* LOOKING AHEAD Earn $350 for Christmas in y our spare time. Cheose your ewn heurs. * CALL MRS. GREEN (between 4and 6) 623-9302 49-tf N BECOME A BIG BROTHER Phone 623-6646 49-9 N WAITRESS wanted at the Heritage House Restaurant, Bowmanvilîe Mal, Experienced please! Appiy in person. 50-1 N MATURE responsible womnan to previde day care in my home, two children, Beech and Concession area. Start January. Flexible hours. Top wagés. Phone 623-9528. EXPANDING Canadian Oul Ce. offers opportunity for high income plus regular cash and yacation bonuses, abundant ,ringe benefits te mature -Individual in Bowmanville *area. Airmail President, De pt. CI, P.O. Box 70, Station R, Toronto, Ontario, M4G 3Z6. 52-1 HAIRDRESSER fer establish- ed salon. Tel. 623-4901. 50-1 MATURE babysitter te come Into our, home in Hobbs Dr. area te care for one chiid, 6 menths old. Monday te Friday, heurs flexible, 30 - 35 heurs per week. Please cal 623-6308 after 5. 50-1 FULL and part-time persons teo cail on Fuller Brush customers in Town of Bowmanville. No investment. Choose your own heurs, mornings, afternoons or even- is.Excellent second lob. Wuinprizes, plus top commis- sions. Must be over 18. For information caîl Patrick Wiebe, 1-372-9969 after S p.m. ,or, write 416 Waiton St., .4Y-2 'TWO car garage or similar' sized building, heat and hydre and solid flber, for a wood working shep. Muist be in Oreno, Newcastle or Bowman- ville area. 983-5723 or 983-9501. 50-1 N REMa N7'OTICE TO CREDITI 'AND OTHERS in the estai SYDNEY THOMAS KER, AIl persons1 having cia 'egainst the estate et Syc .homnas Kersey, late of ,Town 0f Newcastle in - Rogional Municipaiity Durham, who died on Oci( 8th, 1978, are reguired to preef of same with the ui slgned on or befere Deceru 28th, 1978, af ter whi ch date estate wiil be distributedi regard oniy te the daim *which the undersigneds thon have notice and undersigned wiii not be Ii te any p orson of whose cl he shali net thon havenotic Dated at Oshawa, this day of Novom ber, 1978. STEPHEN M. ZUBKAVI Executor 5CCentre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario LI1H 7V4. NOTICE TO CREDIl, AND OTHE RSin the estal CLIFFORD BENTL BRUTON. Ail persons having cia against the estate of Clii Bentley Bruton, late ai Village of Oreno, in theT ef Newcastle, Ontario, died on Juiy l3th, 1978, required te file proof efts with.the undersigned on before December 28th,1 afoter which date the es will1 be distributed with roc -'ônly to the claims of which undersigned shahl thonh notice and the undersig wiIl net be hiable te any per of whose dlaim ho shahl thon have notice. -,Dated at Oshawa, this day of Novem ber, 1978. OLIVER G. KNA Executor, c-o Step hon M. Zubkavich, Barristor and Soilicitor, 54C Centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario Li1H 7V4. Al daimrs against Estate of HAROL D GEOR GILLINGHAM, late ofE i'anville in the Reg! Municipaiity of Donh Ontario, whe died on the -day of June, 1978, must bD ed with the undersignedE cuor on or beo re the 16t of January, 1979, after wi date the Estate wiii distrit-ted, having reg enly te the dlaimns of whici Executor shahl thonh niotice. 1DATE Dat Toronto, Ont. this 1sf day of December, I THE ROYAL TRUST 'COMPANY, P.O. Box 7500, _Station A, Toronto, Ontario, M5W ,Executer. ByLang, Michener, Crans, «Farquharson & Wright, its Solicitors herein. oý0 t POLLED Herefored register- ed bull, il mentfis. SG Banner Nemrod 1K. Excellent celer and conformation. Traces on top te Justamere Legend on Bottom te Justamere Banner Secu ritv. A real1 eeoortun itv at $850.00. Sylvan Glen Farm, Port Hope. 416-753-2360. 