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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Mar 1979, Section 2, p. 10

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10 The Canadian Statesman, SHAW'S Miss Joanne Smith, Peter- borough, spent several days at Killeen's recently. She was doing some Student Observa- tion work at the Bowmanville Nursery School, for a Child Care project at Kenner Colle- giate. We welcome, to our neigh- bourhood, little Norman Lansing Jr., who arrived several weeks ago and has now come home to live with his parents, Norm and Joanne Lansing on the Providence Rd. We regret an error in this column a couple of weeks ago. We credited Mrs. Ruth Wright with the beginnings of the local Nursery Teachers' Assoc. when in truth, it was Mrs. Yvonne Osborne who instigated the first meeting. Mrs. Osborne took over the operation of the Lion's Club Nursery School in 1958, when Mrs. Wight retired and there- fore was full of vim and vigour to get acquainted with others working in the same field. Our apologies to Mrs. Osborne. The Killeens recently enjoy- ed an evening at the Heron- gate Theatre at Pickering, for a birthday supper and a fine presentation of "Norman. is that you?" - a hilarious comedy. It was a family celebration for Rosemary's non-birthday - Feb. 29. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Quinney entertained at a dinner party in honour of Glenn's birthday, last Sunday. Guests included Lynda and Paul Crago, Balti- more and Paul and Patsy Scott of Newcastle. Among those who attended the Lockhart's School Dance at Brownsdale Community Centre last Saturday night were Brenda and Rick. Card; Sheila and Len Collin, Kes- wick; Shelagh and John Han- cock; Barb and Bill Hannah; Donna and Merv English; Marg and John Killeen; Barbara and Albert Munneke; Marie and Dennis Mackey; Mr. andMrs.J. Rekker; Phyl. and Jim Sinfield; Marg. and Bob Williams. The proceeds from the enjoyable evening will go towards a new play- ground equipment for the school. Garnet and Annabelle Rickard have just returned from a 12 day motor trip to Treasure Island, Florida. U.C.W. News Unit 6 of Trinity Church U.C.W. held their March meeting at the Sunday School in the form of a Pot Luck supper. Unit 4 members were invited as guests. The tables were prettily decorated in the St. Patrick's theme with green and white streamers, green candles and a lovely pot of daffodils. This was later given to Jean MeMurter in honour of her recent birthday. The theme of the devotional was Friendship and Marion Jeffery spoke on the topic of Ten Days for World Develop- ment. Two contests were enjoyed by all and were won by June Bragg, Emily Slute and Bernice Puk. The commit- tee in charge were Audrey Hilson, Ahice Plummer and Alice Brunt. Those attending from Shaws were Arline Ayre, June Bragg, Ethel Wight, Aileen Turner and Doreen Barrie. Tyrone Tyrone United Church The following are events that are, happening in our church that will be of interest to the community: On Monday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 o'clock the Tyros meet. These are boys from the ages of 8 to 12 and at present tbere are 10 very enthusiastic boys. On Wednesday, March 14th the United Church Women meet in the church hall. This meeting is held the second Wednesday of every month at 8:00 o'clock. Everyone is welcome. On Tiursday afternoon at 4:00 a Confirmation class is being held in the Manse at Enniskillen and from 7:00 to 8:00 o'clock in the evening an adult class is rneeting in tbe church hall at Tyrone. If anyone just wishes to attend for a study session on the UJnited Church faith and nlot to be confirmed you're most welcome to attend. Choir practice is also on Thursday evening at 8:00 o'clock, New members are always happily received. Sunday Services are at il1:15 a.m. and March 25th is Baptismal Sunday. Anyone wishing to present their children for Baptism on that occasion please contact Reverend Kempling as soon as possible. On the second Sunday of every month a sing song of favourite hymns is held just before the service. The fourth Sunday is Youth Sunday when the younger folk of the congregation participate. They have formed a choir and practice every Sunday after service. Sunday School is at 10:00 o'clock and the senior class is busy planning their annual Sunrise Service on Easter Sunday at the mill pond with coffee after at the church hall. On March 25th as well as Baptismal it will be Youth Sunday and service will be held back in the Sanctuary. All are welcome. ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF Section 15 of The Planning Act, (R.S.O. 1970, c. 349). -and- IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Regional Municipality of Durham for approval of those parts of the Official Plan for the Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Area referred to the Ontario Municipal Board by The Minister of Housing. OMB FILE NOS. R781 110 to R781137 inclusive R781139 to R781170 inclusive R781172, R781951, R781952 R783299, R783301, R79741 APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Tuesday, the 17th day of April, 1979 at the hour of ten o'clock, (local time) in the forenoon at the Council Chambers, Municipal Office of the Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, for the hearing of all parties interested in supporting or opposing this application. The Ontario Municipal Board intends to hear this application starting on the above date and time. At the start of its hearings, the Board will settle matters of procedure, hear preliminary motions and issue such direc- tionà, as may be required for the proper hearing of all persons interested in this application. The Board may be asked at that time to allocate specific times or special directions for the consideration of specific items when that can be done as part of the overall hearings of the Durham Regional Official Plan. If you do not attend or are not represented at this hearing, the Board may proceed in your absence and you will not be entitled to any further notice of the proceedings. In the event the decision is reserved, persons taking part in the hearing may request a copy of the decision from the presiding Board member. Such decision will be mailed to you when available. DATED at Toronto this 28th day of February, 1979. Secretary EXPLANATORY NOTE CONCERNING THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM PLANNING AREA Part VI of the Regional Municipality of Durham Act, 1973, S.O. c. 78, as amended, directs the Council of The Regional Municipality of Durham to investigate and survey the physical, social and economic conditions in relation to the development of the Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Area, to undertake studies concerning matters affecting the development of the Planning Area, to undertake a program involving public participation in the resolution of such problems and the preparation of guidelines for the development of the Regional Area and to prepare and adopt an Officiai Plan for the Regional Area. The Official Plan for the Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Area was adopted by the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham on the 14th day of July, 1976. An application was made under Section 14 of The Planning Act to The Honourable The Minister of Housing for Ontario for approval of this Plan. The Honourable The Minister of Housing made some modifications to the Official Plan under section 14 of The Planning Act, decided to refer certain sections of the Official Plan to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to section 15 of The Planning Act, deferred other parts of the Plan for further consideration and approved the balance of the said Officiai Plan on the 17th day of March, 1978. The Honourable The Minister of Housing subsequently referred certain portions of the Plan to the Ontario Municipal Board and approved further portions of the Plan. Pursuant to this reference the Regional Municipality is now appiying to the Municipal Board for approval of these parts of the Durham Regional Officiai Plan. Some of these parts are statements of policy of general application throughout the Regional Area. Others are before the Municipal Board only as they relate to specific parcels of land, areas, or area municipalities.,Still others concern the land use designations provided by the Plan for specific properties. In all cases the decision of the Municipal Board to approve, modify or reject these parts of the Officiai Plan may affect other lands. In these hearings the Municipal Board has the same authority as the Minister of Housing to approve or to modify these parts of the Official Plan under section 14 of The Planning Act. EXPLANATORY NOTE CONCERNING THOSE PARTS OF THE OFFICIAL PLAN REFERRED BY THE HONOURABLE THE MINISTER OF HOUSING TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD The Regional Municipality of Durham has applied to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of those parts of the said Official Plan that have been referred to the Ontario Municipal Board as referred to above. This description of the parts referred is intended for quick reference and notice by the public. To accurately and fully appreciate the purpose, location, extent and effect of each such part or area of referral, the reader should examine the actual Order of Referral and the Official Plan itself. Those parts referred are briefly as follows: Legal Description 1. Part of Lots 8 and 9, Conc. l within the former Township of Brock (now within the Township of Brock) 2. Parts of Lots 9, 10, and11 Conc. 111 and IV within the former Township of Brock (now within the Township of Brock) 3. Part of Lots13, 14, and15 Conc. IV and V within the former Township of Brock (now within the Township of Brock) 4. Lot 16 and part of Lots 17, 18, 19and 20, Conc. 1; part of Lots 18 and 19 and Lots 20 and 21, Coric. il and Lot 19, Conc. I; part of Lots17 and18, Conc. Ili, Lot 23, Conc. 111 and part of Lot 23, Conc. IV; part of Lots 11, 12, 13and 14, Conc. IV; part of Lots 16, 17 and 18, Conc. IV, part of Lots 16 17, 18, and 19, Conc. V; part of Lots 14 and 15, Conc. V; part of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Conc. VI; part of Lot 23, Conc. VII; part of Lot 16, Conc. VI1; part of Lots 12 and 13, Conc. Vil within the formerTownship of Uxbridge (now