Lord Elgin Finalists in Volleyball Tourney Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 14, 1979 15 Sam atQ- -quee 'uilsPa rk Many persans living in Ontario find the procedure which now governs the prasecutian of provincial offenses bewildering, expensive, tirne cansuming and altogether disprapor- tionate in gravity to those offenses. To alleviate this situation, the Attorney General's office has This girls volleyball team was defeated by Newcastle in the finals of the récent Kinsmen volleyball tournament held at Bowmanville High School. They are from Lord Elgin Public Sehool, Bowmanville, and include (not in or- dèr) Stephanie Nickerson, Kim Prout, Darlene Osborne, Cathy Dadson, Kirn Hancock, Michelle Hannah, Stacey Zarosky, Karen Sirnpson, Susanne James, Karen Cleland, Kathy Jaques and Darlene Hofstede, with Mr. S. Cales as coach.ý Hopefully several Biack- stock people will make a point of getting out ta see the Borelians' production of "The Second Time Around" in Port Ferry, on February 22, 23, and 24, since two of our local talents are taking an active part in the play. David Ellîs, of Blackstock is the Director and Canal Harris will play the hard ta get along with wife. Tuesday evening card panty winners with seventeen tables were: 1 - Adam Sharp - 94, 2 - Harold Burgess - 84, 3- Marjorie Tennant - 83, 4- Edith Anderson - 81, 5 - Marion Bell - 81, 6 - Laurrena Bright - 80, and low - Mae Shortridge. The Scouts that attended the cold camp-out the week before will neyer forgive me for leaving their names out of the paper, sorry, Mike McDiarmid and Russell Wier also took an active part in the event. Dunwoody aund Associates Limited Management Consultants Suite 1A 57 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa Li H 7L9 Mr. Cambeil organized the speech contest for the Inter- mediate class which took place on February 6th at -L- 00 the Cartright Central Public School. kim Harris took first place with her speech on Commercials and will compete with winners from other schools on February 25 at the Port Perry Legion Hall. Cathy Clark speaking on 'Maie Chauvinist' received second place, and Craig Paisley talking on his 'Trip to Pittsburg' took third; they will join Kim in the 'Family of Schools' competi- tions, to be held at Cartwright on February 22nd at 7:30 in the evening. The Junior Public Speaking Contest was organized by Miss Raymond and took place on the 8th- of February at Cartwright. Winners will compete in the same manner and time as the Intermediate Ciass. First Place - Lisa James, "Are You Fat?"; Second Place - Cathy Paisley, "Being a Hockey Player's Sister"; and Third Place - Boyd Vanderheul, "My Trip to In the event that one of the The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Summer Sehool -Program Bowmanville Hig--h Sohool 49 Liberty Street North July 3 to August 109 1979 If suf ficient registrations are rec 1eived. Busing wiII be provided for the Darlington and Newcastle areas. Suggestions for courses for' eithe-r aduits or children to be included in this program are welcomed. FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO MAKE SUGGESTIONS, PLEASE CALL: WILLIAM BRUNT GARTH GILPIN BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL OR COURTICE SECONDARY SOHOOL 623-4416 728-5146 C0-PRINCIPALS 0F SUMMER SCHOOL winners cannot attend the "Family of Schoois Competi- tion" on the 22nd of February, runners up were chosen in both classes., Intermediate runner up was Steve Barton talking about his "Pet Dime". Junior runner up was Eric Kiezebrink speaking on "South America". Cartwright "A" and "B" Packs joined together on Wednesday evening for their Annual Skating Party at the Blackstock Rink. Forty-six boys, leaders, and fathers enjoyed the party. Seventeen boys received their skating badges for skill at skating, backwards, forwards, in a circle and stopping. Although unknown to most, Blackstock and Nestieton have a pretty active Soccer Team. In the fail of 1978 they broke away from the Uxbridge group and are now organized with the Scugog Youth Soccer, which is sanc- tioned by the Ontario League. There is also a girls team available and Erie Brown, 986-4757 would love to sign up some new members. The Scugog Youth Soccer Club General Meeting is to be held at the Latcham Centre on Thursday, February 15th at 7: 00 p.m. Friday, February 9th, the Gymnastic Class of Cart- wright Central Public School, of which there are over 100 enrolled,, held an in-sehool bake sale of small items. The Gymnasts are hoping to build another balancing beam and eventually buy some parallel bars. The small bake sale earned a profit of $11700. Thank you mothers. Saturday evening the Blackstock Nursery School presented its Annual Valentine Dance at the Recreation Centre. Kathy White organized the affair which was well attended. Jim and Susan Swain won the door prize. The "Big Sound" provided lots of good dancing music and several spot dances gave a bonus to many couples. The banquet laid out at midnight was really delicious. Chris Rollo, president of the organization, drew the lucky winner from the raffle, Mrs. Karen McLean, who will be presented with a certif ied check for $40 made out to the restaurant of her choice for a Valentine dinner for two. Money from the raf fie will purchase more small chairs for the children. Rev. and Mrs. Jack 1H11l and Jon of Columbus were Friday evening dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly, Eleanor, Elaine, and Esther enjoyed a delightful winter weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Kelly in Bobcaygeon. proposed two bills; the Provincial Offenses Act and the Provincial Courts Arnendment Act, which are now being studied by an all-party Legislative Cornrittee. These bills give for- mal recognition ta the fact that offenses under provincial statute law are, for the most part, regulatory, and that it is wrong in principle ta d eal with thern autarnatically in the sarne pracedural strearn as offenses un- der the Crirninal Code. This concept flows frorn the recognition that the persan who breaches an Ontario law need not be treated as if he or she were a dangerous crirninal.* This legislation will rernove rnany of the McGregor, IDA, Bantam l Win Opening Pla'yoff coa This Bowmanville Bantam Second team travelled to Stouffville Feb. 2 to meet in their first game of a best of 3 playoff schedule and came away with a 3-2 win. The first period ended with both teams scoring twice on goals by ScQtt Ward and Trevor Martyn with assists going to Hugh Francis, Brian Strong and Troy Wood for Bowmanville. Stouffville goals went to Glen Lewis from Patrick Duncalfe and Dale Leger from Blair Housser. The second period saw one, goal scored by Scott Michel- son from Scott Ward and Hugh Francis. This rounded out the scoring. This was a good, hard checking, fast skating ga-ie piayed by both teams, which saw excellent play by Derek Laurie who seems to be improving more leach time out, and 110 per cent efforts by Scott Ward, Hugh Francis and shaky legs Michelson the rest of the team managed to play at 101 per cent. Steve Skene in the nets came up with his usual outstanding game, his partner Chris De Sousa will be in goal for our next game Monday, Feb. 5 at 7 p.m. in Hampton. Penalties in this game, 9 Bowmanville, 6 Stouffville, al penalties were well deserved and could have been higher except for the fine officiating in this game by the officials. With game number 2 com- ing up our boys must look back to a few of our earlier league games and remind themselves that loose lips, flappy tongues anci temper tantrums do not belong in this league, 50 let's go out and do what we do best and bring home the bacon. forrnal trappings that surround trials under the Crirninal Code. The accused will still have the right to a full trial but the legisiation provides a number of less formaI rnethods of dealing with rninor provincial offenses. As an example, con- sider the position of a persan charged with a minor highway traffic_ offense. At present, that person rnay pay the fine out of court, appear in court to defend or ex- plain, or take no action, in which case he or she will be tried in his or her absence. Under the new legislation, a person charged could still at his or her option have a full trial of the issue or pay the fine out of court. But in addition the defen- dant could either: 1. Drop in at the court at his convenience at any tirne prior to the date set for trial to plead guilty before a Justice of the Peace and offer an explanation in mitigation of the penalty, or 2. Plead not guilty by 'mail, sirnply by mailing in his or her side of the story. If a Justice of the Peace deterrnined that the explanation disclosed a legal defen- ce to the charge, he could, without the per- son accused having to attend, require the Crown to prove its case fully at a trial, with par- ticular attention being paid to the defence raised in the letter. The person charged would not, therefore, have to, take tirne off work or in- cur travel expenses to have, the defences raiýed. Offenses covered un- der the legisiation are traffic, liquor, municipal bylaw and other non-crirninal of- fenses. This legislation at- ternpts to correct the long-stainding problerns of persons charged with relatively rninor offen- ces being processed together with more severe off enders. I arn sure Sgt. Don Matthews of The On- tario Regirnent will be able to operate under this new legislation when it cornes into force as well as he operated the Regirnent's Annual Members' Mess Dinner. jýu.ý PO.IIONSEE HUE FRE,199 EED &:ARDENBOOe I I I I I I Canada's favorite Seed (316 in full color); loade( Canadian climate: 12 vegetables, luscious ton many new exclusive var services of a long-estat There is also a complete 38 %Ma 1 âd arenRrokoris forI the askft.,180na Ws hunresof ilust- --on dc with helpful gardening information; complete listings of seeds best suited t0 new Al-America Selections Award Wininers, succulent corns, Gourmet ,natoes, tender beans, colorful asters, marigolds, zinnias, gladiolus, etc. plusM ieties, accomplishments of the scientists' skîlI and plant breeders' art, andM blished organîzation continuously devoted f0 interests of Canadien gardeners. esection of garden aîds anîd accessories. Mail coupon today. 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