50-1 N PON Y mare and foal1 and bred, lack. Foal due ln summer. Foals are from purobred champion Morgan. $300 firm. Phone 623-4751. 50-1 HORSES boarded. $70 month. Indoor-outdoor arena. Herses trained. North Star Ranch. 797-2446. (Government license No. 2331). 49-2N SADDLES - new and used, nothing over $150 - both English and Western plus many Christmas specials tee flumerous te mention. For brains galore iust shop at Our store. Open dauly and evenings Tuesdav thrnaiin S)unday, Gladwin and Ce., Duhm Road 23, South Whitby, 668-1282. 48-4N HORS EME N Cempiete facilities available. Herses -, boug ht, soîd and traided. Training and lossons. English and Western. Boarding facilities with indoor arena. VISITORS WELCOME KENDAL HILLS HORSE CENTRE Campbelicroft 416-797-2124 FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CALL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 FARM house, plus garage, miles southeast of, Newcaste, $20monthly lsutilities. Available January lSth (flexible>). Phone 987-4243. 50-2N TWO rooms available for room and board, ideal for friends, in Waverley Road area. Phone 623-6846. 49-2N BOWMANVI LLE, dewntown area, 3 bedroom brick, swimiming pool, fireplace. $350 monthfiy.0 Reforences. Phone 623-2127 or 623-7461. 50-1 N WINTER steraqe suitabie for cars, or machinery. Reason- able rates. Phone 623-3613. 50-1 N HOUSE, 3 bedroom bungalow, central, close te schoois, $325 monthi y pl us utilities. Available Jan. 15 or Feb. 1. Phone 623-5063 after 5. 50-1 N BOWMANVI LLE apartment, 4 rooms and bath, heated, cable TV, f ree parking. Availabie now. Reasonable plus hydre. Phone 623-7523 or 1-705-696-3361. 28-TF ONE bedroom furnished apartment. Two months in advance. Heated, hydre extra. $160. Available January 1. Telephone 623-7264. 1 50-1 THREE bedroom apartment, heat, hydre, garage and garden, east of Kirby. Phone 728-6609 or 725-5618. 50-2N ONE bedroom apartment in Bowmanviiie, fridge and steve lnciuded. First and last month's rent required. Apply 623-4387. 50-1 TWO bedroom apartment on Lamb's Lane. Available December 15, $214 includes heat and hydre. Phone 623-5888. 50-1iN THREE bedroom tewnhouse in Bowmanvilie, $291 per month plus utilities, available January lst. Cail befere8 p.m. 623-6391. 50-1 N FARM heuse 2 miles south- east of Newcsýle, $250 month- ly/utilities. Available January 15'th (flexible). Phone 987-4243. 50-2N AVAILAB LE January 1, large home near Hampton. $275 per month. Pay first and last month'sý rent . Phone 263-2988. 50-1 N BOWMANVILLE - 2 bed- room townhouse. Immediate possession. $240 monthly. Cali 623-7661. Ask for Donna. 50-1 N ,arie, THREE bedreem house in 1978. Bowmanviie. Phono 263-8845. 50-1 N THE Stonegate. Very nice 1 and 2 bedroem apartments with view and many featores i P9 in Port Hope - 885-6500. 9t stnSTORAGE availabie fer tent 1trailers, hardtops, smaii beats 503 and ski-doos. Phone 263-2042. 43-tf N Lloyd Barnes Plumbing Carpentry, Renovating AIl Gneral Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27 D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repa irs of al types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS - FURNACEIa CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box43 - Bowmanville 30-tf Enniskillen, Ontario LOB iHO Have A Good Day e g - Cars for scrap and scrap metal. We pay to haul if away. Phone 987-5318. 49-3N DOG house for large dog. Phone 623-3087. 50-1N USED Furniture and Ap- iances. Paddy's Market, Sampton 263-2241. 26-tf BILL HENDERSON Owner (416) 263-8072 * * aned HOLSTE IN heifers freshening January - February, purebred or grade f rom herds with one dlean test or isted. For immediate shipment. Phone 986-4246. 