xpianville, November 29.1 1978 13 DEADLINE FOR CLASSUFIJED Tues., 12 noon, Phone 623-3303 -Artèle FIREWOOD Standing mature apple trees. $10 Tree Phone'987-5289 Kilcolman Stables Jct, 115 and 401 46-3 PADDY'S Market naw has new funiture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and also I.iedf'urniture and appl ianct%. Wil1 accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf .CH RISTMAS trees, retail, and -wholesale, choice pine and - spruce, 5' ta 15' on 35 Highway opposite Pontypoal sign 705-277-2898. 44-8N REPOSSESSED 20" RCA XL100, $17 monthly, $4 weekly rentaI purchose starting Jan. '79. l -KRAZY KELLY'S 350 Wentworth St, E. OSHAWA 571-1412 45-tf N SCRAP PAPER Suitable for homework, letter- writing, grocery notes etc., end of newsprint relIs suitable for making patterns, lining shelves and drawers, wrap- Ping china, etc. Aluminumn plates 24 x 36 suitable for insulation, craft pro jects, pro- tection of young trees etc. STATESMAN OFFICE 62 King St. W. Bowmanville EAR P!ERCINW- -' $8.00 (no appointmrent Necessary) E US 10 Per cent off first ýurchase of earrings with release slip. Hooper's Jewellers Mt. 29 King St. E. Bowmanvlle 623-5747 - 23-tf N BE A BIG SISTER! Volunteers are needed in this a rea to be a friend to girls aged 7 -'17, who are in need of supportative relationships. CA LL SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOUSE at, 728-7525 NOTICE TC AND OTHEF SYDNEY THF Alilpersans aganst te Town of Nei Regionai iM Durham, who 8th, 1978, are proof of same signed on or I, 28th, 1978, atte estate will be regard only t which the ui then haven undersignedm ta any persor he shal I not th( Dated at Os day of Novemn STEPHEN fM Execu tor 54C Centre Sti Oshawa, Ontar NOTICE TC AND OTHERM CLI FFORD BRUTON. Alilpersons against the eý Bentley Brui( Village of Oro of Newcastle, died on J Ul1 required ta fil with the unci befare Decerr after whichc will be distrtbL =n yto the clai unders igneds notice and ti wiiI not be liai of whose cai then have nati Dated at Os day of Novemni OLIVE G. Ml' c-o Stephen M. Ba rrister and 54C Centre StrE Oshawa, Ontar TEN Tenders wiii the undersign I tLA jKIaleLabrador, white Patch on chest, left eyetooth mlssing. Newcastle dog tag no. 0770 on studded leather collar. Answers to "Sam", Reward. Phone 987-5441. 48-1 N '78 OLDS, Delta 88, Royale, 4-door. Air and many extras. Phone 623-2991. 48-1 N 1972 FOUR door Ford LTD, mechani!cal ly 900d, body work required. As is - best offer. Phone 983-9117 after 5. i 48-1 N 1978 CHEVY van, power steering, power brakes, with FM cassette; and other options. Phone 263-2700. 48-1 N FOUR wheel drive, 1958 Jeep, 6 cylînder, as is, $1095. 6 foot snow plough and harness with hydraulic lift. H-eavy duty ;~winch - Braden. Phone -263-8172; and after 6, 263-2003. 48-1 N J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop ~radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., 'Oshawa. 576-1220. 35-TF N 1976 PINTO, automatic, 13,000 miles. AIl safefy work done. Best offer. Phone 987-4884. 48-1iN 1975 GMC 1/2 ton, step side, heavy duty. Phone 623-9551: after f ive. 48-1 N 1970 CH EV. Nova, 4 door, new body and paint work (gold). Phone 623-4593. 48-1 -76 FORD van, 300 cu. in. standard, flairs, spolier, wheels, oak running boards, roof vent, carpet. Phone Danny 623-4481. 48-1 VITALIZINGI Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofin g on new or used vehicles. Written war- 1anty. Durham Vtalizingl,: phone 723-1155. 47-f FýREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CALL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 p.m., Wednesday, Dedember 6, 1978, for the purchase of one (1) Van Type Truck with Trade- n. Specîfications may be obtain- ed fmamn the Office of: J. A. Bird, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumïberand and, Newdastie Board of Education, Box 470, Cobourg. K9A 4L2. 