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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Mar 1979, Section 2, p. 4

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4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 14, 1979 Section Two Celebrate 67th Wedding Anniversary On March 2nd, 1979, Mr. and Mrs. Sheidon Pethick of Enniskilien celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary quietly at their home. Athough no party was heid, they did receive messages of congratulations and personal visits from friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Pethick have two sons - Floyd of Toronto and Clifford of Bowmanvile. Today 's Woman by Beverley Martin This week I amn going to again talk about nutrition. I think it is time we start looking at our diets a littie doser. We ail know how tired and irritable we can get if we miss a niglt's sleep but do we notice how tired and irritable we can get if we don't get the nutrients we need. Have you ever had trouble remembering things; like going from the living room to the kitchen for something and then forgetting what that something was. Well, your brain ceils need nutrients to func- tion properiy and can get siuggish and forget- lui. According to Dr. Cheraskin there are foods to eat liberaly, foods to eat sparingly and foods to avoid. Foods containing nu- trients that enhance the body's defences against disease shouid be your mainstay. These resis- tance nutrients, which include protein, vita- mins, minerais and es- sentiai fats are found in a variety of whoiesome foods. The most nutritious protein foods are obtain- ed largely from animai sources, meat, fish, fowi, eggs, cheese and milk Many of the, foods recommended to be eat- en liberally, eggs, dairy products, fish and meat, may be the very items you have been avoiding SAVE SA VE WHY PAY MORE FOR HEATING * SAVE ON PREMIUM ULT FUEL. FO AL IL FORALLYOUR FUEL OUL NEEDS oe1517 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY rn Telephone Today! Cail colect 668-3381 ' Prompt, Courteous Service * I M I I E I I M M M M for fear their choies- teral content wiil raise Î our blood cholesterol evels. Eggs, for exam- piýe, have been fooishjr labeiled as a killer foU thanks to, the simplistic and incorrect notion that the cholesterol in your blood cornes dir- ectly from the choies- terol you eat. Most of it does not. Eighty per cent of the cholesterol in your blood is manufactured within the body by ýthe liver and other -organs. It is syn- thesized from acetate radicais found in carbo- hydrates, proteins and James mns urance Agency Limited 24 King St. E. Bowmanville For ail your insurance needs Doug James ot 623-4406 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountancy WILLIAM C. HALL Be. Comm. Charte red Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 WM. J. H. COGOINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 118 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 JOHN P. WINTERS Chartered Accountant 23 Silver St. Bowmanville 623-9461 Dental DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D.D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 arn. to 9 p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 36 King St. W. 623-4473 Office Hours: Mon., Thurs. & Fr! 8:30 'tii 5:00 Wednesday 8:30 'tii noon Closed Tuesdays Chiropractie LAWRENCE A. GREY Doctoraof Chiropractic 270 King St.' East Bowmanvi lie Phone 623-4004 GEDWIN MANN, DC. Chirpractor Office: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hou rs: By appoiniment LEONARD JAY, B.Sc., D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 96 Queen Street Bowmanville Phone 623-9297 fats into choiesterol. Only 20 per cent of the cholesterol in your biood cornes directiy frorn dietary choiesterol. The amount of choiesterol in the diet is flot a signifi- cant factor in the deve- iopment of atheroscier- osis (hardening of the arteries) for the vast majority o f peope, since the human liver ordin- ariiy synthesizes far more choiesterol than is obtained from foods. There is a generai misunderstanding of the choiesterol problem be- cause high serum chol- esterol is the resuit of internai