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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Mar 1979, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesman. hýowmauville, Marcb 14, 1979 Re%-Sidents Oppose From Page One Cplaining about inadequate parking aciities at the park. Mr. Tomkins said parked cars usually overflow onto Simpson Avenue during this week and if tbere ever was a fire it would be difficuit for the trucks and other emergency vebicles to get down the street. Due to inadequate wasbroom faciities there is indecent exposure, said Tomkins and there bas been some tbeft and property damage to surrounding bouses during the week's celebrations. Residents- are St. Marys Cernent Employees Escape Eye Injuries concerned about property devaluation and feel that the gar- bage in the park might attract rats, he added. Councillor Bill Clarke said he was concerned there bas been. no dialogue between the residents and tbe Jaycees on the matter. Coundil referred the issue to its community services committee. Chairman of the committee, Maurice Prout, said a meeting between the committee, residents and Jaycees will be held next Thursday (Marcb 22). Public Utilities Study The first alternative in the report would entail combluing the three existing Utilities of Orono, Newcastle -Village and Bowmanville and that part of the Bowmanville rural area wbich includes St. Marys Cern ent. The purchase of that part of the rural district from Ontario Hydro would cost in ber ueighbourhood of $6.6 million. Ail rural assets within tbe boundaries of the towu such as sub-trausmission lies, al rural limes, transformers, sub- stations, preseut rural office with ail furnishings, some equiment and a portion of the -stoc and ail vehicles would bave to be purchased as well. If this alternative is chosen, the preseut rate structure now lu effect would have to increase, the report states. Rates lu Bowmanviliewould increase by approximately 20 per cent. Iu Newcastle Village the rates would ise by 14 per cent and lu Orono by four per cent. The rural district of 5,100 customers would, on the other baud, face a nine per cent decrease lu rates. The main advantages to alternative ofié, the report says, is that ail customers within the municipality would be operating ou one standard set of rates and only one com- mission and one management would be needed for the entire area. Disadvantages would be a loss of identity lu the present municipalities, a substautial rate increase to the existing municipal customer, aud a substautial addition of staff. Alternative two would combine tbe existiug Utilities less the rural area luto one Utility under one commigsion and one management. Under alternative tbree, the present operation of three Utilities would remain the status quo under onie commis- sion with a representative from each Utiity serving ou the Board. The rates lu each Utiity would be established accordiugly. Local autouomy would be retalued if this alternative is cboseu, says the report but ou the other baud, three indivi- dual centres of operation would have to be retaiued witb individual management for each and rate variation lu each. BowManville and Orono Public Utiities Commissions favor alternative one but Newcastle village PUC is arguîng for alternative three. Ev Jenkins of the Newcastle Village PUC said one of the reasons be opposes- alterna- tive one is because of the substantial rate increase it would mean for customers lu the village witbout necessarily an improvement in service. Bill Morrison of the Bow- manville PUC urged council to make a decision on the wbole matter of- restructurnug. "Either you move on tis or the Minister of Energy will tell you to move," be cautioued. Harvey 'Partuer of Orono PUC said the rate increases connected witb alternative From Page One one could be pbased lu over a five year peid. Sooner or later, he saithe province will force the three utiities to amalgamate. III don't see why a customer In Courtice should pay more for utiities than one in our area," he said. Mayor Garnet Rickard recalled bow bard be fougbt, for uniform water and sewer rates at the Region and argued such equality would exist for' utilities as well. Everyone in the municipality wbo uses Hydro sbould pay on the same rate scale according to usage, he said. Morley Watson, manager of Bowmanviile