48-1 AFGHAN puppies, registered, champion stock, exotic colours, dewormed, tattaoed,' guamanteed, $125 up. These 9pargeaus babies wan't hast. Newcastle. 987-5083., 48-1 N GERMAN Shepherd, free ta good home, gaod with childmen. Phone 1-983-5169. 48-1 N BABY budg ies for sale. Phone after 4:30. Phone 728-7898. 48-1 N FREE ta aood home, preferabiy rural, large attractive maie Golden Lab Great Pyrenees cross, 21/2 years. Loves kids. Good watchdlog. Phone 623-3575. 48-1iN HORS EME N Com piete facilities availabie. Horses - bought, sold and tra ded. Training and lessons. English and Western. Boarding facilities with indoor arena. VISITORS WELCOME KENDAL HILLS HORSE CENTRE Campbei lcroft 416-797-2124 43-8 SADDLES - new and used, nathing aver $150 - bath English and Western plus many Christmas specials toa numeraus ta mention. For bargains galore just shop at aur- store. open daily and evenins Tuesday throuoh Su nday, Giadwin and Ca., urha m Road 23, South Whitby, 668-12Q2. 48-4N FIVE ta seven week aid pigs. Phone Newtonviile 786-2428. 48-1 TACK repairs - new and used tack - veterinary supplies also brakerage service which wiii arrange the sale or purchase of horses, tack, trailers, hay, etc. Giadwin and Ca. Durham Rd. 23 S. Whitby. 668-1282 (Open evenings). 42-TF N FOR saîe: brawn TB mare, 6 yrs., 16 hands, jumping 3'6" ccnsistently, ready ta show first year green. $2500 or best affer. Calil 623-9324 or 623-4558. FURNISHED ooms for rent. Phone 623-7071. Ask for- Fred. 44-tf THREE bedromr home, centraliy located, semi, available January lst. Newly decorated. $310 per manth. First and last month's ment required. Phone 623-5683. 48-1 Barn and Garage Storage Available fer cars, tent tra ilers, boats, etc. CALL ORONO 98 3-5575. 48-1 N HOUSE for ment, narth 0f Newcastle, an 3rd line, east from DX Service Centre. 3 bedmoams, ail heat. $300 plus heat and utîhities. First and last in advance. Available December 1. Phone 723-6952. 48-tf N TOWNHOUSE, Bawmanviihe, $300 month. Phone 723-0575 between 9a.m.-5 p. m. 47-tf N TWO bedraom napartment in Bowmanville, $285 a month, ail utiiities included, adults preferred. Avaihabie îmmediatey. Phone 623-9442. 47-1 N THE Stonegate. V.ery nice il and 2 bedroom apartments with view and many features in Part Hope - 885-6500. 39-TF ÂPARTMENT in Bowman- ville, available immediately. Twa bedrooms, carpettinq, appliances. Phone Philîp Currie 1-763-1131. 47-3 BOWMANVI LLE apartment, 4 rooms and bath, heated, cabie TV, free parkin. Availabie naw. Reasonable plus hydro. Phone 623-7523 or 1-705-696-3361. 28-TF OFFICE for rent. Excellent location, 5 raoms, 2 wash- raoms, free parking in rear. 27 King St. E., Newcastle. Phone 987-4709 or 987-4700. 48-1 N STORAGE availabie for tent. traihers, hardtops, smah boats' and ski-doos. Phone 263-2042., 43-tf N NEEDED immediateiy, baby sitter, preferabiy sameane ta live-in or ta came ta the house dail. Hours 8 ta5. Twodcays a week off. Phone 1-986-5469. 48-1 N LOOKING AHEAD Earn $450 for Christmias in your spare time. Choose your own hours. CA LL MRS. GREEN (between 4 and 6) 623-9302 44-tf N EXPERIENCED hairdressem wanted for professionai Redken Salon. Excellent opportunities for educational advancement. Cail 623-5455. 