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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1979, p. 11

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r Editor@: Hazel and Jack Crago We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spencer who will be celebrat- ing their forty-sixth wedding ann ivers ary next week. Mr. Ernie Alldread, who has been a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, is now a resident of Strathaven Nursing Home, Bowmanville. Birthday greetings to Scott Moreland. Mrs. Nettie Butler remains a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. In Bowmanville Memorial Hospital is Mr. George Graham, Mill St. S. Mr. Ross Embley continues to be a patient in Kingston General Hospital. At the Eldad Church World Day of Prayer Service on Friday, March 2nd, Mrs. Marilyn Martin was guest speaker to the attendants from combined churches of Tyrone, Zion, Hampton, Enniskillen and Eldad. Mrs. Glenda Rumbles, Norwood and Mrs. Gary Johnson were guests on Saturday night at a house- warming for cousins Johnny Cole and Ron Ballard, Agin- court. Mr. and Mrs. Don Murdoch, Kars, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Mrs. Althea Laking and Mrs. Marie Gibson were weekend visitors with sisters Vi Osborne and Dorothy Thomoson. Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. David Foote and Lindsay returned last week from a holiday spent in Newark, New York, with his sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood and family, Newtonville, Miss Lesley Mohun, Bowmanville, were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mrs. Gladys Wood. Mrs. Kathleen Kimball and Mrs. Lena Graham were Tuesday lunch guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimball, Port Granby. Mrs. Rachel Dennis enter- tained the ladies of the Euchre lib last Monday. Mrs. Marjorie Paterson is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. David Milton, Ottawa. Mr. William Storks spent last week on a western business trip in Saskatoon, Calgary and Vancouver. With Rev. and Mrs. Allan Haldenby at the Rectory on the weekend were their daughters, Miss Charlotte Haldenby, Sault St. Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Ross, Alton and Mrs. Ruth Fade'l, Rexdale. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hager- man were Sunday dinnpr guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hagerman and Pamela, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Murray and Colleen and Miss Ethe Milburn, Frankford, were weekend visitors with Mr. an Mrs. Arthur Bedwin and Fred Lake Shore. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stillman, Bowmanville, were Friday evening guests of Mr and Mrs. John Scott. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott were Sunday evening dinner guests of her aunt, Mrs. Ada Carson, Newtonville. Misses Judy Powell, Brock ville and Barbara Bowman, Sarnia, were weekend visitors with Mr., and Mrs. Stanley Powell. Mr. and Mrs. R. Geach' Kendal and Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Alldred. Mrs. Marion Richards, Fenelon Falls, is spending a few days with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parker. Mr. and Mrs. John Chard, Johnna and Delann, and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welsh, Bowmanville. Mr, and Mrs. George Buckley, Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred and Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Woodhams, Scarborough, were Wednesday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred, Oshawa. Mrs. Dorella Chard and Mrs. Amelia Lancaster at- tended the miscellaneous shower Sunday afternoon in Newtonville in honour of Miss Evelyn Stacey. Mr. Terry Bernard and friends, Flesherton, were Sunday visitors with his grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Powell returned last week from a Florida vacation, the return trip taking a day longer due to an Ohio storm. Mr. Samuel Powell, Lake Shore, returned home -from Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville on Monday. Mrs. Linda Couch, Morgan's Road North, of Gini's Hair- styling, Bowmanville, attend- ed the Hair Show at the Four Seasons Sheraton Hotel, Toronto, on Sunday, March 4. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Rowe, Mrs. Margaret Pearce, Mr. Ronald Pearce and friend Miss Nancy Barker, Lindsay, attended the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Strong in Don Mills on Saturday, Feb. 24. The Ladies Auxiliary of Fire Hall No. 2 in the Village of Newcastle purchased new dishes and cooking utensils for the fire hall kitchen. In return, to show their appreciation, the firemen cooked Sunday break- Y fast for the ladies on March 4. Miss Mary, Vanderheyden, e on holiday from Western d University, London, spent a , week recently visiting Aimee Brereton in Peterborough. n Mr. Everard Joll has return- e ed home after spending a . couple of months with the Bill Jolls, Owen Sound. Newcastle Community Bowling Youth 100 and Over B. Crockett 129 - 119, S. Crockett 125, P. Foster 118 - 147, M. Northern 104 - 177, K. Pierik 112 - 118, T. Oke 114 - 171, A. Stere 145 - 148, S. Stere 137, A. Rowe 174 - 137, W. Couch 184 - 178, K. O'Boyle 149 - 157, T. Abbott 172, P. Johnson 130 - 127, D. Chard 103 - 178, R. Hoogkamp 127 - 161, P. Knapp 166 - 168, G. Wilkes 100, P. Hole 144 - 188, P. Willems 132 - 264, B. Couvier 108 - 111, G. Couvier 139 - 113, C. McLuhan 145 - 168, R. Wannamaker 157 - 135, M. Malette 113 - 132, P. Malette 100, E. Malette 111, B. Knapp 131 - 163, J. Wind 129 - 114, B. Kealy 131 - 120, S. Kelly 106, L. Weaver 122, P. Pfuffer 102, K. Rudman 133 - 160, T. Bender 119, J. Bea 137 - 132, J. Montgomery 109, M. Sluymers 106, T. Sluymers 105 - 128. 200 and Over Ladies B. Major 201, V. Watson 203,. D. Mercer 238, L. Crockett 219, M. Pierik 220, I. Patton 216, D. Langstaff 219 - 208, A. Lang- staff 238 - 206, G. Henry 231, M. Burley 202, D. Neal 230, H. Couroux 223, D. Walker 225 - 225 - 241, B. Mercer 232, D. Kelly 201 - 202. Men G. Cowling 222 - 243 - 222, J. Graham 201,1 Panis - 205 --246, W. Flintoff 264, J. Brown - 218 - 204, T. Embley - 245 - 236, B. Forget - 213, G. Forget - 266, J. Glendenning - 210, R. Loseby - 218, B. Farrow - 283 - 210, Mr Henry 235, R. Sutcliffe - 205 - 214, Ken Cowling - 220, G. Watson 292 - 231, B. Lewis - 280, R. Clapdorp - 240 - 271. Thursday Mixed J. Forget 254, F. Forget 207 - 219, E. Stephens 203, L. Schmid 207, G. Dunlop 203, B. Glanville 255 - 226, R. Worr 287 - 234, J. Ritchie 228, R. Forget 235, G. Forget 210. Friday Mixed H. Caîl 201, B. Madill -225, N. Madili1- 201, R. Burley - 297, M. Bunley - 227, H. Nicholson - 201 - 255, R. Couch - 208, R. Pearce - 202 - 258, M. Pearce - 224, 232, M. MacDonald - 211, T. Sluymens - 207 - 214 - 240, L. Pearce - 221 - 235, B. Pearce - 201, J. Holmes - 232 - 213, E. Keller - 225, S. Keller - 224 - 253. A. Pearce - 257 - 206, M. Skinner, 249, M. Turnball - 246, T. Embley - 273, Hazel M. Munro - 222, V. Gray 211, J. Chapman 202, M. Henry 242 - 290, L. Willems 218 - 213 - 255. World Day of Prayer Service At the Newcastle United Church Sunday School Hall on Friday, March 2, World Day of Prayer was observed. Members attended from Maranatha Christian Reformed Church, St. George's Anglican, St. Francis of Assisi and Newcastle United. Mrs. Kathleen Powell, President of the UCW, wel- comed all and led in the service assisted by ladies of all the churches - Greta Beirsteker, Mrs. Joan Murphy, Mrs. Hilda Call, Wilma Brink, Joyce Ritchie, Eileen Allin, Nellie Brawley and Reta Chard. Mrs. Erla LANGHORNE & LYNCH CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS With offices in Cobourg and Port Hope are pleased to announce the opening of an office effective February 1st at 10 KING ST, EAST, NEWCASTLE P.O. Box 277 Telephone 987-4714 Te1eDhon~ 9R7..42fl1 ~ ~1~~ - - Jose was pianist and Mrs. Joan Goschl sang a solo. The offerinig was taken by Nell Yates, Anke De Plaa, Jean Holmes and Myrtle Pearce. The theme of the service was Spiritual Growth, achiev- ed through knowledge, faith, hope and love. Rev. Spivey and Rev. Allan Haldenby assisted in the service and Father Clair Hickson was guest preacher. Allocations from World Day of Prayer offerings assist Ecumenical projects that spread the gospel or serve humanity, the Aging and Handicapped, Children's Care, Education, Emergency Relief, Medical Care and Women's Work. The ladies of Maranatha Christian Reformed Church served lunch. Anglican Church News On Wednesday, the beginning of Lent was cele- brated with the Communion and Penitential Service. On Sunday at the Holy Communion Service at 11:15 the topic of the sermon was The Three Temptations of Christ after His Baptism. The choir sang the anthem, Are You Able Said the Master. The Young People had their meeting with Communion on Sunday evening. They practised the play which they are presenting at the 11:15 service next Sunday. United Church News The Afternoon Unit of the United Church Women met in the Sunday School last Thurs- day afternoon. The meeting was well attended. Lenten Bible Studies at the