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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Feb 1979, p. 8

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Doua- Faucot1 Down Two Ïb FLASHBACK - 25 Years Ago. The Red, Wings hockey team in the Pee Wee Division are seeking la piay-off spot in Bowmanville Minor Hockey. The coach is Ted Bagneil, the manager Russ Oke and team members are Billy Brown, Lee Somerseales, Johnny James, Wayne Wray, John Hancock, Bob Burgess, Ted Gould, Ted Bartlett, Allan Woodlock, Howard Pollard, Don Bagneli, Joe Balson, and Doug James. FLASHBACK - 10 Vears Ago. The annu al ban- quet and dance ofthe Legion Golf Club was held at the Legion Hal l on Saturday. The door prize, donated by Hoopers Jewellery was won by Mrs. J. Firth. Team four were the play-off winners, and they are D. Gibson, M. Eteher, A. Mavin, J. Baker, J. Firth and N. Woodlock. League champ- ions were B. Bate, J. Hancock, K. Purdy, H. Ormiston, J. Gibson and S. Hunt. Jim Barclay won the singles trophy, Seth Hunt and Jim Bar- clay the doubles trophy. THEY TRTED - but the Russians were simply too good for the N.H.L. team. A well disciplined team they had it ail. The skills of skating, stick handiing, shooting. Congratulations to the winners and to the losers. It's back to the drawing board and the Basics, for the N.H.L. OZ REPLIES - Dear John. Regarding the article "No Competition" in Sportalk last week. The Newcastle Men's League on, Sunday night has a new arena and is a fine organization. Over the past five years the Bowmanville League has had 4 lusses and one tie, a verypoor showing. The gentleman who wrote the article is a well known critic and fine student? of the game. Last year, there was a game lined up between Newcastle and Bowmanville, but Newcastle did not show. Within the higher brass of their executive a lot of signais must have been crossed. Looking forward to another game. Yours Truly, John "Ozzie" Osborne.& OSHAWA - Soccer Council in conjunction with the Oshawa and Durham Soccer Association will hold a Soccer Coaching Clinic on Saturday, March 3lst, and Saturday, April 7th from 8 a.m.* to 4:30 p.m. at Courtice High Schooi. Anyone wishing to attend should register on or before March 3rd by phoning Bernard Huxter, 576-6937. FUND-RAISING - efforts by amateur sports groups and schools across the province are being given a boost by Colgate-Palmolive Canada, to help them raise money in their community. The product redemption program is very simple. Sports groups/schools collect labels, boxtops, and other proofs of purchase from a selected group of 11 Colgate produets and turn them in to Colgate for cash by June 30, 1979. Proofs of pur- chase are valued at from 5, to 15' cents each, de- pending on the product-and package size. The participating Colgate products are: Ultra Brite T othpaste, Irish Spring Soap,, Irish, Spring Deo- dorant & Antiperspirant, Baggies, Bright Side Shampoo, Curad Finger Bandages, Curad Telfa Pads, Irish Spring Shave Cream, Arctic Power Detergent, Palmolive Liquid, Ajax Cleanser. For further information phone 416-461-8234. SUPERSPORT - Terry Kelly is on the move again. This time he is mixing business with pleasure, and wili be attending a soccer game in england, a cricket game in Johannesberg South Africa, and a soccer game in Rio de Janeiro. THE CANADIAN - Motorcycle Association National Bluenose Rally will be held at Kentville, M~S., on June 29-July 2. For your Rally. Entry write Box 1225, Wolfville N.S. You may camp or motel at the event. BOWMANVILLE - Oid-timers defeated Newcastle Oid-timers on Sunday in Newcastle Arena in a pre Al-Star game warm-up. Watch for details in this coiumn of the up-coming game which wiii be held next month. Brave Cold to Participate in Sunday Snowarama Quite a few Bowmanviiie and area citizens played important parts in the Snowarama '79 for Timmy at Port Perry on Sunday morning in well below zero temperatures. Morley Watson heiped with registration and pouring petrol for the machines. George Moore was manning a check point with some unidentified helpers. Long Sault Ridge Runners Snowmobile Club participated and