PUC, told coundil that Whitby, Oshawa, Pickering and, Ajax are al goig fr ne utility. The Reginalrcoorrelation team is now waiting for Newcastle's decision. Counillor Ann Cowman, pointed out that in these municipalities it is just a case of large urban areas taking over smail rural areas wbere- as lu Newcastle 5,500 urban customers would be taking over 5,000 rural customers spread over a large area. "This is the problem no one west of us is williug to acknowledge." The restructuring report under discussion this week was deemed "'extremely. prelimiuary" by consultiug engineers Leighton and Kidd, of Toronto. "It does not sufficieutly descnibe the various alternative arrange- ments and- their ecouomic impact non does it define those issues wbicb must be considered before a decision is made lu this matter," the engineers said. Tbey suggest- ed a "more comprebensive report" be produced by the committee before furtber cousideration is given. ELIZABETH VILLE Churcb services were held as usual. Rev. W. Kennedy was our speaker for the service. He spoke on, 'Pray- er'. The choir sang an anthemn. Communion services will be held on Apil 1Stb. Confirm- ation of 13 young people will be beld also. Services will stant at 9 a.m. instead of 9:15 at Garden Hill. Ou Tuesday afteruoon the Women's Institute met at Mn. and Mns. R. Beatty's home. A g2od turu out. Mns. B. Wheeler preied. The roll cail was, "Name a T.V. programn that bugs you most". Mrs. H. Thickson, sec. treas. read the minutes. Mns. M. McAllister brought a report fromn the district's executive meeting that was beld at Mr. and Mrs. R. Beatty's on Monday after- Doon. The resolution Convenor, Mrs. G. Morris bad the p=grm and she had looked upteconstitution and read when we started our girls and women's clubs. She also bad invited a speaker Mrs. Croft from Cobourg from the Com- munity Cane for the eldenly centre. She brought an inter- esting talk on ber work, which we did enjoy. Plans were made for a pot luck dinnen uext meeting and a nomin- ating committee was selected. Lunch was served. The Golden Age Club met at the hall with about 25 attend- iug. Several games were played. There was ice cream and cake and two birthdays were çelebrated Mrs. Wrigt's and Mrs. S. Mon- ton's. Another meeting uext week. Sympathies are extended to relatives and fiends, of the late Mns. Harold Sowden wbo passed away recently. Mrs. Jack Barkwell spent the iast week in Port Hope bospital. Mn. and Mrs. Ken Trew left for Florida last Thursday. LENTEN SERIES - Dr. P.P. Miedema, a retired minister, will be conducting four weekly bible study sessions at St. John's Church, starting this Thurs- day at 7, ini connection with their Lenten series. Dr. Miedema, now living in Bowmanville, bas had ex- tensive experience in the ministry and teaching professions here and in the Netherlands. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer left for California, ou tbe weekend to visit Mrs. Mercer's aunt, Hanna Fowley and Wella Muldrew. Congratulations are extend- ed to Miss Angie Cook (Mrs. Wheeler's granddaughters) on winning first pnize lu Public Speakiug in Port Hopelu February and went toCamp- bellford this week and obtalu- ed second prize. Miss Donna Moore, Stayner won the speaking in Coling- wood and spoke at Angus ou Friday. I haven't heard bow she got aloug. Miss Patricia Moore, Stay- uer, played in the ukulele chorus and siuging four part songs over Barrie T.V. station channel 3 one afternoou last week. There wer e 35, lui the group. Several lu the area beard tbem., These girls are grnddaughters of Mn. and Mns. H. Tbicksou. Mr. and Mns. Ross Beatty bad Mns. A. Trew and Miss B. Rowcliffe, Millbrook on Mou- day evening for supper. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gunby and Miss Diane Beatty, Toronto were with Mr. and Mns. Ross Beatty last weekeud. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beatty, Toronto were witb Mr. and Mns. O. Mercer on Sunday. Mrs. J. DeKoker, Sunder- land was with Mr. and Mrs. H. Thicksou on Saturday. Mns. R. Westheuser and girls were with Thickson's Monday evening for tea. T YRO 'i NE Resuits of the Friday night euchre are as follows: lst Mrs. Walter Woolley, 2nd Doreen 'Park, 3rd Don Brooks, 4tb Dora Watson, tb Margaret Burns, 6tb Gordon Moffatt. Ladies low Pauline Alldnead, mens low Lance Phare. 