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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Feb 1979, p. 7

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviile, February 14, 1979 7 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hooper returned recently from a most enjoyable two weeks vacation in St. Lucia, West Indies, staying at the Halycon Club. Miss Leila Cowle has just returned fromn New Orleans, Louisianna where she had a most enjoyable visit with Miss Joan Sameils, a former Bow- manville resident, who is now nursing at the Methodist Hospital in that city. The Durham Region Stroke Recovery Association wlll meet Tuesday, February 27th, 1979, at 7 p.m. -n the Oshawa General Day Hospital for a social night. AUl interested persans are urged to attend. For further information tele- phone 579-6361. Remember ta keep in mind THE BAHA'I FAITH 18; aware of the great station of man, and how great must be his endeavaurs for the re- the offer of Cammunityi Income Tax Service, ti Senior Citizens with incarne tax returns. The scientists who m the crew of the first Shuttie flight in 1981 wi the Ontario Science Cen Thursday, February 15 at 2:30 will be availal answer questions aboi program. On Monday, Februai the last tatal slar ecli, the century will be pa: evident in southern Or Ta advise about meth( safely watching theE and ta demonstrate whi be happening during eclipse, the Ontario Si Centre has scheduled a s program for Su February 25 at 1 p.m. N( solar eclipses, but eclipses and eclipses or planets, will be exp] What causes an eclipSE there are so few of ther they affect the earth, wl are important ta, sciern other questions about ec will be answered ir hour-long presenti Admission ta "The Phe non of Eclipses" progr free with admission t Science Centre. On Wednesday, Marc at 10 a.m. at Greei SUN DAY SCHOOL CLASSES 10 a.m. - Age Graup - 9 years and aider il a.m. - Beginners, Kindergarten, Prlmary B & B Bunch meet ai 9:15 in Church Parour (2nd and 4th Sundays) Age Group - 15 Io17 vears il A.M. WORSH IP SERVICE Sermon titie "PIGEONS ON THE PUL P/T" Nursery Care Provlded A Warmn Welcome f or Everyone 1:30 p.m. - CONFIRMATION CLASS MINISTER: Rev. N.E. Schamerhorn, B.A, M. Div. ORGANIST: Mr. D. DeWeI SUNDAY, FEBRUARY I 7th 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Service wiII be taken by St. Pau's Hi-C. Sermon: "A CHILD IS BORN AND.. . Sr. Sunday School - 9:45 p.m. (9 years and over) Jr. Sunday School - 11:00 am. Nursery Care durlng service Nursery-Modern "Play and tearn"' Nursery for pre-school chlldren every Sunday. .71tîa Ii1 r SUNDAY, FEBRUARY lSth ' 1979 8:00 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION Taken by Rev. Ait. Wooicock , "WE LIFT OUR HEARTS TO COD ON HIOH" Wednesday 9:30 a.m. HoIy Communion and Laying on of Hands for ealing, f oliowed by Bible Study at the Rectory. Ail Welcomed. Sunday Schooi durlng 11:00 a.m. service Nursery care for your yeung chIldren. ARCHDEACON TOM GRACIE Temperance at Queen SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25 7:30 p. m. Youth service wlth the slnglng group CHRISTOPHER Anglican QIt4urdi Týemperance at Queen Bowmanvllle. A SINGING GROUP YOU'LL ENJOY AGAIN C HRISTOPHER 6:00 Pot Luck Supper 7:00 Youth Service ALL WELCOME Items of' Initerest1 Care's Towers, Port Hope, one of the to help 1979 Flue-Cured Tobacco their Winter Meetings will be beld. On Sunday afternaon we will be were driving along Concession Space 6th, between Hwy. 57ý and il visit Middle Road, when we spotted itre On a huge Great Gray Owl it and perched on a tree on the north ble ta side of the road on the edge of ,ut the the bush. Evidently it is rare ta see one of these owls, according ta Roy John, a iry 26, member of tbe Willow Beach pse Of Naturalists. Sa far this year rtially two have been spotted at ýntario. Pickering, one at Oshawa, and iods* of three at Port Hope. The Great eclipse Grey Owl is big and about 30 iat will inches long. It bas a big head, g the large fiat facial disk and a, thin cinc white mustache. înday,' The general public will have ut only the opportunity ta visit the lunar Junior Achievement Centre a other and see what JA is ahl about. ained. Junior Achievement of e, why Oshawa is holding an Open 'n, bow House at its business centre on Y they William Street East on ce and February 19 and 20 between ýclpses 7:15 and 8:45 p.m. Everyone is ni the cordially invited ta came and St inn. watch Junior Achievement nome- companies in action, and view ami 's displays of company products. ta the For the past ten years Junior Achievement, in conjunction with Osbawa's and Whitby's eh 7tb, leading business people, bas nwood belped acquaint teenagers with the Canadian system of ~. business and democracy. Achievers gain experience, . knowledge and confidence as they perform duties wbicb would benefit a modemn corporation. 