49-2N C ASH for gold, silver, coins, guns, dlocks, jeweiiory, dishes, furniture, crocks, p aintings, sealers, appliances, Friendi y Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-tf THE Oshawa Obedience Association offers the follow- Ing courses starting in January. Novice and Show handling starting in Bewman-, ville, January 9th and a Novice class startlng in Oshawa January lth. For further information please cai 1576-1167 or 655-4356. 49-5 N FREE to good home, three biack sma il breed pups, 6 weeks old, two maie, one female. Phone 263- 2306. 50-1 N JUSI in time for Christmas. Pups, mostiy black Labrador, 6 weeks oId, f ree to good home. Cali 263-2068 affer 5 p.m. 50-1iN SPECIAL 20 kg. Bag Purina Dog Chow........ $11.45 20 kg. Bag Purina Dog Meal ........ $12.01 QUANTITIES AT THESE PRICES ARE LIMITED Ref rigeration Appi lance Ser Commercial and Dor Refrigeratien - Milk ( PHONE BERT SI Days .............. Nights ............ Lander Hardv and ELECTRI Ron's Floor C Commercial and ho cleaninu. Dry foam i carpet shampooing. meval, wafl washi Ron Turcoti 623-7966 GORD SIMP' Phono 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhangiî Ca rpentry Re modelIii t Genera I Repci Interier E DRY WALI FINISHIN( A LSO PLASTER REPAIF We have a good supply of Wild Bird Seed, SPaiting o Sunflower Seed, Safe-T-Salt, and Sait for Pitn water softeners at competitive prices. WALLY LUC' Orono 983-55 VANSTONE FLOUR AND FEED MILL King St. W., 623-5777 49-2N, Phone for ** appointment 00 Anniversary, EWeddinp.and aFamuly Portraits In Our Studio, Your Home, or on Location 78 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-2404 42-4N M. Brooks CARPE NTRY REMODELLING CUPBOARDS - VANITIES GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 623-5566 10-tf Alilkinds cf BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 Scugog St. Bowmanvillie 623-2756 13-tf WATER Wells bored, 30 tule. Ward's Weil Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- tve Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16-tf OXFORD Bricklayers and Stonema sons Lt. SNOW PLOWING (NO CONTRACTS PLEASE) CALL WHEN NEEDED R. F RY 623-7888 50-3 BYAM PLUMBING &HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING NEW WORK AND RENOVATIONS FREE ESTIMATES Village cf Tyrone, R.R. 5, Bowmanviîlo 263-2650 50-tf N DARLI NGTON MASONRY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf Don Brooks & Son Genera I Contra ctor and Customn Builder Phone 723-6176 New homes, additions, altera- tiens, jiec reoms, garages, repu rs cf al types, etc. 25-tf Siding - Soffit Fa scia - Trough Shutters - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 7-f FOR FREE ESTIMATE. ALSO HANDLING - VINYL SIDING 3-tf N Bowmanville Glass 143 Well1ington St. 623-3410 Specializing in Cash & Carry, glass, mirrors, aluminurr products (siding and doors), 28-tf N D &R CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM CHAINSAWING Phone Orono 983-5005 or 983-9627 .il-tf REYNOLD UPHOLSTER Modern, Traditional Antique. Free pckup and dol, FRWEE ETIMAT PHONE 263-2132 R. R. 1, Hamptci BiIis GLASS and MIRROR4 7 Division St., Bowmia Ontario. Phono 623-5 Mon. - Fr!. 8:00.5: Sat. 9-12 noon Shoot and Float Gie Seaied Units - Storm Wi Store Fronts - Float Mi Patterned and Celored and Glazing. ODD JOBS YARD and BASEME .1CLEANUP RUBBAGE REMOV LIGHT MOVIN( PAINTI NG Have truck wili mev Phone AndY 623- Odd Jobs Persen with truck req work. Scrap, yard dlean up, Phone 623-531 AN DERSOI INSU LATIC 623-5181 or 579-2060 Bîewn Cellulose Fibi Attic and RAPCO