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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Mar 1979, p. 16

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16 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, March 14, 1979 PONT"YPOOL Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pacey sohd their mini farm on Hwy. 35 and have moved to New- castle. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rafuse have also moved, from the commuaity. Dave and June are now reshding ha Oshawa. We are sorry to heartbat Les Fairburst was admitted to hospital a week ago. Les is in room 214 in Chvhc Hospital, Peterborough. We' sead speedy get well wishes your way, Les. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Akey are spending this week wth Mr. and Mrs. Harry Akey in Clearwater, Florida. Mr. andi Mrs. Clarence Pleadwell and Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Arbeauattended a trucker's dinner and dance at Rockbaven, Peterborough on Saturday nîght. Mr. and Mrs. Wlfred Richardson and Harry and Mrs. Willard Skuce of Lindsay visited wih- the Ralpb Hylands, Etobicoke, on Thurs- day. Mrs. Skuce is a very proud great-grandmotber. Randy Bradley, Brent Falis, Ron VanWieringen, Paul Richardson and Alan Falhis spent tbe weekend in Owen Sound witb Bryan McKay and Wayne Fallis. On Saturday tbey enjoyed a day's sking at Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Curtis and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fallis arrived home on Tuesday after a six week's holiday in Florida. Cliff andi Gwen Curtis were Sunday visitors wth Mr. andi Mirs. Harlan'McCarrell and family of Omemee. Dale Badluk was high bowler in the Teen Bowling on Friday night. H1e bad a high single of 221 with a double of 365. Dale Gilbank followed with 215 and 338. In the Ladies Bowling, Gail Cameron led the way witb 242 folhowed by Joan Bedford witb 221. Gail had a bigh double of 452 and Joan was next witb 404. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Beggs were weekend visitors in Port Elgin with Jim and Norma Beggs and family. Twelve tables of euchre were played in Ballyduff Community Hall, on Friday nigbt. Norman Brown very generously donated tbe prizes which were won by Bertha McGill, Betty Brown, Anita Brown, Lia Kerr, Wilfred Beggs, Murray Porter, Bob Brown and Aubrey Cain. Doris Brown won the door prize. A Benefit Dance is to be behd 'c j» ns-s DYKSTRA'1S DILICATESSEN FOOD MARKET ThoPleuant Alternative ln Food Shopping MUrSPm.MAW MILD DUTCH STYLE SPICED, HAM 2.29 LB. CUT UP CHICKENS 99" LB. FRESH CHICKEN WINGS 79* LB. BANNAS25Lc ONTARIO 5 LB. BAC APPIS $13 FRESH, CRISP IE2 HEAD LETTUCE 69 EACH NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEEilooz. 5.39 SWANS DOWN 6 ROLL PACK TOILET TISSU E 1.69 A PCK. YELLOW, PIN K, WHITE HOME PRIDE 24 OZ. 29 STONE GROUND 100% 29 WHOLE WHEAT BREAD SWANSON T.V. DINNERS TURKEY, CHICKEN, BEEF 1 .19 ec SWANSON CH'ICKEN OR BEEF PIES WHILE THEY LAST MURCHIES TEA BAGS 49* AC 30 BAGS 25e 120 BAGS 99* in Poatypool Community Centre on Saturday, Marcb 24tb for Murray Porter. Mur- ray bad a heg amputated in a farm accident in the faîl. Almyr Tomlinson, Pontypool, R.R. 2, and Bob Brown, Bethany, R.R. 2, are in çbarge of the benefit. David Joseph Kovacs, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kovacs, R.R. 1, Pontypool was christened on Sunday after- noon in the local church by Rev. Richard Walsh. Mrs. Brian Fraser, Melissa and Amanda of Grafton spent severah days recently with Fred and Kay Youngman and Alvin Olan. Alvin Olan bas to retura to Toronto on Tuesday for a doctor's appointment. The Pontypool Community Centre was a very Ibusy place on Saturday when the West Durham Cubs, leaders and parents gathered for their Annual Piaewood Derby. Judging got underway at 8 a.m. and wasn't over until 10 p.m. Wmnners for the local Cub group were - Speed - 1. Marcus Lanz, 2. Brett Duna, 3. Derek Brown, 4. Allen Cail, 5. Mark Adams, 6. Andy Ligbtfoot. Design - 1. Jeff Stroag, 2. Ian Ramjohn, 3. Kevin Goodaîl, 4. Greg Pretty, 5. Kirk Gillilaad, 6. Kelly Kimble. Overaîl winners will compete on Saturday, March 3lst. