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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1979, p. 6

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FLASHACK 25 YEARS AGO- Dick Little's bowling team in the Men's Major Bowling League are leading in the playoffs for the hi gh tri p l. Members of the team are Clarence 0ke, Blain Elliott, Pat Yeo, Dick Little, Bert Engley, and Ross McKnight. FLASHBACK- 10 YEARS AGO - Grove Bennett contrlbuted two goals and an assist to lead the I.D.A. Midgets Ini thefr opening game against Napanee 6-2 last Saturday. Aise scoring were Doug Crough, Kelth Mountjoy, Randy Rogers, and Bruce Smpson. Assists went to Steve Forsey, Keith Mountjoy, Dave Colwell, Doug Parker and Charlie Cattran. OFFICIAL OPENING - A week from Saturday, April l4th, the Official Opening of Orono Arena and Community Centre wll take p lace at 7:30 p.m. and the public is invited to, attendf and take part, free of charge. After the opening, members of the original figure skafting club from 1947-48 will perform along with current members of the club. Then, the o0 Orono Orphans, will stage a comneback hockey game. Some of them took p art in the Old Timers tournament on Saturday and still move pretty well. At the conclusion, there will be coffee and donuts served at a get-together in the superb community centre room., It should be an event to remember. Don't miss it! PLAN - now to take i the fîfth game of the Jr. C Semi-finals this Sunday at 7:30 In the local arena. BOWMANVILLE'S - King Garden Oldtimers wil again meet the Oshawa This Week Screaming Turkeys this Thursday night at 8:30 at Bowman- ville Arena. There is no admission charge, and the team is raring to go after capturing the toôrnament championship last SP-türday in Orono. RECREATION - Championship Games go, at Darlington Sports Centre every hour on the hour this Saturday, April 7th from 8-12 noon, when trophies sponsored by the Lions Club, Dykstra's Food Store, Consumers Gas Co. and the Police Association wIll be presented to the wlnners. THnE TEAM - of Joan Sutcliffe, Ernie Perfect, Morley Etcher, Bob Brown, Howard Bromell and John Pearson, representing Branch 178 Royal Canadian Legion, rolled their way to a second place finish in the District F competition held in Oshawa March 24th with a total o f 3499 pins. First place went to Trenton with 3669 pins and third place to Oshawa with 3497 pins. These teamns will now play at Sudbury in the Provincial finals on Saturday, April 7th. Good luck. 7TYRONE ATHLETIC ASSOCI1ATION REOISTRATION SOFTBALL, SOCCER, LOB BALL Ages 7- Adult Boys and Girls, Men and Women on Saturday April 7th-1 0 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at TYRONE COMMUNITY CENTRE Fee 15 per player -For information: 263-2546 or 263-8081 PRINCE RUPERT - British Columbia sent their Minor Midget hockey team on a two week touringrplaying trip which saw theîri defeat Bow- manville Minor Midget, Constitution Insurance team 5-3 on Saturday at Darli gton Sports Centre. In the evening the two teaxnis took i the' N.H.L. game in Toronto between the Leafs and the Minnesota North Stars. Touring Prince George, B.C. Team Downs Minor Midgeta On Saturday afternoon at Darlington Sports Centre, the touring Spruce King s, from Prince George, B.C. played the Constitution Insurance Midgets who were good hosts, losing 5-3. At the start of the game, the teams exchanged gifts and Mayor Garnet Rickard, assisted by Community Services Director Bud Fanning and staff ýember Joe Kennett presented medallions and pucks to each of the visitors. VanDykMidgets Eliminated After lose Series by Don Welsh On Monday, Marcb 26 the Van Dyk Major Midgets were eliminated in the final game of their best of five semi-final series against Midland. The game was one of ti-,e most exciting of the entire season as it featured excellent play-off hockey by two weli- matcbed clubs. Midland bad the territorial advantage for the first haîf of the apening period. During tbis time tbey tallied a single