Attractive Iaundry center takes chores out of laundry Doing the Iaundry isn't buiît-in counter with a series that needs to be flopped over anybody's idea of fun, espe- of vinyl-clad-wire baskets in- to dry. A ready-made shelv- cially since the average stalled on runners. ing unit gives more storage family requires 1 Good use is made of "up" space on the door. It ail adds eight wash loads per 'week.* space, too. There's a shelf up to a compact laundry cen- Butonethng s fr ureif overhead to ter that's a model of effi- you have a nice place in products,' folded clothes, ciency and attractiveness. which to do it, the laundry etc.; a small section of dowel Geometric-patterned sheet isn't as much of a chore. attached to the underside as a vinyl covers the waIl and To find out what women hanging rod, and a longer floor to formi an attractive wanted in a laundry center, dowel below to hold anythIng setting with the machines in Famnily Circle magazine worked wtb W, J. Ketcham, CKD, General Electrîc's kitchen!laundry design man- ager, and polled the Wom- en's Auxiliary of the Na- tional Association of Home Builders (NAHB). These ,wives of builders were asked wbat the absolute necessities were for maximum efficiency in a minimum of space, and to describe their "dream"' laundry. s Armed with the ladies' comments, the national mnag- azine and the General Elec- r tre Company cooperated to comte up with two rooms: one is a iny ~uki--onr utilîty space that could even ~fit into a d1o set; the other is a large, airy wrkoo vith space for sew,ýing, poting, rainy day games,,homework, etc., in addition to a complete lauindry area. Both centers are attrac- ti ve, functional and highly ef- ficient, and were presented to the nation's builders as part of the GE display at their annuýal convention in January, as -well as featured in Faily Circl's February issute. The ini-laundry is only 54 inches wide and 27 inches deep, but designer Ketchamn says "it«s totaily practical.- The five-pound capacity washer and dryer are so compact tbey take up less than haif of the available space. The dryer can be wýal-mounted_ as shown and requires no external venting; the w,,ashier is on casters and can roll out when nieeded. - The'd easily fit into an un- used 'space at the end of a hiallway, under the stairsuin an extra closet, or almost anywbere adequate, practi- cal space is available," Ketcham says. bjext to the compact pair is a 1-inchbilityuef lauindry cart fitted w,\ith a standard lauindry bagL and a pil-out wvooden basket ori the bottomn sheif. The bal- ance of the space bolds, a This year more than ever, the 2loset with ding charm and tradition to your1 double life At, Newcastle Cernent BlI Just because a closet is 50o need and budget. usefuI, its decorative pos- sibilities are often over- looked. Yet wood louver See the air tight stoves fron closet doors are a quick, easy King, Cresnell and Maxi Stove. A and affordable way to enliven the looks of any area-from Franklin Stoves, Parlour Stovg casual kitchen to luxurious Heaters.< living room. What makes louver doors decorative is their slats. Or- Ail in ail, over 20 differenlt dinary flush doors are bland, but wood sats create a rich- ness% of detail that raises For those wishing custom hiet closets above the utilitarianuitar fom M jscan Re clas, nt r rmM jsi n At the same time, louver brick, natural stove, flag stone doors let closets do a better .setruhcres îhv o storage Job. The open-siat(eetruhc nrshgho o design allows ventilation of the closet interior.Ai flow Truly ail you will need! hielps keep what's in the closet fresh and dry which, in Accessorize with our free stani turn, eliminates musty odorsses secaor rgl ssren and prevents pca r rgl ssren Wood louvers enhance a plete. closet's use and beauty in Sother ways as well.- Because they are available in folding or sliding styles-which require little or no floor clearance- louver doors permit cinset instllaion n pacestoonar-N F Home Improvemnent. Supplement of The Canadian Statesman, Wednesday, October l8th, 1978 9 color, which omdjpefliet One reason it ail works is dowel-type shelving is re- colr, vhih cnireinnts the color schemne. Sinice peated here as is above the the natural wood toiles. white i th standard color machines. It allows newly 0f course, everybody for most machines, as this potted plants to drain and doesn't have spa@e cfor a fl-ieG ar i h holds potting equipment. t, dream laundry like this sec- fuli-esize GEwpir ail te can also be used to bang ond room,. but if ya have a the machines blend into the drip-dry clothes. There's a basement or utilîty rpoma (es- overaîl decor and the room functional and good-looking pecially off the kitcl'ef), this dent sbut 'îaundry'* 1 sewing and desk area with a. Iaundry-pluls will Sive you staniefu oo roil-out cabinet that flips up some great ideas for how to 'taceru oo sue from the sides. ýgettheInos frni i. I 's as an accent in the blinds, geche most fro it. Igt flooring, skylight, sink, and Building plans and a lîst of cbok fli f wll-houht- in bands in the wall tules, major suppliers for botb out, adoeydsgd laundry centers are available ways to incorporate The sink area of the laun- fo$35pe ëbywiigt washing/drying and sewing, dry center has been ex- fore$3.50 per e by writin t crafts, desk work, pottîng panded and beautified to in- thr, epHB127,en's Auxi- and play space into a single clude a ready-mad e iary, De.W12,asnton& , room. greenhouse window. The Dt. .W00.Wahgtn