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice, Soligo of Toronto bave moved into their lovely large home on the 4tbh ine. Don't forget the St. Pat- rick's Dance being held this Saturday by the Pontypool Chamber of Commerce. (See Coming Events) Last week I received my annual news flash from Florida - posted Feb. 27th from Orlando. Following is an account (some fact, some fiction) of how several area residents are passing the winter. Eyewitness News from the Snow Birds, Florida Ernie Cavano is la fine health and is busy making walking canes for ehderly people. He presented one each to Lloyd Fallîs and Cliff Curtis. Alf and Lillian Johnson are both looking good and jogging every day. They hope to be ready for tlW 1980 Olympics. The Bert McMulhens are fine but bis wife is keeping Bert on a leash this year. Lloyd and Minnie Taylor are learning to ride a tbree-whe-el ~bicycle- They hope to grad- uate to a two-wheeler soon. Andy and Mary Sutch are busy eatertaining friends. Last week tbey had Brenda and Glenn Rowe and the Youngs from Fenelon Falls, Andy's nephew and bis wife fromn North Battieford, Sask. and the Curtis's and Fallis's from Poatypool. Andy is also very busy looking after a couple of widows next door. Guests with Lloyd and Irene Webb are John and Blanche Webb and Fera Cook from Toronto. Murray McCullougb and Lloyd Webb are frequenting the cattle auctions. If they purchase aay cattle, Walt Larmer is to be their head herdsman. Murray and Lloyd are also thinking of buyhng a topless bar and makiag Walt the manager. Charlie and Clara Nesbitt have their son visiting with Bi 's Lawnmower Sales & Service Openlng in new location in the former Glen Ras Dalry Building <corner KIng and Scugog Ste.) Oponlng March 17-18 224and 25 Watch for Specials i Telephone 623-4040 thenli. Clara entertains wîtb bier piano playing. The VanLondens, Gerry and Mary are chipper and enjoy- ing the fine weather. Cliff and Gwen Curtis, John and Murmel Nimigon attended the Silver Spurs Rodeo at Kissimmee. Muriel's brother from Calgary has been a visitor with the Nimigons. The Nimigons, Fallis and Curtis families visited with Roy and Ethel Porter one recent afternoon. Roy, Vera and Bill Lynne have formed a musical group with Ethel doiag the singing. Tom and Cathy Badluk are expected to arrive in the sunny south today to go oyster fishing and word bas just been received that Bob and Alce Brown are flying in by helicopter. We would like to advise Bob that the walking here in Florida is much better than in Manvers. Singed - The Snow Birds. Hockey and Curling News From Manvers, The curling season at Man- vers is almost over and it bas been most successful and rewarding. A curling bonspiel is planned for this Saturday, March l7th, with a dance followiag in the Manvers Community Centre. Every Tuesday there was curling with teams participating every afternoon and evening. The top team in the afternoon curling were - Skip - Claire Robinson, Vice - Georgina Scott, 2nd - Aileen Malcolm and lead - Gail Shkuratoff. The top team for the ev ening curlers was - Skip - Terry Malcolm, Vice - Audrey Viv- ian, 2nd - John Cain and lead - Harold Strong. Each team was presented with a trophy and each member of each team received a smaller trophy. Ail ladies received curling pins and the gents curling mugs. Manvers Atoms played Ennismore twice on the week- end with botb games ending in a tie. On Saturday in Ennis- more the score was 1-1 with Danny Bazinet scoring for the local team. On Sunday in Manvers it was a 2-2 game witb Joey Rose scoring both Manvers goals. Manvers-Millbrook girls lost on Friday night 3-2 against Keene. Ia a tourna- ment in Grafton on Saturday the team did exceptionally well with a 3-2 win over Grafton and 3-0 win over Lakefield. In these two games local goal scorers were Lori Mebew and Sharon Smith each with 3. In tlhe final and chamrpionship game Bewdley defeýated1 Manvers 1-3-. Be-v Bazinet and Margie Hogen- dora 2 were the goal scorers. The Senior Girls team played an exhibition game in Woodville on Thursday night and lost 5-0. The Bantam A's played Omemee in Manvers on Mon- day night and came out on the low end of a 4-3 score. Omemee scored the winaing goal in the last few seconds of play. Games are scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday this week against Bobcaygeon. The Bantam B's were de- feated in three games this past week. On Wednesday the score was 3-0 for Minden, on Saturday 4-0 for Little Britain and on Sunday Woodville outscored the locals '19-8. Manvers scorers were Derek Ostner 3, Daany Stinson 3, Derek Gardiner 1 and Darryl Curtis 1. Ia the Friday night men's league Peterborough defeated Yelverton 5-4 but since Yel- verton already had an eight- goal margin Yelvertoa took the semi-finals. Pontypool downed Janetville 4-1 to take the series 6 goals to 5. This FridAy- nig-1,t4-t-e'finals get 4 I .4 'A STARK VILLE .On Moaday evening, Mr. Robert Bouley visited the Clifford Fonk home. Mrs. Dorotby Trim visited Mrs. Maude Cooper, Orono on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Jim Mackey and Mr. John Keane, both of Toronto were Wednesday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fonk and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch were Wednesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andy VanDrunen and boys, Cavan. Misses Kathleen and Ginny McColm, Oshawa, spent last Tuesday and Wednesday with their graadparents Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy., On Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Bert Trim visited bis niece, Mrs. David Rutherford and children, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Far- row and Mr. Robert were Thursday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bamsey and family to celebrate Ralpbie's l5th birtbday. Evening cahiers at the Bamsey home were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bamsey and Patrick, Port Hope. ,Miss Catherine Stewart, Kendal was a Friday dinner guest of Mrs. Edna Dobson. On Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Allan Peters, Morrish, motored to Meaford to attend the funeral of their cousin, Mr. Earl Haw. Mr. Haw ived in this commuaity as a young man. On Friday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim were in Oshawa to attend the funerai of her uncle, Mr. Emery James Silver, Dorothy's fatber's oldest brother. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Lyna, Kevin 'and Heather speat Friday in Toronto attending Quarterama '79 at the C.N.E. Coliseum. Miss Michelle Bamsey and Miss Tanya Foak spent Friday afternoon and Satur- day in Toronto as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mackey and attended Quarterama '79. Mr. Gerald Hallowell, Tor- onto spent tbe weekend with bis parents Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell. Miss Julie Silvester, Humber College, Toronto spent the weekend with ber grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. On Friday evening, the Kendal United Church Couples Club attended the Ice Capades in Peterborough. Attendiag from here were Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson,, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowehl and Mr. andi Mrs. Leu Pulls. Mr. Jeffery Caswell spent the weekend with his grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. Sympathy of everyone in the commuaity to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch on the death of bis sister, Mrs. Effie Gibson Sowdea, in Bowmanville on Saturday morning. Funeral to be held on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Len Pears, Orono visited Saturday after- noon witb Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wood, Peterborough were Sat- urday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson and Gordon. Mr. Brian Foster, Janine and Brad, Campbellcroft were Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob 'Foster and mark. Mr. and Mrs.' Bert Trim were Saturday supper guests of Mr. Raymond Trim, Ponty- pool. Mr. Kenneth Farrow played in a Hockey Tournamnent in Port Hope on Saturday but lost out in his final game. Kenneth was accompanied by bis parents Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Shep- herd and children, Garden 1H11l, Mr. and Mrs. Carey Marshall, Miss Keitha Mar- shall and friend, Port Hope were Saturday evening visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bamsey and Andy. Merle Shepherd, -Garden Hill, Heather Holland, Kendal, Pbilbert