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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1979, Section 2, p. 11

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«B"LACKSTO CK ing Senior Ciizens' card party had 20 tables with the follow- ing results - 1. Lionel Byam 88, 2. Lorna Swain 84, 3. M.J. Brown 81, 4. Leland MUllson 80, 5. Rose Griffen 78, 6. Harold Burgess 76, Pearl Day - low. A most successful season for the Mixed Curling ended on Tuesday evening with a c4rds and curling nigbt sponsored by Breezy Acres. Aftet two short curling games and two gantes of cards the resuits of the twelve rinks were lst - Ted and Shirley Robson, Mary DeMerchant and Shirley Hl- liday. 2nd - Keitb and Jean Goble, Bob and Joanne Swain. Harvey and Joan Graham presented the winning rinks with boxes of dairy products. It is witb pleasure that I again take on tbe duties of the Blackstock news correspond- ent after nearly three year's recess. I seek the assistance and co-operation of you, the, residents of this area, to pro*de me witb personals and other news events to make our Blackstock news column alive and interesting. I like to think of the many readers now away from Blackstock who rely upon this column to keep i toucb and to Iearn of this area's comings and goings. Let's make sure they know Blackstock is still active and thriving. Please phone 986-4257 before noon on, Mon- days. The weekly Tuesday even- Speciality Custom MiIing 30. Part 0f Lot 6, B.F. Conc. within the Town of Ajax 31. Part of Lot 3, Conc. IV,N within the former Township 0f Pickering (now within the Town of Ajax) 32. Lofai1 end 2, BF. Conc. Lots 1 and 2, Conc. ; Lots 1, 2 and 3 and part of Lots 4 and5, Conc. 1l; and Part of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4and 5, Conc. 111 within the former Township of Pickering now within the Town of Ajax) 33. Lot 35, Conc. Il withinK the Town of Whitby 34. Part of Lot 32, Conc. il within the Town of Whitby 35. Part of Lots 31 and 32, Conc. p 1 within the Town of Whtbyc 36. Part 0f Lot 19, Cono. IV within the Town of Whitby v 37. Part ot Lots 19 and 20,N Conc. 1, within the Town 0f Whitby 38. Part of Lot 1 7,,Conc. 111 within the former City of Oshawa now within the City 0f Oshawa) 39. Part of Lot 16, Conc. 111 within the former City of Oshawa (now within theA City of Oshawa) 40. Lots 14 and 15, Conc. IVN within the former Township v cf East Whitby (now withinR the City of Oshawa) 41. Lots 16 and 17, Conc. IV within the former Township v of East Whitby (now withinR the City of Oshawa) 42. Part of Lots 10, il and 12P and Lots 13,14, 15 and 16R Conc. V and part of Lot 12,S Cono. VI, within the former Township of East Whtby (now within the City of Oshawa) 43. Part of Lots 7, 8, 9,10,R 11, 12,13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 L Conc. IV within the former Township 0f East Whitby <now within the City of Oshawa) 44. Part cof Lot 7,Conc. IV, I within the former Township of East Whitby 45. Part of Lot 3, Conc. Il and p Conc. 111 within the v former Township 0f East Whilby (now wthin tne City of Oshawai 46. Part 0f Lot 1, Conc.II, I within the former Township 0f East Whitby (now within the City 0f Oshawa) 47. Part 0f Loti1, Conc. 111, I within the former Township of East Whitby (now within the City of Oshawa) 48. Part cof Loti1, Conc. 1,R within the former City 0f Oshawa now within the City 0f Oshawa) 49. Part 0f Lot 15, Conc. 1II within the former City of Oshawa (now wthin the City of Oshawa) 50. Part 0f Lot 35, Cono. I t within the former Township of Darlington (now within the Town of Newcast le) 51. Part of Lot 35, Conc. Il,G within the former Township of Darlington (now within the Town 0f Newcastle) 52. Part of Lot 35,Conc. 111,M within the former Township of Darlington (now within the Town of Newcastle) 53. Part of Loi 35, Cono. IVM within theformer Township of Darlington now within the Town of Newcast le) 54. Part of lots 31, 32, 33, and 34, Conc. 111 and partM of Lots 31,32 and 34, wV Conc. IV, within the former Township of Darlington (now within the Town of Newcastle) 55. Part of Lot 26, Cono. Il f within the former Townshipw 0f Darlington (now within the Town cof Newcast le) 