i t, Mulching mower furthers cleaning up and fertiizing Maintaining a healthy and clean-looking lawn in the fal of the year can be quite a chore. While the grass con- tinues to grow, your lawn be- cornes covered with leaves which need to be removed by the time-consuming task of raking, bagging and hauling them away. One alternative is to mow through the leaf accumnula- tion, and with present con- ventional discharge mowers, rake. bag and dispose of the grass clippings and leaf re- sidue. Another alternative is to rake, bag and haul away the leaves before rnowing. This means stili another round of raking, bagging and hiiuling, since with side discharge mowers the long clippings stay on top of the lawn and turn an unsightly brown while tending to stunt new growth. In both cases, even if your mower has an attached bag, N>the messy chore remains of emptying the bag and dispos- ing of the grass dlippings or leaves. With the exclusive cutting action of the Bolens Mulch- ing Mower, these time con- suming chores of removing leaves and grass clippings can be eliminated. With its enclosed mower deck and multi-pitched blade, the Bolens Mulching Mower cuts and re-cuts the grass and at the same time chops a dry leaf cover into a fine mulch which is then blown down into the lawn. These particles then quickly decompose, return- *ng valuable nitrogen to the soil while also preventing the build up of a thatch-like layer that can choke off new growth or otherwise darnage the lawn. Your lawn is mowed, i.> i ne ciosed cutting cnamoer design cre- 2.) TheIutli-pitchd WU puCI-berUIiUe'. ates a suction which straigntens grass for blade cuts and suspends clippings and leaf even cut. particles in the cutting chamber. A DRY LEAF COVER can be chopped into fine mulched particles with the Bolens Mulching Mower. These natural nutrients are then hlown back down into the lawn, eliminating ail the work and expense of leaf removal. groomned and fed in a single pass. For the homneowner this aIl means less fertilizing, less work, the savings in the cost of leaf bags and, of course, plenty of time to enjoy the beautiful autumn days! In addition, the enclosed deck (no discharge chute) on the Bolens Mulching Mower virtually eliminates the hazard of flying debris and aI- lows border trimming on both sides of the mower without spraying unsightly clippings or leaves onto patios, flower beds or against the walls and windôws of the home. Bolens Mulching Mowers are available in your choice of 18, 20 and 22 inch cutting widths, manual or electric start, push or self-propelled models at Bolens dealers everywhere. AIl Bolens Mulching Mowers feature durable ail- steel construction with steel axle-mounted wheels inset for easy trimming and simple click-lock height adjusters for precise mowing. The handies can be set for the comfort of the operator or in a floating position for mowing an uneven terrain and fold down conveniently for easy storage. Condition your soil now with Canadian sphagnum peat moss It's fali. .. time to sow a new lawn, repair an existing one, condition the soil around shrubs, in flower beds and gardens, and pre- pare evergreens for the win- ter Canadian sphagnum peat moss mnixed with the soil now will provide an excellent foundation for healthy lawns, plants and flowers. Why sphagnum peat moss? While peat is any par- tially decomposed vegeta- tion, sphagnum peat is peat from sphagnum moss. It is a clean, uniform prod- uct consisting of 95% organic mateial and considered the finest soil conditioner be- cause of its long lasting qual- ities and its unmatched water retention capacity. It wiil ab- sorb 12 to 20 times its weight in water, a factor which pro- miotes healthy root develop- ment and actually reduces the amount of fertilizer needed. In dlay soils, sphagnum peat moss loosensand aer- ates the soil aflowing unham- pered root growth. In sandy soils where water and nutrients tend to leach through, leavmng plants un- dernourished, sphagnum binds the soi]. helping retain Basie energy Jterminology J - BTU (British thermal Unit)-The amount of heat required to raise the tempera- ture of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. In' loeowner's terms, BTU's are used to describe the ca- pacity of both heating and cooling equipment and are expressed in the numnber of BTU's per hour. moisture and fertilizers. It is free of harmful sats, chemi- cals and insect life. Here are some tips on how to use sphagnumn peat moss as you prepare lawns and gardens for the winter. in al cases moisten the peat moss thoroughly before using. New Lawns - If you are starting a new lawn spread a one-totwo-.inch layer of sphagnum peat over the area to be seeded and work it into the top six inches of soit. After seeding, top dress with 1/8" of peat moss to hold the seeds in place, keep them m1oist and protectthemn against t emperature ex- tremes. Rejuvenatirg OId Lawns - Spike bare spots and cover with one-haîf inch of wet sphagnum peat; work it into the spiked holes with the back of a rake. Seed and wa- ter. Gardens - Spread a two- to three-inch layer of sphag- num peat mnoss over beds and around shrubs ;ýnd work into the soit. This wiil reduce the need for frequent cultivation and watering, protect the soit and plant roots against ex- treme temperatures, and condition the sout for spring planting. Evergreens -Broadleaf evergreens such as azaleas, camellias, rhododendrons daphnes and heather are acid-loving plants. For estah- lished plantings, mulch with a two-inchi coating of sphag- num peat moss. Do not work into the soit. If you are planting new evergreens, mix the soit thoroughly with the peat moss. Then loosen the root bal of the plant so that the soil and peat moss wiil be thoroughly blended. Finally, mulch with a two-inch layer of sphagnum peat. One further point should be emphasized about Cana- dian sphagnumn peat moss. It is sold in compressed bales. When loosened, a bale yields nearly twice the vol- ume of material. Thus, one six foot compressed bale of sphagnum peat is equal to six 50-pound bags of other peats.' Fertîlizer Spreaders - La wn Rollers,o Ready for Fait ARRANGE NOW to have that chair or sofa Z re-upholstered in timne for iÏç Christmas. Ë Cail no w - we can discuss it! REYNOLD'S UPHOLSTERY Phone,263-2132 RAR.1iHamnpton 2 mi. West of Hampton on Taunton Rdi.