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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1979, p. 12

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FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanville Mall Phone 623-3365 PROM PT, s SEURVIE SEURTIEU FOR ALL YOUR FLORAL NE EDS 1MUIL¶-Ikl.. '..MVIrLL - Stan and Tanya (Russell) are happy to announce the birth of Charity, Letitia, born March 22nd, 1979 at Bowmanville Memorial Hospiai weighing 7 Ibs. 13 ozs. Frs grandchIll for Cedric and Joan Russell and eighth grandchlld for Stanley and Margaret Camobeli, ail of Bowmanville. Proud great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. RWestaway, Cameron and Mr: and Mrs. T. Bowers, Oshawa. 13-1 HYLAND - RaIph and Linda (nee Richardson) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Kristlna Graceiwho ar rived on Febmuary 23, 1979 at St. Joseph's Hospital in Toronto welghing 7 ibs. 15 «ozs. Proud grandiparents are Wlfred and Grace-Richardson and Wiima Hyland. Krlstina has two proud g reat grand- mothers, Mrs. Zelma Skuce and Mrs. Zilla Hyiand. 13-1 PAWLEY - Ralph and Linda (nee Lait) are happy to announce the arrivai of their daughter Devyn Celeste, on March 10, 1979 at North York General Hospital. A sister for Jason and Raegan. 13-1 PHILIP- Lous and Lois (nee Glenney) are happy to announce the arrivai o ftheir son Jeffery Tyler, 8 Ibs. 8 ozs. at the Peterboroug h Civic Hospital on March 18, 1979. A brother for Kevin, Gregg and Chris. Many thanks tQ Drs. Harriman, Wilson and maternity staff., 13-1 N SLE E P- Bob and Renee are p'roud to announce the birth of teir son Charles Arnold Gideon on March 15, 1979 weighing 6 lbs. 9 ozs. Thanks to Dr. A. T. Spears and staff of Oshawa General Hospital. 13-1 WALLACE - Fraser and Sandy are pleased to an- nounce the birth of Merîssa Lynn, 8 ibs. 13 ozs. on March 13, 1979 at Oshawa General Hospital. Asister for Tara and Brie-Anne. Proud grand- a rents are Mary and Harold cKnIght of Bowmanville and Nancy and Arnold Wallace of Orono. 13-1 WELSH - Tom and Ellen (nee Carr) are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Amanda Elien, March 24, 1979 weighing 5 Ibs. 151/2 ozs. Pleased grand- parents are George and Dorothy Carr and Harold and Mary Wlsh. Many thanks to Dr. Ewert and maternîty staff. 13-1 OSBORNE - At Memoial Hospital, Bowmanville, Saturday, Mamch 24th, 1979, Eari H. Osborne, aged 80 m ars, beloved husband of eta Power, doar brother of Orville, and the late Ethel GuyEdna Selby, Russell and Hu brt Osborne. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanviile, on Monday afiernoon. Intemment Bowmanvllle Cemetemy. * 13-1 N RISK - At Memorla; Hospital, B o wma n v ii1e, Tuesday, March 2th, 1979, Abert John Risk, aged 81 yei1arsuBiand of the laie HildaBlacker, dear father of Grace (Mrs. AIf. Stoppard), Hanover, and John, Bowman- ville, Ioving grandfather of 5 Sraindchildren. Service was eld In the Morris Funeral ChapelS, Bowmanvilie on Thursday afiomnoon. Cremnation. 13-1 N WE BBE R -At hem esidence, Toronto, Tuesda , March 2th, 1979, Ethel B. Webber, aged 76 yeams, doar sister of Ada (Mrs. Lawrence Kerr), Toronto, also survived by many Ioving nieces and nephews. Service was held in the Morris Funoral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Thursday afiernoon. Intemment Bowmanviile Cemetery. 13-1 N WILSON - William John, (Jack) ai the Dr. J. O. Ruddy Goneral Hosital, Whiiby on Satumday, Mamrch 24, 1979. William John (Jack) Wilson beioved husband of Pearl Edwards, Whitby, dear father, of Cari, Bowmanvilie and' Ailan, Mississauga. Brother of Mrs. A. Cooper (Eva), Toronto. In his 95th yeam. Predeceased by sister E liza- beth and brother Henry. Also survived by 6 gandch ildren and onet greai gandson. Rested ai he WC. