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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1979, Section 2, p. 10

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10 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, March 28, 1979 Section Two T od y's Won by Beverley Martin Dear Bey. I read your articles in the Statesman and en- joy them very much. I was wondering if. you could find some infor- mation on puffiness un- der the eyes, what causes it, make up tricks to camouflage them, etc. 1 have very pale skin and this puf- finess stands out very noticeablv. Yours truly, EyeS Continuous use of alkaline soaps, make ups and also rubbing of the eye relaxes the skin and loosens it causing sagging and puffiness under the eyes. The skin around the e ye is very fine and delicate and must be treated very gently. When applying or removing make up and creams from around the eye area they should be' gently patted on and very gen- tly smoothed off . Cucumber is a cool way of returning the skin's natural. acidity, tightening the flesh and re d uci ntgswell 1ing caused by alkaiine irritation. Place several slices of peeled cucum- ber through a grinder. Pack the ground cucumber into eye area (eyes should be closed), glace a slice of cucum- er over each pack and hold in place for 15 to 20 minutes, To keep the skin taut. firm and free of -irritation apply a small . amount of Climatress Moisturizing Cremfe after cucumber treatment. Another formula is miade with tea. Pour Flyi*ng Dutchman Goes French social bour during which' by Library, anci Teachers, Onctd-t April 7 00 ele are informal discussions, displays Consultants and Parents expchmedto tr I ynn and resource material will be closely associated with Duthma Moor nn available to participants. French as a second language. irncBow actvity. Cnioa naian Guest speakers imcluding Although the subject mater- ~~~French ci is orgnaan- Stuart Beaty, from the Com- ial is French, the discussions Parents fornhi g-mission of Official Lang- will be conducted in English - izing a Regional Meeting ugs taa r ap Yudnthv oseki dealing witb French educa- uaes, foth ntDr. iopb "udo ntebaesto spekit - tional, cultural -'and commun- Benistonfromcteontaio juThe Mingrese n itth ity opportunities ithe Dur- Misry o dcto;Ms h m eeg asvopn te Sheila Parker, Trustee of the, public, hwvravne ham-Northumberland area. Nortbumbpvland - Newcastle registration is necessary. The The days activities will Boardi of Edkucaion;, Alan registration fee includes include dinner preceded by a Dewar. rham ReLt4aA,1 1 innwr. warm water over two tea bags, squeeze ex- cess water out, then place the tea bags on eyes (closed) alternate with ice'cubes wrapped in a cloth. Follow this procedure for about 10 minutes to eliminate a great amount of puf- finess in short order. Pale skin is very delicate and should be protected with a fine moisture cream at all times. Your foundation make-up should be a gentle conditioning make up with a soft warm glow to brighten it. For puffiness under the eyes you should use a dark concealing creme that blends with your foundation make up. For dark circles uti- der the eyes use a light concealing creme. PmeUBt$eLIC NOTICE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DERARTM ENT The Town of Newcastleý has been requested 10 comment upon an applica- tion t0 the Region* of Durham for an Officiai Plan Amendment, as outiined below. ln order 10 assist this Department in preparing our Report t0 Planning and Development Committee, we request that any interested persons wishing to express their views regarding this application, should do so in writing, within 14 days of this notice. Further information and details of the proposai may be obtained by caiiing the Planning Department at 263-2231 or enquiring at the Hampton Offices.. Amendment No.: 79-8/D, Durham Regional Officiai Plan Intent of Amendment: To amend the Durham Regional Officiai Plan for part of 'Lot 32,' Concession 10,ý former Clarke Townisip- ftîrm "PNaor Open Space-Oak 1R!dges Moraine"' 10 "Extractive Industriai" 10 permit the extraction of sand and gravel. PUBLIC NO0TIC E TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT The Town of Newcastle has been requested 10 comment upon an applica- lion 10 the Region of Durham for an Officiai Plan Amendment, as outlined beiow.',In order 10 assist this Deparîme-nt in preparing our Report to Planning and Deveiopment Committee, wé request that any.interested persons wishing 10 express their views regarding this application, should do so in writing, within 14 days of this notice. Further information and details of the proposai may be obtained by aln hePann1Dprmn at 263-2231 or enquiring at the Hampton Offices. Amendrnent No.: 76-35/D, Durham Regional Officiai Plan intent of Amendment: To amend thSe Durham Reégional Officiai Plan for part 0f Lot 24, Concession 9, former Clarke Town- ship f romn "Oak Ridges Moraine" 10 "Residential" 10 permit thà deveiopment of A Mobile Home Park. PU aB LIC NOTICE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTM ENT The Town of Newcastle has been requested 10 comment upon an applica- tion to the Region of Durham for an Officiai Plan Amendment, as