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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1979, Section 2, p. 7

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Human Rîghts Is Speaker's Theme At Oshawa Presbyterial UCW Meet New Presbyterial UCW President, Mrs. Joyce This was the scene at St. Andrew's United Church, Oshawa, Iast Wednesday where more than 230 MeLean, takes over the podium. women gathered for the l7th annual meeting of Oshawa Presbyterial United Church Women. In this nhntn PRev. D.Tans1ev is installine the new eeui Dr. Katherine B. Hockin was guest speaker at Oshawa Presbyterial U.C.W. l7th Annual Meeting, Wed., March 28th, 1979. :Mrs. J. -Carnwith, Pres. of the host St. Andrew's U.C.W. welcomed over 230 women. Reports on Finance, Litera- ture, Korean visitors, and pro gram were given. Mrs. D. Redpath brought greetings from Bay of Quinte Confer- ence U.C.W. and Mrs. J. Elliot represented Women's Inter- Church Council of Canada. A Faith Festival was announced for May 11-i2th at Northminis- ter Church. The In Memoriam flowers were presented by Brooklîn U.C.W. Dr. Katherine Hockin's Human R ights shawl was modelled to introduce ber as guest. speaker.- Her topic "History of Mission. and iluman Rights by Decades" was illustrated by 7 charts. These showed that our moti- vation for Missions bas evolv- ed full circle back to "Confess- ing Jesus - Lord" so Solidar- ity, Human Rigbts and Dignity take priority. Rev. Fraser Lacey's greet- ings încluded some bistory of St. Andrew's church. Rev. D. Tansley brought greetings from Oshawa Presbytery. After the luncheon he installed the following elected execu- tive - President - Mrs. Joyce McLean, lst Vice President - Mrs. Euna Killens, 2nd Vice- President - Mrs. Bob Ana Dickson, 2nd Vice-President - Mrs. Pat Beach, Recorcling Secretary, Mrs. Jane Litt, Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Margaret Bolton, Treasurer Mrs. Erma Wood, Citizenship and Social Action, Communitv Friendsbip and Visiting Miss Beatrice McLean, Christian and Missionary Education Mrs. Leone Currie, Steward- sbfip Mrs. Wendy Smith, Program Mrs. Pat Beacb, Supply and Service Mrs. Donna Johnston, Leadersbip Development Mrs. Marilyn Martin, Literature Mrs. Marion Larmer, Communica- tions Mrs. Marjorie Ferries, Press and Arcbives Mrs. Margaret Ana Lamb, Nomin- ations and Past President Mrs. Marilyn Martin. After Roll Caîl and Devo- tional by Simcoe U.C.W. $262.08 in collection was, ded- icated to Camp Quin-Mo-Lac in honor of the International Year of the Child. Dr. K. Hockin continued ber Human Rigbts theme. The First World (Western culture) sees Humnan Rights as Free- dom of the Individual, Speech, Religion and to vote. The Second World <Communist) sees Human Rights as Free- dom of Communities NOT Individuals. The Third World just wants Freedom to Eat so to live - not starve and die. She mentioned Don Luce and bis concern -re Human Rights in Phillipine s and Taiwain. Girls 11-13 in1 Taiwan work in clothing, leather factories where there is no drinking water available - only Coke machines. They spend money on the pop so can't go borne on their own weekend off in three. Multi-national corpor- PONTYPOOL The Tuthill home on the 4tb line bas been sold. The new owners corne fromn Oshawa. Doug and Chris Pingle bave ------------mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmus * THE NORTHUMBERLAND & NEWCASTLE BOARD OF EDUCATION GOT AN INTERESTING HÀOLBBY? WHY NOTTEACH IT? Others have supplemented their* inCome-and had fun too -- teaChing* their hobby or skill in a Summer SChool * ~ students. Some of the courses taught in- * ~Clude Cake DeCorating, Conversational I FrenCh, Golf, Guitar, Horsemanship,I Judo, Photography, Tennis, and Small* * Engine Repai r. * If YOU are interested in discussing the possibility of teaczhing your hobby or I * ~SI this Summer in the Summer Sehool * Programme to be held in Bowmanville * High SChooI from July 3 to August 10, * telephone William Brunt (SChooI: 623- * 4416 'or Home: 623-2809) OR Garth Gilpin (SchooI: 728-5146 or Home: 623- I 1 2997), Co-Principals of Summer Sohool. 