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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1979, Section 2, p. 4

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4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 28, 1979 Section Two Celebrated His Firat Birthday Bowminville Marcb 20. 197q Judge Bark presicied witn Acting Crown Attorney G. Pollitt and Duty Counsel N. McGregor. Wm. Jas. Parent, 20, 227 King E. Newcastle, pleadcd 'guilty' to -a December 5 charge, 'did have in his possession cannabis marijuana.' Const. Markle in- vestigated a car in wbich he was a passenger. The fine was $125. and costs or 10 days. Norman C. Hussey, 17, 39 Woodrow Ave., Toronto, pleaded 'guilty' to 'failing to appear for finger printing af- ter being charged with possession of narcotics. The fine was $250. or 20 days. Given two weeks to pay. Glen Soban, Pineridgc Training School, Bowman- ville, rcceived a suspended sentence for possession of marijuana MarchB8. He was returned to the school. Bench warrant was issued for Burnie Olsbeskie. Paul Robert Henry, 28, 506 Normandy Blvd., Oshawa. pleaded 'guilty' to four charges, possession of a dangerous wcapon, con- tributing to juvenile delinquency and two of com- mon assault. On January 1 he threatened to throw bis two sons out of a window. The Jud ge told. him the two children have been perman- ently damaged. The cbildren need psycbological help more than you need it. You have wrecked your own life. He was placcd on probation for three years, to keep the peace and be of good behaviour, report to officer every two wceks or as requircd. Provide for spouse and dependants, abstain com- pletcly from alcohol or drugs non prescribed. You will not icave place of residence without consent of probation Prrovincial court officer. You will take such psychiatric treatment as decmed necessary. You will not possess fire arms ar amn- mnunition for five years. Jos. Vachon, 32, 438 Drew St., Osbawa, pleaded 'guilty' to going into a building through an unlocked door at bis former place of cm- ployment and taking a small sum of money. He claimed he had been laid off without a weeks notice and the money should be coming to hlm. He phoned his former employer and told him what he had donc. He was placed on probation for two years. He is to report once a month. Margaret Ann Gray, 25, formerly 177 Nonquon Rd,, Oshawa, and now 313 Dingle Crt., Bolton, pleaded 'guilty' to a charge laid February 11, 'did without intent cause bodily harm to ber husband.' Consts. Markle and Laton in- vestigated. She was in a highly emotional state. The crown said it is a very serious charge. The judge said from evidence heard and two let- ters, the proper sentence' sbould be probation for three years. She is not to sec her husband at any time unless tbrough office of ber lawyer, she is to report once a month to probation officer, she is to take such psychiatric treat- ment as necessary. Any breach of probation she can be brought back to court. Lyle T. Bligbt, 37, R.R. 2, Newcastle, pleaded 'guilty' to failing to stop after being in- volved in an accident on Hîghway 35. He crossed over the centre line and side- swiped another vehicle. Damage to both cars $2,000. The fine was $250. or 29 days. One month to pay. License suspension tbree months. Gary George Strong, 18, Pontypool, pleaded 'guilty' to two charges laidNovember 22, one was for dangerous driving and second driving while disqualified. He had been involved in a high speed chase, at some times he was going 100 miles an hour. He went through two red lights. Judge Bark told hlm 'you are making a mess of your own life. He also told him to forget about ever driving a car for a long time. Your driving was atrocious and some one's good fortune they were not killed.' On the first charge he was given 30 days consecutive to time serving from another court. On the