8 The Stratford Festival's grant from the Canada Council will be reduced by six percent in 1979, R.V. Hicks, Q.C., President of the Board of Governors of the Festival reported recently. The 1979 Season will proceed as announced, Mr. Hicks explain- ed, witb no cutback in productions and number of performances but, bie added, the decrease in funding, represents a significant loss at a time when the organiza- tion can ill afford it. The present economic situation is one in which uncontrollable - costs continue on a steady upward swing witb no foreseeable change in tbe immediate future. The Festival must tberefore look It the private sector for încreased support. Kennetb Peevers, 215 Avenue Road, Newmarket, bas been elected chairman of the Central Ontario Regianal Library System for 1979. The electian took place at the board's regular meeting in January. Mrs. Ella Bremner of Richmond Hill bas been elected vice-chairman of the regional board. -She is an appointee from the Richmond Hill Public Library Board. The Sixth Annual Meeting of the Farm Safety Association, Inc. will be held at the Cara Inn, 6257 Airport Road, Mississauga, Ontario, on - Marcb 12, 1979. Guest speakers at the Conference will include Dr. Fraser Mustard, Chairman of the Minister of Labour's Advisory Cuncil on Occupational Health and Safety for Ontario; and also, Terry Lawson, of Canada for bis work in safety and bealtb will address the Winners in Kinsmen Heritage Day Essay Contest Winners and runners-up in The back row includes fromi Bowmanville Senior Public ýreceive a "Proud ta be- the Bowmanville Kinsmen left ta right: Harvey Webster, School. Winners in theé essay Canadian" pin. Essays were Heritage Day Essay Contest Heritage Day Chairman for contest were fromthé ,Bow- from 200 ta 400 words on any are shown in this photo. In the the Kinsmen; Matthew Burke manville SeniorPublic School aspect of heritage related ta front row from left ta right (3rd place); Beth Marchant and M.J. Hobbs Senior Public the student or his or her local are: Deryk Clark; JoAnne (2nd place); Jacqueline Van- School. About 75 students cammunity. Carruthers (lst place); derluit; Todd McRobbie and wroteessays for this year's The first place essay by Sandra Polak; Anne Harmer. Mr.R. Moore, principal of contest and each of them will JoAnne Carruthers is printed on this page. First Prize Heritage Day Essay 150 Years of Agriulur In the 1830's, James Durham's Growers Co- served as a Steward, a Carruthers and his family aperatives Storage Limted, Trustee, and an Elder. For emigrated from Scotland ta Bowmanville Milk Producers forty years he was a member Canada. Association, and Ontario Milk of the chair in the bass section, For the past five genera- Producer's League. and was the Sunday School tions, the Carruthers family My grandfather was' a Superintendent for 25 years. has been operating an agricul- lifelong member of St. Paul's My grandfather was also tural business, specializing in United Church, where he active in localpolîtics. From apples. William H. Carruthers, who is my great grandfather, was born in the Northumberland County. At the age of twenty- ' O two William went ta Manitoba where he farmed at Thornhill, for seventeen years. Later, he and his wife Grace Riggs, and their four children moved back ta the Durham County. Here, William and bis two brothers packed apples under the brand name of "ICarruthers Brothers"~. This company became widely known for quality fruit on the Montreal and overseas markets. My great grandfather was also active in local politics. From 1922 ta 1931 he served as counicillor, deputy