56. Part of Lots 26 and27, Pl Conc, V within the former R Township of Darlington fnow within the Town of Newcastle) 57. Part 0f Lot 25, Conc. IV F( within the former Township Fi cf Darlington now within the Tonm0f Newcastle) Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gunter and family of Newmarket were Sunday lunch guesta of ber mother Mrs. Ella Ven- ning. Sympatby of tbe community is extended to Mr. and Mirs. Joan Sovey on the recent passing of John's father ini Toronto. On Monday the lady curlers held a most successful Mini Bonspiel wben a group of Bowmanville-ladies joined the local ladies for a day of fun and fellowship. A delicious- lunch was beld in the Rec Centre at noon. Prizes were given out as follows - 1. Nancy Barr, Ede Gearing, Mary Mackie, Pat Dalton. 2. Marj. Taylor, Martba Hogarth, Thelma Wright, Marg. Geîss- burger 3. Andre Weir, Marion Ray, Barb Gray, Suzanne Rioual,ý low - Elaine Bailey, Kaye Worden, Jean Balson, Jane Hamill. 1Mrs. Ella Venning, Mrs. Nora Little and Lisa were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and MTs. Wayne Venning and family, Port Perry. The flowers in the United Church on Sunday were in memory of Mr. Wilbur Tomns donated by bis family. Rev. V. Parsons preached a fie Reaidential Estate-Residentil SPe6 liStudy Area or Residential and objecting ta Indu st rial designat Ion west 0f Audley Road Residential Residential & Special Purpose Commercial Adjust ment in Urban Area Boundary Estate-Residential Residentil Residential Residential Residential & adjusîment in Urban Area Boundary Reidenial & adjuslment in Urban Area Boundary Est ate-Residenlial Major Open Space Residential Residentil Residentil Resîdentil Community Central Area Residential Residential Resîdential and objecting ta road alignment Residential Residential Residentil Residential Est ate-Residentil Special Purpose Commercial Estate-Residentil Major Open Space System with Hazard Lands Major Open Space System Major Open Space System with Hazard Lands Major Open Space System Major Open Space System with Hazard Lands Residential and Major Open Space System with Hazard Lands Major Open Space System with Hazard Lands Major Open Space System Industrial and Special Stur4y Area 7 Major Open Space System wilh Hazard Lands and Airport Lands Major Open Space System with Hazard Lands and Resideritiai Major Open Space System with Hazard Lands, Residential and Industrial Permanent Agricultural Reserve and Major Open Space System with Hazard Lands Residentiai with Hazard Lands Major Open Space Syslem Major Open Space System witfi Hazard Lands Major Open Space System with Hazard Lands Major Open Space System Residential Industrial General Agriculture General Agriculture Miajor Open Space System Mtajor Open Space System Major Open Space System with Hazard Lands Mfajor Open Space System wlth Hazard Lands Permanent Agricultural Reserve with Hazard Lands Permanent Agricultural Reserve wilh Hazard Lands Miajor Open Space System lith Hazard Lands and Residential sermon on 'Under the Shadow of the Cross' to a large congregation. 1Celebrating tbeir 45tb Wed- ding Anniversary last Wed- nesday, March 28th Lorne and Maxine Hoskin were surprised at Deer Park Inn, Stouffville witb an intimate family dinner. Tbe happy couple were presented witb sweet- beart roses on their arrivaI and later a cake markmng the occasion. Guests included tbeîr sons Murray and Allyn and their families. Purpie Hlli L.O.L. 399 Purple Hill Loyal Orange Lodge held a very successful lecture competition i the Purple Hill Hall on Saturday night, Marcb 31. Over 40 brethren were in attendance from Toronto, Oshawa, Good- wood and neighbouring lodges. Eight teams competed for tbe top honors. Brother Sandy Ferguson and Brother William Talbot officiated as judges. First place went to Highland Creek, Brother Ken Dafoe and Brother Alex Ruff. Second place teamn came from Port Perry Lodge, Brothers Everatt and Bob Prentice. A lunch of bot meat pies, coffee and cake and a social time was enjoyed by aIl. Mrs. Howard Abbott spent several days in,,powmanville Hospital. We hope you are soon feeling well again. 