50-50 Draw Mns. Cameron. The 4H Homemaking Club met on Marcb 6tb. Mrs. Wbeeler led tbe discussion ou the smitability of accessories and jewelleny to oue's person- ality. Achievement Day was discussed. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Park attended the wedding of a cousin, Mr. Raymond Wilis and Miss Lorraine Theriault, at Canniugton, Ont. Mn.. and Mrs. Dick, Gibbs and Mrs. Wesley Taylor are home from their bus trip CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO INT E RIM T AX B 1L S3 The 1979 Interim Tax Buils have now been mailed to al ratepayers and are payable as folIows: REALTY AND BUSINESS TAX Isi Instaiment PAYABLE March l9th, 1979 2nd Instalment PAYABLE May l4th, 1979 Pay Promptly to Avoid Penalty. If you have flot received your Interim Tax Bill please telephone the Municipal Tax Off ice at 623-3379. 1979 Taxes are PAYABLE ONLY at the locations detaiied on the Tax Bill. Failure to recelve a Tax Bill does flot eliminate the responsibility for the payment of taxes or penalty. R.C. Bryden, Tax Colilector. Two employees from St. Marys Cernent Company in Bowmanville recently learned the importance of Wearing safety glasses from first-band experiènice. Jim Ryborcbuk (left) and Ken DiBartolomeo (rigbt) received Wise Owl aWards after experiencing misbaps on tbe job wbicb could bave cost tbem their eyesigbt. Wise Owl awards are presented by tbe Industrial Accident Prevention Association and tbe Canadian National Institute for tbe Blind to persons Wbose sigbt was protected tbrougb tbe Wearing of proper safety equipment while on the job. Presenting tbe awards at tbe St. Marys plant in Bowmanville Monday morning was Gene Wrinkle, (centre),, vice president of operations at St. Marys. Two employees of the St. Marys Cement Company in Bowmanville owe their eye- sîght to safety glasses. The employees were recent recipients of Wise Owl Awards wbicb are issued tÔ workers wbose sigbt bas been protect- ed due to the wearng of safety equipment. Ken DiBartolomeo, a maintenance worker at St. Marys, and Jim Ryborcbuk, a laborer, both expenienced near misses in wbich their protective glasses were sbattered iu accidents on tbe job. Their eyes were uot damaged. Mn. Ryhorchuk, 28, recails that bis accident occurred on December 22 wben be was chipping pieces of steel out of a grate witb a sledge bammer. "I tbougbt it was going to be a pretty good day because it was the last workiug day before Christmas," be recalîs. But wbile operating the sledge bammen, a piece of steel flew up and struck bis glasses, leaving a crack dowu tbe centre of one lens. "I was lucky I bad the glasses on," said Mn. Ryborcbuk, a Bow- mauville resident and a 21/ year veteran at St. Marys. Coincidentally, Ken DiBartolomeo was working on January 22,' one montb later wben bis accident occurred.. He explained that he was operating a drill wbeu it snapped in haîf and flew upwards, shattering one lens lu bis giasses. "I'm glad I bad the safety glasses ou, I'll tell you that," he said. "Safety equipment is very important." Mr. DiBartolomeo, a 30-year.old Oshawa resident who bas been employed at St. Marys for nine years, explained that tbauks to bis safety glasses, be still bas 20-20 vision. And that's a happy ending to wbat could bave been a tragic story. Gene Wrinkle, vice presi. dent of operations at St. Marys said last week that mishaps such as the ones whicb Ken DiBartolomeo and Jim Ryhor- cbuk experienced bring home the safety message for every- one but be added "We don't really want to bave any near misses ever." And St. Marys estimates that it bas been about two years since the last Wise Owl awards were given out. It is unusual to have two sucb awards presented at once. To help prevent accidents at the plant, the 135 St. Marys employees are represeuted on au occupational safety and healtb committee composed of hourly and salaried personnel. ORONO New Goodyear Vice Preaident Donald A. Masters, a native of Bowmanvile, bas been appointed vice president, general products, succeeding Clifford H. Johnson wbo bas become vice president, tire sales. Mr. Masters started witb Goodyear in production control at Bowmanville in 1950 and served in various production jobs until he was named sbift foreman of the new reclaim plant there in 1964.YTwo years later, be was transferred to Collingwood as production manager, and, in 1973, was appointed manager of the Quebec City plant., He returned to Collingwood as plant manager in April 1976 and, a few months later, became produc- tion manager for all general products plants, a position he held until his new appointment. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gradly, son Grant and daughter Moneko of Golden, British Columbia have returned home after spending two weeks with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Bill Grady and famlly. The Orono United Church Women, General Meeting on Thursday -afternoon, March l5th will be in the Main Hall. Rev. Basil Long will show pictures of bis trip to Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Gay of Bowmanville were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Reid of Main Street attended the 5»t Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton of Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris and son Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morton witb Mrs. Geo. Morton for noon dinner on Sunday. On Monday afternoon, March l2th a Social for Senior Citizens and others was enjoy- ed at Orono United Churcb in the Main Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Len Pears visited Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ishii and daughter Nancy Lee of Peterborough on Sunday. Mrs. Roy Brancb was among the busload of travellers from St. Paul's Churcb, Bowmanville wbo recently returned from a trip to Florida. A number of relatives and friends from Orono and district attended the funeral of the late Lloyd Richard Ashton of Haydon, age 78. Husband of the late Aima Werry Ashton. Complete' service was on, Thursday, March 8th from the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manvile. Spring interment Bethesda Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Coatham spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil,,Stapletonf, R.R. 2, Newcastle. Mrs. Les Hrebicek of Scar- borough spent the weekend with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail and other relatives. Miss Judy Haight - f Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hird of Whitby visited Mrs. Geo. Morton on Sunday after- noon. MIDGETS LOSE OPENER Last night ln Midland, the Van Dyk Major Midgets lost thefr openlng game of the best of five serles to Mdland 7-3. Iffiey were ieading by two goals ln the first perlod but rau out of legs. Next gamne at Darllngton Sports Centre on Saturday at 9 p.m. T'hird game is also at Darllugtoa next Wedues- day at 8. Fourth and flfth gaines in Miland Frlday at 8:30 and Monday, March 26th at 8p.m. BETHANY . . -.. . -t,- DEFECTION? - This week we received an inter- esting pamphlet from Sam at Queen's Park and on the inside page were surprised to find ourselves photographed in some high class company with Premier Bill Davis, MP Allan Lawrence, plus Sam of course. It was a flattering picture but may be causing. some, concern, among our former Liberal colleagues. Actually, it was taken at the annual PC barbecue at Roy Foster's where we were taking, pictures for, The Statesman not participating as' a party faithful. But, thanks anyway for the publicity, Sam. It all helps. Wonder when the next NDP meet- ing is? uW'HERE EVERYTHING IS 1BETTERI Free Deivery 10% Off on all Pekups Everythlng le btter .. . ask anyone who lias eaten here, they know! 623-4134 Across from the Castle Hotel - 22 Division St. NOTICE KING STREET RECONSTRUCTION BOWMANVI LLE Phase 2'of the Reconstruction of King Street, Bowmanvllle, (f rom Ontario Street to Division Street) wliI commence on or about March 19, 1979. Phase 3 (Division Street to Temperance Street) wIlli commence on'or about May 21, 1979. We wish to thank everyone for their co-operation during 1978, and for your contlnued co-operatlon during the balance of construction. J. Dunham. Director of Public Works, Town of Newcastle, HAMPTON. Ontario. FLOWERS *DRIED FRESH TROPICAL .GREEN PLANTS 3 STORES: ç~.Highway No. 2 King St. E., Oshawa Simcoe St. N. V. ilfOshaa: L Ed Sullivan Special Night "'Really Big Pizza", Reg. $6.25 Value*$3 9 5 IMor Only î elus ver7 charge. NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMVENT COMMITTEE DATE: March 27, 1979 TIME: 7:30 p. m. PLACE: Newtonville Publie School Regionai Road 18 PURPOSE: To permit interested persons to express their views regarding pro- posais to amend the draft* Hamiet Development Plan for Newtonville to include provisions for residentiai development on Parts of Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, Concession 1, former Clarke Township, which are presentiy restricted to Rural Uses. Details of the proposaIs may be obtained by caliing the Planning De. pariment at 263-2231 or enquiring at the Hampton Office. 