F0J Walls. CITY and COUNTI HOMES, Hutton & Wîgg Insulation BLOWN METHOI] FREE ESTIMATE 623-2551 Auction Sale Satiurday, Dec. 1 At Pethick's Auction Haydon 1 mile east of Enni Largo quantity of fur dressers, wardrobes,1 couch, single beds, cupi small tables. Good plac your Christmas shopr your own price. Termsg geod cheque. Cliff i auctioneer. Auctien Sale Saturday, Decembe 1: 15 p.m. at Bannister's Auctior Consisting of: chg drawers, set ef bunk vanity, arm chairs tables, dishes, glas lamps, TVs, bed, chairs, heavy duty smal woed steve and items stili beiýng cor! Last sale ef this year. Bannister, auctioneer 797-2651. AutoSae Auction Sale for Colemnan's Moving and 1StorageOshawa Thursday, December 14 6 p.m. iand To be held at Stirtevant's Aucton Hll,33 Hall St., -vice Oshawa. (Approximately 6 mestic household contents). Chester- Coolers field suites, chrome suites, YER bedroomn suites, coffee and 623-5774 end tables (several sets>, high .623-3177 boy, lazy boy chair, chest of drawers (several), dressers ma re (several), bed chesterfield, ic cedar chest, strol ler, chilldren's toys, beds 2-tf (complete), cri bs, stoves, ref rigerators, quantity of :aebroadloom, portable colour usehold records and stand, large rua and mirror, pictures, magazine Na x re- rack, table lamps, single beds, ing. bunk beds, davenport, plant te table, fireplace screen, stereo set, approximately 20 boxes of electrical appliances, silver, 33-tf dishes and china. This will be ____a large sale. Plan to attend. ON Sales every Tuesday and SON Thursday al 6 p.m. All furniture welcome. Terms cash. No reserve. List not complete. Due to late payment on storage, Myles King, rig auctioneer. 725-5751. 50-1 Gigantic Auction Sale Orchard equipment, fruit 3rs stand accessories, horse Exeir drawn equi1pmnent and 14-tf atqus aturday, ____ ecem ber 16, 1 p.rn. f rom the tarim of Ralph His, Enniskil- Llen. For cenvenience the sale will be heid at the farmn of iSteve Liptay, Haydon, 10 mi. north of Bowmanviile, RS orchard equipment - Hardi rings orchard sprayer with engine, 5 ft. rotary mower, 3 pt. fork lift, manure bucket, 6" irriga- 'YK lion Pump with industrial 518 picking ladders, sprays, 60 38-tf apple boxes, 500 bushels, bushel tops, baskets, picking )S hampers, electric- apple QiNG craders and con veyors, land er with mirror and lights, antique cash registeredi, stain- livery. less steel display crates, TES sprays, cab for Ford tractor, grain auger with motor, grain grinder, motors, weigh scaies, steel fence posts, Bolens 48 garden tractor with plow, 4-tf N cultivator, mower, and disc, ____ single horse trailer, 4 seater rumble seat cutter, (very -> ood), 2-seater, cutter__(exce i fent), Red River cart, 4 seaterý tS LTD. cutter (part restored) cuttersý anville, for parts, Democrat, 3 pt. -5187. cultivator, 8 ft. pull typp'disc,' :00 2 row cern planter, 2 rowý 1planter, maple syrupequip- lass ment - 100 buc euslarge Vindows evaporator, hunderds of Airrors spiles, small evaporator, etc., d Glass pieneer chain saw, air compresser, grinder, many 9-tf N other tools, antiques, dressers, stands, picture frames, beds, doors, windows,! I shutters, oil burner, lamps, iENT crecks, jugs, jars, pieneer tools - hoes, picks, corn VAL sheller, corn planter, grind- r»ers, wooden planes, bits, etc, horse harness, neck yokes, ive. poles, shafts, antique tool box, chairs, and hundreds of other -9379 articles. 1951 two door coupe, straight eight Pontiac - col. 22-tf lectors take. note. Dozens of - house plants, refreshments available. Terms cash. Due to the~ size of the sale, many quires items will sell Flea Market Style al 10 a.m. Come and make an offer. Auction sale 1 ,etc. p.m., Steve Liptay, 10 auctioneer. 