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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1979, p. 14

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14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 18, 1979 HAMILTON - Janice and Irwin are pleased ta announco the birth ofý thoir daughter EmlIy Elsa on April 16, 1979. A littIe sistor for Andrew.' 16-1 McNAIR - Stan and Brenda (Caswell) proudly announce the arrivai of thelr first baby, a son, Stanley Aaron. Born Ari 6, Oshawa Genoral Haospital, weighing 8 ibs. 14 ozs. Proud grand parents are Mari and Jim. Caswell and PaulIineoMcNair. 16-1 MINARD - Bill and Brenda are pleased ta announce the blrth of their son on Saturday, April 14,1979, weighing 8 lbs. 3 ozs. at Oshawa- General Hospitaai. A brother for Cary. Proudgrandparents are Helen and George Estabrooks and Ruth and Sandy Minard. 16-1 ~~eiI r~. II Ii.0 Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp are ploasod ta announco the forth- coming marriago of their daughter Linda Marie ta Mcael Wayne Holmos, son of Mm. and Mrs. Allan Hoimos, St. Catharinos. Wedding ta tako place on May 12, 1979 at Enniskilîen United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Bort Sta pleon and Mn. and Mrs. Murray Osborno, aIl of Bowmanville, areCpeasod ta announce tho fo rthcoming marriage of thein chiidren Gloria Lynne and Bruce Gardon. The wedding wiII take place May Sth, 1979 at throe o'clock in Trinity United Church. 16-1 Wedding in lafe spring or summor? Bookîngs stili available. Quality work at affordable rates. Cal and compare. Photography by Larry Parkes, 571-1087, Oshawa. 13-4N ALLAIN - At Bowmanviile Memorlal Hospital, Wednes- da,April llth, 1979, Marie A. AlIn, agod 92 yeans, wife of the lato John Allain, doar mother of Anne (Mrs. Russel Wals), R.R. 6, Bowmanviile, and Hermann Marin, Dalhousie, N.B., Ioved grand- mother of 7 gnandchildnen and 7 groat- g andchildren. Service was held in the Marris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Thursday affonnoon. Inform ent Bowmanvillo Cemefery. 16-1iN HARRIS - Canalyn Amelia at OshawaGenenal Hospital on Tuesday, Apnil 17, 1979. Canalyn Harris, a ged 87 yeans, lato of Onono, wi fe of the late Albert Harris, doan mothen of Lawrence, Kinby; Mabel (Mrs. Ted Williams) Pem- broke and Mary (Mns. Cliff Cowan) dleceasod. Restîng at the Barlow Funoral Holme, Orono. Service wiil be held from the funenai home on Thursday at 2 p.m. Infrment Orona Cemetery. 16-1 The famiiy of Mr. and Mrs. Harerelsey, wish to invite ail teir friends and relatives to an open house in honor of their 25th wedding anni- versary Sunda y, May 6th f rom 2 - 5 p.m. at St. George's Parish H ail in Newcastle. B est wishesaonly. 16-3N The family of Mr. and Mrs. William Howells, Blackstock, cordiaily invite relatives, friends and neighbors to a réeption in honour of their parents' 4th wedding anniversary on Saturday, April 21sf at tho Flying Dutchman Motor Inn from 2 - 5 p.m. Best wishes only. 1- HOLROYD -In Ioving memoryhof a dear grandson Brian wh passed away Apr. l3th, 1977. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart hoids dear Fond memories linger every day - Remembrance keeps him near. -Sadly missed by Grandma and Grandpa Edmondson. 16-1 HILLS - Albert A. In oving memoryoa dear husband, fathrnd grandfather, who passed away April 17, 1975. A littie tribute warm and tender Just to say we still remember. - Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his wife and family. 