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby.r Inierment Mou ni Lawn Cemetemy. The Rev. J. Smith off iciated. 13-1 Say If %Z Best" VAN 1SELLE DAI LY Delivory to ... Oshawa - Bowmanviile Area Phone 623-4441 43-tff Mr. and Mrs. Edward Denny, Bowmanviiie,, are pleased to announce the forth- coming marmiage of their daughter E lien Victoria to Grant John Lailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Laiiey, Whitby on Saturday, May th, 1979, Sf. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanviiie. 13-1 Weddinig in late spring or summer? Bookings stili availabie. Quaiity work at affordabie rates. Cail and compare. Photography by Larry Parkes, 571-1087, Oshawa. 13-4N The fomlly of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe, Solina wish to invite ail their friends and relatives f0 an Open House in honor of their Sth Wedding Anniversary, Sunday, April 8 from 2- 5 p.m. at Sfolina Community Hall. Best wishes only. 13-2N The famiiy of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harris will weicome friends, neighbors and rela-, tives on the occasion of their parents' Sth Wedding Anniversary in the Recreation *Centre, Blackstock, Sunday, April 8th, 2 to 5 p.m. Best wishes only please. 13-2N ARCHIBALD- Donald. In Ioving memnory 0f a dear son, brother who left us April 1, 1970. We cannot have the old days back When we were al together, But secret tears and- ioving thoughts Will bewlth usforever. - Sadly missed by mother, brothers, sisters and families, nieces and nephews. 13-1 BRAGG - In memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Otto R. Bragg, who passed away Mar. 31, 1975. As time unfoids another year, Memories keep you ever near, Sulent thoughts of times together Hoid memnories that wil iast forever. - Lovingly remembered by his wife and famiiy. 13-1 BROOKS - In ioving memory of our dear friend Jeff who aed away one year ago nethinýg, Jeff, we'll always cherish No matter what life sends Is the memories of happlness we had Just being friends. - Sadly mlssed by Barb, Cindy and Robert. 13-1 KERSEY- fin loving memory or a diear mother andi grand- mother, Miidred Susan, who passed away April 3, 1968. A beautiful life cameý to an end, She ived as she died, every- one's friend, There wasn't'a thing too big or too smal11 She wouid not try to do for us ail. For ail her love and kindness, too, She asked nothing in return. She ived her life9for those she loved And those she loved remember. - Sadi y missed and iovingly remem bered by the famiiy. 13-1 BEV'S FLORAL CREATIONS "Flowers with Feeling" For any Occasion For Women Oniy - You can have f ree lounge wear and lingere by having a "Ma cherie Party". F or more information please call 728-9343 after 5: 30 p.m. 13-tf EAR PIERCING $8.00 (no appoiniment necessary) Plus 10 per cent off fi rst purchase of oarrings with releaso slip. Hooperý's Jewelîers Ltd. 29 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-5747 23-tf N BE A BIG SISTER! Volunteers are needed in this area to bo a friend to girls aged 7 - 17, who are in need of supportative relationships. CALL SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOUSE at Wewouid liketo express our heartfelt thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours, for their floral tributes, donations and expressions of sympathy during the mecent death of a loving father, g randfathem and reat grand father James hekeon. Thanks also to the Mackie Funemal Home for, their thoug htfuiness and to Dr. Aiiin and the staff ai Port Per- ry Community Hospital for