42-TF N PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO MINISTRY 0F EDUCATION MOU NTJOY PineRide ScoolBACKHOE Pine Ridge SeooîSERVICE Bowmaville È"'~SEPTICTANKAND requires / TILE BED INSTALLATION SU PPLY TEACH E R TRENCHING, BASEMENTS, Teachers holding a basic Ontario teaching certif icate ta supply STONE, CRUSHED in Engiish, Mathematics, Canadian Studies or Industrial A~rts. G RAVEL, SAND, TOP SOIL Please contact Mm. J. M. Paterson, Principal, 623-2582, ext. 37 or PO evenings 623-7575.PHN 48-1iN BLACKSTOCK 986-4737 RURAL REPRESENTATIVES Full and Part-time We have positions available for individuals to service our rural customers. The position includes marketing, installation and service of a specialized f ire detection system f or rural applications. Candidates should have experience in the farming community. Compensation includes automobile allowance, and company benefits. For personal interview caîl Whitby at 668-7401 or write ta: Box 175, Whitby, Ontario', L1N SS. 48-IN O0 CREDITORS SMALL one bedroom apart- S in the estate of ment. Avalable Jan. 1, 1979. IOMAS KERSEY Fridge, stove and heated. lst is having dlaimns and last month's rent. No pets. estate of Sydney $175 plus hydro and water. ,sey, late of the Phone 623-5598. 48-1 ewcastle in the Municipaiity Of THREE bedroom apartment, odied on October heat, hydro, garage, garden, required ta file east of YKirby. Phone 728-6609, - with the under- 725-5618. 48-1iN befare December ýer which date the STABLE space for twenty, ta Ddistributed with thirtysteers. Phone 1-986-5469. ta the dlaims of 48-1iN ridersigned shah ______________ notice and the TWO bedroom apartment, will nat be hiable stove and refrigeratar, n of whose clim garagcnrlBwavle en have notice. que, e ntbrl owmaviie )shawa, this 23rdpquie ei ghbhodadu41ts ber, 1978. peerd ae63 4166. A. ZUBKAVICH, 4-1 reet North, FOUR bedroom home with 11/2 mria LIH 7V4. baths, attached garage. 48-3 Bowmanvi le. Possession Dec. 1, $375 manth plus utilities. - RDTR CaIi G. Van Dyk RItr. 623-4428. S in heesttof Ask for Bob Cooper. D BENTLEY 4- staeo~cîamsONE basement apartrnent in s havinî lis Bowmavle3 omht asae lffr an hydro, ail carpetted, $150 tn, in teownt per manth, abstainers oniy, 'on, i te hwn possession December lst. -, Ontario, who Phone 623-7827. 48-1 rl3th, 1978, are ________________ le rignedo aneorONE upstairs, 4 large roomed ner 28tho19o8 apartment and den in dae 2th e1978, Bowmanvii1le, private ute wtheg d teentrance, carpetted and ims f wih egad heated, possession December àisaf then have 1, $225 per manth. Phone *hel undersigne623-7827. 48-1 ble ta an y persan im he shail not APARTMENT ta rent in !ce. Newcastle, graund floor, twa )shawa, this 2lst bedroams, newly decorated, iber, 1978. stove provided, pay hydra for IAPP, Executor, Iights, $170 month, fîrst and %Zubkavich, ast req ired, eight manths Solicitor, lease. C Il 987-4863 atter 6 eet North, p.m. or weekends. 4- rio LlH 7V4.48N 483ONE bedromr apartment, newly decorated, stave and fridge, ail utilities included, $230. References. Na pets. Write advertiser 792, c-a Canadian Statesman, P.O. NDER Box 190, Bowmanviile. be received by 48-2N ned until 4:30 ______________ CASH for goid,ý silver, coins, guns, cdocks, eweîlery,' dishes , fumniture, cracks, r antings, sealers, appliances, mien diy Fi ea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783 . 9-tf USED Furnitume and Ap- pliances. Paddy's Market, Ham pton 263-2241. 