metabolism. Some of the choleste- roi problem cornes from an unsuspete source, refined croydra tes which furnish large amounts of acetate r adi- cals. Sorne of the choies- terol problern is related to a iack of nutrients. Lecithin, vitarnin C nicotinic acid, grain an vegetabie fibre are all choiesteroi iowering agents and heip the body to regulate choies- terol leveis. Eggs are particuiariy rich in leci- thin the very substance mecicai researchers have shown to be choies- terol controiiing. So you see. the sy- NDP Candidate There has been talk lately that the Progressive Cotiser- vatives, if elected to power, would dismantie Petro- Canada, the government oul company, or take steps to alter its status. Petro-Canada is one in- strument we have which allows Canada controi of energy coming into the coun- try. We need Petro-Canada to stemns in our body are designed to function with baianced arnounts of nutrients. If we are abusing our body by not suppling it with the proper nutrients than it is not surprising that we have so much iiiness and disease. Take a dloser look at yOur diet and your health and see if a change wouid benefit you. Critical of Talk negotiate energy needs bet- ween Canada, Mexico and Venezuela, dlaims Fred McLaughlin, NDP candidate for Durham-Northumberland. The only altering that needs to be done with Petro-Canada is to strengthenits status s0 that Canadians have the con- trol of the energy of Canada for Canadians and by Canadians. Agatha Christie's 'The Hollow' Now in Rehearsal for April If you like to curl up with a good mystery, the Bowman- ville Drama Workshop bas a treat in store for you. Agatha Christie's "The Hollow" will be brought to the Bowmanville 'Higb School Theatre stage on April 5, 6,7. Thom Fowler, who will be remembered for bis fine performance as Tburber, in "A Thurber Carnival" is exbibiting bis directing skill this time around. Thom is an Agatba Christie fan and is looking forward to presenting ber unique blend of suspense and character delineation to local audiences. Jan Leak, wbo is equally at home on stage and back stage, and may be familiar to you as, our Bowmanville Librarian, is Assistant Director. We have two able Stage 77 King Street East Bowmanville Mýi 'il1 Managers, Iris Hellam and Mike Locke. Some of the most memorable characters in our recent productions have been played b y Iris. She was the mystery-lover in Thurber's Macbeth sketch, the clumsy but loveable miece in UTBU, and the nervous housewif e visiting the Hollywood producer in Plaza Suite. Mike Locke, as well as being active in the B.C.W. is involved witb the drama club at Bowman- ville 111gb School. The cast includes John, Amesbury, Elizabeth Benner, Margie Grey, Vic Goad, Peter Lunny, Janet Pollitt, Pat Rundle, Peter Sobil, and Harry Young, all of whom bave been in other B.D.W. productions. Newcomers to the B.D.W. stage are Joe Covle. Lnri Fraser and Uina Procumier. Joe was the drummer in the Thurber band and bas worked for the Bowmanville High School drama group. Another of Bob Sberidan's drama students is Lori Fraser. Lori was excellent in many bigh scbool plays. At Commence- ment, the B.D.W. was happy to present Lori with an award for outstanding contribution to High School drama produc- tions. Linda Procunier although new to us, bas had acting, experience elsewhere. She will be playing one of the major roles and we are looking forward to seeing ber performance. Producer - the one wbo puts it ail together - is Anna Blake. Good Iiié1c, Anna. We are looking forward to seeing tbe finished product! values Effective at Bowmanville Store OnIy 'I i I - , lii CANADA GRADE "A" Melqdium Eggs DOZ LIMIT 3 DOZEN PER FAMILY ASSORTED FLAVORS IGA Fruit Drinks FANCY IGA Tomato Juice 48 F L39 OZ. TIN39 48-FL 49 OZ .TIN4 1m BEST-O-PAC ASSORTMENT,MAPLE CREME,STRIPED DAINTIES OR ICED WAFERS Colonial 9 BiSeUitS 200 TO 350-g BiscuitsPKGS. EA. ALL PURPOSE GRIND Chae &Sanborn A$ I Coffee A SMANS DOWN, ASSSORTED COLORS Bath room PG F$l 4 Tissue 6 ROLLS IGA Raisin Bread PARAMOU NT, Sockeye Salmon i 6.OZ. LOAF U W 7 3/ -OZA e TIN @" # FANCY Mitchell's î9FL. l ApplesauceOZTIMW KRAFT, SALAD DRESSING Miracle 1LT Whip JAF TRE$139*e