263-2961. 492 482 Thursday, Decemrber,14 12:30 p.m. SN Hoîsteins December Malmont censigniment sale at Maimont Sales Arena, Blackstock, Ont. Neil Malcolm proprietor. 40 head. Several fresh and close cows and heifors. Aise 2 service age bulis with hi gh bre for production pedigrees. Ail )AM for cattle blood tested. Many f rom listed herds. Sale at 12:30. RY Lunch available. Lloyd Wilson, auctioneer, Uxbridgo, 7-tf N Ont. 416-852,3524. 49-2 ans Sotscolonl In an exhibition game held D here on Saturday, Scett's D Colonels lest te Cobourg by the ES score ef 3 -2. Although playing tables, steve, -O id Cher t o r. 416- ca'p H.L. WoodFoe Wees Lote, TIie end Win le Action Over Weekend The Bowmanville Minor Pee Tommy McLaughlin, un- Wee Toros, sponsored by assisted. The Thornhill club Howard Wood Transport, evened the count with 4:22 completed a busy weekend,' remaining in the game. Alan playing two games on Satur- Ulrich was in goal fer Bew- day, December 9th, and tra- manville and ho came up with velling te Peterborough on many exceptional stops. Sunday. On Sunday, the "Transport- On Saturday morning, the ors" travelled te Peter- Miner Pee Wee Toros jour- borough for an O.M.H.A.' neyed te Ajax for an exhibition Longue game against the game against their arch rivais "AAA" Major Atoms. Bew- with the Toros coming home manville won the game 5-3. on the short end of a 4-3 score. The "Potes" jumped into an The Ajax club opened the early 2-0 lead. Bowmanville's scering with a goal ceming at Brad Cruess got one goal back the 8:35 mark of the middle at the 12:06 mark of the period. Bowmanville's Brad middle period. The assists on Cruess evened the count at the the goal went te his linemates 2:54 mark of the same period. Chris Lee and- Lorne Whit- The Bowmanville club marsh. jumped into the lead early in Peterborough again took a the third peried when Grog twe-goal lead early in the final Watson scored with the assist period. At this stage of the going te his right winger Jen game, the Bowmanville lads Clieff. Ajax tied the score. The seemed te wake Up te the tact Tores again went ahead, this they were geing te lose if they time the marksman being didn't start te work. Grog Chris Lee, assisted by bis Watson picked up an errant centreman Lerne Whitmarsh. Peterborough pass and scored Ajax scored twice late in the te put Bowmanville back into' peried, the last goal coming the game. Lorne Whitmarsh with only 16 seconds romain- scered the equalizer on a slick ing for their margin of victery. passing play, assisted by bis The goaltending chores for left winger Chris Lee. Lorne Bewmanville were handled by scored the game-winner less Chris Clifton who played well than a minute later, again in a losing cause. assisted by Chris Lee. The On Saturday evening, the final goal of the game was H.L. Wood ýMiner Pee Wees scored by Chris Dreossi, hested Thornhill "AA" in an unassisted. Chris Cliften was exhibition game in the Mem- in goal for the Toros and erial Arena. The game ended played extremely well, par- in a 1-1 deadlock in a very ticularly early in the game well-played contest. The lone when his teammates were not Toro goal was scored by very impressive. WalerFran[Ak Pee Wees Walter Franks Major Pee Wees travelled te Lindsay, on Dec. 9th and came home wîth a 5 te 1 victory. The Bulîs opened the sc.or- ing at the 2:20 mark of the first period when Deryl Clark scored from Scott Heard. The Toros made it 2 teo0 at the 4:06 mark when Robert Geidlinger scored from Jay