reeve, and reeve. One of William's four children, Wilfrid Dawson Carruthers, my grandfather, continued the-family tradition of farming. He specialized in1 You dont have teara up ta shim down. jiaistein, dairy cattle, and, On the Weight Watchers ' Program you learn ta 'apple growing. He exhibited apples at the Royal Agricul- open your mmnd - and your mouth - ta cheese- tural Winter Fair and won burgers, spaghetti, potatoes, even desserts and many prizes for his fine fruit. snacks, within limits. Yau neyer have ta go hungry ta He was also active in other lase weight. agricultural organizatians, And aur unique Behaviar Modification method and was an executive member of: Northumberland and will help you when you're at a party when eating out Durham Apple Growers or when you're under stress. Sa join us now. Our Association, Ontario Fruit and results speak for themselves. Vegetable Growers Associa- tion, Canadian National Exhibition, Royal Agricul-Lsngwihner tural Winter Fair, Canadian oigwghner Horticultural Counicil, tasted so good. their Parents Auxiliary Bi- monthly Meeting Wednesday, February 2lst, 1979 -7:15 p.m. at Cansumer's Gas "Blue Flame Room", Witby. Topic will be Diabetic Children 's Camp. For further informa- tion caîl Doreen Gifford 623-5555. Miss Lori VanCamp, Uni- versity of Guelph, travelled ta Sherbrooke, Que. (Feb. 1 - 4) for the National Congress of A.I.E.S.E.C., the Internation- al Assoc. for Students of Economics and Commerce. Attending were students from ail provinces of Canada, and business students from Australia, Denmark, S. Africa, Rbodesia and Japan. A.I.E.S.E.C. is a joint student- business venture which improves international under- standing and develops better trained managers. Its goals are ta aid co-operative rela- tions between the business community and the Universi- ty. To improve the general level of practical preparation of students for careers in business and economics. -~ M GEORGE WEEKES againï offers a complete PERSONAL INCOME TAX SERVICE and will be peased ta see ail customers of former years. New cuiomers wiII be equally welcome. 5 LORRAINE COURT, BOWMANVILLE PHONE 62 3-7345 THAPAR DENT URE THERAPY CLINIC 163 Simncoe St. South Oshawa 579-8752 Open Mon. ta Sat. and evenings - by appointment anly 1959, ta 1961 he served as Mayor of Bowmanville. Wilfrid died Jan. 22, 1969, in his 64th year. Wilfrid and his wif e, Margaret Hughes, had two children, one being my dad, Robert, who now is also a farmer. Robert and his wife, Patsy Foster have three children, Russell, Steven, and JoAnne - that's me. Our family farm is Paradise Orchards Ltd. Like my grand- father we grow apples, and in addition, cash craps, such as corn, peas, and soybeans. For approximately 150 years, the Carruthers family has been an agricultural family. No doubt another generation will carry on this tradition. I'm proud ta be a member of this family. By JoAnne Carruthers Class 72 Hobbs Sta rkv ille On Monday evenîng, Mr. Cameron Olesen, Orono visited Mr. and Mrs. Cliffard Fonk and family. Mrs. Rowena Tizzard, Newtonville spent Tuesday afternaon with Mrs. Edna Dobson. Mr. Robert Bouley spent a few days last week in Kitchener and Toronto visiting bis parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bouley. Mr. Jim Mackey, Toronto was a Wednesday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fonk and family. Mrs. Rowena Tizzard, New- tonville was a Tuesday supper guest of Mrs. Isabelle Trim. Miss Ruth Gibson, Bowman- ville was a Wednesday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Todd and family. Mrs. Isabelle Trim spent a couple of days last week with her daughter Mr. and Mrs. David Rutherford and family, Orono - Miss Anne Todd visited Friday afternoon with Mrs. Jeanette Layng and Dyana. Mrs. Dianne Rowe and Tiffany, Newtonville were Friday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim. On Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson attended a Retirement Party Banquet and Dance in honor of Charterways drivers Mr. Sam Geach, Kendal and Mr. Melville Samis, Port Hope at the Lions Centre, Cobourg. The community was shock- ed and saddened ta hear of the passing aof Mr. Charlie Waye on Friday afternoon at his home. Our'sympathy