Marshall, Port Hope, Michelle Bamsey, Tanya Fonk, Raîphie Bamsey and Robert Taylor attended the Teen Dance on Saturday evening held in Newtonville Community Hall. Mr. Harry Colquboun from Scotland speat Saturday with bis cousins Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rypstra and famnily. Sympatby of everyone in the community to Mr. and Mrs. T. DeJong on the death of ber sister -on Saturday in the Netberlands. The West Durham Pinewood Derby was held on Saturday in Pontypool Community Hall. Kirby Cub Pack held their run-offs in the evening and the boys fromn Starkville were very lucky. Patrick Woods came 2nd in speed, 4th in speed was Brian Souch and Peter Fonk came lst in design. The winners ýwill compete again on March 3lst. Attending fromn here were Mr. Craig Woods, Patrick and Kristine, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Souch, Brian and Blaine, Mr. Brenton Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fonk and Peter., SMr. Gerland Hallowell, Tor- onto visited Sunday evening witb Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell and Jim. on Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Trim and Merrilee, Bowmanville visited bis parents Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trimn. Mr. Ron Farrow, ,spent Sunday afternoon in Toronto at Quarterama '79 at the Coliseum. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallow- ell with Mrs. Wilfred Wood, Newcastle visited Sunday afternoon witb Miss Norma Hallowell, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. George Carson, Orono -were Suaday supper guests of Mrs. Warren -Carson and Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robin- son spent Sunday in Oshawa visiting witb ber brother Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Savery. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Austin, Kevin and Charlene, Wesley- Oshawa Monument Co. Family Momoriols - Markors Ail Design and Lttoring Dons by Us on Promises - NO SALESMEN INVOLVED - Please Telephone 728-3111 for Full Details HYMET FARM SUPPLY LTD.. formerly Morton's Farm Supply Ltd.) Corne in and see our complete line of equip. from S PEIr-«Y+NEW VHO0L LA N ~ SpmotoHOMELIT:E RAR 2 Bowmanville, Ontario Maple Grove Road - South of Hwy. 2 Hours: Mon.-Sat. PH. 6232279 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Pwle HELP WANTED voyageur Restaurant Highway 401 ai Newcastle Is now accepting applications for full time and part trne personnel. Personallty and attitude more Important than experlence. Ploaso apply In person. ville were Sunday supper guests of ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson, and Gordon. On Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy visited Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Murphy and Erin, Bowmanville. The next Newtonville Past- oral Charge Hymn Sing will be held in Shiloh, United Church on Sunday, March 18 at 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. Wesleyville Last week was ideal for getting out and looking at the world as Inuit mothers tell their children to.do first thing in the morning. It is always fascinating to watch the spring waters pouring down the ditches and creeks, and other places too, where man does not want them to go. Culverts get plugged with ice and the impatient water pours over the road cutting deep gulleys that cause road troubles. Tree branches and buds are coloring, robins are singing and the not s0 welcome grackles and star- lings are back ia flocks of a size we were used to see when they were leaving in the faîl. Roy Austin working on the Marsh road on Saturday saw a flock of 22 large white birds flying low, going north and occasionally callîng with sounds like those of tame geese. They had long necks and were larger than Canada geese. It looked as if they were heading for a pond but it was frozen over and Roy could not see where they went. Last week, Kevin Austin, with other grade sixers from George Hamilton School, spent from Wednesday till Friday afternoon at the Board of Education's property in the north end of the township. They were studying Astron- omy, forest care and partic- ipating in outdoor activities. On Tuesday afternoon members of