in this picture Sam Cureatz MPP and Paul Morris are about to take off on the second ieg of the 100-mile course. They were carrying about $700 in piedges. In ail neariy 300 snowmobiiers took part in the event, about twice as many as iast year. Rink Wins Andres Wine Trophy at Mixed Bonspiel A mixed bonspiel that began Friday evening and ended Sunday afternoon saw this rink the big winners at Bowmanviiie Curling Club. They are shown here with their trophies, from left to right, Lorraine Lever, iead; Diane Bell, vice; Gerry Lever, 2nd; Gerry Henderson, Andres Wine representative who sponsored the spiel; Wayne Bell, skip. Ld Serin 2- Howard, ood P.. ses Edge Mrha m on'n0,dy The Howard Wood Tran- port Minor Pee Wee Toros travelled to Markham on Monday night and handed the hosts a close 2-1 defeat, sending Bowmanville into a 2 game lead in the Lakeshore Zone final. The first period featured a lot of very close checking and S.joseph's Bowling Fe'bruîary 4,1979 Averages Roy Sandison 212, Mike Mason, 204, Arnold Vangoor 202, Marg King 198, Walter Curr 197 (12), Annie Emmett, 197 (12), Annie Emmett 194 (12), Don Zealand 192,- Bob Brown 191, Gord Follest 191, Don Powers 189 (12),' Jili Mason 186 (12), Barb Bugg 184. Team Standing Mike Mason, 13355 pins, 26 points; Arnold Vangoor, 13915, 24; Jill Mason, 13261, 24.; Roy Sandison, 13294, 22; Walter Curr, 12811, 13; Bill Holroyd, 13290, il; Bob Brown, 12952, il; Barb Bugg, 12490, 7. Ladies High Triple Marg King 676. Men's High Triple Don Zealand 648. Ladies High Single Marg King 285. Men's High Single Mike Heenan 254. very few good scoring chances by either club. At 'the 1: 20 mark of the middle period, the Toros' Chris Lee fired a shot past the Markham goaltender te, put Bowmanville into a 1-0 lead. The assist on the goal went to Brad Cruess. Lorne Whit- marsh scored on a Bowman- ville power play that had featured some excellent puck control on the part of the Toros in the Markham zone. The assists on the goal went to defencemnan Scott Barclay and Brad Cruess. Markham scored their lone marker with 10 seconds remaining ln the middle period. Alan Ulrich started the game for Bowmanville and made some terrific stops for the Toros. He had to be replaced midway through the game after he was injured in a pile-up la front of his net. Chris Clif ton took over the, cage duties and shut-out the Markham team from that point on. The third. game in this best-of-five series goes in the Memorial Arena ln Bow- manville on Saturday night at 7.30 Loge to MkarinPlayoff by Bihl>aterson Thursday, Feb. lst Mark- ham hosted the Toros in thezir first game of the 'A' Minor Midget playoffs. Markham won the game 4 to 1. The first period went score- less as didmost of the second with both teams skating hard and killing the few penalties well. At 11:42 Markham final- ly managed to put one past Craig German who played a super game. Bowmanville got on the scoreboard at :41 of the third pcriod to tie it up, Tim Almond from Paul Dadson on the power play. Markham scored again at ~'" 299 DEAN AV E. OSHAWA 576-U220 Chargex 14:17 and their last marker was on a power play at 14:24. Feb. 3rd - The Toros came to the Bowmanville Arena ready to lay hockey and play they did beating Markham 5 to 2 in their best effort to date. The Toros opened the scor- ing at 3:15 on a power play goal Paul Dadson from Todd Hooper and Dana Peebles. Marham came back and tied it up at 5:15 to be followed again by the Toros at 8:17, Tim Almond from Dana Peebles. At :42 of the second period, Paul Dadson took a pass from Jon Janack to score another power play goal. Markham got their second at 12:40 to send the teams to the dressing rooms with Bowmanville ahead 3 to 2. Mark Mathews had some hardwork pay off when he took a pass from Paul Dadson and Ryan Kearney and put it home at 9:58 of the third period. Dana Peebles got his third point of the game on a power play goal at 13:24 assisted by Dan McMullen and Tim Almond. Craig German was super in goal. Markham took eleven pen- alties to the Toros' six and it cost them. Feb. 5th at Markham, the third game found the Toros minus the fire of Sat. night and Markham