6The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 15, 1978ý Presents Canadian FIag to Manvers Arena Mrs. R. Elliott, Mrs. H. Boudreau, Mrs. Diane Wy- benga and daughter Edna. Mr. Joe Lewko from Cal- gary Alta., who formerly lived on the sixth line was home visiting his parents at Eliza- bethville and last Thursday had supper with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wood. Mrs. Harland Elliott spent the weekend visiting ber sister Mrs. Mary King and daughter Kim of North Bay. At Cburch on Sunday morn- ing Mrs. Margaretta Stevens was at the -door. Rev. A. Tizzard spoke from the Book of Michah entitling bis ser- mon "Apple Picking Time". Mrs. R. Wood played the organ. There was a board meeting following tbe service concerning tbe insulating of the cburch. Next Sunday morning during the service there will be a dedication of the new cburcb doors. St. Joseph$s Bowling No. 3, Arnold Van Goor 53 pts., No. 1 Rita Van Goor 43, No. 2 Mike Mason 40, No. 6 George Gibbs 34, No. 7 Les Hunt 29, No. 4 Barb Bugg 27, No. 8 Pat, Russell 26, No. 5 Jean Spears 26. Men's bigh triple - Bob Brown 624. Men's higb single - Bill Holrayd 287. Ladies bigb triple - Molly Horstman 654, ladies higb single - Molly, Horstman 252. The Silence of God A wife and young mother suddenly is rushed to the hospital. The doctors give her only a short while to live. Her husband and family begin to pray for her. The ladies in lier church set up a twenty- four hour prayer vigil. Her condition worsens. The prayers become more fervent. Then she slips into a coma and dies. The grieving' husband cries ont, "Why. didn't God an- swer our prayers? " The silence of God is' difficult to understand. There are times when God seems to turn his back and listen not to what we are asking of him. This problem is not unique to our age and generation. Lt lias troubled men and women of faith ever sin- ce the beginning of time. Moses prayed to enter the Promised Land. He died within sight of it on a mountain-top, his prayers unanswered. The Psalmist in a moment of great despair cried ont, "My God! My God! Why hast Thon forsaken me? Why art Thou so far from lielping me?" Habakkuk in lis time of travail cried out, "Oh Lord, how long shalI cry and Thou wilt not hear? " The apostle Paul prayed to have the thorn in lis flesh removed. He was forced to.live with it until he died. As Christians we believe in a God of love and mercy. When lie seems to be sulent to our prayers and petitions, it presents us with a real crisis of faith. We begin to question the power of God and we doubt, that he even cares for us. L t may help us, if we try to realize that God sometimes says no to our prayers because lie knows wliat is good for us better than we know ourselves. At times lie turns a deaf ear on our petitions 50 that lie may answer what lie knows to be our deepest need. The story of jPetr %eakz.ý, Augustine is a classic example. In his autobiography, hie pic- tures his mother praying ail one night that God will not let hier ,son sail .for Italy. She wanted Augustine to be a Christian. She could not bear to see him go to the wicked city of Rome. But even as she prayed,' Augustine sailed for Italy where he experienced the wickedness of the city. After a, time hie came under the influence of the great Christian Am- brose and hie became a Christian. His mother's petitions were denied but the need of Augustine Was granted. Thus hie was abe to pray to God, "Thou in the depth of Thy,,counsels, hearing the main point of hier desire, regardeth not what she then asked, that Thon mightest make me what she ever desired. " An even more poignant scene comes to us from the Garden of A fall dinner-dance sponsored by the Durham-Northumberland Liberal Association was held at the new Manvers Arena's spacious community centre on Saturday with about,100 in attendance. A delicious roast beef dinner was served by the arena's Ladies' Auxiliary after which a special ceremony took place when Liberal candidate Dr. Ian Wilson, left, presenting a Canadian Flag, on behaîf of the Hon. Hugh Faulkner, to Arena Committee Chairman Jim Kloepfer. Chairman for the evening was the association President WilI Capeling. Music for dancing was snpplied by the Moonshiners of Lindsay. Gea mcroo m replanne stpby sepand, the f«irst ste sto B'u"ildali Step inside the door at Buildail and discover how easy if can be ta create- a great do-it-yourself rec room. We have a store full of quality produets that are priced ta acco'mmodate your building budget. Buildali makes it easier than you think ta build a great rec room. 1Kendal L.O.L. No. 405 held their first card party of the fal season on Friday evening, Nov. 3. There were aine tables in play and the winners were as follows: Lady's bigh - Cathy Switzer, Lady's low - Mrs. Rachel Dennis, Gent's high - Alvin Yeo and Gent's low - Bermice Milligan playing on a gent's card. Tbe 50-50 draw was won by Lena Clysdale. The next card party will be next Friday evening. On Wednesday