16-1 KING - In oving memory of my dear frien d Eva, who '2 assed awa y April 16, 1976. nthe life book of memories There's a friend that was Sa kind and true, And Eva, that friend was you. - Always missed and thought of dean y by Vi and Pete Clayton, Lindsay, Ont. 1- PERRY - At Oshav General Hospital on Monda April 16, 1979. Charles AIl Penny, in his 68th yea Beloved husband of Ru Johnston, loved brother Jessie <Mns. Val Emard), ar John McLean and the la Liayd Penny. Friends may cE at the Morris Funeral Chap( Bowmanville affer 2 p.m. Wednesday.Fnrlsn on Tusay at 1 p.r Infoerment Bowmanvil Cemetery. Donations Canadian Cancer Socie would be appreciated. 16-1 WRAY - At Toronto Gener Hospital, Wednesday, Apt llth, 1979, Russell Wra formeriy of Bowmanvili aged 69 yeans, belov( husband of Audrey Whitne dean father of Gannet, AilE and Wayne, lavin g rat, father of nine grandchtldre Service was held in the Monr Funeral Chapel, Bowmai ville, on Safurday affennoot Informent Bowmanvill Cemetery. 116-1 Morris, Fune rai Chapei ESTABLISHED 1881 4 DIVISION ST~ 3 5 8 BOWMANVI LLE 6 3*48 TWO OFF STREET PARKING AR'EAS THOUHTFLNES -CONCERN - SERVICE Your thoughtfulness for others is Oujr f irst concern. We wili arrange for charitable foundation donations (such as Heart or Cancer Society) to be acknovWIedged any- where in Canada with the appropriate acknoWledgemnent card present on the samne day, with the other tributes. This is part of our service to community. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Estabîished 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Ontario --- a LIA 3W3 WORKMANSHIP- QUALITY High Quality at Reasonablo Prices Phono 885-5216 Home 885-5222L % wa aln. uth of ind ate al on rice .M. lie ta ety lN ýrai1 as ds LUXTON - ln loving memory of a dean mother Emma Elizabeth and a doar father Fredorick James who passed away in Ap il 1952 and 1959. A littie tributo, small and tender. Jusftat say, we -sf111 remomber. - Sadi missed by daughfer Mildred, son-in-iaw Clarence and family. 16-1 RAINY - Flona, in loving memory of a dean wife, mathen, and grandmafhor, who passed away April l2th, 1978. The depths of sornow we ca nnot tell, 0f the ioss of one wo loved 50 weli, And white sho sîoeps a poacef ut sieep, Hem memory wo shah aiways keep. - adily missed by husband William, children and grand- children. 16-1 N SANDERCOCK - ln ioving memony of a dean father, Edwin, who passed away A pr mi21, 1963. My dearest Dad we love you, In a very speciai way If we couid have one lifetîme wish One dneam that could came true We'd pray ta God for yesten- day and you Fan when we are sad and loneiy And overything goos wrong, We seem ta hean you whisper Cheer up and carry on. Each time 'we 500 your picture, You seem fa smi le and say Don't dry, I'm oniy sleeping We'ii1 be togofher somo day. - Lovin gly romem borod by son, Larry and fami ly. 16-1 SHACKLETON - In loving memory of a dean father, g randfathen and great grand- father, John Shackleton, who p ssed away April 20, 1973. ime may heai the broken hearted Yeans may make the wound iesssono But it cannot fi the longlng For the loved ones gone befone - Who shahl say the grief is essened Though the smiles may hide the teans Memonries keep the wound stili_ open Despite the passing of the yea ns No faneweil was spoken And no time to say g oodbye Yau wene gone before wo knew it And only God knows why If broke aur