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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Feb 1979, p. 5

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviiie, FEbray1.17 iILette,~t heEio C SAVE 3Wi Dcor 1l, 2.Ply, Assorted Colours BATÀmiHROOM TISSUE pkg of 4 rmils 99e Our Reg. Price 1.29 Roll-On ARIDl 71 ml botuie DEODuhORANT Assorted Varieties DAD Ys COOKFIES Assorted Varieties P E aP mDOA m G 25-oz FOCO tin enaniel cookware Feuture of theweek 3½/-qt DUTCH OVEN with cover (No r Now you can have the Iind of cookware preferred by master chefs! Created by the famous Moneta cookware ex- perts in Milan, ltaly, you can be sure that this genuine porcelain enamelware will help you prepare the most flavourful, most nutritious meals you've ever tasted. A triple coating of porcelain enamel is bonded to heavy gauge carbon steel designed to, heat q'uickly and evenly from top to'bottom on economnical low heat - scorching and hot spots are elimin- ated, and the snug-fitting covers keep im- portant nutrients in the food. other purchase Sunsqueeze, Frozen, Concentrated ORmNm'A N G E JUICE" i 2-fi-oz tin necessary) Savaday 128-f 1-oz plastic jug A&P Brand Chocoate Cip Cookies Borden 1 19 I ýd'__L ottage Cheese \,ActionPriced! ,SAVE_4O<y. White Swan,, Assorted Colours Detergent FACIAL SUNLIGHT TISSUE LIQUID box of »0 sheets 24-fI-oz plastic boutle 59 69< -I[ Shop A&P! SA VE 30,e 2-lb tin tie bug (Prepriced) 1.069 Our Regular Price 99c carton69 Action Priced! Strained Foods & Juices Action Pricedl 1Af GEBE 4.5-fi-oz jarA IJY B ýABuY FOD os89< Action Pricedl A&P, Assorted Varieties 14-oz tin A l m CAT vFO5O -i tinAi4w9' %Iie ba IN mK 65-oR tiny Assorted Varieties '>frlfO CLARK 3f I~STEWS Action Pricedi ti8-f 1-ozà 9< ;{*] 'lIN =c Dole or Chiquita, Finest Quality B AAN mAS 41h51 Ou Arizona, Large Original Bunches GR mmE EN ONIONS IWE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITI ES TO NORMAL jFAMILY Om/ REQUIREMENTS' Dear Sir or Madam, 1Would you kindly publiali the following letter ini an early issue, in order to inform any of our ex-students among your readers or subseribers? Thank you very much! "To ail ex-students of Hailey- bury High School, The Town of Haileybury will be celebrating its 75th Anniversary of its incorpora- tion from Friday, June 29th ta Tuesday, July 2nd, 1979. To honour this occasion, Hailey- bury High Sehool will hold its first reunion of ex-students on Saturday, June 3th, from ten a.m. to four p.m. in the school building. We sincerely hope that you will plan ta attend if possible. If sa, we ask you to write us a short note ta the address beiow, including the year that yau ieft the schooi, sa that we may praduce a list of "expect- eds" for later publication. We shouid aiso like very much the loan of any suitabie photo- graphs in youir possession. These should have your name and return address on the back, and, if possible, the names of those in the photos. These pictures will be return- ed promptiy after they are duplicated. Needless to say, we should also weicome your heip in notifying ex-students of your acquaintance who may not be contacted in this particular manner. Since the reunion wil be held as part of the Town Anniversary celebrations, you will have the apportunity to meet many friendis other than ciassmates, and ta enjoy the other events scheduled at that time. As soon as a camprehen- sive mailing list- can be compiled we wiii send ta, aU who write in the complete programme of the Anni- versary weekend. Sa, please let us hear from you! We'll be there, and your friends wili be there. Join us and make it a time ta renew aid friendships and rack up one mare pleasant memory! Yours very sincerely, Gary I. Aquino The Reunion Committee Haileybury High Schaol Box 279, Haileybury, Ontario POJ iKO. February 12, 1979 Dear Sir; With regards ta aur munici- pal government a couple of questions have corne ta mind. In order ta increase the awareness of the general' public about aur elected and governing representatives, while increasing some kind af justified interest and partici- pation; are there any reasons 'why the times and-dates of the town, regional, and ail public meetings are nat entered in the local newspapers, especially before such Meetings take place? There are many times I hear about meetings that have been held, with littie or no announcements. I shauldn't have ta phone the tawn hall every time I want ta know what and when my repre- sentatives are meeting. The second point I- would like ta inquire about, is also in regards af decreasing public apathy. There are many committees appointed and operating within aur munici- pality. I have ta ask, where do they get the citizen input into their poiicy making decisions? Chances are the public doesn't even know who is on the committees, or what the committees do. Ail we hear is how some decision was made without the concerned persans or areas being regarded. In oarder ta allevia te such actions, bur media in collec- tive action with the gaverning bodies could better inform the people, through announce- ments for meetings, and articles on things being done, other than after the fact. Rick Morrison lied CrossSC. Henderson, Mark Tanner, Nancy Bridger, Pam King. Bronze Bar - Laura Bryn- Jones, Lydia Carman, Sherida Jackson, Kerry-Lynn Grady, Tim Norwood. Senior Resuscitation - Laura Bryn-Jones, Lydia Carman, Sherida Jackson, Kerry-Lynn Grady, Roy Brooks, Sharon Simpson, Tim Norwood. Bronze Medallion - Roy Brooks, Sharon Simpson. Your toothpaste cornes in] millilitres (mL) A& ý mb, 'q%ý --- Ao 1 A

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