10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvil le, April 4, 1979 Section Two Win Men's Curling Competition in Bowmanville Winning the men's closing day curling competition at Bowmanville Curling Club on Saturday put vic- tory smile s on the faces of the top rink. The wind-up bonspiel was sponsored by Williams Grove Orchards Ltd., Bowmanville. Winning rink from left: Ron Medley, Dick Card, Don Lebeau, Don Ellis, and Paul Muir. Absent from photo is Harold Roberts. The winning rink is holding the trophy as well as individual sweaters which were offered as prizes. We 're sorry to hear wee Chad DeGeer is in the hospital with pneumonia. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Helen and Bruce Ryley have returned home from a bus tour to Florida and report an enjoyable trip with excellent weather and accommoda- tions. United Churcli "God gives His directions for your life one step at a time. His next direction will not corne until the last lias been fully obeyed". Mr. Graliam spoke on another enemy, Pontius Pilate, the procuror of the Roman Empire. He had a conscience (somewhere) and a certain sense of justice, and came very close to doing the right thing as far as Jesus was concerned. Frorn him we learn that we cannot be neutral; we cannot compro- mise. Like in the case of Pontius Pilate we too have Jesus in our bands and we have a choice - to accept Him or reject Him. We cannot be neutrai. High scorer is the Ladies Bowling was Beulali Robinson with 229 and rt.mner up was Shirley Adamns with 228. Higli double was Beulali witli 435, and runner up was Shirley witb 378. The next two bowling days, April ýnd and 9th will be playoff days, and on April 23rd will be the banquet at the Rock Haven at 12:30 and awards will be presented. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jarvest enjoyed a week's holiday vîsiting friends in Regina. Frank and Margaret White are home after three months spent in Arizona where they had excellent holiday weather and enjoyed the friendship of numerous new acquaintances. Tom and Edith McKellar had a good motor trip to Florida and are ready to enjoy the playoffs of bowling. Mrs. Frank Fry and lier father flew to Vancouver to spend a couple of weeks with Helen's sister. Three teams of Senior Citizen bowlers are competing i a tournament on April 23 at Cobourg with tearns from Cobourg, Trenton and Port Hope. Senior Citizen Bowling Resuits - higli lady - Gertie Clark with 334 points, runner un - Hilda Bigelow with 327, higli man - George E. Clark with 363, runner up- - Earle Parrott with 312. Scores over 200 for two games - Jessie Ellicott 325, Muriel Parrott 315, Belle Smith 296, Leonard Driver 281, Margaret Wright 279, Ama Pudsey 275, Charlie BETHANY Smith 271, Mary Finney 267, George W. Clarke 262, Lucy Borrow 260, Florrie Driver 247, Stanley Sharpe 242, Pete Borrow 239, Tom MeKellar 236, Irene MacDonald 235, Annie Sharpe 231, Ruth Tray- nor 230, Derena Clark 228, Ina IHarkness 223. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Larmer of Keene, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. W. McMahon. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Porteous, and Mrs. Belle Smith spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Moffatt in Bowman- ville. Happy Birt hday wishes to two of our seniors this month namely Mrs. Irene MacDon- ald and Mrs. Vercedes Strong. They are both wonderful ladies - Irene, who will be eighty-eight years of age is most active in every phase of life. She plays a keen garne of five-pin bowling, and enjoys a fast game of shuffle board as well as an active member'in the church and senior citizens. Vercedes wil be ninety-five years young and lives in a large house and apart fromn some help from hier daughters, Mrs. Mary Fiey and Mrs. Armstrong she does exceptionally well and once the warm weather cornes we will see lier in the garden. May they both continue to enjoy healthy, happy days. Another lady who will be, celebrating lier ninety-second' birthday in April llth is Mrs. 'TeOdRugCo ss'all ' z LFE NTE Bertie Neals. She is a person who is interested, in all community life and is active in churcli and senior citizen work. Quilting and knitting are her chief hobbies and she is loved by ahl who associate with lier. KEINDAL Mrs. Martin Foster and Mrs. Allan Foster spent a few days last week at Feetervile, visiting Mrs. M. Foster's mother, Mrs. Awde and other friends and relatives. Mr.