59. Part of Lots 11 andl12, Conc. 1 wit hin the former Town of Bowmanville (now wlthin the Town of Newcastle) 60. Part of Lots 12 and 13, BF. Conc. withln the former Town of Bowmanville (now within the.Town of Newcastle) 61. Part of Lot 14, BF. Conc. within the former Town fl Bowmanville (now withini the Town of Newcast le) 62. Part of Lot 6, BF. Conc. within the former Township of Darlington now within the Town ot Newcast le) 63. Part 0f Lots 32, 33, 34 and 35, Cono. I within the former Township of Clarke (now within the Town of Newcastle),and part of Lots 1, 2 and 3, B.F. Conc. within the former Township of Darlinglon (now within the Town of Newcast le) 64. Part of Lots 31 and 32, Concs. 1 and Il within the former Township of Clarke (now within the Town of Newcast le) 65. Part of Lots,26, 27 and 28, Cono. Il within the former Township of Clarke (now within the Town of Newcast le) 66. Part of Lots 32, 33, 34 and 35, Conc. I within the Township of Clark<e (now witflin the Town cf Newcastle) 67. Part of Lots 28, 29, 30 and 31, Conc. 1, within the former Village of Newc astle (now within the Town of Newcastle) 68 Part of Lot 25, BF. Conc. within the former Township of Clarke (now within the Town of Newcastle) 69. Part of Lot 23, Conc. I within the former Township of Clarke now within the Town of Newcastle) 70ý Part of Lot 24, BF. Conc . within the former Township of Clarke (now within the the Town of Newcast le) 71. Part of Lot 31, Conc. Il within the Township of Clarke (now within the Town of Newcastle) 72. Part of Lot 29, Conc. IV within the former Township of Cia rke now within the Town of Newcastle) 73. Part of Lot 29, Conc. IV within the former Township of Clarke now within the Town of Newcastle) 74. Part of Lots18 andl19. Conc. V within the former Township of Reach (now within the Township of Scugog) 75, Part of Lots 16 and 17, Conc. V wilhin the f ormet Township of Beach (now within the Township of Scugogî 76. Part of Lots 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, Conc. Il and part of Lots 27, 28 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34, Conc. 111 within the former Township of Darlington now within the Town of Newcastle) 77. Part of Lots 1, 2, 3,4, 5 and 6, Conc. IV wthin the Township of East Whitby (now within the City of Oshawa) 78. Part of Lot 10, Conc. 1 within the former City of Oshawa (now within the City of Oshawa) 79. Part of Lots 9 and 10, Conc. I within the former City of Oshawa (now within the City of Oshawa) 80. Map A4 and Map B On Sunday, Mr. Ralpb Davis, Solina entertained bis wife Isabelle, Maxine and Lorne Hoskin witb a chinese dinner at Town Inn Restau- rant, Port Perry. AIl three of the bonored guests were celebrating birthdays. Many happy returns. Doug Russell and Gayle Lickman of Windsor were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Russell and fa mily. Larry Hoskin bas returned fromn the Rockies to spend a short visit with bis parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin and many other relatives in this area. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Henry of Falconbridge, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Rob. Henryon a week's holiday in tbe Ba- hamas. Mrs. Henry bas ex- tended bier holiday to spend an extra week here in Blackstock witb Rob and Judy. Mr. and Mrs. Don Harris and family enjoyed the week- end company of bis father Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harris of Georgetown. Esther Kelly celebrated bier 8th birthday by entertaining Julie Byers, Frances Grove, Lynda Parsons and Barbie Shaver. to a birthday party after school on Friday after- noon. Don and Carol Harris and daugbters Kim and 13ecky recently returned from a 2 week vacation in Florida. Industrial Special Purpose Commercial Special Purpose Commercial Major Open Space System and Waterfront Permanent Agricultural Reserve and Major Open Space System and Waterfront 'd' Areas for Future Development Permanent Agricultural Reserve Permanent Agricutural Reserve Major Open Space System with Hazard Lands and Waterf ront Permanent Agriculfural Reserve and Major Open Space System Permanent Agricultu rai Reserve Permanent Agricultural Reserve Permanent Agricultural Reserve Permanent Agricultural Reserve and Major