DI.ADLINE FOR CLASSUFIED Tues., 12' noonà MEDD - Warren and busan are proud te announce the binth cf their first child Benjamin James, 7 lbs. 12 ozs. on Wednesday, November 15, 1978. Proud grendperents'are Ted and Kay Brown and David and Evelyn Medd, al cf Scarbonough. :48-1 PARk - Deug and Jean (nee Plggott) are happy te announce the safe arrivai cf their daughter Stephanie Marleen, 7 lbs. on F iday, November 17, 1978. A wee sister for Bradley and Kevin and gnanddlaughter for Mn. and Mrs. James Plggcott, Bowmanville and Mn. and Mrs. Walter Park, Tyrone. A special thanks te Drs. H. B. Rundie and McKenzie and the maternity staff cf Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. 48-1 PEARSON - John and :JilI (nee Welsh) are happy te announce the blessed arrivai cf their son Jeffrey David Leanard on Nov.21st, 1978 et Bowmanvile Memorial Hospital. Proud lst time grendperents are Mn. and Mrs. John Welsh cf Bowmen- ville and 4th grandchild for Mrs. Archie Thcrnton and the late Leonard Pearson cf Trenton. Special thank you te Dr. H. B. R undile, nurses and staff ln meternity ward. DONOGHU E- At iMmorieî Hosiiital, Bowmanvilîe, Seturda y, Novem ber 2th, Terry Doncghue, a ged 70 e arshusband cf t h e ate lizabeth, dean father cf Ab, Betty (Mrs. Les Piper), Pet (Mrs. Carl Brunt) and Bill, deceased, lovin g grendfethen cf 19 grandchilIdren endý 13 great-grandchildren. Service ea h l n the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Tuesdey afternoon. Interment BowmanviîlIe Cemetery. 48-iN IRVIN - Bruce Donemd.! At Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Menday, Novemben 27, 1978, Bruce Donald Irwin cf Bowmanville in bis 59th year. Beloved husband cf Margaret, dean father cf Lynn (Mrs. Wayne Linton), Bowmanville, Ken cf Scarborough, Scott cf Bowmanville. Lcving grand- father cf Chrîstopher and Kernie. Funeral services wilI be held Thursda y, November 3th et 1 'cloc k àt Jenrett Funeral Chapel, 666 Kennedy Road, Scarborough. Inter- ment Hig hland Memory Gardens. Dgonations te the Canadien Cancer Society would be greatly appreciated. MULHOLLAND - 1At Memcniaî Hospital, Bowman- ville, Mondey, November 27th, 1978, Marnre Barrell, in her 73nd yeer, wife cf the late Fred Mulholland, dean mother cf Norman and Marie (Mrs. Wm. Mitchell), lovinci arand- mother of 8 grandchildren and 8 great-g rndchildren. Rest- ing et the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, !for service on Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanvilîe Cemetery. 481::1 N FLOWERS BYI JACKMAN Bowmanville Mal 623-3365 PROMPT, COU RTEOUS SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR FLORAL NE EDS Mn. and Mrs. George Blyleven are happy to announce the engagement cf their daughter,MAargaret to Mr. Gary Stoter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geert Stoter, Peter- borough. 48-1 The tamily cf Norm and Bernice Mairs, Nestleton, wish to extend an invitation to friends and neighbours to help them celebrate their parents' 35th wedding anniversary et a dance at Nestleton Communi- tyCentre on Seturday, Deember 9, beginning et 9 p.m. Bestwishesonly. 48-2 The famHly cf Harvey and May McGill cordielly invite relatives, friends and neigh- bours te celebrete with themn the 50th wedding enniversary cf their parents, on Saturdey, Decem ber 9, 1978 from 2 te 5 p.m. at Hampton United Church Hall. Best wishes only. 48-2 On Decem ber 9, 1978. Mr- and Mrs. Walter T. Pingle, 189 Church St., Bowmenville are celebrating their 65th wedding anniversery, and their family are inviting their neighbors, f riends. relatives and acquaintances te an afternoon tee from 2 te 4:30 p.m. in the Trinity United Church, Sunday School Hall, Church St., Bowmenville. Best wishes only. 47-3N CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., Bowmanville 623-7141 HOSPITAL and SYMPATHY M~&~ AR RANG EM ENTS Flowering Plants and CutF lowers 12-f "Flowerswith Feeling" For a ny Occasion Sundays and Holidays Bey. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 il-tf tzINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARRERS I Look for thissw:aL lt's your \guanantee cf permanence. 'j STAFF-ORD BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. - Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 THOUGHTFULNESS- CONCERN - SERVICE ConCern for the demands upofl you ..our first Consideration. To ensure you the helpfulness you need. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 i RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Esteablished 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Pont Hope, Ontario WOKAHI-QuLT LiA 3W3 OKNHI ULY Hîigh Oua ity et Reasonable Priées Phone 885-5216 Home 885-5222 % - -~- o o.. ALLIN - Cyril. In loving, memory cf a dear husband and father and grandpe who was taken from us December 2, 1974. Beautiful memories are wonderful things, They leslttIlI the longest day; They neyer ween eut, they neyer get lest, And cen neyier be given away, To some you may be forgotten, 1To others a part cf the past, But to us who loved you and lest you Your, memory wiIl always last -Always remembered and sadly missed by wife Mary, daughter Linda, son-in-law Lloyd and grandchildren Dean and Vicki and daughter Carol, son-in-law Chris and grandson Paul. 48-1 BEGLEY - William. In memory cf my dad William "Bill" Begley, who passedi away December 17, 1973. I have your picture upon my wal1 I I love you Ded, but that's net , aIl Even tho we were miles apert You were always with me - ln my heart The memory cf you wilI neyer So away Fori love you more and more each day. -Deepl y oved and sadly missed by your daughter Cercle (Ashford ) Aylmer, Ont. 48-1 cLAMERON - Ray. Ie Dad who passed away November 28th, 1971. Just e message from your family that loved you Dad Just a memory fond and true In our heants ycu will live forever Because we thought the world cf you. - A lways rem embered by "The Kids", Inez, Bey, Jeneen, Judy and sons-in-Iaw. CAME RON - Ray. To Gram pa who left us Novem- ber 28th, 1971. Hi Grampe, wîsh you were' here - We tal1k cf you often We know you are near Dearly missed alcng life's way. It is a troubled road But knowing your looking o'er us l'm sure we cen carry the load. - Alweys remembered by your grandchildren: Donna, Shane, Sam, Rendy, Kim, Tommy, Darcy and great grandchildren: Donnie, Shley, Sheldon and Kristene. CAMERON -Ray. In loving memory cf a dear husband who passed away Novem ber 28th, 1971. Softly the leaves cf memory fal 1, Gently we gather, treasure 1thyem aIll Some may forget now that ycu'ne gone But l'I always remember no matter how long. - Sedly missed by wife Win. 48-1 COURTNEY - In loving memory cf a dean friend, Barb who pessed away November 29,1977. "!Thy will be done" is hard te say, When one we loved has passed awe y Some dy perhaps, we'l understand, When we meet in that better land. -Ever remembered Vickie. PASSANT - - .in loving memory cf my dear fathen Ernest Albert Passent who passed away December lst, 1964. Always a smile instead cf a frown Always a hand when one was down Always true, thoughtful and kind Wonderful memonies he lef t behind. - Lovingly remembered by ycur daughter lvy. 48-1 RICHARDSON- In loving mem ocf e dean father and gndther, Bertnam Colin (Tony), whc passed away Novem ber 25, 1967. As time unfolds another year, Memonies keep you ever near, Silent thoughts cf times together Hold memonies that wiIl lest VANDEPOELE - In loving memon-y cf a dean mcm, gnandmother and greet grand- mother, Julie, who passed awey Novem ber 29, 1974. Restin1 where the shadlows In peaceful sleep she awaits us ait. God wili link the golden chain When one by one we wil11 meet again., -Sadly missed and always remembered by Lau-ne and 24-tf family. 