heants ta lose you But you did not go alone Fan part of us went wifh you The day God caiiedy ou home. - Lovingiy remem borod and sadly missed, Edna and Stewart, Fred and famiiy, Mary, Russ and family. Ru ril We would like ta express out aY, thanks ta relatives, friends [le, and neighbours for their floral 'ed tributes, donations and ey, expressions of sympathy an during the recent doath of aur nîd- loving fat hem, g nandfathen and en. g reaf grandfather Orvîlle ris Osborne. Thanks also ta an- Nonthcutt Eliiott Funeral on Home, Reverend A. Amachen, lie Revenend J. Petons, members IN of Bowmanvilie Lions Club and ta the ladies of Trinity United Chunch, Unit 6. Lillian and Alex Wight, Harold and Helen Hammond and familles. 16-1 Wo wish ta thank aur friends, neighbauns and rela- tives for many cards, gifts and fiowers necoîved on our SOfh wedding annivensany. Sincene fhanks ta aur family who made aur anniversary such a memonable occasion. Ed and Susie Harris Harold and Kate Pascoe wauld like ta thank evenyone wj who nemembened them with beautiful cards and best wishes on their 5Oth wedding anniversary. Sory we- had ta cancel if but may have if later. 16-1 We wish ta take this oppartunify ta express aur sincene thanks and apprecia- tion ta al aur relatives, friends and neighbauns for thein kindness and sympathy, for the many floral fibutes, cards, visits. Shown ta us on the rocent lass of our beloved Allen. Special thanks fa Dr. H. B. Rundie, Gu ychant empioy eeS and Marris Funenai Home. The Myens Family and Christie Family. /16-1 tThe family of the late Marie Annie Allain wish fa thank n eihbours, and friends fan tho,îr expressions of sym pathy. A veny speciai mnani ks ta nursing staff on 2nd f loor and Dr. Anfassi. 16-1 CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., Bawmanvilie HOSPITAL J and SYMPATHY AR RAN GEM ENTS Flowering Plants and Cut F Iowers 12-tf I wish to thank my friei relatives and famlly for th thoug htfulness and kindn, for f rowers, cards and gifts special thanks to nursesz staff on 1sf floor and also1 H. B. Rundle during my rec stay in hospifal. Daisy Haynes i wish to thank my friei relatives, for cards, f lowe g ifts and visits, while in hospital, also Dr. Stephens Dr. Murphy. Thanks to, nurses for the wonderf tl cai Mrs. Edna VanCamp We would like to express sincere thanks ta relativ friends and neighbours their kind expressions sympathy during the rec loss of our mother Mrs. Gri D. Toms. Mary, Marlorie, Jean. nds, rhoîr îess ýs. A and Dr. cent Cammunity Car Raising Tea, Tuesda from 2 - 4 p.. at Park Club House, ville. 75c per plate. BUS TRII 16-1 to Queen,'s FI ,nds'with Sani ors, Thurs., April then Dinnen, four of Pai th buildings and le~ Br. wîne and cheese ir. For tickets, caîl Bo 16-1 623-5736 or Peter - 623-7538, or Sam's Sor 623-6663 in the Veltri vos, for of cent race 16-1 We would like ta take this appartu nify ta express aur sincere appreciation ta aur relatives, frionds and neigh- bours for their heip, kindness and sympafhy shown us on the recent and tragic death of aur preciaus son and brother Breft. F or the many floral tributos, visifs, food, cards, donations ta the Heart-Fund and Participation House Proiect. A spocial fhank you ta Rev. and Mrs. G. Corvers, Mr. and Mrs. G. Oldojans, ladies 0f the church, Bob, Northcutt Eiiioff Funeral Home, the students and staff of Bowman- ville High School. Alfred, Cornie and Chad Crosbie EAR PIERCING $8.00 (no