within the Township of Uxbridge) 5. Part of Lot 20, Conc. Il within the former Township of Scott (now within the Township of Uxbridge) Durham Regional Official Plan Designation General Agriculture and Major Open Space System (Oak Ridges Moraine) General Agriculture, Major Open Space System (Oak Ridges Moraine) with Hazard Lands Permanent Agricultural Reserve, General Agriculture, Major Open Space System (Oak Ridges Moraine) with Hazard Lands Major Open Space System (Oak Ridges Moraine) Permanent Agricultural Reserve Designation Requested Prime minerai extractive area Prime minerai extractive area Prime minerai extractive area Prime minerai extractive area Prime mineral extractive area 6. Part of Lot11, Conc.I and part of Lot 1, Conc. IV; part of Lot 4, Conc. IV; part of Lot 1, Conc. V; Part of Lot 6, Conc. X; part of Lot 3, Conc. Xi within the former Township of Aeacl (now within the Township of Scugog) 7. Lots 2 and 3, Conc. I within the former Township of Cartwright (now within the Township of Scugog) 8. Part of Lots 7 and 8, Conc. V within the former Township of Pickering (now within the Town of Pickering) 9. Part of Lot 2, Conc. IX within the former Township of Pickering (now within the Town of Pickering) 10. Part of Lot 21, Conc. IV and part of Lots 30 and 31, Conc. V within the Town of Whitby 11. Part of Lots13 and14, Conc. 111 within the former Township of Darlington (now within the Town of Newcastle) 12. Part of Lots 31 and 32, Conc. IX and X within the former Township of Darlington (now within the Town of Newcastle) 13. Part of Lots14, 15,16 and 17, Conc. IX and X within the former Township of Darlington (now within the Town of Newcastle) 14. Part of Lot 33, Conc. Vil within the former Township of Clarke (now within the Town of Newcastle) 15. Part of Lots 27 and 29, Conc. X and part of Lots 17 and 18, Conc. X within the former Township of Clarke (now within the Town of Newcastle) 16. Part of Lot 15, Conc. IV, within the former Township of Thorah (now within the Township of Brock) 17. Part of Lot1, Conc. XIV, within the former Township of Brock (now within the Township of Brock) 18. Part of Lot5, Conc. A, within the former Township of Thorah (now within the Township of Brock) 19. Part of Lot10 and Lots11 and 12, Conc. VI, part of Lots 11 and 12, Conc. IV, and part of Lot 13, Conc. V, within the former Township of Uxbridge (now within the Township of Uxbridge) 20. Part of Lots 2, 3 and 4, Conc. i within the former Township of Uxbridge (now within the Township of Uxbridge) 21. Part of Lot15, Conc. il, within the former Township of Uxbridge (now within the Township of Uxbridge) 22. Part of Lots 2 and 3, Conc. IV within the former Township of Uxbridge (now within the Township of Uxbridge) 23. Part of Lot 18; Conc. IV within the former Township of Reach (now within the Township of Scugog) 24. Part of Lot 16, Conc. IV within the former Township of Reach (now within the Township of Scugog) 25. Part of Lot 18, Conc. lil within the former Township of Reach (now within the Township of Scugog) 26. Part of Lot 10, Conc. 1, within the former Township of Reach (now within the Township of Scugog) 27. Part 0f Lots 22 and 23, Conc. Il within the former Township of Pickering (now within the Town of Pickering) 28. Part of Lot19, Conc. Il within the former Township of Pickering (now within the Town of Pickering) 29. Partof Lot 15, R3, B.F. Conc. within the former Township of Pickering (now within the Town of Pickering) General Agriculture, Permanent Agricultural Reserve and Major Open Space System (Oak Ridges Moraine) Major Open Space System (Oak Ridges Moraine) Major Open Space System and Permanent Agricultural Reserve Major Open Space Systern (Oak Ridges Moraine) with Hazard Lands Major Open Space System with Hazard Lands Major Open Space System Major Open Space System (Oak Ridges Moraine) and Permanent Agricultural Reserve Major Open Space System (Oak Ridges Moraine) Permanent Agriculturai Reserve Major Open Space System (Oak Ridges Moraine) Industrial Hamiet and Generai Agriculture with Hazard Lands Major Open Space System and Waterfront Major Operr Space System (Oak Ridges Moraine) General Agriculture Major Open Space System Generai Agriculture Permanent Agricultural Reserve Hamlet and Major Open Space System Gene rai Agriculture Major Open Space System and Permanent Agricultural Reserve Major Open Space System with Hazard Lands Major Open Space System with Hazard Lands Major Open Space System with Hazard Lands Prime minerai extractive area Prime mineral extractive area Prime mineral extractive area Prime minerai extractive area Prime minerai extractive area Prime minerai extractive area Prime minerai extractive area Prime minerai extractive area Prime minerai extractive area Prime minerai extractive area Special Purpose Commercial Estate-Residential Seasonal-Residentiai Prime minerai extractive area Residential, Industrial and Estate-Residentiai Residential, Industrial and Estate-Residential Estate-Residential Residential to General Agriculture Residential Special Purpose Commercial Landf ill Site Residential & objecting to road alignment Residential industrial

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