48-1 The staff and students cf Bowmenyiile Public Schooî wish te thenk ail those who helped te make their Magazine Ralising Campaign a success. 48-1 The famnily cf the lete Tenry Leslie Thompson would like ta express sincere thanks te friends, nei! hbors, relatives and Genere f Motors Central Industriel Engineering and Maintenance Depatments. The many tributes and kind- nesses were heartwarming. Thenks te Rev. Spivey, Rev. Peters and Nothcutt Eîliott Funeral Home. Speciel thenks te Wilma and Cran Scott, Judy and Cheryl, Marion Pansons and Canadien Union cf Public Emplcyees, Local 1764. Les and Hilda, Ron, Linda and Jim, Brenda and George. 48-1 Our sincere thanks te all who supported and contribut- ed te aur f irst Youth Group bazan et St. George's, New- castle. Your generosity made it an ovenwhelming success. Thank ycu. 48-1 We wish te express oun sincere thanks to ail our frlends cf the Enniskiilen ccmmunity for the panty and the lcvely gifts presented to us. We treasure the kindness and friendship shown te us through the years et the General Store. Helen Milson, Jessie and Robent Sîemon. 48-1 i would like te thank My friends, and nei ghbours for fîowens, gifts an d cards, aise nurses on, the lst and 3rd floors. Extra special thanks te Dr. Ewert and Singal, aise Rev. Schamerhorn and Rev. Amachen. Mns. Rhoda E. Wilcox 48-1 We wouîd sincéeey like te thank our faimily, ail those who helped with the panty, those who sent cerds and came to our 25th Wedding, Annivensary te help make this day a wonderful and memorable occasion. Thenk you ail again. Norman and Ruth Andrews 48-1 N We wish te extend our sincere eppreciation fer all kindness shown te us in the necent bereevement cf oun dad Mn' L. B. Nichais. To the good neighbers, fiends and acquaintances, especially the Morris Funerel Home and staff, the peul bearens, the orngýani!st Mrs. A. Cole, the I.OO.. Led g eeand ail othens who gavee ir time and considenation. Deug and Olive Nichels 4- The family cf the lete Mrs. Giadys Brown wishes te thank fiends and relatives for their acts cf kindness, cards cf sympethy, beautiful floral tributes, and donations to charity. Speciel thanks ta the doctons and nurses cf the Bowmanville and Oshawa Hespiteis and to the Morris Funerel Home. 48-1 Fowers S t Bsyt VAN BELLE DAI LY Delivery te ... Oshawa - Bowmanville Area Phone 623-4441 43-tf INAUGURAL COU NC IL MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation cf the Town cf Newcast le will hold the INAUGURAL MEETING cf the 1979 - 80 Council et the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 132 Church Street, Bowmanville on MONDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1978 et the Hour cf 7:00 Ctizens aecrilyinvited te attend this Inaugural Council Meeting. J. M. Mcilroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk Town cf Newcastle 48-1 N B.M.H.A. Booster Club Hockey Pool results for November 25th: ticket seller for first goal, Joe Sweet; winner cf the lest gocal, Wayne Martin. Next Pool Decem ber 2nd. 48-1 Newcastle Arena Dnaw winners for November 21, 1978: $500.00 - ticket ne. 1945, Vern Sundev, Caneline St., Newcastle; $250.00 - ticket ne. 1870, Gladys Henry, 133 Elgin St., Bowmanville; $100.00 - ticket no. 1959, Ken and Betty Laton, R. R. 2, Newcastle. 