ihei-r- in-dn-ess- and came. Also a speia thank you to Rev. Stan Hnsand the ladies 0f Yelverton United Chumch. Elleen and Howard Malcolm and family 13-1 Essery - The famiiy of the late Raymond Essery wish to express their sincere thanks to friends and relatives for their messages of sympathy and moral support at this difficuit time. Special thanks to Rev. Victor Parsons and Motor Carriers Ltd. 13-1 The famil y of the late Mr. Norman Wh itelock wish to thank relatives and friends for their kindnesses shown during our recent bereavement - 728-7525Cuninghham and Long and 728-7525staff at Memorial Hospital, 26-tf N Bowmanvîlie for their came and attention, aiso Rev. R. Fellows. Youm sympathy was O really appreciated. Margaret Whitelock un and family. 1- The family of the late Effie Gibson Sowden wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neigh- boums on their many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy, floral tributes and donations ln the recent loss of a dear mother and grand- mother. Special than ks to Alice Hopson and Mabel Maynard for youm gentie loving came these past months. Grateful thanks to Dr. Sylvester, nursing staff in S.C.U. and ist floor at Memoriai Hospital, the Morris Funemal Home and Revý. Peters for his comfotîng words. Thanks also to the ladies who served lunch at our slster's home. 13-1 i wish to convey my sinceme thanks to friends and relatives for acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy in the loss of a dear hus band Len Richards. Special thanks to Dr. H. B. Rundie. Rev. Arthur Amacher for his visits. Rev. John Peters and fo Northcutt Eliiott Funeral Home. Della Richards 13-1 The family of the late Lloyd Richard Ashton would like to express their sincere afppreciation to relatives, friends and neighboums for their many acts of kindness, f lowems and donations to Enniskiilen United Church and other charities at the time of the passing of our father. A sincere than k you to Rev. H. Kempiing, the ladies of Enniskillen United Church, Club 21, Haydon and the staff of the Morris Funemal Chapel. I deeply appreciate the kindness and thug htfulness of my friends and relatives who sent cards and best wishes during my recent illness. Thank you ail very niuch. Myrtle Mc Donald BLACK maie dog, part Lab, white mamkings on chest, losi near Voyageur Restaurant, Bowmanville. Any informa- tion please cal(I 623-3218. Reward. 13-1 N FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS and Look for this seal1. lt'syour O \guarantee of R permanence. rr STAF FORD BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phono Whitby 668-3552 TIHOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE Concerned people often inquire about pre-arrangement of funeral details. Infor- maincan be simply and thoughtfully obtained upon request. This is part of our service to the Community. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 Morris Funeral Chapel ESTABLISHED 1881 4 DIVISION ST. 80 WMAN VI LLE 6239*5480 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Boxl176 I 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Ontario -- - a LIA MW3WORKMANsHIP - QUALITY Reasonablo Prices Phone 885-5216 Home 885-5222 1 JAKE IS HAVING A YARD SALE at the Newcastle Flea Market next Saturday -LOTS 0F TOOLS - FULL or pari-time - couples. and indi1viduals for business 0f Ëo ur own. Local Amway istributor trains you for splendid oppomtunity. Phone ?A'1-9863 between 4 - 6 p.m. St. E., Bowmanville wll no longer be mesponsible for debts incurred in m y name by my wife Debbie Lynn Aile n 0f Bowmanville as of this date Mamch 14,1979. 