marker at 12:46 ta earn a slim margin on the scoreboard. As tbe period neared the baifway mark, the mamentum graduaiiy swung ta the Tor's as tbey began ta outËkate tbe Legion Lads from Midland. Altbaugb Bawman- ville had 5 excellent scaring opportunities tbey could not p.ck up the tying tally and the period ended witb the score 1 ta 0 for Midland. The second periad continued on where tbe first left off witb the Van Dyk crew cantinuing ta outskate their guests but being constantly stymied by the hot goaltender in the Midland net wba nat only came up big an several scrambly piays in front of their net but also rabbed the Taras cf wbat sbould have been 3 sure goals. After a furtber 15 minute period the visitars stili retained their slim one-goal lead. The third period began witb tbe Taras applying tremen- dous pressure ta earn the equalizer. In the early minutes of tbe period tbey were robbed twice more by theý"Midand netminder who can be best described as really "bat" in this game. Mean- wbile in the Tara zone tbeir goalie was doing bis best ta, keep tbem in, tbe game as be made same spectacular saves of bis own including turning aside Midland's third break- away attempt at scoring. At 8:02 af tbe third period Midland broke in for a sbat tbat was biacked by the Bowmanvilie goalie but slid between bis pads and trickled aver the line. Tbe Taras just put on mare pressure but at 3:10 a penalized Midland piayer stepped from tbe box ta pick up tbe puck and garner a Camsport Tra iler Sales Hwy. 115 and 35 Newcastle 987-5174 1977 and 1978 CHEVRON and HOLIDAY TRAILER Large selectian of TRUC K-CAPS in stock SUPERIOR PROPANE REFIIL CENTRE Bowmanvlle Golf Club nnounces the 1979 Golf Season En/o y a membership in a priva te golf club. No initiation tee or minimum mon thly food billing. Play a challenging 6,240 yds., par 72 golf course where tee-off times are neyer "required on weekends. 1979 Golf Fee Schedule For New Memnbers Senior Mon aaa..... aa.... aa.. aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aa$260.00 Senior Lady (husband flot golflng) .... . a. .. $.. 220.00 W If.of Sno Mn......a aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa $ 1 35.00 Intermediate (son or daughter of Sr. member) . $a aaa125.00 Junior (son or daughter of Sr. member) .......a..........a70.00 For more inf ormation and an application f ormn, contact: Bowmanville Golf Club Middle Road North P.O. Box 40 Telephone 623-2670 NOTE: Club faclltles avalable for Banquets, Parties and Receptons B0w ma nvi île furtber goal wbicb turned out ta be the final one of the game. The Van Dyk team are ta be congratuiated on their fine spirit and poise as tbey warked their butts off rigbt up ta the final buzzer and at no time stooped ta the crude of chippy play that exemplified the type of play of Milton in tbe dyîng minutes of the game in whicb they were elimi- nated. Midland bas a fine hockey club. It features strong skating, beads up passing, a solid defence and fine goal- tending. We wisb tbemn weli in their final series against Stoney Creek. The Van Dyk Major Midgets can certainiy look back on their season witb pride. Tbey played a total of 53 gamnes winning 34 tying 7 and losing only 12. In their last 21 games tbey won 20. There is certainly no shame ini their elimination by Midland when orie con- siders that after the five game series Midland anly outscored tbemn by 2 goals. The players displayed ability witb sports- mansbip and poise on and off the ice and certainiy demon- strated tbat tbey were a group Corne in and let me show you how Quasar makes television special again Quasar 2 55Console TV diagonal *Natural colars locked in autômatically *Personal Touch Contrai *100% Solid State "Service Miser" Chassis with Super Module of atheletes in wbom, -al members of the community could take pride. The mem- bers of the team are Mark Doyle, Rob DeBoo, Dale Broome, Neil Jones, Randy MacDonald, Kevin Noble, Cbuck Welsb, Randy Crossey, Carl Chambers, Stan Green- hami, Steve Braun, Rick