6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 11, 1978 Section Two £Pntiacs and Buicks.for 1979 on Display Cowan Pontiac-Buick in Bowmanville held open house recently with the 1979 models attracting consicierable attention at their showroom on King St. East. This photo shows several of the shiny vehicles being inspected by visitors. Woman by Beverley Martin Last week I attended an advanced Science Sym!posium on Hair, Sein and Nutrition. At this symposium a scientist from the Remedco 'Analytical Laboratories in Van Nuys California, Dr. Ron DiSalvo lectured on Nutrition. After his lecture I think everyone in the room went on a diet. According to current research, we're not getting from our food what we think we are. At the root of the I, roblem here are the arming and, soil conditions. Initially in the food chain, many nutrients are not-what they're supposed to be. Depending upon the quality of the soul in different parts of the PADDY'S MARKET New und Usod Furniture and Appiances Trade-Ins Accepted on Appiances - Easy Credit Terms Available - LTelephon e 263-2241, Hampton THAPAR DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 163 Si mcoe St. South Oshawa 579-8752 Open Mon, to Sat. and ovenings - by appointment only country, the same vegetable could vary greatly in nutritional content from state to state.So it is flot necessarit true that a carrot is a carrot is a carrot. A government study has found that zinc levels in soul were deficient in 30 states, iron, manganese and copper defîcient in il states, and phosphorus deficient in 10 states. It may not sound 'like much, but these, elements are very inMpQitant te the bodly even though you can enrich the soul and thereby the plants, with these minerais it wil have no effect on the vitamin content. A plant will not take on any more vitamins than it is genetically programmed for, no matter how fertile the soul. From there the' food processing compounds the problem. To begin with, most fruits, bernies and vegetables are harvested before they reach -their nutritionai peak, and much of what is left is destroyed when they are THE NEXT ELECTION... for municipal councils and school boards wilI be thmee weeks early this year. t wilI take place throughout Ontario on Monday, November 13,1978. This earlier date means that the time available for enumeration and the preparation of the Preliminary List of Electors was shorter than it has been in the past. Also, the time ailowed for the Municipal Clerk to revise the list has been eut back as weli. To make certain that you get your vote on November 13 in the correct poil, please be sure to go and check the Preliminary Lists of Electors which the Municipal Clerk will be posting soon. Watch your news- paper for an advertisement telling you where and when the Lists will be available for revision. Separate Sehool supporters should also make a point of checking the lists. The way you are shown will not only determine which sohool trustees you can vote for, but may also affect the direction of the education part of your property tax in 1979. The municipal clerk bas a list of people entitled to direct school taxes and this ist can be revised up to Friday, October 27, 1978. There will be an advertisement in your newspaper informing you where and when this list can be inspected. Mini stry 0f Revenue refined, canned or packaged. In fact some 60 known essential elements are routinely destroyed in the various steps of food processing. Because of this, in 1974 'the National Academy of Science recommended that al foods made from corn, wheat, oats and rice be enriched with 10 vitamins and minerals to reduce the risk of malnutrition. What this ail means is that, for the most part, the nutrient value of the food you take home from the store may be considerably different from the value of that food in its raw state. Another, factor in this whole chain is the way we eat. It probably cornes as no surprise that the switehin food Sreferenices and eating abits i the last gener- ation or 50 will affect the body. Perhaps the biggest change has been the switch from eating complex carbohydra tes who e grains,1 fresh fruits and éetables, to simple carbohydrates mainly sugar and fats. Look at t he growth of fast food restaurants, convenience packaged foods and frozen foods and snack foods. The three most commonly purchased, items from vending machines, coffee, colas, ,and' chocolate candy, have virtually no nutrients but do contain a significant number of antagenists, chemicals that can interfere with the body's usage of other nutrients and can cause other problems. What this means is this: in the 1850's the average American consumption of fiber was