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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1979, p. 3

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only e Local 'îspeaker Wms inL e g ion's Distrit imals at Oshawa Branch The annual District Public Speaking Contest was held Sunday, April lst at Oshawa Legw~n Branch 43. The 20 contestants were from the fîve zones that comprise district F (54 branches). Winners are as follows, grades 4-6: lst - Mary Ann Zetouras, Belleville, speakung on My Father; 2nd Jeff Marder, Oshawa, speaking on My Unusual Distinction; 3rd Shelley Switzer, Lindsay, speakung on My Dog Missy. Grades 7-8 - lst Douglas Brown, Bowmanville, The Advantages of Being Short; 2nd Robb McCleary, Camp- belîford,' Commercials; 3rd Fiona Crangle, Millbrook The English Language. Grade 9-10 - lst Richard Walker, Oshawa, Insects; 2nd Andrew Fînlan, Belleville Arctic Wolf, .3rd Tammy Brown, Millbrook, Rock and Roll. Grades 11-13 - lst Sheena MacAskill, Uxbridge, The Seal Hunt, 2nd Carol Suther- land, Bancroft, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, 3rd Colleen Garbut, Lindsay, Teenage Stage. The judges were Kate Sherrin, Oshawa; John Reid, Orono and Jim Murray from Oshawa., Timekeepers were Les Hunt, Hampton; Walter Kiappo, Wilberforce. Ken Jeffries acted as runner, from Port Hope. Registrars were Vivian Hunt and Trimie Brown. The competiion was chaired by District Commun- ity programs chairman Bob Brown of Bowmanville. Douglas Brown is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Brown, 121 Queen St., Bowmanville and attends Bowmanville Senior Public School in Grade 7. AU the first place winners will be travelling to Brack- ville, April 8th to compete ini the Area Contest against District G. Wnners. Shop NOW and Save o'ff sugge'sted lisi prices! A selection of Dresses Coats and Pant Suits in sizes 5 10 20 Eond Towers Shopping MaIf SHW 44 Bond St. W. Downtown Oshawa 576-7152 "A Special Shop for Special Women" SQUARE Top Salesman March LOIWELL GAeýTCHýELL Roy Nichais Mtors Limited, of Courtice, are very pleased ta announ ce that Lowvýe!I Gatchelli s their Top Saiesman for the month of March. Lowell has been with the sales team at Nichais Mtars since last year and has proven he is a valued member of the staff. LoweII lives in the Orano area and this year is the Warshipful Master af the Orono Masani 1c Lodge. He is also a member of the Scottish Right (Peterbar- augh Valley), the Lodge af Perfection and the Lodge of Rase Croix. On behaîf of the management 0f Roy Nichais Mtors Limited, we offer Lowell aur heartiest congratulations. TYR iONI The regular monthly meet- ing of Tyrone Athietic Association was heid in Tyrone Community Centre with 10 members present. Chairman Jim Metcalfe con- ducted the meeting which opened with the reading of the, minutes of the February meeting by secretary, Arlene Yeo. Treasurer, Ron Pither reported a balance on hand of $2,448.03, with bilils coming in for ice tixne and additianal equ.pmnt and uniforms. In ah close ta $2000 will be spent preparing aur players for the coming season - Spring registration was set for Saturday, April 7th from 10 ta 4:30. Coaches and executive will take shifts ta fi in the day. After a, great deal of discussion it was agreed that we would raise aur registra- tion fee ta $5.00 per player ta belp meet the rising cost of uniforms,, equipment and othen expenses. Last year approximately 200 players were registered in fourteen teams, and this year we IV Cherry Roxanne Vanstone became the bride of Ted Douglas Brown, on Saturday, March 17th, 1979, at 4:30 p.m. in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, with the Reverend John Peters offi- ciating. The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Vanstone, 16 Third Street, Bowmanville, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown, 73 Elgin Street, Bowmanville. Given in marriage by her grandfather, Mr. Charles Vanstone, the bride wore a formai gown of white chiffon Mr. -and Mrs. -W. Bruce Mercer returned home last Friday from two months visit ini England and Scotland. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stapleton and son Lee, of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Patterson spent Saturday with Mrs. John Morris. The Orono Senior Citizens Meeting is on Thursday, April 5th at 1: 30 p.m. at the I.O.O.F. HalIl. Pancake Dunner on Sunday, April 8th at 12:30 p.m. at the Orono United Church Main Hall. Miss Donna Cowan of Toronto and her sister Miss Carol Cowan of Collingwood spent a recentweekend with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wannan, also visited Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris and family. Mr. Len Pears returned home on Tuesday from a few days in the Oshawa Hospital. The Orono Church Women held five meetings this week on Tuesday afternoori. Unit 2 - at the home of Mrs. Brooks Cowan and ini the evenung Unit 3 at the home of Mrs. M. Groot and Unit 4 at the home of Mrs. Grant Yeo. On Wednesday afternoon Unit in the Main Hall and Unit 5 at the Leskard Church Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Minion and son Jeffrey of Peterborough spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morton. Coffee Hour dii Sunday, April lst after the regular 10 a.m. Service at St. Saviour 's Anglican Church. Glen Wood of Kendal, Charles Harris of Kirby and David Chatterton are on a mator trip ta Florida. The Anglican Church Women meeting is Monday, and lace which featured an extending train and veil. She carried a bouquet of white and red silk roses and baby's breath. The matron of honor was the bride's mother, Carol Vanstone and the bridesmaids were Mary-Anne Vanstone, sister of the bride, Miss Judy Carter,' and Mrs. Lunda Woolner, Miss Shannon Martin was the flower girl. Best man was Curtis Vanstone, father of the bride, the ushers were Mr. Ailan Brown, brother of the groom, Mr. Stephen Martin, a nephew April 9th in the Parish Hall ta pack bales. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. John Witheridge were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer an Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Power visited Mr. and Mrs. Carias Tamblyn who retunned fram Florida last week HAYDO)&,0N INEIWS Miss Leana Adams, Oshawa, was dinner guest at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Anderson and Bill, Port Hope, were Saturday evening caliers at the Arthur Trewun home. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Black- burn and family were Satur- day supper guests at Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn's. Mn. and Mrs. Tom Potts attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Alice Perryman, at Collingwood on Monday. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Potts, Port Elgin, met Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Patts at Cornwall when Bill Potts and Deibent Potts played with the Kingston Team in the Broomn Bal Tournament at Napanee on Saturday. Mn. and Mns. Bill Potts, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts. Club 21 Ladies, eight in number, had a pancake and mapie syrup luncheon with Mrs. Kay Buttery on Wednes- day. Club 21 April meeting, April l6th, Monday at 8 oclock. Mrs. Helen Tieles will be shawing neediepoint and cnewel kit party. Everyone welcome. Dt eaI iof the groom, and Mr. David ,Woolner. The ring bearer was 1Master Michael Woolner. i At the reception held at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa, the grandmother of the bride, Mrs. Florence Vanstone, wore a two piece, light blue dress wiýh dark blue floral print, and a corsage of punk roses. Leaving for a honeymoon in Montreal and Ottawa, the bride wore a brown and beige pant suit with a corsage of peach miniature roses. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are now residing in Oshawa, at 725 Downsview Crescent. - Piper Studio, Oshawa. Ie Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 4, 1979 3 referees for the home games. N E i If anyone i8 interested ini this E -1119-rn9W Svery important job, we wouid expect aoout me same be glad. to hear from you. A number. schedule of the parks wfllbe We are planning to have the available soon. Next meeting same teams as last year with is April 8, 1979. Any interestea the possible addition of a girls' persons are welcome to soccer team ages 14 -17. There attend. wrnl be soccer for boys from Mr. and Mrs. George Gibbs seven years to aduit and and family have returned softball for boys and girls fromn an enjoyable vacation in from seven up, to men's lobb Florida. bail and ladies' softball. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gibbs Further information from the attended the District Four secretary or chairman or any Seminar of the Horticulturai of the coaches. Society at Memoriai Park; The treasur-er reported that Bowmanville, Saturday', we were able to corne out March 31, 1979. slightly ahead with our Mr. and Mrs. Murray Yeo, skating programme this year. entertained Mr . and Mrs. Arrangements will be made to Glenn Smith, Mr. and Mrs. have the saine ice time next Herb Prescott, Mr. and Mrs. year begl'nning in November. Bill Yeo, Mr. and Mrs. S. Plans are under way for a Gylytiuk, Mr. and Mrs. P. building to be built in the park Vaneyk, following a dinner to house our equipment and party, which was held to the tractor etc.p for1 the honour Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Communîty Centre. 'This Smith on the occasion of their building to be built on, a cost twenty-fifth weddmng anni- sharing basis with the Com- versary. munit v Centre Board. A family gathering was held At this time we are looking at the home of Mr. and Mrs. for a'soccer chairman who MurrayYeo on Sunday, April will co-ordinate the soccer lst, 1979, to, celebrate the teasit and look 'after' getting birthday of Mr, A. Rosevear. We welcome you to corne1 In and browme. In out 4 Floral Shoppes., From our Floral Shoppes: WefJ-in5 'Ie'Cf Weddings are happy occasions, ta cherish for years to corne. To help you make it even more memorable, we would like to invite you to corne and sec our large selection of wedding flowers which can enhance any wedding, whether they are n silk or fresh flowers. Our trained staff would like to sit down with you and help you plan that import- ant part cf the ceremony. To make itcasier for you why not make an appointment with any of ou r floral designers, who are trained specîalists. JUSTOCALL OUR FRIENDLY FLORAL DESIGNERS FOR AN APPOINIMENT: COURTICE STORE Mrs. B. Paterson - Mrs. Melanle Andrews OSHAWA NORTH Mrs. Shirley Aloa Mr. Harry Oyler OSHAWA WEST Mrs. Judy Smidstra Mrs. Judith White BOWMANVILLE Mrs. Chris Knowler Mrs. Karen Cockerham LJ>nJJI - rget~ (7e Order you r Floral Arrangements FOR EASTER Fitness. Floral Shoppes 623-4441 579-1118 728-5159 62: It ivs uc mi~COURTICIE OHAWA WEST OSHAWA BWMI than it takes. Hlghway 2 02Kng tret ORT 31Ki aaTaaooJ Firepace. Floral Shoppe Floral Shoppe Oshawi VAN ELLEALL STORES OPEN 9-6 FRIDAY 9.9. htC..hI. .n t W .h i l A E L Enjoy a Dining Treat at the' NEW DUTCH OVEN during EASTER WE'EKEND Saturday, April 14, Sunday, April 15, Noon to Nine p.m. Reservations advisable and much appreciated.. (416)983-5001 SPECIALEASTER DINNERS icIoice of ayetizer, $ efected'L-£Ertrees L 'l £ on:on~I3 oif. . areuCq marinatec( steaf, 6roifecf to Syour orJ:er,' serve J: sûcec(oi y &atter, surrounc(ec{6i onion rings, fresfi 6roifeJ:muskrooms, parisienne tomatoes. $ervedYonÇt,0fr two or more at $9.75yperyperson £Easter cfinitzef . . . yiffed:in 6utter, stacked- with thin sltices o f iam, turIkej 6reast ani nutýf swiss cfieese, jarnisfiea:witk sweetyîicfec[ 6eets ancf crownea:witIh mus firoom wine sauce. $erveJ:at $&.95yeryýeson £aster ,jHam and(~Fr~l . . . our traditionaffamifq sýyfe ,pfatter of's(icec( Gafkec( fam andL sCiceJ: roastea( turkey 6reast, wiiJh raisin sauce, turkýy cressnj ,Si6etyavy, cran6 erryi e(ly andpyepersqýasfi $served (oný)frr two or more at $6.95peryperson ($a(es tax extra) 'Atentrees inccfJe' oven 6rowneJ:yotatoes, fresh. qjreen nutmeSg 6eans, 6uttereiL 6a6y carrots serveciin 6owfsfami' sýyfe, our ownfresff fiomemaLe tea Gis cuits, 6utter, sour cfhoicefrom our dessert ta6 fe, tea anJ:cofee. NEW DUTCH>OVINý FulIy licensed . .. Ample parking ... (416) 983-5001 for reservations HIGHWAY 115 at TAUNTON ROAD, ORONO i Tii TCAL B IDMUE IRENE McROBERT. Dispensing Optician 30 KING ST. WEST BOWMANVILLE PHlON E 623-4477 «M ý ÀÀI MO TOR'S LT D. Authorizedi Chevrolet-Oldsmobile Dealer Hwy. 2 at Cou rilce Road Telephone 728-6206 - - -- 1 mmuquonlik k 1 1 < F ORONO NEWS

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