Open Space System Major Open Space System with Hazard Lands General Agriculture General Agriculture Residential and Major Open Space System with Hazard Lands Permanent Agricultural Reserve Residential Residential Tbey spent one week witb Carol's sister Mr. and Mrs. Harry Purcell at Miami. On Friday evening the Blackstock Lady Curlers beld their annual Banquet at the Parish Hall of St. John's Anglican Church. After the singing of Grace everyone enjoyed the bountiful Pot Luck Banquet. President Donna Kyte and Assistant Cheryl Vogel pre- sented the prizes to the winners of the two scbedules as follows. Winners of lst Scbedule - Anne Lee, Louise Swain, Mary Mackie and Mimi Pomery. Runner up - Cheryl Vogel, Editb Mc- Laugblin, Ruby VanCamp and Margeret Mountjoy-2nd Mon - Shirley Robson, Maureen Jor- dan, Suzanne Rioual, Made- lime Harrison. 2nd Tues. - Donna Kyte, Lisa Phillips, Joanne Lee, Jean Goble. Consolation prizes went to Jackie Beddome, Diane Gat- cheil, Jackie Danter, Elaine Heyes, Marilyn Guernsey, Josie Hamilton, Beth Schybur- Josie Hamilton, Betb Scbyburt and Jane Hamill. Second Scbedule prizes were as follows - lst - Pat Fletcher, Edith McLaugblin, Jackie Danter, Lynda Maw. Runner up - Anne Lee, Joanne Lee, Betb Scbryburt, Jean Goble. 2nd - Mon. Tie - Shirley Robson, Peggy Larmer, Thelma Wright, Elaine Heyes Residentil Community Central Area Community Cent raI Area Industrial Residentil Residential Industrial & Residentil or'd' Special Study Area Industrial & Resid4ential Estate-Residential Hesidential Industriel Estate-Residentil Residential or Special Purpose Commercial Residential Reaidential and Industrial Residential Objecting to Courtice Urban Area & trans- portation network & population Special Study Area Industrial Industrial Objecting to proposed Thornion Road alignment between Gibb Street and Wentworth Street The sections of the Officiai Plan that have ceen referred are as follows: 1.24, 1.2.5,1 .2.6, 1.2.7, Section 4 (in enlirety excepi 4.2.9), 6.1.2, 6.2.1lc), 7.21a), 7.2.2, Section 8 (in entirety), Section 10.3, Section 10.4, Section 12 (in entirety), 13.2.14, 13.3.3, 14.2.10,14.3, Section 15 (in entirety), 16.1.2, 16.6,1, 16.9. NOTE: Copies of the detailed explanatory note and maps may be obtained f rom the Clerk 0f the Regionai ,Municipality of Durham at the Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario; the Planning Depariment for the Region, 105 Consumera Drive, Whitby, Ontario; the Office cri the Clerk of the Area Municipaliies in the municipal buildings of the City of Oshawa, Towns 0f Ajax, Newcastle (Bowmanvilie and Hampton), Pickering and Whitby, and the Townships of Brock (Beaverlon, Canninglon and Sunderland), Scugog (Port Perry), and Uxbridge. Further information concerning the aboya matter may be obtained f rom the Clerks Depariment, Regional Municipality of Durham, 605 Rosaland RoadEast, Whitby, Ontario, Li N 6A3, (416) 668-7711, and the Planning Depariment, Regional Municipality orf Durham, 105 Consumera Drive, Whitby, Ontario, Li N 6A3, (416) 668-7731. C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. Clerk Regional Municipality of Durhamr 605 Rossland Road East Whitby. Ontario PEACOCK LUMBER LTDU Building supplies. Our speciality is lumber and lumber products. A complete line of Uin dried hardwoodand softwoods. "Walnut . Cherry Maple . R.dwood "Teak . Oak *Phil. Mahog. . Softwoods M-a rdwood & softwood plywood'. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvîlle, April 4, 1979 il Director ofe Goodyear Public Relations Section Two and Andrea Weir, Joanne Russell, Suzanne Rioual, Sharon Wilson, 2nd Tues. - Marj Taylor, Mary Mackie, Nancy Barr, Frankie Whalen. Consolation prizes - Lorna Edgerton, Diane Gatchell, Ruby VanCamp, Madeline Harrison, Joyce Kelly, Josie Hamilton, Val Menzies, Jane Hamill. A lucky draw was won by Sharon Wilson. Donna voiced her apprec- iation to members who h ave assisted in many ways over the season. A special thanks was given to Cheryl Vogel who in turn presented a gift to Donna for her hard work. The committee for next year will be - President - Lorna Edgerton, Treasurer - Rie Hoogeveen, Schedule Mana- ger - Marj Taylor. Joyce Kelly presented