appointmont necossary) Plus 10 per cent off f irst purchase of earrings with release slip. Hooper's Jewellers Ltd 29 King St. E. Bowmanville 23-tf N BE A BIG SISTER! Volunteers are needed in this area to bo a ifriend to girls aged 7 - 17, who are in need of supportative relationships. CALL SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOUSE at 728-7525 For Women Only - You can have f ree lounge wear and lngere by havin a "Ma cherie Par ty"'.Frmr information please cali 728-9343 affer 5: 30 p. m. "FIower Say If Best" VAN BELLE DAI LY Delivery to ... Oshawa - Bowmanvilîe Area Phone 623-4441 FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanville Mall Phone 623-3365 PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE- FOR ALL VOUR FLORAL N E EDS tf BEV'S FLORAL CREATIONS "Fîowers with Feeling" For a ny Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Hoidays 5ev. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS and MARKERS Look for this seat. S It's your guaranteo of permanence. STAF FORD BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phono Whitby 668-3552 Old Tyme Dg in Kendal Orange Sat., April 2 Music by the "LOW Sponsored by t Orange Ladgi $2.50 per persc Evenyone welcc BINGO NEWCASTLI COMMUNITY H Tues., Apri Early Bird Game.- Reg ulan Bingo 8 $550 in PrizeE PLUS $500 JACK Spýonsored b v NEWCAST-LE LI SOLINA COMMUN ITY H 1DANCE Sat., April 21, Ra y Avery's Orch Everyone Welco $6.00 per coupî Old TymE Dancing ln Tyrone, OId Ha Muslcby WILLIE a nB on Apnil 21, 1979 Dancing 9- 1 $2.50 per perso Sponsoned by L.C MOVIE WALT DISNEl The Rescue BOWMANVI LL PUBLIC LIBRA Sat., April'. 3 p.m. Admission $1.00 ail CAMPING' FOR BOY! An exciting camping p for al boys. Residential Camp Camp Samac - Oshe 8 fa il yns. Camp Samac Adventur Haliburton, Ontar 11 to16 yns. Pnogram is open ta ai For information brochures contact: Scouts of Canada, 1711i St. North, Oshawa, Or 4Y1 or phone: 416-7. RUMMAGE SO Friday, April 7 -9 p.m. at KNOX CHRISTIAN SC AUDITORIUM Scuga f N., Bowm r Refreshments avait ALE 27 :HOOL n ville be15-2 E e-i D Fund y, May 1 %emoria I Bowman- 16-2 p a rk 26th irliament islaturo, .akarow, office, :ompîex. 16-1 N i nce Hall th ERYS" A - s * - RUMMAGE SALE ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Thursda y, April 19 10-4 PLEASE COME! 15-2 DELICATESSEN Vic's Smoked Meats Delcatessen at the Talisman Emoorium, Newcastle every Saturday and Sunday. Naturally cured, hardwood smoked cold cuts. We Also Ca fer 9-tf N MF Maintenance Seminar April 26, 1979 ate p.m. RIE NSTRA'S me GARAGE 162 3miles east of Newcastle on Hwy. No. 2 786-2424 OLL 24 7:30 :00 POT ONS 16-1 N ALL 1979 'stra e 16-1 N .A -w fl MOVING Sidewalk Sale 20 DEERPARK CRIESCIENT BOWMANVI LLE Sat., April 21, 1979 15 P.m. 16-1 N GARAGE SALE Sat., April 21sf 9:30 -3:30 161 SCUGOG ST. Baby furnituro, clothes, toys, iawnmowors, ping pong table, exorcise bike and much more. 16-1 JAKE IS HAVING A YARD SALE at the Newcastle Flea Markot next Saturday - LOTS 0F TOOLS- il -tf N IS SMALL dog Short-haired, rs maie, blonde in coloun.lIf E found please cail 1-983-5295 RY collect. Rewand. 1 5-tf N UISt AFGHAN hound, diffenent shades of bnown. Anyone knowing whereabouts phon ages 623-9525. Reward. 16-1 16-1 y S rogram awa ne Base rio I boys. and Boy Simcoe f.L1G ý25-4734. 14-5N SABLE and white rough Collie, answers to name of Esker, Courtice area. Reward. Phone 728-5200. 16-1 N MALE Lab, black wearino collar and '78 tag. Ca il 987-5077. Reward. 