26-tf 42-1 Don Brooks & Son Genera I Contra ctor and Custom Builder Phone 723-6176 New homes, additions, altera- tiens, lec rooms, garages, reirs of aIl1 types, etc. 25-tf REYNOLDS UPHOLSTERING Modern, Traditional and Antique. Free pcku p and delivery. FREE E STIMATES PHON E 263-2132 R. R. 1, Hampton 8tN Bowmanv 48-tf Ns Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles 143 Wellington St Snowmobiles 623-3410 For Wrecking Purposes Sjediaiizing in Cash & Car SMALLSCRA METAS 9 s, mirrars, alumiri HIGHEST PRICE PAID ràcs(ingadom ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS 28- Yard 623-5756 MINER'S Residence 623-7112 EXCAVA TING 45-tf FOR TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND SEPTIC TANKS. S * PHONE NEWCASTLE Phone for Sappointment ~III Anniversary, ~J Weddinp.and jj~ Family Portraits In Our Studio, Your Homne, or on Location 78 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-2404 42-4N Odd Jobs Person with truck requires work. Scrap, yard clean up, etc. Phone 623-5340 48-2 Snow Ploughing <No contracts please) CALL WHEN N EEDED R. f RY 623-7888 48-1 GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario M. Brooks CARPE NTRY REMODELLING CUPBOARDS - VANITIES GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 623-5566 10-tf Alkindsof BRICKWORK, ýCHIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 Scugog St. BowmanvilIle 623-2756 13-tf WATER Wells bored, 30 tile. 2Ward's Well Boring. Tele- p hone, 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16-tf OXFORD Brick layers and Stonemasons Lt. (Our ilireplaces do flot smioke) Orono 983-5606 18-tf PainfingLloyd Barnes Paihning Plumbing Pa peha ngi ngCarpentry, Renovating Carpentry Ali General Rerrs Remodelling REASONABLE AE General Repaîrs 263-228 Interior Exterior 27-tf 14-tf D. Beers & Sons Gerry Tattrie CONSTRUCTION Mobi le Weîding New Homes - Renavating Rec Rooms "Specializing in Heavy < Repai1rs ofa 11 types. Equipmnent and Farmn PHONE Machinery Repair" 54 Waverhey Road, 6326 Bowmanvi fie, Ont. 623-226 2qA M Tel: 623-2232 46-4N D &R CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM CHAINSAWING Phone Orono 983-5005 or 983-9627 il-tf Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Bowmanville Siding - Soffit Fascia - Trough Shutters - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 FOR FREE ESTIMATE. ALSO HANDLING VINYL SIDING 3-tf N J. WAII "The «J Ennis kilien, Ontario LOB IHO Have A Good Day JACK BURGESS 011 BURNERS - FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville 30-f Ref rigeration and Appi ance, Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Mi lk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days .............. 623-5774 Nights............. 623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-f LTD. R Meat" BILL HENDERSON SOwner (416) 263-8072 rryri *s) -tf N 987-4995 No Sunday Cal is ALL-TYPE ROOFING Shing les new or Reroof ing Flats hot or colId process. AIl roof and chimney repairs. FR EE -EST IMATES 623-5038 15-tf AN DE RSON INSU LATION 623-5181 or 579-2060 Blown Cellulose Fibre for Attic and RAPCO FOAM for WaIIs. CITY and COUNTRY HOMES 7-tf N GLASS and MIRRORS LTO. 7 Division St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phone 623-5187. Mon. - Fi. 8: 00 -5: 00 Sat. 9 - 12 noon Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 9-tf N DARLI NGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf MOU NTJOY BACKHOE SERVICE SEPTIC TANK AND TILE BED INSTALLATION TRENCHING, BASEMENTS, WATERLIANES, SCREENED STONE, CRUSHED GRAVEL, SAND, TOP SOIL PHON E BLACKSTOCK, 986-4737 48-1 DRY WALL FINISH ING PLASTER REPAIRS Spray Stucco Ceilings WALLY LUCYK Orono 983-5518 ______________38-tf G. VAN LONDEN MASON RY BRICK, BLOCK, STONE AND FIREPLACES. Phone 623-5114. 31-tf ODD JOBS YARD and BASEMENT CLEANUP RUBBAGE REMOVAL -LIGHT MOVING PAINTING Have truck will move. Phone Andy 623-9379 Ron's Floor Care Commercial and household cleaninca. Dry foam rug and carpet shampooing. Wax re- moval, wall washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 33-tf Hutton & Wiciqans I isu idtiUf BLOWN METHOD FREE ESTIMATES 623-2551 33-tfN Auction Sale, Saturday, December 2nd at 1: 15 p. m. at Bannister's Auction Hall in Bewdley Consisting of chests of drawers, chesterfield, chrome suite, tables, chairs, TV's, wali cdock, dishes, glassware, lamps, beds, a ppliances and other items still being consign- ed. Roger Bannister, auctioneer, 416-797-2651. 