12 Suppement of The Canadjan Statesman, Wednesday, Nov. 15, 1978 JrIl0tU tut ~'U0WUUIU Frosty the Snowrnan was a joliy happy soul. With a corn cob pipe and button nose and two eyes rnade out of coal. Frosty the Snowrnan is a fairy taie tbey say. lie was rnade of snow but the child- ren know how be carne to ife one day. There rnust have been sorne rnagic in that old siik bat they found. For wben they piaced it on bis head be began to dance around. Oh Frosty the Snowrnan was alive as be couid be, and the cbidren say be couid Iaugb and play just the sarne as you and rne. Thurnpety thump thurnp, Tburnpety tbump thurnp, look at Frosty go. Tburnpety thurnp thurnp, Tburnpety tburnp, tburnp, Over the buIs and snow. You know Dasher and Dancer and'- Prancer and Vixen, Cornet and Cupid -and Donner and Blitzen - But do you recali the rnost farnous reindeer of ail? Rudoiph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Had a very shiny nose And if you ever saw it you would even say it glows, Ail of the other reindeer used to laugh and cati him names. Tbey neyer let poor Rudoiph Join in any reindeer garnes. Then one foggy Christrnas eve Santa carne to say: "Rudoiph with your nose so bright Won't you drive rny sleigh tonigbt?" Then how the reindeer loved hirn As they shouted out with glee "Rudolph tbe Red Nosed Reindeer You'ii go down in bistory. " Utunttr Uuubetanb Luilay, Thou littie tiny chiid, Bye, bye, iully, luiiay, luiiay, Thou littie tiy Child Bye, bye, luliy, iuiiay. 0 sisters, too, how rnay we do, For to preserve this day, Tbis poor youngiing for wborn we sing? Bye, bye iuiiy, iuliay. Herod, the King, in bis raging, Cbarged be lbath this day, His rnen of rnight, in bis own right, Ail cbildren young to siay. Sleigh beils ring, are you list'nin? In the lane, snow is glist'nin. A beautiful sigbt, we're bappy tonigbt Walkin' in a winter wonderiand! Gone away is the bluebird, bere to stay is a new bird. He sings a love song as we go along, Walkin' in a winter wonderiand. In the rneadow we can buiid a snownan, Then pretend. that he is Parson Brown He'Il say "are you rnarried?" we'Ii say "nornan!" But you can do the job wben you're in town. Later on - we'Il conspire as we drearn by the fire, to face unafraîd the plans that we rnade Walkin' in a Winter Wonderiand! We Have Gifts * SWEATERS HART SfTT to Please * PANTS BIsiREJA Evr oin * SHIRTS AT Every Woman * DRESSES Betn' * OTHER IDEAL GIFT Lades' Wear Ïl ~~ITEMS Lde'Wa 7 KI.NG .ST. W.- - , - - ,. "4 lubotp# -t4t IRtb Noub ltînbeer