Manse began last Wednesday morning at ten o'clock. The first session focused on Covenants. On Sunday morning, flowers gracing the sanctuary were placed in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Farrow by their family. The Tadpole Group drama- tized the Oriental legend of the Traveller who decided to make Heaven on earth. Rev. David Spivey's sermon topic was Living Covenant. The Prayer for the week is: From the beginning, Lord, you Pontypool Members of the Pontypool and Pines Judo Club travelled to Peterborough Sunday, Feb. 25. The club placed second overall in standings to Adam Scott, the host club. Formokan Club of Oshawa placed third. Club Members took 14 medals. lst place - Mike Barton, Aaron Blight, Brian Hill, Jeff Mitchell, Tonia Badluk. 2nd place - Cam Sutherland, Susan Pfeiffer, Elizabeth Mercz, Dennis Simpson. 3rd place - Bonnie Hardy, Colleen Gaynor, Peter Bolton, David Grockopf, Tim Stanley. Just to Remind You. . . B YFORD'S has Reasonably Priced Je wellery B YFORD S GNift Shop 40OKing St.E. Newcastle 987-5426 r have been faithful to every promise you have made. Help me more and more to place my utmost trust in you. The Evening Unit of the UCW meets on Monday even- ing, March 12. Mr. Howard Malcolm attended the Annual Meeting of Waterloo County Pork Producers last week in Kit- chener. This week both Howard and Harvey Malcolm attended the 14th annual Provincial Marketing Three Day Seminar sponsored by the R.L.A. at Cambridge, Ont. The theme was "The Market- ing Challenge Today". Some of the topics discussed were 'Quota values and transfer systems'. Marketing Board quota values and transfer systems, Marketing Board and Cooperatives and their relation to one another, Impli- cation if C.A.T.T. negotiations on Canadian and Ontario agriculture. Quite an array of resource people were present from Canada and a Dr. W.E. Black from U.S.A.. On route to Cambridge on Monday the weather cleared just long enough for us to get a glimpse of the eclipse through the overcast - a view that was spared most local residents because of stormy weather. Another welcome sight on Sunday, March 4 - saw our first robin. Could it be that the unseasonable mild weather is really heralding an early spring? U.C.W. News Provided to your Cor- respondent by Mrs. Thora Gray, Sect. The March meeting of Yelverton U.C.W. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Malcolm on Thurs. afternoon, March 1st. Thirteen members answered the Roll Call with some interesting facts about the North American Indians. Fol- lowing the singing of a hymn, Mrs. Earl Gray conveneanthe Devotional, Scripture was from Math., chapter 18: 1-4. This being the "Year of the YELVERTON The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 7, 1979 il Child", Hazel basedcher theme Malcolm is to show slides on "To be Child-like is to be taken during her visit in Creatively free". She read the Turkey. International Children's Bill The program consisted of of Rights as passed by the the reading of an essay on United Nations and comment- discrimination "I am an ed on the simplicity and faith Indian" read by Mrs. Ralph of a child. She concluded the Pfoh. Miss Lana Malcolm Devotional with an approp- gave her speech on "Indian iate poem by Helen Steiner Legends" and then favored Rice - "A Child's Faith". e with three vocal solos with her The varlous reports were own guitar accompaniment. given and minutes read and adopted. A sizeable donation A delicious supper was was made to the Yelverton served by hostesses Mrs. Ted United Church Treasury. Cor- Spenceley and Mrs. Murray respondence was read. After Malcolm to bring the after- considerable discussion it was noon to a close. decided to forgo the usual June Garden party in favor of On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. a new venture - "A Spring Ralph Malcolm hosted a Barbecue" to be held as per Birthday Party for their son- custom on the second Fri ay Jay and Mrs. Emma Malcolm in June. of Uxbridge. Also in attend- The next meeting in April ance were Mr. and Mrs. Cos will be held at the Church De Guiste, Mr. and Mrs. Alex basement at 4 p.m. to ne Josefache, Mr. and Mrs. followed by a Pot Luck Supper Harvey Malcolm Marti and at 6 p.m. to which the Mona, Miss Jennifer Snusnalî, husbands are invited. Follow- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wright and ing the supper Miss Candy Mrs. Robt. Fick. OUR IS HERE! CARNATIONS 1/2PRICE Frlday, March 9th Only Flower ORONO f983-9724 Telephone 987-4201 A

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