- and Mrs. R. Elliott spent last Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. L. Green- wood. Tfhere was a good attend- ance out to church on Sunday morning. Rev. Tizzard spoke on "Andrew - one of the twelve". Mrs. J. Fonk and Mrs. A. Foster, sang a duet - It's Gone on Too Long The current dispute between the are justified in their demands, want- Northumberland and Newcastle inga settiement that provides them Board of Education and the CUPE with what they consider are Local involving maintenance adequate returns for their efforts in workers, bus , drivers, etc. has comparsion -with workers in other reached the point where the jurisdictigns. So, at, the moment an situation is becoming nasty. And, as impasse'has developed, bringing this is being written on Monday with it disturbing incidents in morning, there is no immediate various schools and on the picket solution in sight. Possibly, there will lines. If the strike continues much be some favorable developments longer, we can foresee more nasty before publication date, but if the confrontations developing. And con- most recent meeting is any in- siderable hardship for those strikers dication, it is doubtful. whose pay cheques are not forth- We have no intention of becoming coming to take care of expenses. involved to the point of supporting The answer is far from simple, but one side or the other. Obviously there bas to-be one that will be fair to those directly connected wîth the both the public and the employees. problem feel their cause is just and Let's hope it will be forthcoming right. The board's negotiators are -soon before someone gets hurt or representing the general taxpaying more bitterness develops that could public to the best of their ability, affect harmonious relationships in trying to keep costs as low, as the months ahead. Lengthy strîkes possible while still being fair to their always seem to leave a bitter after- employees. The strikers feel they math. Cliurch iservices were liel4 as usual. Rev. W. Kennedy was with us. The choir sang an antliem. Rev. Kennedy spoke on, "Miracles", taken from the parable on feeding the crowd with the boy's basket of bread and fish and also from Paul casting the net on the other side of the slipý after flot being able to catch fish. Next Su nday, I presume we will have Mrs. D. Wilson as speaker at 9:15 as Rev. Kennedy lias been with us the last two Sundays. On Easter Sunday Com- imunion and Confirmation wil take place atGarden Hill at 9 a .r. Mr. Jerry Ingrarn and Mrs. W. Lewko are in the hospital. Mr. Robt. Mercer is home recuperating from a dislocat- ed shoulder lie suffered play- ing hockey last Saturday niglit. A local bus driver, Mrs. W. Cook, was involved in an accident on Friday afternoon wlien, she stopped to let chidreti off the busi at Smiith's on Road 9, when the mail truck driven by Mr. Calvin Flynn pulled up behind lier and stop ped. While botli were stopped another car driven by W. Ramnsden, Mississauga. crashed into the truck. The truck driver saw him coming and turned out of bis lane enough that only $25 damage was done to the bus and no one hurt. Andrew Napier, Etobi- coke, a passenger wNith Mr. Ramnsden had lis foot hurt and they botli were taken to hospital by ambulance. Mr. Flynn also lad cuts and bruises. Darnage to truck $800 and car $1500. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trew have arrived home from Florida. Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrill attended a dinner at Green- wood Towers on Saturday niglit. Mr. and Mrs. J. DeKoker, Sunderland were with Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson on Sunday. PADDuY'S MARKET New and Used Furniture and Appliances Trade-Ins Accepted on Appiances - Easy Credit Terms Aval lable - Telephone 263-2241 Hampton Ca I AVAL FINANCING LIV. COMPLETE MORTGAGE SERVICES ih0t54C Centre St. N. Guy PoIIey Rchmond Centre Mortgage Broker Oshawa 576-4883 SUMMER COURSES, AT TRENT Write us about them today. Julian Blackburn CoIIegýe Trent University Peterborough, Ontario K9J 7B8 PLEASE SEND ME YOUR SUMMER '79' BROCHURE Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address. .. . .Postai Code ...... Mrs. R. Westlieuser and girls were also over. Our Golden Age Club liad their birtliday meeting. Those celebrating birthdays were Mrs. Davis; Mrs. 