"Mr. Randy Chambers, Calgary, Alberta spent a week's vacation with is parents, sister and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Chambers, Joyce and Carl. -Get well wishes go to Mrs. Lla Ferguson who is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. -Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Oke, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Angus King, Little Britaîn, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McLaugblin were irecent vistiors of the C. Avery's.' 1Mr. and Mrs. Garth McGill and family, Kingston spent the ,veekend with their parents, M4r. and Mrs. H. McGill and the R. Virtues. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker and family, Newcastle were New Year's Day supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery. -Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue, Judy and Laurie, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill were entertained to dinner by Mr. end Mrs. John Borrowdale, Oshawa on Friday evening, Pec. 29th in honor of Harvey and May's 5tb Wedding Ânniversary. :.Mr. and Mrs. M. Pollard, Tracy and Randy were New Year's Day supper guests of Mrs. G. Lyons. ý Mr. and. Mrs. E. Wright ývere among the guests attend- rng the reception and dinner in bonor of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larmer's Stb Wedding Ànniversary wich was held at the Centennial Hall, Bow- mranville. _-MIaster Brooke Clemens, Hampton was a recent visitor Îvith Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wqrigbt and Betty. ~Christmas Sunday - Mr. and lârs. Bob Dittburner, Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon and family, Mr. -and Mrs. Elgin Ta ylor, Mrs. M. Horn and Miss Dee Fegan, Oshawa were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin and Donald. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Wright were New Year's Day callers of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty, Jeffrey returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. E. Trewin, Donald and Miss Dee Fegan, Mrs. M. Horn, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dittburner, Ottawa were Christmas Day guests of Mrs. Jean MeLaughlin, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. E. Trewin, Donald and Miss Dee Fegan, Oshawa, Mrs. Elgin Taylor were New Year's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lamb, Patricia and Gail were New Year's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamb and family, Bailieboro. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stenger, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Rowan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hiemstra, Mrs. Ruth McLeud, Mr. Nels Burshaw, Oshawa saw the New Year in witb Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ashton, Oshawa, on the birtb of their son, Timothy Ronald. Mr. and Mrs. W. Piggott and family were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Read and family at a family gathering, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Ern Werry and Bert, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Grills, Peterborough, Miss Shelley Connell were New Year's Day supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry and James. Dr. and Mrs. Clark Werry ENNISIKILLEN and family, Etobicoke were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ern Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry were Thursday overnight guests of M. and Mrs. Gary Vickers and cildren, Hamil- ton. Christmas Day evening Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott paid a visit on Mr. and Mrs. Jake Gerryts for a family gathering. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Tabb. A family Christmas was held at the L. Stainton's on Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Andrew Sword, Brace- bridge was a holiday visitor. Andy Piggott spent a few lays witb Mr. and Mrs. James Piggott - on Thursday they, paid a caîl on Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott to return Andy. Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swain paid a caîl on the Wayne Piggott's on Thursday. Mrs. Ina Beryl Dudley and Neil, Sarnia were Thursday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne, Piggott and family, Wayne, Lynn and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown and family, Bowmanville. Mrs. Joe McGill, Dean and Todd, Mississauga, Mr. and Mrs. Garth McGill and family, Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill were New Year's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue and famîly. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Gerryts and sons, Bowmanville visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and family were New Year's Day supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swain, Haydon. New Year's Eve Sunday arrived with a dense fog overhead and slippery under feet - one of several reasons for the low attendance of 45 folks at the Sunday a.m. service. As well as a cool reception in the Sanctuary caused by an unfunctioning furnace fan. Only 4 members in the choir wîth their faithful leader Ulah Chambers at the organ and piano. The Invoca- tion was a response from the pulpit and congregation. Four young chaps who braved the weather and joined the minister for the story entitled "New Year's Resolutions" which had good advice and good suggestions for these promises. The sermon's topic was "Predicting The Future" for our minister referred to the O.T. Reading Hosea's foresight and N.T. Reading of Joseph's message to return to Nazareth. Ushers were Keith McGill and Clarence Stainton. This week's events were (1) Sun. caterîng by the U.C.W. at the Conservation was cancelled due to weather conditions (2) Wed. 10:30 a.m. Enniskillen U.C.W. Executive met in the home of Ella Bowman to evaluate the 1978 programns and to plan the meetings for 1979. Fuller report next week. Advance Notices are: (1) Next Sunday, Jan. 7, '79. New Year's Communion will be celebrated at both services (2) Jan. 1th, 8:00 p.m. Parents and Leaders of Beavers an and Leaders of Beavers and- Cubs will meet in the Churcb Hall (3) Friday, Jan. l9tb: The Week of Prayer Service, under the auspices of Bowmanville Ministerial, will be held in Maranatha Christian Reform Church, Bowmanville. Watch the paper for details (4) 8: 00 p.m. Sun*, Jan. 21 Enniskillen Annual Congregational Meet- ing will be beld in the Sanictuary. A reminder to secretary and treasurers of ahl organizations to have records and financial reports for 1978 ready early in Jan. for the annual report. Treasurers book to local Church Auditor Margaret Ashton on or before Jan. 15, 1979. Our minister paid a tribute to the U.C. Observer's Editor the late AI Forrest whose sudden and early death occurred last week. He also reported the satisfactory recovery from accident injury of Mr. Elgin Taylor who is in the Oshawa General Hospital. We are pleased also to tell that Gerta Coepp is recuperat- ing quickly from ber hernia repair operation recently. Mr. and Mrs. Lockie McNair and Brian, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Slack, Holly and Erin, Pontypool were New Year's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bud McNaîr. Master Jeffrey Wright, Pontypool spent New Year's Eve with MUiss Betty Wright. lr.and l rs. Edgar Wright were among the guests at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright's, Bowmanville on New Year's Eve. Mr. and Mrs. George Lead- beater, Lou and Mark, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Leadbeater, Mr. and Mrs. R. Clark of Osbaâwa, Misses Janet and Marlene Parsens, Blackstock were New Year's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Leadbeat- er and Ross. Mr. Michael Holmes, St. Catharines, Linda Sharp were Saturday night supper guests of Mrs. G. Lyons. "Intended for Last Week" The Annual Christmas Concert on Wed. evening, Dec. 20 was a superlative program. Parents, grandparents and friends filled the school auditorium to capacity to enjoy the entertainment provided by the 201 pupils in il numbers. Programme opened with an alert over P.A. System by Principal Bruce Lush and all singing "O Canada". The introduction and welcome was by Chris Newton. The Junior Choir of Grades 4, 5 and 6 had two groups of choruses wbich were directed by teacher Margaret Snowden and Douglas Dewell, pianist. A Primary Play, "Wben Santa Sleeps" by Grades, 1, 2 and 3' was bumorous and well perform- ed. The 26 lîttie pupils of the kingergarten class were 50 cute in their red bow trimmed costumes as they put action into several familiar nursery rbymes e.g. Jack and Jill, Humpty Dumpty, etc. and much credit is due to Joyce McColl who was supply teach- ing for a week during regular teacher Helen Varga's illness. A shadow play "The Night