthday cake with candles on which was written "Happy Birth- day". No doubt the honoured guest made a wish as she blew out the candles and ail sang "Happy Birthday" - mother, grandmother and great grand- mother. It was extra special for aIl the family being present with the fourth generation, great grandson CHAPMAN'S ICE CREAM TRY OUR TABLE READY MEAT or CHEESE PLATTERS baby Donovan in the limnelight. Sunday Services Presbyterik, -In the Presbyterian Chur(- Miss, Dorothy Bulmer Deaconess ead I Corinthianis 15:,51-18. All over the world Christians -are seeing afresh the great cosmic scope of the Gospel - that Christ is the hope of the whole world. He is the Christ in every culture. He does not belong only to one group of people. As societies becomne more technological and more computemized, its members becomne more isolated from each other. We becomne inpersonal. We cannot be bothered with others. Yet, many of us live for the good old days when we had more timne for each other. Christ has erected a community for al ptople and he wants us to came foeach other as he cames fgr US. Miss Peggy Scott and Mr. S tan McNeaLy favoued with a duet, "O Gd of Bethel by Whose Hand." summe-rtime Fr.iuT FRESHLOCAL CORN ON TH COB, 79C DOZ. ORANGES SIZE 113 9:9DZ. CAULUFLOWER S9 EACH' PACHES N IAGARA VARIETY4 THESE ARE TREE RIPENED" FREESTONE PEACHES IDEAL FOR EATING, CANNING OR FREEZING IN OUR MEAT DEPT. BONELESS CROSS RIB and or BLADE ROAST STORE PACKED ~ FRESH COUNTRY STYLE PURE PORK SAUSAGE SIMON DEGROOTS DUTCH SPICED HAM (NO GARLIC) $103LB. LB. 4LBS. 21ftr CRT. Y"9C FREE DYKSTRA'S P A RKI N G DELICA TESSEN - OFFF FOOD MARKET ODE 73-77 KING ST. WEST 623-3541 SiRE REPEAT SPECIAL, They came home through Canada. At Kenora they visited relatives. This was a memorable vacation with ideal weather aIl the way. Only once did they need to use the windshield wipers on account of min. The country was needing ramn but crops on