48-1 1, Michel J. M. Santerre, Bowmanviîle wiIl net be respensible for, any debts contracted in my name by Crystal R. Santerre without my written consent on or after this date, November 29, 1978. 48-1 St. Jcseph's, Bowmanville NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE MUSIC BY SAPPHIRES 9:00 -2:00 $20.00 per couple HOT BUFFET and REFRESHMENTS Cal 623-5196 on 623-2825 46-3N Bazear, November 30, 1978. Hampton Tewnship Hall. 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. Spensoned by Hampton Girl Guides. 48-1 N Dance in Kendal Orange Hall, Saturday, December 9th. ponsored by Orange Lodge. Mlusic by the "Additions". Everyone welcome. Orono Country Sunday, Dec. 3, Orono Town Hall. music Urne again. CRAFTS, BAI GAMES, ARI TEA Dec. 2 1 at Durham C Sec. Sci OLD SCUGOC BOWMAN' Acre's Resl New Yearý DANC BUIFFET- REFRI DANCING 8-1 Party Favors - $25.00 Cou For tickets1 263-842' BING NEWCASI COMMUN IT Tues., Dece Early Bird Gar Regular Bmn $400ijn Prî PLUS $500 JAi Sponscred Newcastle1 SOLINA COMA HALL DAN( Saturday, Ray Ave OrchesE EVERYONE 'W $6.00 per co BOWMANVILLI HOCKEY MO' ASSOCIAT Christmas and Craft Bowmanviill Saturday, 9 a.rr _________________cvw les ForS'ae SPLASH APPLE TREES Cut youn own firewood. Bring youn cwn chain saw. $15.00per tree. $30 a face cord - pre-cut, split and ready to burn. The cld Watson Apple Orcherd, Regionel Rd. 57 (Martin Road) and Hwy. 2. Starting November 4for4cr 5 Saturdays enîy. AI l proceeds donated te SPLASH. 47-tf N Union Red and Gun host a Turkey Shoot, Sunday, December 3, 1978 et 10: 00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Rein on shine. Evenyone welceme. Informa- tion 623-4084 on 623-7972. 47-2N SOLINA COMMUNITY HALL 48-2 New Year's Damn SatUrday, Dec. 3( y' Jamboree, 9 p.m. - 2 a.m. , 2:00 p.m. .it's country RAY AVERY'S 1. 48-1 ORCHESTRA $20.00 couple BUFFET LUNCH - PRIZ <E SALE, Tickets aveilable et cdem TICLES, Decem ber 2and Decem ber % ~EVERYONE WELCOWI 48 - p DON'T FORGET! ýh i st ia n "Archie the Froç- hocol 1stants et G ST. N. 7:30 p. m. V/ILLE 4- Wednesday, Dec. et ;taurant Bowmanville PUbl r' Eve Libnany CE 623-7322 ESHMENTS _________ 1 D.J. Spot Dances OePrn uple OePrn pheneFalilies 48-tf Association BOWMANVILLE CHAPTI %0 meet every .7 Wed. - 8p.m. YHLE BOWMANVILLE Y HALLPUBLIC LIBRARY ember 5 2 emernc S. mes 7:30 parents. &0'stody of y 1908: 00 chil1dnen flot a rqie izesPhonie-623-5440 C KPOT 623-2874 ýdby Lions__________ __ 48-1iN OId Tyme Dancing - 1 in 1MUNITY TYRONE, OLD HALL MUNTYMusic by WILLIE and BOB Z E on Decemnibe r 2, 1978 Dec, 2 Dancing 9- 1 ary's$2.50 per persan ;trS Sponsored by L.O.A. IEuLCOE Bowmanviîîe Lions Club 481 N Turkey RoIIland .E < NOR Las Vegas Holida, E MINOR Trip Draw TION LIONS CENTRE 26 Beecli Avenue s Bake FRIDAY EVENING ýtSa le Dec. 1sf, 7:30 p.r e Arena FREE ADMISSION Dec. 2 FREE BUFFET Tickets evailable froma 1. Lions members. 48-1 N4 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel NEWCASTLE ""Prefix"', Fr. and Sat. Dec. 1 and 2 Dancing 9 - 1 4- NEWCASTLE LIONS New Year's Eve, Dance Tickets Now On Sale $35.00 Incudes Everything For tickets phone 987-4859 or eny Newcastle Lions Member. 