outlined beiow. In order 10 assist this Department in preparing our Report t0 Planning and Development Committee, we request' that any interested persons wishing 10 express their views regarding this application, shouid do 50 in writing, within 14 days of this notice. Further information and details 0f the proposai may be obtained by caliing the Planning Department aI 263-2231 or enquiring aI the Hampton Offices. Amendment No.: 78134, Durham Regionai Officiai Plan Intent of Amendment: To amend the Durham Regional Officiai Plan for part of Lots 26, 27 and 28, Concession Il, former Clarke Township, f rom "Permanent Agriculture Rîeserve" 10 "(d) Areas for Future Expansion" to permit 'the future development 0f these lands for uanuses in conjunction with the development 0f the Newcastle Village U rban Area. Rusie hotos on Display At' Gould'Photo Gallery Bowmanville photographer Doug Gould looks over one of the color prints on dpayat the Gould Photo Shop Gallery., Doug is a 17-year-old grade 12 suetat Bowmanville High School. He plans to make a career in photography. There is an interesting National Association for course he will be attending grpof pt ogra Phsoon Photographie Arts and enters later this sumM er. dislayatGoud hot SOP photographs in various com- Other tban photography Gallery, 78 King St. West Bow- manville. The theme is "Rus- petitions. He bas just com- Doug enjoys skiing, camping, tic Photography" and is the pleted a Seminar in Wedding swimxning and travelling. workof ougas oul, a17-Photograpby in Toronto and He is the son of Rick and woarkofDuGa1stud, ta 17- opes to increase bis Carole Gould, 3 Rebder Ave., yewao lae 12 student atknowledge in portraiture at a Bowmanville. Tbe photographs are in colour and bave been taken over the last two summers bv Doug. They feature log cabnas, saw and grist milsÈ, farm m- nacbinery, -long -aban- doned and old white frame churches. This group of photographs bas been selected from Doug's files of various vacation trips to villages such as Old Stur- bridge Village, Massachuset- ts, a recreation of lifestyles in New England between 1790 and 1840, Upper Canada Village and Black Creek Pioneer Village and rural countryside of Vermont, New Hampshire and Ontario. Also on display is Doug's first picture "Sunrise at Lake St. Peter", taken three years ago. From then be bas progressed in pbotograpby and is presenting over 70 pbotograpbs in this show, Doug also does bis own developing and darkroom work at home and feels be learns sometbing new-- everytime be works on a- pbotograph. doing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ tedrrowokrdecble tv' "By taking the picture and __rdg 5 you get to create different ef- fects and are more aware the next picture you take of the gossibiities of sucb a setting", e said. "And I feel, to really create a photograpb there is much more than just taking the picture and sending it to a big lab. It's a good feeling to do it yourself.", Doug bas been doing a lot of darkroom work commercially and bas certainly got a good start on a photographie career be hopes to pursue. Doug is a member of the Oshawa Camera Club, The Soper Creek Pbotograpby Club in Bowmanville and The THE.SIGN 0F A GOOD BUSINESS NEIGHBOR . %ifeier THE SIGN 0F A MERCHANT WHO CARES ABOUT PEOPLE ... This emblem identifies the civîc-minded businessmen who sponsor inte cmmniy For information call Marg Bain Phone_623-2661 March 15, 1979 Team Standings Carol Roberts 21, 29,614; Judy Bragg 21, 28,655; Vickie Terry 18, 28,174; Onie Etcher 15, 28,196; Virginia Fairey 12, 27,830; Brenda Jones 12, 27,554. Averages Onie Etcher 207, Virginia Fairey 206, Vickie Terry 204, Carol Roberts 202, Judy Bragg 198, Sandra Sellers 194, Joan Sutcliffe 188, Marg King 187, Lola Wrigbt 186, Vera Tendam 183, Mary Gray 181, Brenda Jones 181. Councillor; and representa- tives from Le Club Canadien Francais d'Oshawa, Durham Region Family YMCA. Whit- For furtber information and registration please caîl Mrs. Lorraine Banks, Oshawa 728-7474. TE L E P HONE 623-6555, JOHN MANUEL. C.G.A. Income Tax and Related Accounting Services 118 King St. E., Suite 2 Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 1N4 PU BLICNOIC TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT The Town 0f Newcastle has been requested 10 comment upon an applica-' tion to the Region of Durham for an Officiai Plan Amendment, as outlined below. ln order to assist this Department in preparing our Report 10 Planning and Development Committee, we request that any interested persons wishing to express their views regarding this application, should do s0 in writing, within 14 days of this notice. Further information and details of the proposai may be obtained by calling the Planning Department at 263-2231 or enquiring aI the Hampton Offices. Amendment No. 79-71D, Durham Regional Officiai Plan Intent of Amendment: To amend the Durham Regional Officiai Plan for part of Lots 1.7, 18 & 19, Concession 5,, former Clarke Township, from "Agriculture and Permanent Agriculture" 10 "Recreation" to permit the creation of a recreational, cultural centre. -ed,.. A & e a nu Max, ...... ..... -27. ...... ......

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