48-1iN Saturday, December 9th Auction Sale of Real Estate, Heusehold Furniture, Some Antiques. The praperty of Herman McGIII, lacated an Wilson St., North in the village of Bethany. Property - 2 storey frame house - 3 bedroams, bathroam, living moom, dining raam, kitchen, and attached garage. Terms on property - 10 per cent down day of sale - remainder cash in 30 days. Praperty wiil be offered for sale at3:O00p.m. subject to iow reserve bid. For inspection of property contact Georgina Scott, 705-277-2360. 3 piece chesterfieid suite, chrome rocker, chrome table and 4 chairs. Climax coal and waod coak stove, Beatty me- frigeratar, Beatty wringer washer, record player, record cabinet and records, 3 beds, springs and mattresses, 3 washstands, vanity table, day bed, wardrobe, caffee table, 2 -end tables, smaii tables, coal aoil iamnp,, sever-alitrunks, new ,set of dishes, cutlery, quantity of dishes and cooklng utemnsils, r~aMOhoPne and records, lackand white television, bedding, cush ions, afghans and blankets, pictures and frames, cracks, seaiers, table saw with mator, iawn mawer, garden toals, same tools, whiff le trees and neck yakes, horse clippers, truck cap, 22 rifle, full contents of home wiil be auctianed. Terms cash. No meserve as ownem is in iii niealtn. baie at 12:30 p.m. sharp. Cari Hickson, auctioneer, Reabaro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 48-2 Auction Sale Grist Mill Auction Barn Newtonville, Friday, Dec. lst 7: 00 p. m. Seiiing the contents fram a Toronto home indiuding an attractive oak china cabinet with glass sides, book case library cabinet, curie cabinet, sinle beds, dressers, chests of dmawers, stereas, T.V.'s, 3 pc. bedroomn suite, rug, 30 in. Maffat range, was her-spin dryer, Moffat fiesta stave (overhead aven), McClary freezer (15 du. ft.), also ail furnace (80,000 BTU), and a variety of other good Items, indiuding glass, dishes, and china. Terms cash. Auctioneers: Stapletan Bras. 786-2244. 48-1 N Saturday, December 9 11 a.m. Household Fumniture and Antiques Farm Machinery Auction sale af household fumniture, antiques, farmn nachinery tools, and miscel- laneous seliing at the Wilson Auction Barn, 11/2 miles narth if Uxbridge, on Canc. 7 ta 3eaver Rd., then east ta 1sf fam. M. and Mrs. Speight have given up their famm and viii seil the foliowing: Cock- hutt 30 tractor - new tires, ights and brakes (goad), ubber tired wagon, tandam 2 horse trailer, 1967 GMC truck - ew motor and tires, Homeli!te hain saw, superior deluxe cook stove, extension table nd 4 chairs, end tables, Admirai TV, 4 refinished Bentwood chairs, severai iaaden chairs, wicker rocker, uicker amm chair, 2 caned side .hairs, parlaur chairs, 5 oak Joors - 2 with rippied glass, Shop-mate vacuum, wash ;tand, cri b with new mattress, 3ntîque trunk, chest of Jrawers, 9 x 12 living raam *g, antique pump argan. Also he Aliwards have soid their ime and propemty and have îany items in this sale ncluding antique appie )eler, radio, 2 Polaraid :meras, snowshoes, fishing ,ds, 2 ski-dao heimets, 5 pr. kis, kîtchen cutlery and 1ectricai appliances, hi-fi and ecord changer, speakers, ýuad. AM receiver and tape leck, tmunks, 10 antique iairs, eiectronic organ, 2 dog rates, 3 h.p. gas waler pump, ail box, 5 leather cattie traps, qty. of tadk, water rough, aquarium, 1 ton hoist, ýu many many ather rticies. Sale at il a.m. Lunch vaihabhe. Sale managed and Ild by Lloyd Wilson Auctions rd., U xbridge, Ont. 16-852-3524. 