47-2N GOODYEAR EMPLOYEE'S RECREATION CLUB CHRISTMAS DANCE Saturday, December 9, 1978 Newcastle Town Hall1 8:OOp.m. -1:OOa.m. ADMISSION: $5 -Members Per Couple $7 Non-members Pen Couple BUFFET DOOR PRIZES SPOT PRIZES FOR TICKETS CONTACT DARLA ALLEN 623-2591 F ROM 8a.m. - 4 p GET THEM WHILE THE LAST TICKETS ON SALE AT DOOR IF AVAILABLE 47-2N TYRONE NEW YEAR'S DANCE TYRONE COMMUNITY CENTRE Sunday, December 3lst 9 p.m. -1la.m. WAYNE GORING D.J. $25.00 PER COUPLE INCLUDES HOT BUFFET TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW AT BYAM'S STORE $5 Per Couple CHRISTMAS DANCE Sat., December 9th WAYNE GORING D.J. Tickets At Door 47-2N OLD FASHIONED CHRISTMAS PARTY at Bowmanville Mujseum Friday, Decem ber lst at 8 p.m. ADULTS ONLY ADMISSION $1.00 DOOR PRIZE - REFRESHMENTS SPONSORED BY VOLUNTEER WORKERS PROCEEDS TO MUSEUM 47-2N SEVEN gallon portable À8-4 humidifier, two speed, $75. Phone 623-3771. 48-1 J and M TIRE Service for L Michelin tires, your one-step -radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf C.B., new, 40 channel side band, Citizen, full wanranty, $279. Phone 623-7387. 48-1iN STEREO console, Philips, AM-FM radio, turnitable, excellent condition, $60. Phone 1-983-9707. 48-1 N HAY for sale. Good mix Alfaifa and Timothy hay. Phone 263-2174. 48-3 WALKIE-TALKIES, one watt output, 6 channel. Phone 623-4934. 48-1 N CON ICAL (Acorn) fineplace. Cprmplete with screen and mes, excellent condition, angermne celer. Caîl aften 5 p. M. 623-4150. 48-1iN BLACK WALNUT Legs from 3 feet diameter te 2 inch diameten. Mentie pieces and slab tables. Phone 623-3771 48-1 MACS, <seconds) $3.00 bushel PEARS (seconds) $4.00 bushel Feddema Orchards 263-2074 (no Sunday sales) 48-4N SNOW blower, electric. Good condition. Phone 987-4201. 48-1 N ELECTROHOME AM-FM radio, 8 tnack stenec and record pIe rer in attractive desk style cabinet in mehegany finish, $200. Phone 623-3455. 48-1 N MANURE, large pick-up truck loed, $15 deîivened Phone 623-3613. 48-1 N BROWN f un jacket, muskrat, size 16 - 18. Excellent condi- tion. Phone 723-3698. 48-1 DESK, 4 chairs, 2 filing cabinets, 56 sheets, 4 x 8 soruce T & G olvwood, new. 34 bundies R-20 batts, 5 Kegs cf neils, 2 - 10' x 10' overhead doors, many other odd items. Phone 623-5771,9:30 - 4:30. 48-1 BABY carniage, stroi ler, play- pen an d crib. Good condition. Best offer. Phone 725-6744 aften4p.m. ,48-1 N HELP FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS BUDGET 2nd Annual Anniversary Sale STORE-WIDE SAVINGS Novem ber 23 - Decem ber 1 THE ROWAN TREE 133 Church St., Bowmanville 623-9122 FREE PARKING PRIVATE SALE SKI EQUIPMENT ADULT BOOTS One pain Dynafit size 7, like new - $35. Twe pair Nondice size 6 - $15 ea. One )a i r Munani size 6 -$1i0. One pair Reichie size 10 - $10. One pain San Giorgio size 2 - $15. One pair Reichle size 6 - $15. SKIS WITHOUT BINDINGS One pair C4l60cm - $5. One painr Hart 150 cm - $20. One pair K2150Ocm -$5. CALL JOSH SAMUEL AFTER 4p.m. AT 623-2473.ý WOODEN SHOE ANTIQUES For Christmas gifts that wiIl be appreciated year affer year. Pre-Christmas Sale 10 Percent Off Everything 10 Days OnIy Dec. 1sf - Dec. l2th Large selection of smnall articles, glass, chine, etc. 0,,ilalmpstocheose frem -someeectrified. Gcne-With-the-Wind, ceiling fixtunes, Tiffany style, etc. We are now located et: 30 Church Street, Newcastle (BEHIND GOODES HARDWARE) Open Thursday - Sundays il a.m. - 5 p.m. Other times by chance. Phone 987.-5433 Business, 987-5205 Residence. 48-1b Cwanadlian Rubber Dealers Mt. USED TIRES $5.00 and Up GUARANTEED 786-2414 - 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CANADIAN RUBE CDDEALERS LTu. 1:1 TWIN D Ce OAKS «i OOE O ~~ NO. 2HWY. _____ WESTEAST NEWTONVILLEj WEST 401 HWY. EAST CHRISTMAS trees. Cut your own. Spruce only. Durham Regional Road 20,2 miles west cf Mosport. Phone 263-2556. 48-4N SIMPLICITY spln-dry washer, Tappan-Guerney stove, both good condition, antique pine chest of drawers. Phone 623-3435. 