11-3 Does your child need tutor- 41-l' inîin any eiementary scnooi subjct, includingF rench? Maybe I can h olp. Cali 623-4156. 13-1 Western Canada School of Auctioneering Ltd. Canada's firsi, and the only compleiely Canadian course offered anywhere. Licensed under the Trade Schools Licensîng Act, R.S.A. 1970, C.366. For particulars of the nexi. course write: 24-tf Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta or Phone 782-6215. 4-9 e s v DURHAM EAST RED CROSS CRAFT SALE Aprîl 5th and 6th 10Oa.m. - 4p.m. 28 DIVISION ST. BOWMANVILLE S13-2 Eldad Sunday Schooi Sprlng Frolic, Satumday, March 3lst, 9 - 12, Solina Hall. Music by Frank Barkey. Light refresh- ments. Tickets: aduits $2.50, studonts $1.50. For tickets phono 263-2349 or 263-2655.12N DELICATESSEN Vic's Smoked Meats Delicatessen ai the Talisman Emporium, Newcastle every Saturday and Sunday. Naturally cured, hardwood smoked coîd cuts. We Aiso Cater 9-tf N The French Immersion Pmogram opomating in the Town of Newcastle will be discussed ai a pblic meeting to be held on Tuesday, April 3rd, 8 p.m. ai Ontamio Street- Public School, Bowmanviile. A panel of teachers will outline the curroni pro- gramme and answem ques- tions. Everyone is invited. 13-1 "JNOW OPEN" SUNDAY1a.m.-Sp.m. House of Amber wilI now be open 6 days a week for your shopping convonience. Shop Hours: Tues. 9 -5 Wed. 9 -9 Thurs. 9 -9 Fmi. 9-5 Sat. 9- 5 Sun. il-S Closed Mondays PHONE 263-2981 Weekend Special SWEETHEART ROSE (in bowl) $1 .69 or MIXED DAISIES and TULIPS $3.49 (cash and carry) CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St. N, Bowmanvllle 623-7141 13-1 PATIO stones, 25 rose color, 25"1 square. Phone 983-5673. 13-1 N BARN boards, 50c a foot, fence rails $1 each. Tyrone area, 263-2064. 13-1 N GOOD quallty hay. Phone 623-5548. 13-1 HAY, grain, Cockshutt grain g rinder, 10 speed bicycle (good). Phone 263-2135. 1- HAY, 300 baies, two years old, has been weathered some but still decent seed, 50 cents per bale or best offer. Phone 263-2719. 13-1 QUANTITY ofPgood qualit mixed ha y.Pone Frank Hoag, 263-2082. 13-3 N QUANTITY of good horse hay, round baies, will seil cheap. Phone 623-2479. 13-1 SPECIAL Brown OwI Ceramics SPRING CLASSES BEGIN April12 Corne and bring a friend, 2 spocia I rates for twe. Da T and evoning classes. For uriher information cal 263-2564 or 263-8846 13-1 'iNT RODUC ING DUNCAN'S HOME-OVEN CERAMICS Youm chance to be busy and have fun - enioy cemamlc 1crafts with the familyl No expensive klln necessary - reat for gifis and fun to do - or ail ae Dad can make his ownchs set too - Girl Guides, Scouts, Cubs, Brownies and school art classes can make their own cemamics for fun and pmofit - everybody can do ht - come and see us and you will be suprised. FREE DEMONSTRATION BY DUNCAN'S ON Saturday, March 31 botweenpi am. -S5p.m. At Excl1usive Di stri butors Annis Jewelîery & Gifts 53 King Street East, Bowmanvi île 13-1 N Opportunity Sale St. Paul's United Church Thurs., April 5 6 P.m. - 9:30 p.m. Fri., April 6 9 a.m. - 12:30p. COFFEE AVAl LABLE 13-1 ANTIQUE CLOCKS -Repaired- Most )ockot Èches, Parts available for antique dlocks, pý watches and modern wa- and dlocks and 400 day c Our repairs are done modemn up-to-date equil and qualified Swiss ti watchmaker. HOOPER'S JEWELLER! LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-574 REPOSSESSE 20" RCA X Li00, $17 mc $4 weekly rentai pur starting Jan. '79. KRAZY KELL' 350 Wentworth St. E. OSHAWA 15 FIRE PLACE WOOD ALL HARDWOOD 623-4550 8-tf N APPLES- CIDER WILL DELIVER Phone 623-3699 H. PEL No Sunday Sales ANTIQUES, stamps for col- )S lectors, iewellery, coins, hand knltiing,- crafis, retinishing, canlng, Minwax Producis, home baking, European 13-3N Smoked Meais, Snack Bar - ail ai The Talisman Em- porium , 11/2 miles nomih of No. Zy 2 Highway ai Newcastle, ont. Open 10Oa.m. -5 p.m. Sat., Sun. )anish and hoîidays. 