1- Curling The Manvers Curling Club bas completed the scheduled season with the following Club Champions: The afternoon Draw Champ- ions were - Claire Robinson' (skip), Gail Shkuratoff, Georgina Scott, Elleen Mal- colm. The evening Draw Champ- ions were - 'Terry Malcolm (skip), Audrey Vivian, John Cain, Harold Strong. Ail members of the club have enjoyed the camardanie of each other plus the exercise and fresh air. This first year of the Club's existence has been very successful and several have already signed up for the next year, s0 anyone hopiug to curl the 1979-80 season sbould contact Claire Robinson or Balph Heaslip. The finale of the curling season at Manvers Arena wili be Marcb 17 with an ail day mixed bonspiel followed,-by a dance. The dance is open to the public - but the bonspiel bas all positions filled. Mrs. Eldridge Shea is convalesclug at home after being a patient in the Ross Memorial Hosvital. At the annual Winter Caru- ival lu Millbrook Denise Smith was cMosen as Suow Queeu and Phi Carrigan was chosen Snow King. Snow Prince and Princess were Norman Gillis and Jane Bell. In a progres- sive euchre tournament Carl Schewaga was placed first with Mark Eagleson second and Ruth Morton third. Michele Smith, dressed as a cheer leader, was judged the winner of the costume com- petition. A beard growing contest lu conjunction with the Millbrook Centennial is being sponsored by the Millbrook Fair Board. Registration must be made on or before March 26th. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sharpe lu the death of ber brother-mn- law lu Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. McMahon have returued from an extended holliday in Arizona, where they eujoyed beautiful weather. Mrs. McMahon entered the bospital for a slight operation from which we wish ber a speedy recovery. Ross is working overtime getting - caught up" lu bis municipal work after returu- luigjrom. Bermuda The maie chefs (the stew- ards of the United Church) did a flue job at catering, and cooking the panicakes f or the Pancake Suoner. HAYDON Mrs. Barbara Littieford, and Mr. Wayne Wood, Rich- mond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Lars Christensen, were recent visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewlu's and Mrs. M. Anderson 's. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin were Suuday evening caliers, at the Arthur Trewin home. Mn. and Mrs. BHi Potts, Port Elgin visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts and also visited relatives at tm wail. A family gatbering was held at the Wlbur Blackburn home on Saturday.* The occasion, celebrating Mr. Wilbur Black- burn's birtbday. Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swain were a week ago Sunday dinner guests of Mn. and Mrs. Clayton Read, Boywmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Jbck Joues,, Tom and Sandy, spent Friday evenlug with Mrs. Meta Kellar, Oshawa. The occasion a combination of birthdays. Mr,. Tom Potts and Mr. Jack Potts visited Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Potts and family, Cornwall on the weekend. Miss Susan Siemon, attend- ed Miss Ruth Baker's birthdaày party on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts were last weekend visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Lockie McCracken, Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Joues went to Peterborough Civic Hospital to visit Mr. Jess Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon called on Mrs. Lena Gilbert, Bowmanville on Wednesday eveuing. Mrs. Irene Tabb's family bad a birthday party on Saturday evening for ber. Mrs. Lloyd Slemon called on Mrs. W. White and Miss Nancy Jons. Hamputon. Mr~. and Mrs. Weir Swain attended tbe Prospectors and Developers' Convention at the, Royal York, Toronto, on Monday. Sympatby is extended to the family and relatives of the late Lloyd Ashton.

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