1 PLEASE ACT PROMPTLY AS PLANS FOR SUMMER * SCHOOL 179 ARE NOW BEINO MADE! omm mmmummmmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmmumm joined the Red and White chain. Their store, now known as the Pontypool Red and White Foodmaster, bas a Grand Opening this week frorn Wednesday, April 4tb, to Saturday, April 7th. The best of luck to Chbris and Doug in tbeir new venture. Congratulations to Rick Switzer of R.R. 3, Pontypool, who won the "Gran Prix" at the big nigbt at Manvers Community Centre on Satur- day nigbt. The winning ticket was sold by Doug Pingle. Mrs. John Walker of Janetville won tbe $1,000.00 and, the other cash prizes went to Orono and Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stirling and family of Harnilton spent the weekend witb Herb 'and Hazel Curtis and farnily. Our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kocur who were married on March 24th in St. John's Anglican Churcb, Bowmanvulle. The bride, Linda Jane, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Bedford of the 4th line. The newlyweds spent thei r honeyrnoon skiing in Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown enjoyed a trip to Nashville, Tennessee, following their wedding on March 17th. Bishop Doyle -of the Peter- borough Diocese was a guest at tbe 7:00 p.m. Mass in Pontypool on Saturday, March 24tb. Following the service a social hour was enjoyed at the home of Jirn and Fran Ratdllffe. SMargareet Wright and Belle Smitb leave y rain this week for the west.pBelle is stopping off at ber son's in Calgary wbile Marg continues on to visit relatives in Vancouver. The 2nd Manvers Brownies participated1 in a weekend camp at Camp Samac, Oshawa, March 23rd, 25th. Girls attending, were: Denise Brown, Sherry Cail, Tammy Cail, Melissa Dunford, Margaret Kisa, Kathy McMabon, Karen Medd,, Kim oloTarnmy Molloy, Susie NelBarbara Pleadwell, Sherry Robitgille, Kathleen Srnales, Margaret Tornlinison and Angela Zralko. Deana Smales thanks Dorotby Turner, Pat- Neals and Melisande Neal for their assistance in helping out with the very successful camp. Despite a little rain the group was able to carry on rnany outside activities. Saturday nigbt's "Gong Show" was enjoyed by all. Tarnmy Molloy was the winning entertainer. Happy Camper awards were presented to Karen Medd, Kathy McMabon, Margaret Kiss and Margaret Tomlinson. Tarnry Cail, Susie Neals and Angela Zralko received Tidy Came= wrds. eisneNeal is the newly- appointed Manvers District Commissioner for Brownies and Guides. There are active groups presently in Janetville and Pontypool. The local Guides and Brownies are holding a Craf t and Bake Sale, Ail are invited to share in a .Good Friday service in Ponty- pool United Cburch at 11:00 a.m. OnEaster Sunday the service will be held at the regular hour - 10 o'clock. Choir practice will be held this ations work well with dictat- ors. The American Ambas- sador to Iran was asked what lesson United States had learned from present Iran situations..His answer should have been not to, support dictators. Instead he said don't let dictators start reform programs. Dr. Hockin con- cluded by saying Human Rights are most important resource. Don't be dis- couraged. God is ahead of us. God will use us and lead us. Thursday evening - also next Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in preparation of special mnusic for tbe two services. If you would like to join the choir, you would be most welcorne at tbe practices. If you wondered wbat was burning to the soutbeast of tbe village on Sunday morning, it was tbe local fire brigade burning the tobacco kilns on the lst line. We understand an aspbalt plant is going to be set up on this location. Congratulations to tbe Pontypool "Mad Dogs" wbo defeated.-the McCullough- Porter Yelverton Men's team on Friday nigbt to win the Championsbip Tropby. The final score was 5 - 2. Scoring for Pontypool were Gary Van Dam 2, Kelly Neals 2 and Pat Brown. For Yelverton, scor- ers were Terry Malcolm and Dave Horton. Higb bowlers in the Teen League on Friday nigbt were Dawn Bailey 218 and Dale Badluk 199. High doubles were Dawn Bailey 401 and Dale Badluk 356. Tbe bowlers are holding a Teen Dance this Friday nigbt to make money to purchase tropbies. Dance is to be held in the Pontypool Cornmunity Centre with music supplied by Bert Grant, D.J. Manvers Hockey News Tbe Manvers Atoms had 4 games witb Beaverton last week. On Thursday tbe score was 3 - 2 for Beaverton. On Friday in Manvers Beaverton outscored the local boys 5 - 3. On Saturday and again on Sunday Beaverton took botb garnes witb identical scores of 4 - 3. Scorers for the Manvers Section Two team in the four games were Joey Rose 4, Brett Garland 2, Danny Bazinet 3, Kelly Calderone 1 and David Glas- bergen 1. The Bantam B's defeated the Ops Bantam B's on Wednesday night 3 - 1. Danny Stinson scored 2 goals.,for the local boys with Darryl Curtis getting 1. Peter Bolton scored for Ops. Tte Manvers-Millbrook Junior Girls were eliminated from further play when they tied Keene 1 - 1 in their last game. The girls had to corne through with a win to stay in. Scoring for the Manvers- Millbrook team was Sharon Srnith. In a tournament held in Omemee on the weekend this same team defeated the Omemee girls 3 - 0. St arkvilÏ11e Mr. Jack Fonk, Woodstock, Mr. Ron Hancock, Kendal and- Mr. Brenton Farrow visited Sunday morning with Mr. Clifford Fonk. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Shepherd and family, Garden Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bamsey and family on Sunday afternoon. On Sunday, Mr. Bill Hanson played on the Teacber's Fed- eration Hockey Team against the C.F.T.0. Hockey Team from Toronto in Orono Arena in aid of Cystic Fibrosis. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell and Jeff were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell and Jim. On Sunday at Shiloh United Church during, the service, Mrs. Ellen Farrow, S.S. super- intendant presented Sunday School Attendance Pins to Alyson and Lesley Westheuser for perfect attendance at Sunday School during the past year. Ellen also read a rnost interesting poem "The Cele- bration of the Child" that was much enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Todd and famlly were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. John Layng and Dyana. Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson, Ross and John were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott, Garden Hill and Miss Paula Robinson. Mrs. Isabelle Trim visited Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Lena Clysdale, Newtonville. Mrs. Robert Westheuser and girls were Sunday supper guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tbickson, Eliza- bethville. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 4, 1979 7 Director of Goodyear Export Sales Anthony Comparey has been appointed director, export sales of Goodyear Canada Inc. effective May 1. He is currently director of public relations,ý, a positi on he has held since joining Goodyear 'n Toronto in 1964. He had prevîously served in technical, sales and administrative positions with, various companies, including Alfa Romeo, Sheli' and Ford International. A graduate in mechanical engineering from the Milan Institute of Technology, Comparey has lived in various coun- tries and speaks several languages. SundaySb"pec,9i Inlys on Sundays OnIy We're open 12 Noon unt il 4:00 p.m. on Sundays Bowmanville MaIe Phono 623-2546 TOWN 0F NIEWCASTLE TAKE NOTICE THAT: WHEREAS the Bowmanville Museum, 37 Silver Street, Bow- manville, is recommended for designation for historical reasons because tl was the home of David Fisher, a local merchant who served on Bowmanville's first municipal council and who later became the local Collector of Cus- toms, and eventually cashier of the Ontario Bank. Il was also the home of J.H-.H. Jury, one of the tounders of the chain of Jury and Loveli drugstores and an equally prominent local citizen. Il is also recommended for -designation for archi- tectural reasons as it is one of the earliest brick houses bulit n 8owmanville (c. 1847) and because in 1861 the original single storey house was very successfully converted into a pretentious home in the talianate style and as such repre- sents the best example of that style known to have been builit n Bowmanville. AND WHEREAS the Local Architectural Conservation Ad- visory Çommittee. of the Town of Newcastle has recom- mended that the buildings and property be 'designated property' under the terms of the Ontario Heritage Act; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle intends to designate the Bowmanville Museum as a 'designated property' under Section 29, subsections 1-4 of the Ontario Heritage Act, 1974. Any person may, within 30 days after the date o? this Notice, deliver to the Clerk o? the Town of Newcastle notice of his objection to this intention together with a statement o? his reasons for objecting and specifically detailing why the property should not be desîgnated. The last day for filing will be the 2Oth day 0f April, 1979. DATED AT THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE THIS 21 st DAY 0F MARCH, 1979. J.M. Mcllroy, A.M.C.T. Clerk 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville,, Ontario Li C 3A6 A Vum; v A-#. LC&IZOIq.-.y la IllotctAILLIr, 1,11qr, 14qrvv qMWM-141J y q-,.

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