the Morrish Women's Instîtute met at the home of Mrs. R. Best, Perciv- al street, Port Hope for their monthly meeting. The time was spent transacting regular business and reviewing and assessing resuits -of last fall's course in needie point. The expected speaker was unable to come but there was sufficient discussion to make the meeting profitable and interesting. Church service at Welcome on Sunday, March il was ln charge of Mrs. Doreen Wilson whose story for the children concerned a community near Kingston where discarded articles are made into objects of use and beauty. She brought one to show them, shaped, carved and enamelled to make an article of charm and practical use. So, she said, God may take the raw material of an unlovely character and mold him as Potter does dlay to make a fine person. Her meditation was concerned with many questions which can be answered only be each individual. Using the Lord's prayer each part was given deep thought and the questions that are posed, when we really tbink. Do we mean everyonè,when we say Our Father? What would it mean to us if "'Tby will be done". The-cboir's antbem, always an uplifting part of the service was "Remember Me, 0 Mighty One". Ushers were Messers. Albert Woodward, Cliff Brice, William Beckett and John Gould. White daisies were in the altar vases to make the floral offering. The coming weeks are going to be filled with many activit- ies and the AOTS men's club is putting the finishing touches to their concert. Among the announcements was one from Bay of Quinte confereace warning of the possibility of federal action removing padres from priso ,ns and asking members to express their opinions concerning this. There was a remiader that the Jamaican exchange student would be with us on April lst. On Friday rfight, March 9th, Mesdames Phyllis Symons, Christine Wilson, Misses MEMBER 0F OT. A. 10 YEARS EXPE Melody Brice, Janice Hender- son and Mary Symons and Robert Symons attended the Sunday School workshop held at Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thorn- dyke returned home from Florida last Wednesday and had good weather for their two weeks stay. Donald Nichols returned home from Guelph for the weekend and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nichols returned with him on Sunday to be there for open house at Waterloo uni- versity. Morry Makers Bowling Looguae March 8 Moore - 21 - 15822, Junkin - 20 - 16131; Huisman - 20 - 15985, Elliott - 18 - 15619, Hooper - 17 - 15509, McMahon - 13- 15284, Nieuwenbuis - 12- 15665, McFeeters - 12 i 5635, Sheehan - 9 - 14871, Smith - 8 - 15321. High single - Elaine Elliott 298, high double - Elaine Elliott 431 (298, 133), high average - Mary Huisman 209. Games Over 200 Elaine Elliott 298, Mary Huisman 245, Gloria Smith 224, Mary Jane Anidrews 215, Betsy Brown 206, Bey Knight 20&. Drainage Roy (705) 324-9500 Lindsay Don (416) 986-5408 Nestleton )ERIENCE Om"AS SAER SPECIAS, 1978 FORD FIESTA Lic. MWK 925 1978 FORD FIESTA Lic. OBY 324 1978 4 DOOR FORD FAIRMONT Lic. N DY 550 With front wheel drive 4 cyl., AM radio, 7800 mi., defroster, Michiens. With front wheel drive 4 cyl., interior decor. group, AM radio, detroster. 18,000 mi. 6 cvi. a utomatic, power steering, AM Radio, Defroster, under 10,000 mi. $4095noo $4647n.oo CON FIDENCE WITH MACDONALD FORD'S 7 DA YMONE Y BA CK GUARANTEE ON ALL USED CERTIFIED VEHICLES' 'je Ki.0, St E 219 King St. E. 623-4481 il plus tax Parne 623-4481 ~tumîaft ) MM FORD'S WEEKLY PARTS SPECIAL 1 FL-I Oil Filter 5 Quarts 10w30 Fard 011 Regular h'rice $14.85 "6 PACK" SPECIAL.... OFFER EXPIRES MARCH 2th, 1979 Mon.-Fri. 8:00-5:30 Tues.&Thurs.- 8:00.8:00 219 KIng St. E. NOtW is the lime to consider your TILE DRAINAGE needs. FOR INFORMATION OR FREE ESTIMATE CALL: Walker - Wright STANDING TIMBER OR VENEER LOGS MIXED HARO WOODS TOP PRICE FOR GOOD LOGS Inquire as to prce and specifications Phojne or write: Wilbertorce Vnouer & tomber Company Wilberforce, Ontario Phone 9:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m. (705)448-2521 Evenlings Mr. Gibbs (705)448-2248 Mr. Tighe (705)448-2546 DYKSTRA'S PZKIN DELICA TESSEN 'OFF FOOD MAIRKET OUEN me ST WESTS TREEI

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