48-1 N STROLL-O-CHAIR combina- tion carniage, stroller and high chair, Change table. Phone 623-5672. 48-1 CHRISTMAS TREES SCOTCH PINE and SPRUCE ALL SIZES Located at Bowmanvil le Zoo 48-4N NEARLY new diamond and wedding band, size 7, Moto Ski and homemade double traller. Phone Newtonville, 786-2189. 48-1 USED turniture- and ap- pliances. Paddy's Market. Ha mpton. 263-2241. 33-tf KRAZY, KRAZY SUPER 26" Zenith Spanish console, slashed to $688, $6.50 weekly starting January.ý Phone tonight, one-hour, delivery. KRAZY KELLY'S. 350 Wentworth St. E., 571-1412. 45-tf N POLARIS5 SNOWMOBI LES Sales - Parts - Service KAMPIN-G UNLIMITED 1405 King St. E. Oshawa - 728-9942 Hours: Mon.-Wed. - 9a.m. -6 p». Thurs. F. - 9 a.m. - 9p.m. Sat. - 9a.m. - 5p.m.409 APPLES- CIDER WILL DELIVER Ph. 623-3699 H. PEL No Sunday Sales 48-tf N REPOSSEISSED 25" RCA Lowboy, $398. $4 weekly rentaI purchase startlng Jan. '79. KRAZY KELLY'S 350 Wentworth St. E. OSHAWA 571-1412 145-tf N 47-2N '76 SPORTSTER XLH, 9,000 - mile$, excellent condition. $2700. Phone 623-9462. 48-1 N DRY BAGGED SHAVINGS For Sale Custom Lumiber& Millwork Ltd. BOLTON, ONT. Phone Bolton 416-857-1882 Snowmobi les For Sale NEW AND USED ASSELSTINE'S YAMAHÂ SALES, SERVICE and ACCESSORIES South of Blackstock. 45-SN LONG JOHN'S ANTIQUES Re-opened et south-east corner of Starkville, 4 Miles north cf Newtonville or 21/2 miles south of Kendal1. Phone 786-2016 47-3 N TAISMN Fee Market. -Antiques - Stemps ý- Jewellry Weevlng - Pottery - Brass Hand1 Knitting - Refinishing Caning. Minwax: Pnoduct S. Open 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. ,Setundays, Sundays and Holldays. Lots of parking.ý Free admission. 112 mlles .nerth of hyw. 2 et Newcastle. 41-TF Fireplace Wood AIl dried hardwood, mapfr binch, beech, oak, and app 1 Cut and spîit. Reasonabie.-' -Delivered or get discounts on" picked up orders. Phone 623'-4550, 33-tf N REPOSSESSED 26" RCA XL 100, full Spanish cabinet te f bon. Take over payments, $19 monthîy, $4 weekly rentaI, purchase starting January . Phone tcnlg ht, one heur delivery. KR AZY KELLY'S. 350 Wentworth St. E. 571-1412. 45-tf N BER Morris Fu!nerai Chapel ESTABLISHED 1881 4 DIVISION St. 623*5480, BOWMANVIL LE6 TWO OFF STREET-PARKING AREAS DEKOKER B OF UEEF ~Wut,1~ frozen and guaranteed. Order now. 983-5894 Orono 725-4245 Osho 40-tf NINE piece walnut dining room suite. Gerhard Heintz- man upright piano. Bath ln very good condition. 623-3574. 48-1 N Bargain Hunters' Paradise Long Skirts and Dresses for the holiday season. Children's Dress Outfits Compete Men's Wear Toys, Skates Unusual Household Treasures for Christmasgiig ALL THIS AiT' The Nearly New Shop 131 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY and 73 CELINA ST., OSHAWA Shcpdaily 9:30-5:30 BROWSIER S WELCOM E Whitby store open Fridays ta 9 Oshawa store oenThunsdays 48-3N MEN'S ski boots, size 11. Phone 623-5220. 48-1 FI REWOOD, standing mature apple trees, $10 per tree. Lamb's Road, one mile north of Tnaining School. Archibald Apples, Saturday, December 2nd Sunday, December 3rd. Phone 623-7536. 48-1 FRESH GEESE For Christ mas ORDERS TAKEN NOW PHONE NEWTONVILLE 786-2426 48-1 P DASHWOOD double glazed window, 6 ft. x 31/2 ft., floar polishen, parts for 1972 Ford van, vrlous sizes tire rims,-' 3Oft. wooden extension ladder. Phone 987-5215. 48-1N Holiday and Chevron T rai lers Large selection cf truck caps from $259.00 installed. Ca msport Trailier Sa les Highways 115 & 35, Newcastle Pho ne 987-5174 9-tf bANTA Suit Rentai, contact Bowmanville Jaycettes 987-5224. 48-1 OF