Before Christmas" was deftly pan tomimed by the 7 pupîls of the Special Education Class with their teacher Gary Robinson. Grades 3 and 4 gave a deligbtfully instrumental touch in their 2 Rhytbm Band selections under the direction of tencher Eileen Burgess. Grade 6 honours were done by 5 pupils, viz Mumma Bear - Kim Greenslade, Poppa Bear - Douglas Heming, Baby Bear - Patenaude, Goldie Locks - Douglas Ashton. A lîvely sing-song was led at the piano by Alice Beech and Orville Ashton. The program and business convenor was Lois Worden with able assistance from Douglas Ashton, Dennis Ashton, Larry Ashton, Tom Fanning, Barry Bragg and others. Everyone was ffleasedr with the ioifts ini the The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 3, 1979 19 exchange. Two tiny new for Christmas. members were added this Mr. and Mrs. A. Sheppard year, Amy Ashton and Danny and family were wîth Mr. and Fanning also recently wed Mrs. M. Davis for Christmas Brenda Ashton. dinner. Mr, and Mrs. H. Thiekson Elizabethville. had a Christmas dinner o Mr. and Mrs. V. Peacock Mrs. R. Westheuser and girls, had Mr. and Mrs. A. Peacock, Mr. and Mrs. J. DeKoker Bolton, John from Saskatche- while Mrs. Moore and girls wan and Janet from Califoria ,,h, "Sthop Now while>selectilon is besi."l (1) 1978 BUICK SKYLARK COUPE V-6, automnatic, power steering, radio, rear window defogger, sport mirrors, body mouldings, accent stripes, balance of G.M. warranty. (1) 1978 BUICK CENTURY SPORT COUPE V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, buckets, console, sport mirrors, rally whèels, electric defrost- er, balance of warranty. (4) 1978 PONTIAC PHOENIX SEDANS V-6, automnatic, power steering, radio, rear window defogger, spoôrt mirrors, body mouldings. Some with balance. of G.M. warranty. [As low as ..............$4500 (1) PONTIAC LE MANS COUPE V-6, automnatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, defogger, mouldîngs, stripes, balance of warranty. (2) 1978 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX'S 301 V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, rear speaker, rally wheels, landau roof, buckets, con- sole, electricdef rosier and more. (1) 1978 GMC %4 TON PICKUP 305 V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, rear step bumper, radio, mnirrors, gauges. (Parts Truck). ALL 0F THESE VEHICLES WERE RUSTPROOFED CAR WARRANTY. ALSO AVAILABLE ARE SEVERAL WHEN BRAND NEW AND SOME COME COMPLETE BRAND NEW 1978 PONTIACS AND BUICKS, AT WITH THE BALANCE 0F GENERAL MOTORS NEW LOW, LOW PRICES. 166 KingSt. East Telephone 623-3396 Carrie Davidson, Santa Claus - Darryl Russaw and the story of "The Three Bears", bad a pleasant turn to it by a happy ending. AUl pupils appeared on stage as a choir for their closing choral selections including "Happy Cristmas Day". An appreciation to audience teachers and pupils was by Patricia Hart. High praise is due to the 201 pupils and staff for another excellent performance with teachers. Principal Bruce Lusb, Assistant and Librarian Dennis Barry, Special Educa- tion Gary Robinson, and Eileen Burgess, Larry Rogers, Pat Balson, Margaret Snowden, Helen Varga (Joyce McColl). Music Supervisor Douglas Dewell, Sec. Reva Kinsman, Custodians Ruth Nielson, Gerda Koepp. The printed programs and cover designs were a real work of art and done by the school secretary and some young artistic pupils, iLe. - Donna Hanoski, Carnie Davidson, Robin Haluka, Missy Hornigold. New Year's weekend visitors with Orville and Margaret Ashton were 2 grandcbildren Richard and Elisabeth Worden, R. R. 2 Bowmanville, also Karen and Charles Ashton, Tara and Amy, Oshawa. one of the New Year's Day celebrations was the annual Ashton Clan party held at Hampton Township Hall where 48 members enjoyed dinner and a belated visit from Santa. Illness and distance detained 6 folks from attending. The couples of the younger set were the attentive table waiters. The 3 lucky draw winners were Wayne Travell, Pam Weldon, Larry Ashton, one of these gifts was donated by Gladys Ashton from ber handicraft collec- tion. Background music was provided by disc Jockey IU~flI I~R~ ENTRE Zenith SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS TELEVISION - STEREO MO DULA RS RECORDS and TAPES BOWMANVILLE MALL OSHAWA 623-4535555 Rossland Rd. E. 623.-45i 93 Mon., Tues., Sat. 9:30-6 Mon.-ri. 930-9Wed., Thurs., Fr!. 9:30-9 "Your One Stop Record Shop. "