turned the tables on them by a 5 to 2 score. The first period went score- less as both goal tenders turned aside about 10 shots each. Markham finally connected at 2:04 of the second on the power play and a gain at 5:38 and 6:28, 40 seconds later. Todd Hooper finally got the Toros on the scoreboard at :44 of the third period assisted by Doug Dilling and Jon Janack. Tim Almond took a pass from Steve Ogden and Dana Peebles for a power play goal at 2:52. With the Toros minus their top scorer Todd Hooper out of the game on a questionable match penalty cali, the Bow- manville squad lost heart and watched Markham put two more up on the board. On Sat. Feb. 10 at Bowman- ville Arena, Markham came to play the fourth game in the series and took command, skating away with a 6 to 2 victory and the series. Markham scored the first four goals ln the game 2 in the first period and one at 3: 3in the second followed 19 seconds later. At 10: 44 Tim Almond put on a super individual effort to score a short handed goal unassisted. Penalties seemed to be more sought after than goals in the third and with both sides short Paul Dadson scored unassisted to be followed by two more by Markham. Too bad we see you next year Markham. Mr. Subrarne Bantara ea On Saturday, Feb. lth at Bowmanville Arena, Mr. Sub- marine Bantam Selects de- feated Oshawa St. Andrews 4-1. After spotting Oshawa a 1-0 lead on a goal by Wayne Holdaway from Todd Woods and Rob Lovelocke, the Sel- ects ca me back with four unanswered markers two each by Rod Plain and Joe Nihil. Plain's tieing goal was set up by Jeff Logan and Calvin Yeo. Nihil from Robbie McKay shot the local squad into the lead by the end of the second period with the event- ual winning marker. In the third Rod Plain from Bill Sainsbury and Joe Nihil unnassisted closed out the scoring for the Selects making the final count read 4-1. This was a very rough encounter with Russ Hogg, Steve Thompson and Calvin Yeo handing out many hard checks., Randy Goudey who went al the way in the nets was outstanding kicking out two sure goals and stopping a two man breakaway. On the 17th weekend this fine club will be entered in the 4th annual Oshawa Heritage Tournament and a perfor- mance like Saturday's in the tournament will send them a long way. Ca mspori Trailer Sales Flwy. 115and 35 Newcastle 987-5174 1977 and 1978 CHEVRON and HO IDAY TRAILER Midg PIayi5 Delta Faucet Midgets No. 2 themselves let a chance of victory over advantage Bay Ridges slip from their Faucet pick grasp on Saturday, February ties in thet lth at the Darlington Sports and this le, Centre losing 5-2. The uine of juggling, m Steve Maguire, Kevin Welsh put out a si and Marc Richards accounted Terry Co( for ail the Bowmanville scor- in goal keep ing, Richards picking up two with goods well-earned goals, Maguire an enemy two assists and Welsh one. down the Bay Ridges led 3-2 haîf way shooter littl through the third period. Time John Fooi and again they would gîve defence afti Delta Faucet a man and played. a st sometimes two-man advant- out his cheý age setting the stage for a puck out of rally for the home team. Delta Fau Rather than taking advantage backs to t] of the situation, Bowmanvîlle corne up w played right into Bay, Ridges' Bay Ridges hands, taking foolish penalties alive in the St. Marit Cerngment j Loseft in Silver Stick Bowmnvile's t. Mry's raced in tc Bowranvile'sSt. a~ysgoal f rom Ji Cernent Juveniles travelled to Off the i Sarnia on the weekend to the big left Silver Stick Tournament. Ruddya Despite drawing the Don po wast Valley Villagers, one of Murray de Toronto's finest teams, as (ail girls). their opponents, the Bowrnan- Doc Ruddyý ville boys were in this game The Shai until the final period, losing 5 and his not( to 2. .Sake( Scoring for Bowmanville Srene were Scott Clif ton from Mark rpe sene Luxton and Dean Holmes,a trpys o Paul Bedard, who made a nd plThiserson move from the blue line and Barb Buttor snullifying the man, opportunity. Delta, <ed up eight penal- third period alone, ed to constant line naking it difficuit to sustained attack. Dombes played well ping us in the game saves especially