4 The Canadian Statesman. Bowînanville. Aueust 23ý 1979 Newcastle Dy tOrono, Park Draws Larg'e Crowd Noted in the. une up waiting for food was Charles Gray Orono's postmaster and head of the arena fund raising committee. Charlie -is looking a bit wistful, posgi1y wondering what the rain is going to do to'the crowd and the profits. SAVE UP TO, Councillor Bob Dykstra and his son line up for the deliejous beef, beans and salad. Sterling Mather, complete with oven mitts, apron and a special bonnet his wife made for him, keeps a loving eye on the 260 odd pounds of beef turning on the barbecue. This was his loth anniversary and it was almost spoiled by a rainstorm; but the weather cleared in time for the iearly 500 hungry guests to enjoy their meal. 1Two bankers were on the job selling tickets for the affair that was sponsored by Orono Chamber of Commerce to raise money for the arena fund. They are Clare Gunter at Ieft, who is retiring and.his successor Paul Kelcey. Max Lycett was in charge of the big drum filled with beans and is shown here f il]ling Jim Middleton's plate. PONTYPOOL 1Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bailey and Mrs. Leta Ford bolidayed for a few days last week in Watertown, N.Y., and on the way borne enjoyed a Tbousand Island cruise. We are sorry to bear that Mrs. Sadie Kirk is in Civîc Hospital,, Peterborough. We trust that ber stay there will be brief. Mrs. Glen Bradley is borne frorn bospital and Dale Badluk is still in Sick Cbiildren's but progress is favourable. Mir. and Mlrs. Hugh Boyd of Regina, Saskatchewan, were weekend visitors with Hlarvey, Nettie and Torn Aiken,. On Monday, Auigust 2lst Mr. Aiken celebrates bis eigbty- first birthday and on Sunday several rnenbers of bis farnily called on him to help hlm celebrate. Visitors were Dale, Dave and Doreen Ferrier of Bolton, Doretta and Murray Brown and daughters and Deborah Barton of Peterbor- ough, Isabelle, Orville and Denise Challice of Orono. Sunday evening visitors were Mrs. Edna Winn and daughter Bernice from Orillia. Mrs. Jean Spearing and Mrsý Marie Kerr are going to hold rug crocbeting lessons in Mrs, Spearing's home at R. 1iliethany, comrmencing on Wednesday, September 20th. Les'%ons will be given in either the morning or afternoon. Al sup lies will be available at MrC Spearings. Thesei ladies bad a booth at the Manveî-s Art and Craft Show and their rugs on display were just beautiful. If you would like to join the class caîl Mrs. Spearing at 277-2888.- Mr. and Mrs. John Van Wieringen and Karla of Kincardine were weekend visitors with their farnilies. Karen Neals and David Fallis returned home with them for a week's holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sterling and family of -Hamilton are visiting with Hazel and Herb Curtis. On Wednesday evening, Mrs.. Deana Smales was hostess for a baby shower for Jason, baby son of Dorothy and John Turner. A heavy downpour of ramn cancelled out the bail garne with "Jack and the Jesters" on Saturday evening. A good crowd had gathered in the park for the 6 o'clock garne wben the rain started to corne down. Gate receipts were refunded. It is hoped that the garne can be rescheduled. A stag was held on Saturday eeigfor Donald Gilbank. Dnlson of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Gilbank of Betbany and Karen, daughter of Mrs. Ruth Richardson, are to be rnarried tlhîs Saturday, August 26th at 2 p.rn. in Pontypool United Church. Following Decoration on Sunday visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Percy Beggs were, Mr. and Mrs. George Cowling and Mr. and Mrs. Rob Porter of Oshawa, Mrs. Grace. Porter, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Porter, Bethany and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton. ,Mr. and Mrs. Jirn Richard- son and boys at Lindsay were Sunday visitors witb Mrs. Ruth Richardson and farnily. Brian McKay underwent arrn surgery last week in hospital in Owen Sound. He entered hospital on Monday and carne out on Friday. Brian will be off work with the Goodyear until September l4th. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis McKay, were in Owen Sound frorn Wednesday tili Sunday. Gordon Fallis of Toronto and Wayne Fallis of Owen Sound were horne for the weekend. Another visitor witb Mrs. Grace Fallis has been ber granddaugbter,- Miss Angela Carchidi. Miss Julie Sibler of Whitby bas been bolidaying witb ber sister, Mrs. Doug Pingle. On Sunday, Doug, Cbris, Julie and Sberry Cail enjoyed tbernselves at tbe Toronto Exbibition. Mrs. Clayton Saunders and boys left on Friday for tbeir* borne in Springdale, Nfld. Sbe bas been visiting with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jirn Willis, and other farnily rnernbers for the past several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Stub Reid of Peterborougb were visitors witb Mrs. Helen Brown and Denise tbis week. Claire Flett is back to work after being off several weeks witb a broken ankle received wben sliding into borne plate at a baîl garne early in the season. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Sytnyk, Cbristina and Sbannon spent last week at a cottage on Lake Wenona near Haliburton. Anotber west window in Pontypool United Cburcb was broken recently. Tbe caretaker Curtis McKay is constantly repairing windows that bave been broken by stones or balîs bit by boys playing road bockey. Tbe coloured glass in these windows is very difficult to replace. Surely tbere are otber places to play instead of directly in front of the cburch. Cbris and Melissa Dunford are bolidaying in Toronto this week guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison and famiiy. Mr. and Mrs. George Cbarland and family have recently purcbased a home in Pinewood Estates. Mr. and Mrs. Cbarland, formerly of Orono, bave botb been very active in Cub and Scout organizations for West Durharn. Tbey will be a great belp in our local groups.' Master Cbad VanDarn, son of George and Fay VanDam, celebrates bis 4tb birtbday on Monday, August 2lst. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clark and family of Deep River spent tbe weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clark. Micbael Clark is spending two weeks vacation with bis grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Connell of Peterborough spent a. couple of days last week witb Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clark. Dwayne Medd is attending a two-week hockey sebool at Trinity Collegze, Port Hop)e. Tbe tbree-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Toole, wbo live close to tbe Junction of Hwy. 35 and 7A, was seriously injured in a lawn rnower accident- last week. Her grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hogel. Pontypool Bal On Sunday rnorning a very good crowd was in attendance at the local park to see tbe Manvers Oldtirners again beat the local firernen. Tbey bave mnet various tirnes tbis year and our firernen bave been outscored eacb garne. Maybe next garne tbey'll corne tbrougb. Ricbardson Farrns defeated Coom.bes and Ferguson 5-3 in a well-played garne on Sunday at 6:30 p.rn. Batteries were: Ornemee - Reynolds and Harrison; Pontypool - B. Fallis and VanDarn. Bailieboro defeated Fraserville on Sunday s0 now tbe tbree tearns, Bailieboro, C. and F. and Pontypool are playing a round-robin. Ponty- pool and Bailieboro are to rneet in, Bailieboro on Wednesday nigbt. Pontypool Generals elirninated Nestieton' at a 9 p.rn. garne in Nestieton on Sunday. Tbe Score, was 1-0 witb Pontypool scoring tbe winning run in tbe th. Batteries were: Nestleton - Carnpbell, and Munroe, Ponitypool; Neals and G. Fallis. Pontypool now bas to wait until Yelverton and Port Perry play off. Pontypool Junior Ladies played in a tournarnent in Ornernee on tbe weekend. Tbey won their garnes on Saturday against Onernee but lost to Mississauga on Sunday. Mississauga went on to win the Cbarnpionsbip with Trent University taking tbe Consolation. Tbe local tearn commrences serni-finals witb Janetville on Monday evening. Tbe Pontypool Senior Ladies were elirninated following a defeat of 13 to 9 by the Millbrook Seniors. Pontypool and Betbany Bantams are involved in a good play off series. Pontypool took the first garne 6 to 5 witb tbe second garne going Monday nigbt in Bethany. Batteries for tbeir first garne were: Betbany - D. Jobnston and J. Kerr, Pontypool - D. Mitchell and R. Finney. The local Pee Wees are still in playoffs witb Janetville. Janetville was short of players for the last garne so it has been rescheduled. Pontypool girls elirninated Cavan A's and are now in playoffs witb Millbrook. Millbrook leads series 2 garnes to 1. Hampton Pee 'Wee- For the third tirne this season, Hampton played and tied Tyrone 2-2. Tyrone having the better of the chances in the first, haif, Hampton were lucky to l)e tied 1-1. Scorers in firsi, hall'l)waynne Glaspeli l'or Tyrone and Fred Gilbank for H amnpton. Theicsecond <l l'fstirted wilh H-ampton (o)ming more into the gaine withIlSItephlen Taylor scori ng for. Ilanmpl on t o put theru into the lead 2-1. ith play going froni end to end, Mike Real scored fori-l'yrorme to make the final score 2-2. Next game for Ilampion, Monday, August 2m,(;: 30 p.rm. at Waverley, l3owrnanville. TOP QUA-LITY EXTERIOR PAINTS'BY BENJAMIN MOORE NO M'ATTER WHAT SURFACE YOU WISH TO PAINT,'OR WHAT FINISH YOU DESIRE, WE HAVE THE RIGHT PRODUCT AND FREE EXPERT ADVICE FOR YOU. latex house paintMoOGR List price $18.95 TE HOUSEPAN AT ýABERNETHYS l1i595 ONLY GLO 7 RotsE r wi PAl N9 high gloss enamp,'lized àp List Price $20.45 ?AI NT AT >95 I GALLON LZ' VM ORG;LO latex house and trim paint List price $21 .25 AT ABERNETHYS ONLY $mlav GALLON *SPECIAL COLOURS HIGHER UN PRICE A BERN ETHY' Paint and Wallpaper PAINTS 55 King Street West 623-5431 "W E. REALLY DO KNOW OURPAN! .50Gallon Moore's