goes ta his family and many friends. On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robinson visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Foster. Mr. Leslie Caswell and Miss Terri Walls, Belleville spent the weekend with bis pare nts Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell and Jeff. Mr. Robert Taylor spent the weekend ini Midland visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor, James and Michael. Mrs. Jennie Rypstra spent last weekend in Saginaw, Michigan. Jennie accompanied her daughter-in- law Mrs. Julie Rypstra, Melanie and Jill, Bowmanville ta visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Nehmer and family. Saturday luncheon guests with Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell were Mr. and Mrs. John Sutherland, Tina and Susan, Bancroft. Billy Todd played, in a Hockey Tournamenit at Graf- ton both Saturday and Sunday. Billy was accompanied by hbis parents Mr. and Mrs. Bruce T7odd, Scott and Jamie. Saturday supper guests of Mrs. Isabelle Trim were Mr. and Mrs. David Rutherford and family, Orono. Rev. and Mrs. A. Tizzard, Newtonville were Saturday supper uests-of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trîm. Mr. and Mrs.wJohn Murphy were Saturday supper guests of their son Mr. and Mrs. Andy Murphy and Mary, Bowman- ville. On Saturday evening, Mrs. Warren Carson, Mr. Wilson Carson and Mr. and Mrs. Craig Woods visited Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Trim and Merrilee, Bowmanville visited Saturday evening with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim. On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sinclair and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Farrow went ta the CN Tower, Toronto for dinner ta celebrate Doris and Larry's wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. John Suther- land, Tina and Susan, Bancroft visited Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Lynn and family. Gregory Smith, Garden Hill spent the weekend with Robbie Todd ta celebrate Robbie's 9th birthday. Cathy Todd spent the weekend at Garden Hill with Jo-Mine Smith. Mr- Orme Falls and Harvey, Bowmanvile visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mr8. Jim Stark. Mrs. Llew Hallowell and Jim were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell and Jeff. Mr. and Mrs. Jîm Souch and boys were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Van Drunen and boys, Cavan. Sunday suprr guests of Mr. and Mrs. Car Todd were Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow, Newtonville. Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Warren Carson and Wilson were Mr. and Mrs. Barton Macei, Dean and Marilyn, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson and Gordon visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Austin, Kevin and Charlene, Wesleyville. The 2 1BILLUON* L-3 DOLLAR QUESTION *the cost of Heart Disease and Stroke ta the Canadian economy each year. M\M Gîve..'Q THE FURTRND iNOMINATIONSi Ia Bowmanville Chamberi of Commerce a Members are invited ta, com- m. plete this nomination form and * I -return it ta the Bowmanville I SChamber of Commerce at, 54 8 1Loscombe Drive, by 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 20t h. *President ______Norm Webb *Vice-Pýresi deént _____Diane éDî nee n *...........................I *Dire ctors -Pam A/lin, Hugh Bieber,* * Kingsley Van Nest, Bruce Colwell,* * Ted Denny, Jack Locke, Tony* * Brand, Roma Thibodeau, Richard E E/stan, Bert Roberts,- Stan Murdoch,* *Larry Huit, John Pogue, Fred T/p pins,* * Char/es C/arke. ............ ...................I *las lpadMalI Th Iomnil Cabro * Wrkn Th ae Bowmanville abe of * place to live." Men and Women! We care about you'r hairproblems, atthte Hartyling - 112 Waverley Road- 623-6252 Whetheritbe hairproblems such as: *Hair Loss *Seborrhea wDandruff *Dul.Lifeless Hair 9O11y Hair and Scalp We are here to help you wlth KERASTASE, the best hair products L'Oreal has to offer today, to make your hair beautiful. Cail today for a complimentary treatment or drop ln for a consult- ation. Our KERASTASE technlclan willlbe wlthus on Wednesday, February 21 sf. Ses You Thenl

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