Sweet. Betore the first period was over the Bulîs had made it 3 te 0 as Jay Sweet seored from Mike Hamel. In the second period, Danny Weir was lot free te skate in on the Lindsay net and made ne mistake. Lindsay scored their enly goal of the game when the defencé lot down and permit- ted two Lindsay players go in unmolested and Craig Wîl- lianson slipped it passed gealtender George Kennett who played a very steady game in the nets for the Buils. The final goal of the game came at the 10: 08 mark of the third period when Danny Weir scered his second goal of the night. The Toros picked up 12 minutes in penalties while Lindsay picked up 8 minutes. Dutchman Bantams Loge Two and Win One On Monday, Nov. 20 at D.S.C. Bay Ridges played Flying Dutchman Motor Inn Major Bantams. Ridges open- ed the scoring on a goal, by Rob Boomham. Tores drove the puck into Ridges' end from the face off and Brian Ruddy went in and picked up the puck and dove a hard shot in the direction of their net, whicbî thon ricochetted off the opponents knee pad into their net. With 3 minutes left in the first Brad Clemens made a goed pass te, Steve Cary, who shoved the puck between their cletence, where our talented left winger picked up the puck and drove it in their net te put us in front 2 - 1. With iess than a minute remaining Bav Ridges' AI Azzopardi scored te tie it Up and end the scoring in the first. In the second Fulton and Drake put Ridges in front 4 - 2 early in the period. Ed Osborne scored a nice goal from the voint àssisted by Brad Clemens. Drake scored again for Ridges te make it 5 - 2. On a good passing play from Barry Cuilen, te Bill Hogarth te, Brian Ruddy get Toros back within one te end the period. In the third Flying Dutch- man Motor Inn boys complote- ly dominated the play hitting goal pests, fallen players in front of their net, etc., but couidn't put the puck in their net. Toros outshot Ridges 17 te 6 in the third but ended up losing 5- 4. Whitby 7 - Flying Duteman Motor Inn -4 Flying Dutchman Motor Inn traveiied te Iroquois Park Arena on Wed., Nov. 22 te play Whitby. With just 22 seconds gene in the game Derek Kutyluk from Whitby skated te our blue lino and drilied a slap shot that bit our cross bar and went in. Less than a minute later Donaldson scor- ed unassisted te put Whitby up 2 - 0. At the nine minute mark Barry Culien scored assisted by Brian Ruddy. This ended the scering in the first peried. Toros epened the scering in the second te, tie it up on an unassisted goal by John Kilompmaker. Whitby scered againt te take the iead but Rick Erwin unleashed abard slap shot from the right point te tie it up again. Whitby scored 4 goals more te win the game 7 - 4. Whitby won this game because of a Toro's iack of desire te win and aise because everybody did not put eut their 100 per cent. Bowmanville 6 - Cobourg 2 On "Grey Cup" Sunday, Nov. 28 Fiying Dutchman Motor Inn played in Cobourg. After some consistent check- ing in Cobeurg's end Darcy Cummings came up with the puck te score unassisted. Cobourg came right back and scored te tie it at 1 - 1. Rick Erwin shot a bard shot frem the peint which John Klemp- maker defiected into Cebourg's net - Toros minutes inter an almest identicai shot by Rick Erwin only te be deflected by Bill Hogarth this time. In the second each team scored with Teres goal going te our bard digging ieft winger Bill Hogarth assisted by Darcy Cummings. In the third period Ed Osborne scored assisted by Barry Cuilen. With iust over a minute ieft in the game Rob Kennett picked off a stray, Cobourg pass te score unas- sisted. Good two-way play by Toros ferwards helped them dominate this game geing al the way and playing weli in Teros' net was Paul Adams. Mninor Hockeyu Atom - Dec. 8th, Lange Gane - 3 - Dave Fowier, Ron His, Scott Colo; Dariington Auto Centre - 4 - Joe Raetson, Jim Henderson, Joe Hennessy, Jamie Lever. 