'Wriglit; Mrs. Morris and myself. Mrs. H. Muldrew, Mr. and Mrs. R. Averys and family, were with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mclntosli on Sunday celebrat- ing Mrs. Avery's birtliday. Mrs. E. Fowler, Mrs. West- heuser and Lesley helped celebrate Mrs. H. Thickson's birtliday on Tliursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson, Mr. Tewko and Mrs. E. Fowler were in Peterborough on Tuesday. The W.I. lield an executive meeting at Mrs. Wheeler's home on Wednesday evening. Several in the area attended the funerai of the late Hamil- ton Bell in Port Hope on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mercer had Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scott and Clayton, Port Hope for tea on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Robt. Mercer along witli other members of lier class flew to Florida on Monday then took a boat cruise to the Carribean Islands, part of the course of study she is taking at Peter- boroughi. KENDA L There were around 25 attending the Royal Scarlet Chapter Meeting last Tuesday evening in Kendal Orange Hall. The main issue was on the decîsion wlietlier to hold the meetings in Kendal or Tyrone. The result of a vote decided the meetings would remain in Kendal, with a motion fromn the floor that this issue should not arise again in the next five years. Miss Catherine Stewart, Mrs. G. Catlicart, Mrs. M. Stevens and Mrs. R. Elliott attended the Oshiawa Presby- terial Annual meeting last Wednesday in St. Andrew's Unted Churdli, Oshiawa. The theme for the day was 'Thy Kingdom Corne - Tliy Will be Done'. The guest speaker was Dr. Katherine B. Hockin, a talented speaker of a wide experience in mission fields and at home. Mr. and Mrs. John Fonk and family spent the weekend wîtli Judy's mother Mrs. E. Foster, bringing lier home after a visit with tliem. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wood attended the Amway Conven- tion in Ottawa a couple of days last week, held at the Chateau Laurier Hotel and the Ottawa Civic Centre. A surprise birthday party was held last Saturday even- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Byers, Welcome, in honor of lier mother, Mrs. Eleanor Foster. AIl of lier family, and their families were present.' ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD N THE MATTER 0F Section 15 of The Planning Ac, R.SO. 1970, c. 349. -and- N THE MATTER 0F an application by The Regional Municipalify 0f Durham for approvai of those parts of the Officiai Plan for the Regional Municipaiity of Durham Planning Area referred to the Ontario Municipal Board by The Minister of Housing. 0MB FILE NOS. R781 110 to R781 137 inclusive R781 139 to R781 170 inclusive R781172, R781951, R781952 R783299, R783301, R79741 APPOINIMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUN ICI PAL BOARD hereby appoints Tuesday, the 1 7fhday of April, 1979 at the hour of tan o'clock, (local time) in the forenoon af the Council Chambers, Municipal Oftice of the Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, for fhe hearing of ail parties interested in supporting or opposing thîs application. The Ontario Municipal Board infends to hear this application starting on the above date and time. At the1 start of its hearings, the Board will settie matters ot procedure, hear preliminary motions and issue such direc- tions, as may be required for the proper hearing of ail persons inferested in this application. The Board may be asked at that time fo allocate specific times or special directions for the consideration of specific items when that can be done as part ot the overali hearings of the Durham Regional Officiai Plan. If you do not attend or are not represented at this hearing, the Board may proceed in your absence and you will not be entitled to any further notice of the proceedings, n the event the decision is reserved, persons taking part in the hearing may request a copy of the decision from the presiding Board member. Such decision will be mailed ta you when available, DATED at Toronto this 28th day of February, 1979. Secretary EXPLANATORY NOTE CONCERNINO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM PLANNING AREA Part VI of the Regional Municipality of Durham Act, 1973, S.O. c. 78, as amended, directs the Council of The Regional Municipality of Durham f0 investigafe and survey the physical, social and economic conditions in relation ta the development of the Regionai Municipaiity of Durham Planning Area, fo undertake studies concerning matters affect ing the deveiopment of the Planning Area, ta underfake a program invoiving public participation in the resolution of such problems and the preparation of guidelines for the development of the Regionai Area and ta prepare and adopf an Officiai Plan for the Regional Area. The Officiai Plan for fthe Regional Municipaiity of Durham Plànning Area was