Simpson, Darrel Goudy, Brent Clemens, Jeff Sallows, Terry Riggers and Brook Cole. On behaif of the players we would like to express aur gratitude to Mr. George Van Dyk of Van Dyk Real Estate for bis support in sponsoring our team this year. To our coaches Mr. Dan Doyle and Mr. Steve Smith, our manager Mr. Dan Walerowicb and our tramner Mr. Brian Jones may we say that we sincerely appreciate the many hours of yorur time and energy that you have so unseifisbly donated ta our efforts and problems during this season. We realize that we have not always made life easy for you and we thank yau for putting up witb us and heiping us. LibrfyBelles Bobwling Logue Team Standings Roberts 22990, 28; Fie 22808, 25; MacDonald 22044, 22; B. Osborne 23007, 20; Brown 22812, 20; Pearce 22669, 20; Lunn 22837, 19; Sieep 22805, 19; Chant 22784, 19; Robinson 23567,-17; P. Forsey 22239, 15; Colvilie 21364, 10. Higb single - 271 A. Meek. High Double 483 (212, 271) A. Meek. H-igh Average ta Date 195, C. Roberts. 400 Doubles F. Dimbleby 439, J. MeMul- len 432, J. Brown 421, B. Osborne 413, C. Swan 403, B. Forsey 401. Top Averages C. Roberts 195, M. Pearce 193, F. Sleep 192, H. Dunn 189, J. MeMullen 188, A. Meek 188, S. Robinson 188, J. Brawn 188, B. Osborne 185, S. Wilson 185, M. Alldread 184, R. Fice, E. Elliott 183. CONGRATULATIONS - to M Restadrant Oldtimers Hockey Team three games to take the 'A' Chamr MacDonalds Tournament held Satu Arena. Grant Wright in goal had twc many of the players showed what about. The tournament was extrei with 10 teams participating. A dan( the evening which was enjoyed by thé ORONO - Figure Skating Carniva this Saturday and Sunday at the( Newcastle held avery suecessful past week-end, and Bowmanville'i coming up April 28th and 29th. On Fi in Newcastle Arena a very thick foi surface area, making rehearsal 1 ý cuit, but 'fortunately the weather 11 clearing the problem for the sehedu1 on Saturday and Sunday. BOWMANVILLE'S - chances for aý in hockey now lie with the Port Darl Hotel Jr. C Red Eagles, as all the Bowmanville Minor Hockey Associai down to defeat. The last team to biti the D and R Minor Atoms who put v against Markham. We wish all the1 summer and we'll see you next year. ___I NEWCASTLE MEI SLOW-PITCH LEAC Ail parties interested in e team in the Newcastle Men's League for the 1979 season c ta attend a general me Bowmanville Memorial Lit Sunday, April 8th at 7:00 year's teams will receive entering a team. After April league will fi11 ta a 20 teami on a first-come-first-serve basiý date for ail entries is May 1 st. , entry fee must be included v~ registration. Specials Continue 20" SoIld State Portable Color TV with Dynacolor Contsmporary Design High Impact plastic walnut grain finish Contemporary Design HIgh Impact plastic waInut grain I nish "100% moud state service Miser Chassis with Dyna.Moduief "Dynacolor System . Picture contrai " l-Lins MatrIx picture tube "Automatlc I ns tuning "Stablized power contrai Only $579.00.0 4 Modei WT59320W Use your Chargex or master charge Avco FinancIng No Paymsnts for 30 days. $759,95l WUJ941 2QW Modern Styling Corne in and [et us show yi Quasar makes television speci QjUâsar 20yYDeluxe diagonal TV Audio Spectrum Sound Natu rai calars locked in autamatically Personal Touch Contrai 1659.1 WT5982QVV ing Garden who won their,: ionship in the .day at Orono shut-outs and, hockey is all inely well run:, ýce followed in. àse attending. Iwill be held )rono Arena. carnival the iCarnival is Ïday evenhig filled the ice ýractise diffi- urned colder Ldprograms i Ontario title tngton Marina teams in the ion have gone the dust was lpa good fight teams a good ' Ys jUE ntering a ;Iow-Pitch ,re asked eting at xrary on .m. Last riority in 18th the maximum s. Closing ý $200.00 vith each i again H.B. Electron"ics Waverley Centre -Waverley Road Telephone 623-1100 -Sales and Service toalal Makes- llmàý- 1 .90 i 10 r .. . .. ... ... a sa r clafi cikes evispn, eclà P90in

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