48-1 lease sign up now or bming ýefare, il a.m. sale mamning. -nsîgn with Anne Clarke at ýidtown Sports or Orval McLean, auctioneer, 324-2791 )r 324-2783 nights. 47-2 N Saturday evening the Hec- reational Centre was packed with an annuai dance calied, 'Coon-Hunters Bail', many local yokels attended this event. ANTIQUE furniture, coins, oil paintings, etc. Phone 623-4095. 48-1iN USED snow blowers for Allis Chalmers garden tractors. Will buy or trade. Blackstock 1-986-4283. 48-1 N Work W4,,,n 1-A' Auction Sale Pethick's Auction Barn Saturday Evening, Dec. 2 7 p.m. Large quantity af fumnitu and useful things. Two ve nice show cases, smaîl tablE two recliners, severa o( chairs. Came have a lac Terms cash or gaad chequ Ciff Pethick, auctianeer. 48-1 Comneil's Auction Barn Friday, December lst at 7p.m. 3 miles east of Little Britai or 7 miles west 0f Lindsayc the Lindsay Little Britain Rd Franklin stave, Quebe heater, round pedestai tablE broad axe, hall seat, pres back chairs, dining table wash stands, wicker chairs cutter,' Beatty refrîgerato (excel lent conditian), ga: stave, desk, quantity o waaden chairs, quanti ty c tools, dressers, buffet, bo) trailer, caffee and end tables calour TV, quantity of tools quantity of picture frames china and glassware, plu, many more antiques, furni. ture and househald items. Dai Comneil, auctioneer at R. R.1 Little Britain, 705-786-2183. 48-1 N Auction Sale Thursday, November 3Oth at6 'm Private estate, property oi Ms. Ethel Russell, 155 Kini St. E., Oshawa in came 6o Marks and Marks, Barrister and Solicitor, ta be held ai Stirtevant's Auctian Hall, 31, Hall St., Oshawa, Thursday, November 3Oth at 6 p.m.! piece bedroomn suite (modemn), 4 piece bedroar suite (lke new), Zenith portable calour TV (lke new), 2 gaid arm chairs, pedestal lass tap table, 2 haif moor ables, brea kfast suite, druir coffee and end tables, tele- phone table, 3 piece bedraorr suite, chest of dmawers, dressers, single continental beds, cuckoo dlock, small neediepaint footstoo, humidi- fier (new), utility table, sewing machine (f bar madel, gaad condition), dlock radio, end tables and lam ps, rocking chair, Fleetwood flioam model colour TV (new condition), campiete uine of electrical appliances, large quantity of beding, ru gs, ail fumniture in qoaod candi f on. Na reserve. Reason for sale, ta settie an estate. This is a goad sale, p Ian ta attend. Sales every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p.m. Sales room aopen Il a.m. t 2 p.m. and 6p.m. to 9 p.m. Terms cash. Myles King, auctianeer. Phone 725-5751. 48-1 Auction Sale Saturday, Decem ber 2nd at 11:45 a.m., at th Oae Hall, Cobourg 9 piece dInîngraom suite, Westinghous e frost-free ref ri gerator, dinette suite, hall table with claw feet, modemn desk, coffee tables, Whiri-A-Way partable dish washer, platform and swivei rockers, chrome suite, vanity and stool, blanket box, electric chord organ,' piano stool, picture frames, beveiled mir- ram, dishes, cranberry punch bowis, 10 speed bike, six ft. oool table wîth accessomies, ail1 lamps, cracks, mamble dlock, gorarýe yperitrcopper Cle topiece toilet set, miik botties, iran kettles, fiat iran, lanternis, work bench, table Iamps, butter bowi and ladle, set of aId scales, chain saw, circular saw, quantity of goad hand tools, brass beils and man y more items. Terms cash. Na reserve. North- umberland Auction Services Ltd., Paul Lean, auctioneer. Phone 416-352-2403. 