second 15 days consecutive. License suspen- sion will be left to ministry. Gary Cole, 32, 438 Cham- plain~, Apt. 3, Oshawa, pleadcd guilty' to driving alter con-' suming over .08 on March 17. P.C. Keyes observed him driving west on Highway 2. Tests were .12. Fine $250. or 14 days. Wm. R. Porteous, 177 Nonquon Rd., Oshawa, was charged March 16 'had tare and control after consuming over .08.' He pleaded 'guilty'. P.C. Bracken checked a vehicle parked on Highway 401. He was asleep slumped over the whcel. Fine $250. or 14 days. Hi! My name is Michael Cryderman. On Feb. llth I was, one year old. My parents are Ken and Lillian Cryderman of London, %t. My grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryderman of Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Borne of Sarnia and my great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lou Tresoor of Sarnia. First of Lenten Bible Studies Discusses The B1ody of Christ Part one of the series of bible studies was hcld at St. John's Anglican Cburcb on Thursday, March 15, led by Dr. P.P. Miedema. The theme of the cvcning's discussion was The Bodyof Christ, and its text, John 1: 1-14. Dr.. Miedema noted that- the Bible describes Jesws Christ as physically unattract- ive, bomless, and thoroughly dcspiscd by the cburch and state of is day. The cburch as it was and is, bas no room for this man of truth; he is a stumbling block. The truc churcb is the body of Christ, witb Christ as its hcad. "Christianity" bas tomn the cburcb limb from 11mb, caîl- ing itsclf variously Anglican, Roman Catholic, United, Pen- tecostal, etc. How can a severed'limb have life? Yet, "The light -(the- Word, Jesus) shines on in the dark, and the darkncss bas neyer quencbcd it." John 1:5. Those who wcrc close to this despised littlc man from Nazareth, recognized bis grace and truth. At the lowest, most hopelcss and degrading *SAVE SAVE' *WHY PAY MORE FOR HEATING * SAVE ON PREMIUM QUAIITYI * FU ELU * OIL* * FOR ALL YOUR M - FUEL OIL NEEDS 1517 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY Telephone Today' Cail Colleci 668-3381 ' Prompt, Courteous Service point in bis life, Christ turned to the criminal on the next cross and said, "Today, you shall be witb me in Paradise". The kingdom will come wbether we wclcomc it or flot. Give Heart Fund James Insurance Agency Limited 24 King St. E. Bowmanville For ai l your insurance needs Doug James 0f 623-4406 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountancy WILLIAM C. HALL Be. Comm. Chartered Accauntant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 11 5 Liberty Street Saut h Bowmanvi lie Phone 623-3612 JOHN MANUEL, 'C.G.A. 118 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 JOHN P. WINTERS Chartered Accauntant 23 Silver St. Bowmanville 623-9461 LDental DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D.D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hou rs: 9:30 arn. ta 9 p.m. including Saturday Telephone,623-31 81 PATRICK G. DELGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 36 King St. W. 623-4473 Office Haurs: Mon., Thurs. &Fri 8:30'fil 5:00 Wednesday 8:30 'tiinoon Closed Tuesdays Chiropractie LAWRENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractic 270 King St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment LEONARD JAY, B.Sc., D.C. Doctor of Chiropractie 96 Oueen Street Bowmanville Phone 623-0297 ASSORTED FLAVORS IGA Soft Drinks 750-ml R ETU RN ABIE BTLS. PLUS 25c DEPOSIT PER BTL. ICA FROZEN, CHOICE Valley Farm French Fries4 OR BEEF & KIDNEY Savarin Pot Pies 3 10-FL. OZ. TINS 77 King Street East Bowmanville PRO DUCE 0F U.S.A. FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS Red or White Grapefruit SIZE 48's values Effective at Bowmanville Store Only COMPETITIVE PRICE S'I. WEEKLY SPECIALS!1 FRIENIDLY SERVICE!1 Look for these cari ALL PUPP~SE OR/A/O, /-L& B4~ ~Z~JINCOFFEE $1 Ag% HERE ARE SOME EXAMPLES 2-LB . POLY ASSRE LVS BAGS i STELARS SAVE 200 F BI FruitL0 go SDrinks O.TINS 8 ORANGE OR LEMON Shirriff JeIly Powders 51 COTTON ELLE, WHITE ÊBathroom Tissue 100% PURE VEGETABLE OIL Trillium Soft Margarine Budget Cat or Dog Food ASSORTED VARIETIES Nestie Souptime VANGUARD OR OCEAN KING Pink Salmon 2 2Pl PARTLY SKIMMED Carnation 2%0/o Evaporated Mik GREEN GIANT, FANCY Cream Style Corn OR WHOLE KERNEL ibetsCorn ASSORTEO FLAVORO r 6390 Elite Waters '5 FEUS 1 FLAVORES, ASSORTED FLAVORS Ouench Drink PO E A OF Mix Crystals PG I FA014 FLSI IGAA lppesauce 3 OZ.TINO BTEmt Paste 2 oZTINS1 N TOMATO SAUCE Bonimart or 14-FLS HGA pa hetti 3 OZ. TINS VSECH ,yPRE24F ýs &LpeJm rJeli OZ JAR LysaI "OZ s-i Disinlfectant Spray AEROCTINI BA NDES FACE $ CF 2 220 a- Cornet Cleaner CANISTERS ASSORTED VARIETIES, EXCEFI BABY I(GA Sh,,mnnnor - 1 1 2 B.oz. PKGS. 3-OZ. BOXES 2-ROLL PKGS. 1-LB. TUBS 15-Oz. TINS KGS. OF 4-EN VS. 7¾34-OZ. TIN 6-OZ. TINS mmE. D. SM ITH àGarden SAVE60 $ Cocktail Z'BT L73te CREAMETTE LongSAVE6&Z $1Spaghetti BOX 39e $I RIFTSIZE SAVE 100 TO ET BOWL CLEAN ER87 $IFACELLE ROYALE $IASSORTED COLORS SV 2 Facial 3-PLY Àob mb Tissue FBOX,69b $ KE~LLOGG'S SV D "i Bran 600g $ il Flakes BOX IFUN SIZE CANDY BARS SAVE 16$ 12-OZ. BAG Snickers or $ 4Am $13Musketeers.1 19-FL. OZ. TINSM HOLLANDIA, OATMEAL, DATE TURNOVERS, CHERRY TURNOVERS BLUEBERRY TURNOVERS OR APRICOT d> TOS O,$SI Archway Bscuits £2 FKGS I HOSTESS, CHEESE, TACO OR CHILI Tortillas, Cheese Sticks or 15 Cheese Crunchies2 .PK, 8 BASSETTS 2009 S Licorice Allsorts 2 PEOG& I THOM PSON, CALI FORNIA 32 OZW3 9 Seedless Raisins PKEG3.9 ALLPURPOSE 3 IO Monarch Flour 3BAS ig ' .9 RHODES, FROZEN 2160 I, LI White Bread Dough '.1voVES69 FR1 ,DAgYTONA E4FL 99 OrangeDrink OZ BTLý 9 GALAXY TOPAZ OR il OZ EMLO RSN 02E99 Take advantage of these many supplier reductions through- out the store. The expiry date appears on each card. PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. Brussels Spn RIB OR TENDERLOIN PORTION iFresh Pork Loin Roasts 3-LB. AVG. $ LB. 7CHOPECONOMYPACK (2 RIB, 4 CENTRE, 1 TENDERLOIN PORTION) Fresh Loin Pork Chops LB. m SWE ET, PICKLED Cottage Roils Breakfast SausageS LB1.39 ORSHAM ROCK, SLICED B Side Bacon PKG. 15 Wieners PKG. 13 SLICED ê-oz.S4dCr Cooked 1PKG. Ham PK. 2.29 L79l- outs CANADA NO. 1GRADE 9 2-LBS I Carrots 52 BAGS CANADA NO. 1 GRADIE $ Cooking Onions 3 BAGS ONTARIO GROWN CANADA NO. 1 GRADE L 8 Rutabagas 1L.1 * Creme Rinse PLST BTL I PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. MARCH 28MAENCAD99 * TOSA.,MRCH1,179.Northland Firelogs EA. q LB. $1.48 urd t Canad6 SLICED SELECTEDVARIETIES 0 r Sandiwich Meats -PG.UU' pride of cansada ASSORTES VARIETIES 24 OZ. $ A Deli Sausage CHUB .4 Pride et Canada Breakfast Grill K G. 1.59 PREVIOUSLYFON39 Sea Her' RZngL PREVIOUSLY FROZEN $ r Cod Filets LB.14 Jos. Alan Duesbulry, 22, 922 Glen St., Ajt. 310. Oshawn. pleaded 'gmlty' to a charge Demember 22, 'drove after consuming over .08.' He was northound on Division Street in Bowmanville and turned right onto Church Street, then failed to stop at Church and Liberty Sts. The fine was $200 or 15 days. License suspension three months. Barry S. Ramsay, 16, Scugog St., Burketon, was charged February 1, 'did ob- struct a police officer' and pleaded 'guilty'. Second charge was 'drinking under age.' The offîcer checked a car stopped in the Middle of Zion Road with engine run- ning. Al occupants asleep. Al drunk. He gave a wrong name to officer. On the first charge, placcd on probation for two years, to report every two weeks or as required. To live at home with his parents, make an effort to get work. On the second charge the fine was $35 or 4 days. I 'III I !~! ;l 'J~Vt~1 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE PuaE.Ilm PmotatRoes Ï A H A R . . . . . . . . . . . m 1

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