on ybreakaway, cut angle, giving the tle chance to score. )te, returning, on er an ankie injury, ;teady game taking eck and getting the )four zone. tcet now have their the wall and must vith a win back in ýon Tuesday to stay ýe playoffs. oscore the second Jim. Hogarth. ice Bowmanville's winger, Murray ýcalled on to help a ther in distress. [livered 5 kittens -Congratulations, ark (Duke Brunt) torious partner, the (Vi Ruddy) were with a nice, cool the best euchre nthe tournament. ywas presented by )nshaw. McG,"regor Hardware T Oro$ Lose to January 28th was not kind to the Toros as they came up against one much improved hard checking Whitby team, beating Bowiwanville 5 to 1. The Toros held their own in the first 2 periods, but the constant hard hitting Whitby. was handing out, started to tell in the 3rd period, allowing the opposition to score 3 goals. The Bulîs can check as hard-as any team in the league but this game they did not. Mark Hickey got Bowman- ville's only goal with assists going to defencemen Peter RISport ~HostBranfrd -Whtby Hughes and Ian Wheelock. Warren Short, a first year defencemen with the Toros, played one of his best games yet, clearing the puck and making no mistakes ln front of his own net. Keep up the good work, Warren. Greg Martin, Dan Moriarity also worked hard in this one butyou can't win 'em ah. Th re were 8 penalties called in the game, 4 to each team. No. 9 Greg Roberts for Whitby scored 2 goals and 2 assists. We'll watch him next Club in Fun Tourrne nt at Daorlington, lations!) Gaining assists were On Feb. 3rd and 4th the Mike Gallant (2), Larry Per- Toros decided to repay the ris and Cory Sweet. hospitality shown to them at Scrn yo ratodwr Uflrstmas time by inviting Brad Gratton (2), Justin their billetts to corne visit Rutherford (2), and Bryan Bowrnanville. They realized Fogarty. Gaining assists were that being an "A" team theY Phillip Collier, Mike Bratton, would haveto work ail the Justin Rutherford, Mike harder to beat an "AAA" Gracey, Bryan Fogarty and team. Brad Gratton. In the two games the scores The team invited the fam- were very close a 2-2 tie and a ilies from Brantford and the 3-2 loss to Brantford which Toros to a pot luck supper in could also have resulted in a Memorial Park Clubhouse tie if the Brantford goalie hal which was deliclous by ail the not been as hot as he was.* empty containers left after the For the opening ceremornes dinner. Members of the Brant- representing the area was ford club were Jeff Barnes, Sam Cureatz MPP to drop the Robbie McNeish, Robert Reid, puck (skates and ail) and Bryan Fogarty, Brad Gratton, Bruce Colwell the sponsor of Justin Rutherford, Mike the Minor Atoms. Also on ha nd Gracey, Phillip Collier, Dan was Mr. John Siggins Who was Boyd, Allan Judson, Mike there to have his, picture taken Bratton, Shawn Burtnick, with the team as we Qib Derek Draper, Craig Belair, County Chrysler Troph on and Bryan Bibby. Brantford Young. Canada Day. coaches were Scott Adams, Scoring goals for the Ron Gadsby and Paul Bisset. were Cory Sweet, Shawn The coaches and manager Rekker, Chris Beck and Larry would like to thank all those Perris (which was his 2oth responsible for making this goal of the year - congratu- gekn sces if's Our Annual Pro-fIlnvetr Thousands of dollars worth of quality furniture aurnitre ltd 37 King St. E. Bowmanville Telephone 623-7071 OW ASCO0 VOLK SWAGEN LTD - Audi presents PLAYER 0F THE WEEK JERRY LEDDY Jerr, who wears No. 7 for the Bowmanville Eagles, was plagued by lnjury problems eariy ln the season, but appears healthy now and ready for the playof fs. In the lasi two Eagle games, Jerry plcked Up elght scorlng points. DID YOU KNOW? We have a modern paint and body shop for ail makes of cars and Il features old-fashioned workmanshlp. 0f course we have over 20 late model service cars at re- duced rates f or your convenlence. O)w AS'Z1hCO Volkswagen Lt. 1425 Dundas St. E. - Whitby 668-9383 or Toronto LUne 361-1128 MEN'S SLOW PITCH LEAGUE 1979 General Meeting wiIl be held ini Bowmanville Public Library Auditorium Sunday, February 18, 1979 7 p.m.

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