a Treasurer 's report of the Curling Club and also gave a brief history of Blackstock Curling Club since its formation in 1949. Beth Schryburt presented a bilar- ious skit "Going Curling". An entertaining film "Gone Curling" taken in Eston, Sask. was shown. This film had special interest as it was film- ed in Cheryl Vogel's home- town. Was this one 'of the high- lights of your curling year, Cheryl? Door prîzes were won Dy Sharon Wilson, Rie Hooge- veen, Cheryl Vogel, Joyce Kelly, Elaine Heyes, Anne Lee, Beth Schyburt, Frankie Whalen, Judy Crawford,' Joanne Russell, Mary Mackie. The evening ended with a singsong by Beth that had to be seen to be believed. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and family along with Mrs. Reg Boundey of Port Perry visited Mr. and Mrs. Steve Boundey at Mid- land. A special visit was enjoyed with Mrs. Stella Herbert of Australia. Harold Wright and Mark Graham flew to St. Louis, Missouri on a Purina Research Farm Tour. YEL VERTOIN Congratulations are extend- ed to Mr. Howard Malcolm on being re-elected as Chairman of Ont. Hog Producer's Mar- keting Board by, bis fellow directors at their inaugural meeting this week. Several T.V. watchers caugbt a glimpse of Howard on T.V. this week - a possible re-run of bis recent interview on Chan- nel il, Hamilton. Several carloads from Man- vers were present at the lovely new Community Hall at Cambray on Sat. evening. The occasion was tbe annual dinner and annual meeting of the -,Haliburton Victoria Ijber- ai Assoc. It was an ideal launching pad for David Logans electioneering pro- gram in fortbcoming federal election. Mrs. John Jemmo now living in the Atlantic provin- ces, is currently spending a couple of weeks in Ontario visiting ail the members of ber family residing in the area. On Thurs. evening following the U.C.W. meeting and a dinner in churcb basement, Miss Candy Malcolm will be sbowing ber slides of Turkey. Anyone interested is welcome. A couple of young ladies from our community are leaving sbortly for a jaunt to tbe British Isies. More info on their return. Miss Leanne Preston and Miss Dianne McCabe assisted i the cburcb service on Sun. a.m. as usherettes. Master Clifford Wrigbt also assisted in the service. Mr, Marti Malcolm and a few other Lindsay young people motored to Windsor to spend the weekend with Mr. Gordon Plumpton wbo is attending University tbere. LIBERTY ST. S. <c zm 'I cYELLOW BRICK BUILDING CEMETERY RD. 164 Base Uine Raad East PHON E e623*9s30 OFFERS YOU A COMPLETE LINE 0F TOP QUALITY BODY. AND PAINT WORK AT REASONABLE RATES. ACRYLIC ENAMEL PAINT NOW AVAl LABLE ASK US ABOUT OUR WORK GUARANTEE. OPEN WEEKDAYS 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. SATURDAYS 8 a.m. -12 Noon I SALES 728-6206 SERVICE u Michael W. Lewis bas been appointed director of public relations of Goodyear Canada Inc. effective May 1. He is currently direct or of information ser- vices of the Canadian Nuclear Association, a position he bas beld since 1977. 1Between 1973 and 1977, Lewis was a senior public relations officer with Canadian Arctic Gas Pipeline. From 1971 to 1973, be served in tbe On- tario Ministry of tbe Environment as public relations officer and supervisor, special projects. Prior to 1971, bie spent several years with a Toronto publisbing bouse as editorial assistant and, later,, as production manager. A native of Oxford, England, witb scbooling botb in tbe U.K. and Canada,, Lewis studied journalismn, public relations and business management at tbe Ryerson Polytecbnical Institute. He is a member of the Canadian Public Relations Society. Haskins+SeIIs Caee conat Local Partners.- Josef Adam, B.Sc.( Econ.>, CA Anthony J. Murray, CA Gordon F Sedgewick, CA Burt R.VWaters, FCA Bell Canàda Building, Oshawa Centre, PO0. Box 800, Oshawa, L H 7N1I Telephone: (416) 579-8202 Offices across Canada and associated firms throughout the world I BA SÊé%E LI1 N E AUTO BODlw'Y I MILL and YARD 328 Rltson Rd. N., Oshawa 725-4744 g I Serving the motoring public for over 56 Years Your authorized Chevrolet.Oldsmobile Chevy Truck Dealer Hwy. No. 2 ai Cou rtice Road SALES 728-6206 SERVICE

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