adopted by the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham on the 1 4th day of Juiy, 1976. An application was made under Section 14 of The Planning Acf fa The Honourable The Minister of Housing for Ontario for'approvai of this Plan. The Horîuurable The Minister of Housing made some modifications ta the Officiai Plan under section 140of The Planning Acf, decided fo refer certain sections of the Officiai Plan fa the Onfario Municipal Board pursuant ta section 150of The Planning Acf, deferred other parts of the Plan for further consideraf ion and approved the balance of the said Officiai Plan on the 1 71h day of March, 1978. The Honourable The Minister of Housing subsequently referred certain portions of the Plan fa the Ontario Municipal Board and approved further portions of the Plan. Pursuant fa this reference the Regional Municipality is now appiying fo the Municipal Board for approval of these parts of the Durham Regional Officiai Plan. Some of f hese parts are stafements of policy of general application throughout t he Regionai Area. Others are before the Municipal Board oniy as they relate to specific parcels of land, areas, or area municipalities. Stili others concern the land use designafions provided by the Plan for specific properfies. In ail cases the decision of the Municipal Board ta approve, modify or reject these parts of the Officiai Plan may affect other lands. In these hearings the Municipal Board has the same authority as the Minister of Housing ta, approve or ta modity these parts of the Officiai Plan under section 140of The Planning Acf. EXPLANATORY NOTE CONCERNING THOSE PARTS 0F THE OFFICIAL PLAN REFERRED 8V THE HONOURABLE THE MINISTER 0F HOUSINO TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD The Regional Municipaiity of Durham has appiied fa the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of those parts of the said Officiai Plan thaf have been reterred ta the Ontario Municipal Board as referred fa above. This description of fthe parts referred is intended for quick reference and notice by the public. To accurately and fuliy appreciate the purpose, location, extent and affect of each such part or area of referral, the reader should examine the actual Order of Referrai and the Officiai Plan ifseif. Those parts raferred are briefiy as follows: Legal Description 1.Part of Lots 7, 8andg9, Conc. 11 within the former Township of Brock (now within the Township 0f Brock) 2. Part of Lots 8, 9, 10 and 11, Conc. 111 and IV within the former Township of Brock (now within the Township of Brock) 3. Part of Lots 13, 14, and 15 Conc IV and V within the former Township 0f Brock (now withîn the Township of Brock) 4ý Lot 16 and part of Los~ 17,18,19 and 20,Conc, 1; part of Lots 18 and 19 and Lots 20 and 21, Conc. Il and Lot 19, Conc, 111; pa rt of Lots 17 and 18, Conc. 111, Lot 23, Conc. 111 and part of Lot 23, Conc. IV; part of Lots 12,1l3andl14, Conc, IV; part of Lots 16, 17 and 18, Conc. IV, part of Lots 16 17, 18, and 19, Conc. V; part of Lot 15, Conc. V; part 0f Lots 1 ,2 and 3, Conc. VI; part of Lot 23, Conc. VIII; part of Lot 16, Conc. VI I and VI Il, part of Lots 13 and 14, Conc. VIl and VIII within the former Township of Uxbridge (now withirî the Township 0f Uxbridge) 5.Part 0f Lot 20, Conc. Il wthin-the former Township of Scottf (now wifhîin the Township of Uxbridge) Durham Regianai Officiai Plan .Designaf ion Generai Agriculture and Major Open Space Sysfem (Oak Ridges Moraine) Generai Agriculture, Major Open Space Sysfem (Oak Ridges Moraine) with Hazard Lands Permanent Agricuitural Reserve, Genaral Agriculture, Major Open Space System (Oak idges Moraine) wîth Hazard Lands Major Open Spaca Systam (Oak Ridges Moraine) Permanent Agricuiturai Reserve Designat ion Reguested Prime minerai extractive area Prime minerai extractive area Prime minerai extractive area Prime minerai extractive ares Prima minerai extractive area 6. Part of Lot 11, Conc. i and part of Lot 1, Conc. IV; part of Lot 4, Conc. IV; part of Loti1, Conc. V; Part of Lot 6, Conc. X; part of Lot 3, Conc. XII within the former Township of Reach <now within the Township of Scugog) 7. Lots 2 and 3, Conc. i wifhin the former Township of Cartwright (naw withîn the Township of Scugog) 8. Part of Lots 7 and 8, Conc. V within ftha former Township of Pickering (now within the Town of Pickering) 9. Part of Lot 2, Conc. IX wifhin ftha former Township of Picke ring (now within the Town of Piàkaring) 10. Part of Lot 21, Conc. IV and part of Lots 30 and 31, Conc. V within the Town of