8-tf REPOSSESSED 26" RAC XL-100, full Spanish cabinets to floor. Take over payments, $19 monthly,, $4 weekly mental purchase start- ing j anuary. Phone tonight, one hour deivery. KRAZY KELLY'S, 350 Wentwomth St. E. 571-1412. 45-tf N PONTYPOOL FOODMASTE R Spociaîizing in RED BRAND BEEF FREEZER ORDERS Bost Oua lity at the Lowest Price FREE OELIVERY CALL COLLECT 983-5846 or 705-277-2178 DOUG PINGLE 4-tf ROTOR type aerial, $15. Ladies' haïr dryem, $15. 2 -, H78X15 tires on ims, $5 each. Chain saw SL9 Remington , $40. Pressure hose 50' - 2".D. 15' - 21/2", 33 - 13/4", $1.50 a fi. Phone 623-2227. 13-1 N USED furniture and ap- ý iances. Paddy's Market. am pion. 263-2241. 33-tf 289 MOTOR. Phone 623-9147. 13-1 N SEED GRAIN Highest Qua lity BARLEY - OATS SOYBEANS and CORN Custom Cioaning and Treating CE RESMORE FARMS LTD. 623-3552 623-7233 11-12N grader and 1 will shampen chain saws. Phono 263-8430. 12-3N CoId Storage Apples SPYS, DELICIOUS, MACS FRANK HIEMSTRA EnniskilI In 263-2260 6-tff END, 0F NEWSPAPER ROLLS Suitable for Wrapping China When Moving, Lining Dresser Drawers, Making Patterns, Tablecloths for Banquets, etc. ALSO Aluminum Sheets 24 x 36 for lnsuiating Probecting Bushos, Treos, Making Shutters, etc. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN 62 King Si. W., Bowmanville s s :Iucks. Bwith All makes and models ipent for FREE ýralned pickup and delivery in Osh- awa, Whitby, Bowmanville, Ajax and Pickering 571-1385 'S Bernifla Sewing Centre Whitby Malt 7 Whitby Complote tuneup $15., mnci. il-tfN N ean, oUl, adjust tension~ a-id timing, k-t înthly, 2000 BAL ES quaiity horse ,hayý. rch aso Phone 987-4865 after 5 p.m. , J and M TIRE Service forý Michelin tires, your one.sfqp radiali centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 35-tf N NO GAMBLE I WHEN YOU BUY A "CERTlFlED"USED CAR FROM MacDonald Ford BOWMAN VILLEr WE GIVE YOU A WRITTEN Ithfriny dasfon o refi '70 D VDG Chager whels 383,4hebarrely-F trac, ycearetif.n Il 98t7-49 afte r a 13ull '76 FORDA F150, VS, b70akDesCrade, ap milagk e 3200 . Phone,9 987485 af6 r .' 13-1 i 176 HONDA, CFvic, good condition, AM-FM cassette, certified. $2600. 623-2610. 1976 VEGA, 4 speed, asking $1895 certif led.* May be seen ai 42 Spry Ave., Bowmanville. 11~1N PONTIAC, 1972, station wagon, 350, V8, power steering and brakes, radio, 4 door, good driver. Lic. FCF 087, $1295.' Ford van, 1969, six cylînder,, runs weli, as is, $395. Fargo, 1970, one ton, duals, 4 speed, V81 9 ft. plat'form, recondition- ed, certified, $1595. Chevelie, 1968, 2 door hardtop, standard V8, as !i $395. Grahamý's Garage 263-8172 13-1 N 'YS 71 -1412 45-tf N '69 BEAUMONT, $600, J76, Yamaha XT500 Enduro, $1000. Homemade go cart with, engine, besi offer. Phoie' 623-2197. 13-1 1978 PONTIAC Parisienne. Brougham, 4 door, many- options. Phone 623-7318., 13-1 N '78 FORD pick-up, 1/2 ton,'- heavy duty springs, radiais,' step bum per, swing mirrors-, 300, 6 cylînder, standard, certified. 623-9345. No Sunday caîls. 1. fN '74 GREMLIN, 6 cylinder, 3". - speed standard, in good condi- tion, will cemiify, try offer., Phono 1-786-2488. 13.-i '74 MGB, good coniditoný 34,500 miles. Phono 986-5058, Biackstock. 3i i -O BRICK or STONE RUBBLE REQUIRED FOR FILL. Caîl Jensen Steel, 222 Base Line Road East BowmanVîllo. Phone G. E. (Bud) Corby 623-3317 10-4N *ON LY PUPPIES ON HAND Afghan Bishon Frise Cock-a-poo Cockers Groat Dans (Harlequn Lhasa Apso Poo'dles Fox Terriors (Wire Hait> Other Breeds Avaliabie - NEEDLES, WORMED - LOW PRICES - FREE TRIAL PERIOD' - CERTIFIED GUARANTEE - EXCELLENT QUALITY 25 BOND ST. E. OSHAWA 723-6882 i 1-tf N F R E E to good home, neutered maIe and spayed female cais, used to adulis. Phone 725-3947 after 4. 