Javex Liquid 128-FL. OZ. Bleach PLASTIC BTL. 100% PURE VEGETABLE OIL 9Am,,90 Mom's Soft LB Margarine TUB W CROISE 4 IGA Dessert Pears'Z IN39 RASU, FLAIN,WITBME ATO0R VVITH MUSAROOMS 14 FL o Spaghetti Sauce OZ JAR %% N O. IN TMATO SAUCE OR IN MUSTARU 31 Z,$1 Brunswick Sardines3 FINS ASSATES VARIETIES Dr. Ballard's 50QO Cet Food 3 INS ý 89 CANADA NO, 1GSADSEFSTELIES ""'o ISRREM0S 1 LBE O eeaid H.ney TUABOR ^AR 99 ORANGEFEKOSE 8 S TetleyTeaBags DR 2 I$1.6 FOUT -0, 99 Sugar Cris BXp---i0 W SOOS MNSS BOSS, NI. FUSSE WILLOCIUFS OR COCONUT FINSERS Neilson ETOSOZý Wil-O.Pac Candies F655 89" New Freedom FES Mini Pads OF10 69" J-Cloth Tawels SF10 ASUORTES VARIETlES ESCEFT BR Suave Shampo 'P STBTLY7 S.O.S. Soap Pads -2 oi 971 FROZENCONCESTRATES Haney Dew 121FL 70ý Orange Drink OZ TIN 791 FR0265 THIFT PUSE BLUEWATFR 3 O 2.89 Fish Frics PK MAS SMITHIS, FROZEN AppleorApple 2 Si 1.9 Crumb Pies PES .% SEULTEUT, PLAINOR AUSORTEO F..VORS Light 'N' Lively 500S g 9 Vagurt TUA 9 KRAFT, PRSCES 320OZ Sc.CI Cheez Whiz JAR Àa6 PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. MARCH T4 TO SAT.,. MARCH 17,1979. WE RESERVETHE RIGHTTO LIMIT GUANTITIES. ALN 308 A SSOTDF ORS 4 L Fruit Drinks oZ TN6 F LAS O RE S Swing Orange POLY BAS OS$ n Crystals PEGS, 1.0 BRIGHT'S FANCY 48 FL Tomata Juice OZ TIN 9 1 ANMN A1V 14 FL 62 Peach Halves ZT. 62 FALKEESIN ITS OWNJSICE SUICES CRUSSAEDOR IDBITS 14FL Del Monte Pineapple OS TIR 9 STOKELY'S, PARCS 11 FL, 49" Whale Kernel Corn oz TIN CHOICE 14 FL. Aylmer Peas OZ TIR _4 1 Libby'sSpaghetti__oL. TIR VAN CAMPSIN TOMATO SAUCE14 FL A1 Beans with Park OZ TIN4 CHEF BOY ARSDE 15SFIL Beef Ravioli OZ TIN 8 CUmpBIEL sSC) 1S F 31" Vegetable SOupTIz KELSGO' 225 72 Rice Kispiea BOxý 2 POST 4009 Bran Flakes S805 781 SAINES, SOS FO0D 2 kg 3.2 Puppy Choice PAS 10 kg TOP BES BAU G r G u rmet D g D in e r . U PURINA 500lg Meow MiX BO0V 9 HUNTS 5 /'FL,~ Tamnato Paste _OLT N 39 QUAKER l175 Puiied Wheat BUS 6 MIX N EUFUS 7 Crcam ai Wheat 80V? 77 MONARCH 40 Z S1.90 Ta8Bisk Box .- TROPHT 100 g 19 Sliced Almands PEU 1.25 Walnut Halves 1PES iOPY_' 11 CARNATION 16OZ, 11.65 Calice Mate j AR EvaNýatTON Milk 1TIN 46 SOUI RREL, SMOOTH PeanutButter "AR 1.2 MazolaçCorn Oil BLR 25 Heinz Ketchup OZ BTL, 81 CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF, BONELESS FULL SLICE RoundSteks SUANKo8Z $ Instant Coiiee JAR 153 KASUN FOTBU 1i.69 Ja ex Bleach P V V'T B'" 75% FABRR CSOFTENEREESTUPKG 24 Cling Free OH24 Glide 202 SZ Spray Starch UERO.]_ 10 S Carnet Cleanser cAII Tn451 24 FL. OZ LIID FL STL. Palmolive Detergent 13 VLLEY FURM, FROZEN, CAOICE Ai French Rics 2 LRPOLO A48U A SA LINER, BONELES FROZEN NS IDUULLT WRAPPES Boston Blueish 140OZ.1.5 Fillets PKGS SUSTO.FUOZEN 4 PAECK, 55 #NC Ail Dressed Pizza ES L, 1 .09 FARMASUSE, FROZEN, CROCOLATE. COCONUT OR LEMON 12 OZ R7 Cream Pies PEU. 87 PILLSBURT, RESULAR OR CHEE SE WienerWrap 70OZPKG. 65e TRI.LIUM l100% .PURE VEGETABLE OIL . 1 LB 66 Soit Margarine TUB 66 PRODUCE OF CENTRAL AMERICA DOLE OR CHIQUITA Bananas LB.19 PRODUCE 0F ISRAEL Jaffa Oranges CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF BON EL ESS OutsideInside Round Round Steaks or Steaks or Roasis Roasts $LB2.O8, $.28j CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF LEAN, BON ELESS Stewing Beef !1B.l79 FR ESH I Pork Hocks LB.S9* MAPLE LEAF, SLICEO SELECTED VARIET ES 6 oz Sandwich Meats K 91 PREVIOUSLY FROZEN $Af Ocean Perch FilletS LB.14 Side Bacon MAPLE LEAF Golden Fry Sausages FRESH!I -Pork Side Ribs FR ESH I Pork Liver LB. 490 SWIFT'S PREMIUM 1LB Wieners PKG. MAPLE LEAF, SLICED1LB Bologna PKG. 11.39, $1.49 1-LB. $-f3 SVUFTS PREMIUM 2OZ 7 MAPLE LEAF, COOKE, ONLS P1T LB s 7 Dinner Pork 21 P Shoulders LB. 21 'ST. PATRICK'S DAY SPECIAL' SH-OPSYS, VACUUM ACKED oz4 6 9 Corned Beef Brisket LB. 1 SIZE 1 20's DOZ. ONTARIO OROWVN, * CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE" CANADA FANCY GRADE 3LB 9Oi* Mcîntosh Apples BAâ PRODUCE 0F US.A. ONTARIO NO. 1 GRADE. ýSWEET 69 GenPeppers .LB 9 PRODUCE 0F MEXICO CANADA NO. 1GRADE Cucumnbers ONTARIO GROWN CANADA NO. 1GRADE Carrots 3 FO 991 2-LB $1j ... .. ........ vE PR EEKLY Spttil 9l'îli 111,

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