about 20 grams per day, today, it is about 5 gramis. How significant y ou consider this depends upon how much attention you pay to current research that THE SIGN 0F A GOOD BUSINESS NEIGHBOR ... THE SIGN 0F A MERCHANT WHO CARES ABOUT PEOPLE ... This emblem Identifies the clvlc-mlnded businessmen who sponsor in the community. For information caîl Marg Bain Phonle 3-2661 indicates fiber may be a factor in preventing cancer of the colen and other intestinal ailments. In the 1940's we ate an average one-haîf pound' of frozen vegetables pe year per person, today that figure is qp to almost 10 lbs. again not significant unless you care that> frozen vegetables have far fewer nutrients than fresh veg etables and a lot more saît and preservatives. 011 f course one of the biggest items in our diets today is sugar, a world full of ail kinds of evil connotations. Yet, sugar is one of the most impotantnutrents, the bodycnnotsurvive witoti.Teproblem is we take in so much of it the body can't handle it. In 1812, we consumed on the average about 7 pounds of sugar per year er person. Today that figure is up to about 126 lbs. on the equivalent of iý tsp. every haîf hour. That sugar is not always visible tous as we eat it, since about three fourths of the 126 pounds is from foods we might not suspect contains sugar, alcohol, mayonnaise, canned meat, gravy, frozen vegeta bles, rolîs, biscuits and even cigarette, cigar and pi pe tobacco. Even ta ble saît -contains sugar. Reading the ingredients on a label can be confusing, since sugar may be lî'sted as raw sugar, invert sugar, dextrose, fructose, glucose,' lactose, sorbitol, xylitol, honey, syrup, or molasses. Sugar is a villiannfot- CATCH TED WATSON'S STRAWBERRy EXPRESS PICK YOUR OWN NEW CROP REPORTS phone 623-7252 24 hrs. a day and get a prerecorded crop startîng date and picking conditions, plus.other crop information ALL TO SERVE YOU BETTER! Small Trees- No Ladders FREE WAGON RIDES Have a wagon ride wlth Mac and Sp when avallable, for your convenlence and en îoyment. L KIDS PLAYGROtJND OPEN Fri. - Mon. 1:30 p. m. -dusk Sat., Sun., Thanksgiving 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. LC 3K3 Tel 416623-7252 Chevrolet-Oldsmobile Dealer Shows Off New Modela On September 28th and 29th, Nichols Motor Sales of Courtice had their ý-new showroom filled with 1979 -Chevrolets and Oldsmobiles to launch the new season's models. This picture shows a few of them that were viewed by their many customers. because it is innately bad, but because it must be burned to be turned into energy and that process robs the boby of the B vit. That energy conversion also depletes the body's reserve of sodium, potassium magnesium a n calcium. The samne is true of honey. Honey yield more calories tan granulated sugar, so the body must work harder to use more B vitamins to convert it to energy. Under normal circumstances- the body would be able to take care of that situation. But 126 lbs. a year is not exactly normal and our body is not able to cope with that great amount of sugar. The result increased incidences of diabetes and hypoglycemia, which were almost unheard of 50 years ago not to mention tooth decay and obesity. If you are interested in hearing more about nutrition just drop a Uine to me in care of The Canadian Statesman. Break-in at Ceresdale Fertilizer Durham Regional Police reported recently that approximatély $700 and, a pickup truck was stolen from Ceresdale Fertiizer Ltd. in Newcastle. Police said the theft of the money and the three-quarter ton pickup truck was reported Thursday, Sept. 28th. The break-rn is bMievecT ta have occurred the precedi.ag night. The Employees of Ropat Disüb but-ors Ltd. (Peterborough) (Oshawa) To Extended Health Cmr and Dental PlanT7' These employees now have the added bene- f its of extra, health protection for themselves and thei'r families: the Blue Cross Extended Health Gare Plan plus Dental Plan 7. EHC provides protection against health ser- vices not covered by the basic government health plan, coverage for such items as pre- scription drugs, private nursing and private roomn accommodation in hospital. Dental Plan 7 provides basic preventive dental treatment to group subscribers incluuing such services as examinations, fillings and x-rays. "As your Ontario Blue Cross representative 1 arn pleased to add my personal welcome, and look forward to serving you along with the many others in this region already enjoying the protection of avariety of Blue Cross Plans." Max A. C. Clarke 311 George St. North, Peterborough. Ontario K9J 3H4 (705) 743-0677_ ONTARIO BLU E CROSSwm A DIVISION 0F THE ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION Ti o day 9s Ontario