11-4N HUSKY pups, 4-months oldi, only females left, must go this week. Phono 623-7533. 13-1 N La Joy's Poodîe Clipping and Grooming (Also SmaIl Breeds) BY PROFESSIONALS Please calîl: 623-6676 FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK CA LL MARGWI LL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 iuary. -hour .LY'S. 1-1412. 1974 HONDA Elsinome MT125, excellent condition. Phone 1-983-5155. 13-1 N CHESTERFIELD and chair, modemn sty le, medium brown, swivei chir, thmee seat chesterfield, $190 firm. Even- ings 623-7631. 13-1 N 1972 TRAVEL Aire trailer, 18 ft., sleeps 8, best offer, caîl 983-5340. 13-1 1978 - 25 ft. Traveliner, 8 months o'ld, sieeps 6 - 8, fully furnished, reasonabie price. Phone 623-1754. 13-2 KENMORE wringem washer, 11ike new, $150. Phone 983-9286. 13-1 N TH REE steel egg Iaying pens. Phone 623-5026. 13-1 XR75 MOTOCROSS Racer, 1976, excellent condition. $350. Phone 723-4522. 13-1 PHOTOCOPIER, typewriter Underwood, $250, manual1, $65. Dictaphone, addem and duplicator. '70 van. 786-2449, Port Hope. 13-2N ANTIQUE buffet, table and six chairs, as is. $400 or best of fer. Phone 576-6807. 113-1iN TROPICAL Fish Circles "BIg Tank Sale" starts today until Easter. Ail fish 10 per cent off. Hampton 263-8838. 13-3N 1976 GM CAP for 1/2 ton truck in excellent condition. 987-4570. 13-1 N PARTS for sale for '73 Dodge Coronet Custom wagon. Phone 623-2449. 13-1iN ELECTRIC guitar case and amplifier. Phone 987-4237. 13-1 N J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, youm one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf 200 BALES straw for- sale. Phone 263-2677. 14-1 REPOSSESSED 25" RCA Lowboy, $398. $4 weekly rentai purchase stamtlng Jan. '79. KRAZY KELLY'S 350 Wentwomih St. E. OSHAWA 571-1412 45-tf N PADDY'S Market now has new furnitume, appliancos,. T.V.'s and stereos and aiso usod furniture and appliances. Will accept brade-mns. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241.- 33-tf SEED GRAIN OATS and BARLEY Cieaned and Treated WESLEY J. YELLOWLEES Phone 263-2023, CLASSIFIED DEADLUNE Tu e s.,12 noon 623-3303 BARRON'S GIFT SHOP HAMPTON invites you to a VERY SPECIAL WEEKEND Friday, March 3th, 9 - 9 Saturday, March- 31st, 9 - 5 Sunday, April lst, 1 - 5, DOOR PRIZE $100 IN MERCHAND>ISE SEE OUR EXCEPTIONAL "IN STORE" SPECIALS COFFEE SERVED Ross MtcalIf Antiques open samo hou rs. Support Cancer Fund by bury daffodils on sale at BARRON'S GIFT SHOP Visa and master charge Phone 263-2251 13-1 A ROCK OPERA BY THE WRITERS 0F 'JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR' 1 S BEING PRESENTED BY THE COURTICE SECONDARY SCHOOL DRAMA CLUB ""JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT"fl 8:00 P. M. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ALL RESERVED SEATS (IN ADVANCE) BY CALLING 728-5146 Wednosday is "proviow" night. Ail soats $g.00, at the door. Rogu lar performance prkces aro $3.00 student, $4.00 aduit. 13-2. CARNATION TWO OFFSTREET PARKING AREAS FLOWER SHOP -- 33 Division Si.,Bowmanviilor ~ SiMPO EOIL 623-7141 *- Monuments - Markers - inscription s è-,-49 Lavinia Street Port Hope HOSPITAL 8563 SYMPATHY HOME APPOINTMENT ARRANGEMENTS GL LYARNE FoeI,,rinu Pla nts LDYARAGe* and u Fles' MAPLE SYRI. PHON E GîBSON ORCHARD LIMITED 623-3358 KRAZY, KRA2 SUPER 26" Zenith Sp, console, slashed to $688, weokiy starting Jani Phone ton! ghi, one delivery.KRAZY KELI 350Went.worth St. E., 571. rrýnn Qnv ;àrnlac fmrma

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