Whitby 11. Part of Lots13 andl14, Conc. 111 within the former Township of Dariingfon (now within the Town of Newcastle) 1à. Part of Lots 31 and 32, Conc. IX and X within the former Township of Dariington (now wifhin the Town of Newcast la) 13. Parfof Lotsl4, 15,16 and 17, Conc. X within the former Township of Dariington (now within the Town of Newcast le) 14. Part of Lot 33, Conc. VIi1 within the former Township of Cia rke (now within the Town of Newcast le) 15. Part of Lots 27 and 29, Conc. X and part of Lots 18 and 19, Conc. X within the former Township of Clarke (now within the Town of Newcast la) 16. Part of Lot 15, Conc. IV, within the former Township of Thorah (now wifhin the Township of Brock) 17. Part of Lot 1, Conc. XIV, wifhin the former Township of Brock (now within the Township of Brock) 18. Part of Lot 5, Conc. A, wifhin the former Township of Thorah (now wifhin the Township of Brock) 19. Lotsilî,12 and 13, Conc. VI, part of Lots il and 12, Canc. IV, and part of Lot 14, Conc. V, wifhin the former Township of Uxbridge (now wifhin the Township of Uxbridge) 20. Part of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Conc. i within the former Township of Uxbridge (now within the Township of Uxbridge) 21. Part of Lot 15, Conc. il, and part of Lots 13, 14 and 15, Conc. 111 and part of Lot 14, Conc. IV within the former Township of Uxbridge (now wîthin the Township of Uxbridge) 22. Part of Lots 2 and 3, Conc. IV within the former Township of Uxbridge (now within the Township of Uxbridge) 23. Part of Lot 18, Conc. IV within the former Township of Reach (now within the Township of Scugog) 24. Part of Lot 16, Conc. IV within the former Township of Reach (now within the Township of Scugog) 25. Part of Lot 18, Conc. 111 within the former Township of Raach (now within the Township of Scugog) 26. Part of Lot 10, Canc. 1, wifhin the former Township of Reach (now wifhin theF Township of Scugog) 27. Part of Lots 22 and 23, Conc. Il within the formerv Township of Pickering (now wifhin the Town of Pickering) 28. Part of Lot 19, Conc. 11 within the former Townshipv of Pickering <now within the Town of Pickering) 29. Pa rt of Loti15, R3, B.F. Conc. wifhin the former Township of Pickering (now% wifhin the Town of Pickering) Generai Agriculture, Permanent Agricuifura Reserve and Major Open Space Sysfemn (Oak Ridges Moraine) Major Open Space System (Oak Ridges Moraine) Major Open Space System and Permanent Agricuifurai Reserva Major Open Space Sysfem (Oak Ridges Moraine) with Hazard Lands Major Open Space Systam with Hazard Lands Major Open Space Sysfam Major Open Space Sysfem (Oak Ridges Moraine) and Permanent Agricultura Reserve Major Open Space System (Oak Ridges Moraine) Permanent Agricultura Resarva Major Open Spaca System (Ofak Ridgas Moraine) Industrial Hamiet and Genera Agriculture with Hazard Lands Major Open Spaca System and Waterfront Major Open Space System (Oak Ridgas Moraine) Generai Agriculture Major Open Space System Genara Agriculture Permanent Agricultural Reserva Hamiet and Major Open Space Sysfem Genera Agriculture Major Open Space Systam and Permanent Agricuifura Reserve Major Open Space System wifh Hazard Lands Major Open Space System wvith Hazard Lands viaoOpnpaeSse Prime minerai extractive ares Prime minerai extractive area Prime minerai extractive area Prima minerai extractive area Prime minerai extractive area Prime minerai extractive area Prime minerai extractive area Prime minerai extractive area Prime minerai extractive area Prime minerai extractive area Speciai Purpose Commercial Estaf e-Resident l Seasoniai-Residentil Prima minerai extractive area Residentil, Industrial and Est ate-Resident l Residentil, lndustriai and Estate-Residentiai Estafe-Residenfiai Residentilita Generai Agriculture Residentil Special Purposa Commercial Landf iii Site Rasidentili& objecting ta road aiignmenf Residentiai companied by Mrs. K. Wood at the piano. Mr. Leonard Falls greeted the friends at the door. A short 'board meeting was held after the service. The project of getting pictures of the ministers since 1917, is about completed mucli work bas been done by Mrs. K., Wood and Miss Stewart to get these pictures. It is hoped the project will be completed by Easter, when these pictures will be placed in the church. TYRONE There were 17 tables in play at Senior Citizens Euchre Friday night: ist Myrtie Alldred; 2nd Robert Glan-r ville; 3rd Anne Taylor; 4th Brad Brooks; 5th John Broome; 6th Adam Sharp. Ladies low Marg Hall. Men's low Edna Wood. 50-50 draw- Farewell Blackburn.