1 Pee Wee - Dec. 9tb, Good- year RanLiers - 3 - Ed Bird, Tracy Stephens 2; Dennison Mfg. - 2 - Ryan Brown, Steve McHugh. Nichols Motors - 1 Greg Bell; Mr. Submarine 2 - Randy Smit, Mike Murray. Larry's Sports - 7 - Bob Canfieid, Steve Sarginsen, Glen Kiompmaker 2, David Osborne 2, Rob McCellough, Shut eut te Rick Martin; Osborne & Shank Insurance - o. Novice - Bonded Paving - 3 - Brian Hill 2, Tyson Parker, Shut eut te Paul Stephens; Ontario Hydre !Employees Union - 0. 1 Consumers Gas - 2, - M. Boutiier, S. Edmundson; Bon Rae - 2 - Richard Gordon 2. Atom - Dec. 4th, D & R Sports - 2 - Jeff Brooks, Ed West; Darlington Auto Centre - 7 - J. Lever, J. Hennessy, M. Hendersen 3, B. Walters 2. SDec. * 8th, Kinsman - 0; Larry's Sports - 2 - Kevin Nagel 2, Shutout te Stephen Conway. Bantam - Attersley Tire - 4 - T. Cowie, D. Hancock, A. Mailey 2; Mr. Submarine - 7 - Calvin Yeo, Rob Plain, Eric Vyskocil, Russ Hole, Todd Stevens, Glen Tink'. Keol Enterprises - 3- Roy Brooks, Paul LaBeau, Bill Sainsbury; Frank's Variety - 1 - R. Johnson. Midget - Country Boy - 3 - Witherspoon, Sneed 2; Gill's Texaco - 2 - M. McVitty, S. Down.i Atem - D & R Sports - 1 - Kyle Virtue; Lange Gane - 2 - Deug Hegg, Mike Watson. December lst, 1978 Novice Consumers Gas -i-J Stevens, Ontario Hydre Em- ployees Union - 1 , No. 9. Decemiber 2nd, 1978 Novice Bon Rae - 2 - Richard Gordon, Scott Hanthorn; Bonded Pav- ing - 4 - Brian Hill, hat trick Steven Smith 3. Pee Wee Dennison Mfg. - 4 - W. Bragg 2, R. Brown, D. Mann; Osborne and Shank Insurance - 1 - D. Rupa. Nichols Motors - 1 -, Grog Bell; Goodyear Rangers - 1 - Jame Fraser. Mr. Submarine 1 - Mike Vanderweuden; Larry's Sports - 2 - Bob Canfield, David Osborne. Novice Bill's Glass Mirrors - 2 - Shut eut te S. O'Brien; Consumers, Gas - 0. Pee Wee Larry's Sports -: 3 - Bob Canfield 2, Stephen Sabean. Goedyear Rangers - 4 - Jeff Brunt, James Fraser, Tracey Stephen. Mr. Submarine - 2 - Keith Olan, MIke Richards. Osborne and Shank Insurance - 3 - Scott Hodgson, Dane Rupa, Kevin Fowler. Nichols Motors - 5 - Mark Hill, Grog Bell, Mike Derzbach 3. Dennison Mfg. - 4 - Wayne Bragg, Ryan Brown, Don Mann, Danny Player. Bantam Franks Variety - 3- S. Hollister, R. Johnson, A. Hickey. Reddi Chef - 2 - Rod Plain, Robbie McKay. Keol Enterprises - 2 - Marcel Barretta, Chuck Green, Shut eut te Scott O'Neil;, Attersley Tire - 0. December 2, 1978 Atom Kinsmen -i Scott Webster, Shut eut te Dave Bickell; Lange Gane - 0. Larry's Sports - 3, - Kevin Nagel, Todd Lewis, Ger Mur- cherson. D & R Sports - 2- Jeff Brooks, Ed West. Bantamn Mr. Submarine - 2 - Steven Moselanczki, Kelvin Sioos. Kool Enterprises -S5 - Chuck Green, Terry Milne, Paul Lebeau, John Vanderweer. Franks Variety - 4 - R. Johnson, M. Kohlsmith, D. Connolly. Attersley, Tire - 1 - R. Grabko. Midget Gill's Texaco - 5 - Gary Vyfschoft 3, Gary Owens, Dentrement. Country Beys - 2 - Brian Sudsbury, Ted Wither- spoen. Septo aean Mwinou' Bantams letting down after those twe Toro goals, they seemed te wake up and promptly added two more goals beore Shaughn Houston unassisted at 12:04 made it respectable. NOTES - A better effort than we have seen before as the Toros played well enough te win but could net get the breaks. (Our fireplaces do net smoke) Orono Peter Sutherland 983-5606 Aluminum Prod. 18-tf Bowmanville J. WIWIH LTD. Km