48-1 N Saturday, Nov. 25 1 p.m. Thomas Lauden, f imst moad east of Village of Newcastle, narth one mile beside trailer camp or 1/2 mile east of DX ças station on 35 and 115. Selling all of his furniture and some mpiements on Saturday, Nov. 25 at 1 p.m. Findlay aval cook stove, 2 kitchen cabinets, fridge, rangette, aid dinlng roomn table, kitchen chairs, Thursday Night, November 30 7 p.m. At Orval Mc Lean Auction ire Center, Lindsday ry On Little Britain Rd. just es south of Highway 7. Some idd excellent furniture from local >k. estates and consignors, filing ue. cabinets, C.B.'s, two reclining chairs, Braemore modern N chesterfield set, some dishes ând antiques, oil lamps, - partial toi Iet set, secretary desk, modern walnut dining room suite, 6 chairs, table, buffet and hutch, older n mahoany bedroom suite, )n beautiful large chest, excel- .,lent walnut bedroom suite, c walnut 8 pc. dining room suite e, with china cabinet, 9 pc. ss mahoaany dinîng room suite e,<older), mahogany china s, cabinet, mahog any red r leather inlaid coffe and end is tables, 2 leather top parlour )f tables, 6 office filing cabinets, f iron bed, oak buffet, 6 good ix oak chairs, wooden barrel, ~,steel work cabinet, electrical ,,wire, chest, drop leaf table, ,console television, portable Is television, drapes, mirror, 1- partial set Limoges dishes, n antique rocking chair, 1 dressers, bureau, washstand, 2 - 54" beds, chests, lantern, y crocks, milk cans, garden -tools etc. Ag ood quality sale. No reserve.,A l m ust go. Orval1 McLean, auctioneer, 324-2791 days or 324-2783 nights. 48-1 N )f Auction Sale 9 Saturday, October 2nd )f 1 P.M. ýr At Orval McLean Auction it Centre in Lindsay, on Little 3 Britain Rd., i ust south of Hwy. f, 7. Consignment Sale of Ski- 5 doos, snowmobiles, trucks, e cars, trailers, tools etc. Snow- n mobiles included Skidoos, h John Deere, Mercury, Snow Twister, Allouette, Evinrude. il Also, 1971 Chrysler, loaded, 1 (with new tires and air condi- 1 tioning), 1969 school bus, 1969 -Chev. oick-uo with cap, 1975 1 Chev. van, 1975 Ford Super, Cab camper special ¾/4Ton Ipick-up certif ied, 1970 Chev. sinale axle dumo truck runs good), two trailers, 1976; Djqdge 20 ft. Glendale motor. home fully equipped, OMCý tube light fixtures, vice, addlng machines, chlcken feeders, plg feeders, rabbit cages, water bowls, plus more items stili being consigned. To fconsign, please bring your 1 units by il a.m. morning of sale. A few items subject to reserve bidsý Dress warm. Orval McLean, auctioneer, Lindsay 324-2791 or 324-2783 nights. 48-1iN BLACKSTOCK Lt is with extreme sactness that I relay the message of the death of Bob Fletcher on Saturday night; and offer the community's deep ýsympathy, especially to his dear wife, Pat, who previously prepared the Blackstock News. Thursday evening John and Enid DeCoe and their children Aaron and Rebecca h of Cour- tice joined Halie Vogel and Vieki Schryburt as supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frances Rioual to wish 'Laura' a very happy 6th birthday. The Schryburt famnily made a fast trip to Michigan for the weekend to celebrate the Thanksgiving Holiday with Beth's relatives; staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Stimson in Davison. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and famnily along with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Boundey of Port Perry, at- tended a family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Jones and family at Sebright, honoring her father, Chester Graham's birffiday. The young people's Club in Blackstock will meet on Dec- ember lOth, at the Anglican Church in the Parish Hall, at 7 p.m. where the topic of drugs will be fully discussed. Couples Curling this year will be a delightful way to get out with your hubby. Unfort- unately there are still not enough couples signed Up. Blackstock curling is a good place to start, please cail Beth