afternoon Kendal United Cburch Women held their annual bazaar in the churcb hall. At 3 p.m. Miss Stewart conducted the draw for the door prize whicb was won by Mrs. R. Foster. The ladies of Kendal Cburch wisb to thank each and every one who belped out in any way with donations of goods or, service. Some of those from Kendal wbo attended the Poppy Bazaar in Newtonville United Church on Saturday were Miss Catherine Stewart, Mrs. G. Catbcart, Mrs. E. Atkins and daughter Sandra, Mrs. Pearl Clark, Mrs. Edith Walton, BASE LUNE AUTO BODY "YOUI DON'T HA VE TO BE BIG TO BE GOOD. " ln faci - we 're probably the busiestbody shop ln the area. Why don't you give us a try? Ail repairs are checked by the owner before your car leaves the shop, which is why we offer you a one-year guarantee on ail collision and refinishing repairs. BASE LUNE AUTO BODY 164 Base LUne Rd. E. (Just East of Liberty St.) Bowmanville Phone 623-9131 Hours 8 a.m. -.6 P.m. Weekdays 8 a.m. - 1 P.M. Saturday "~ Pick up a"ïiew oeiing todlay Carry, it home. Put it Up tonight. Buidallîs new carry home carton is convenience itself. Now you can buy dloser to the exact number of ceiling tules you need for your ceili ng project. No more wasted tules or wasted money. Each carton contains 36 tiles, enough to doa 6' x 6' area. And since the carton is a convenient size and weighs only about 29 paunds, yau don't have to wait for delivery. Carry it home taday. Put up your ceiling tanight. Polar 89 Buildaîl Arctic Buildaîl Malayan Buildaîl Contour Suspended Ceiling System a versatile way to solve problemrs. With unexpected ease, a suspended ceiling can beautify your basement rec raam by effectively hiding wiring, plumbing and other protrusians. Yet, these utilities remain readily acces- sible for inspection or repair. Buit-in lighting, and sound conditioning are further examples of suspended ceiling ver- satility. The white enamel framing components Iock together quickly and securely. The 2' x 4' panels then Iay in the com- pieted grid opening. Suspended CellIng Systemi 12'x 112room approximate prce Cs ~aefo ( uldal Polar. Cas & Carry Suspended Celing Componentsi 12' Main Tee 1 95 12' Wall Angle 4' Cross Tee 6 5 1 2' Cross Tee 3 5 Choose bright white and deep embossed 2' x 4' Iay in panels. Bulidal Polar Lpastnel 12395 12.95 12.95 Buildail Limestone I2 . 95 KAMRD 4 x 4 White Ceiling Tile 4q99 [HENRY Four Convenient Self-Serve Locations Shop in Compete Indoor Comfort Use your Chargex or Master Charge or open a commenent revolving charge account as l0w as Buildali Arctic Buldaipanel BuiaiFissured SereneoneR A minerai surface panel panel Decorative Stucco Takes a room completely out of the ordinary Frozen waves of bold expression or qu'ùi et swi ri s of textu red softness- a cool Spanish room or an elegnat Tudor Iook. The brilliant white finish is a beautiful highlight for bricks and beams. With White Decorative Stucco you can finish or refinish a waII, a ceiling or a whole room economically and easily. Decorative stucco can be applied to wood, gypsum board, polystyrene, glass, plaster or brick. Find out what, Decorative Stucco can do for your home. Ask at Buildali., 44 IL.bag Gypsum Wallboard Square Recessed Ceiling Fixture Fits neatly between joists in bath or basement rec room. 1" drop. White glass 91/2- sqLjare, 10/4"copper finish frane- 9f9 OSHAWA 100 Bond St. West Mon. to Fri. 9:00 Lýat. to 5:30 728-1617 WHFUBY 223 Brock St. N. Mon. to Wed. to 6:00 Thurs. & Fri. to 9:00' Sat. to 5:30 668-6821 aI."' H" N 01 1150 An ecanamical fire- resistant waII panel that provides an inexpensive way ta improve ai:d walls and ceilings or build new ones. It cuts easily and aae s up with littie effort. Lypsum wallboaird will take wallpaper or paint beautifu l'y. 5ee aur complete line, of fillers, tapes and corner bead ta camplete the job. 3/8x 4'x8l Sale priced at 339m IEACH COURTICE Bloor St. E. of OSHAWA Mon. to Wed. to 6-00 Thurs. & Fr1 to 9:00 Set. to 5:30 728-1611 PORT HOPE il16 Peter St.* Mon. to Thurs. to 5:30 Friday 'tii 9:00 Saturday 'tii 4:00 885-2423 Gethsemene. Picture Christ if you will, kneeling in the garden. Beads of perspiration cover his brow as he prays, "Father, all things are possible unto Thee. 'Take this cup from me." That petition was neyer granted. Jesus then turned from his natural human desires to ask that God's will might, be done through himr. "Yet not what I will but wliat Thou wilt. " God answered that, prayer more magnificently than we wiIl ever under- stand. God hears our prayers and answers. He may not give us the answer we want. He may not give us an answer we, can immediately under- stand. But whatever an- swer God gives, our prayers will bring guidance, strength and comfort. This is the fact of faith. PoifiCIKfl WaIk a block.Today. KENDAL Pop Shop Shal1u tes the Santa Claus Parade with ... Off 00 0per case _____ ____ ____Sat., Nov. 18 OnIy!1 THE POP SIIOPPE 98 KING ST. WEST BOWMANILLE (ORNER 0F SCUGOG ST.) .BOWMAVILLEFORMERLY GLEN RAE DAIRY 1 a