16-1 N SIMPLICITY Supertwin washer (unused) $200; 14 cu. ft. freezer $100; Singer zigzag $100; Braun luicer $40; Reallstic stereo set $80; CGE range <avocado) $85; Singer upr[ght sweeper' $50; Waler Pik $18; Cliairol kindness roîlers $15; Lady Sunbeam razor $5; vaporizer $3; curling iron (used once) $7; 987-5183 (evenings). 16-1 650 TRIUMPH, extra tank, bars and hlmet, $600 firm. Reconditioned piston pump and holding tank, $85; baby change table $30. Phone 623-9109. 16-1iN 34" SPORTS cap. Cali 987-5077. 16-1iN AN TIQU E pi ne armoi re with 3 doors, large mirror and stain glass windows, refinished. value over $1000. Must seli. WilI sacrifice for $420 or best of fer. Can dolivor, eill 723-9887. 16-1 Antique Dining Roomn Suites Bedroom Suites See us Dusty Corner Antiques across f rom Eatons at thei r ANTIQUE SHOW-and SALE April 19, 20, 21 at the OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE MALL 16-1 N OSHAWA SCREENED SAND GRAVEL &STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS ALL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS TOPSOI L &DI RT FILL Phone Oshawa 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 1 Mile North of Hwy. 2 650 YAMAHA, 72. Excellent condition. 16,000 miles. $1000 or best offer. Phone 623-6619. 16-1 EUROPEAN Continental f lat- ware (matched set) and set of three rings (one engagement and two matching wedding bands ail set with d iamonds). Phone 1-986-5677 after 6 p.m.* 16-iN 1000 BALES of hay. 80c. M. Vogels, Newtonville. 786-2518. 16-1 N, JOHN Deere two row potato F, lanter, complete with ferti- izer atta chment, 3 row potato iler, one row potato dîgger (3p oint hitch), Gray and Sn er ptato bagger, one row lomatoo cabbage Holiand transplanter. Ai [is Chalmers four furrow plow. Brooklin 655-3326. 16-2N ANTIQUE CLOCKS -Repaired- Parts available for most antique dlocks, pocket watches and modern watches, and dlocks and 400 day clocks. Our repairs are done with and qualified Swiss 'trained watchmaker. HOOIPE R'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-5747 16-tf N WRINGER washing machine, good condition. Antique arm chair. Phone 623-3970. 16-1 '76 PRINCECRAFT, 75 h.p. Evinrude bowrider, con- vertible top, new canvas, cover, 1200 lb. trailer. $3500. Phone 623-4108. 16-1 '77 HARDTOP trailer, sieeps 7, fridge, stove, furnace, canopy, E.B. 2 way water, Iights, hook ups for car. $2500. Cal 1623-4108. 16-1 MEDIUM pony saddle with bridie and reins. $50. Pony harness with reins, bridie with blinders and sieigh. $50. Phone 786-2368. 16-1 2085 FERGUSON tractor, successfui motor lob done in 1977 by Lancaster garage, 2 new rear tires, new muffier system, new starter. Must be seen f0 be appreciated. Phone 786-2368. 16-1 1971 GLENELLE 15 ft. house trailer, A-1 condition,' fridge and stove, sleeps 4. For information phone 987-4675 af ter 5p.m. 16-1 YARD fence, heavy gau ge wire, 4 ff. high, covers 100 f?., posts and gatee mc uded. Good condition. Asking $140. Phone 623-6350. 16-1 N NINE piece walnut dining room suite, excellent condi- tion. Two rugs, 9 x 12, with underlay. Two chairs, one swivel and one antique. Phone 623-4550. 16-1 N WICKER chairs, tables, hampers, fern stands, book stands, etc. Six foot pine dlocks $150. Spanish carved desk, and headboard. Phone 725-9393, Oshawa. 16-1 N ANTIQUE stove, Crawn Treasure no. 414. Antique dealers welcome. CaIli 623-7640. 16-1 N 197') 1 IONEL hardtop tent trailer, 120 model, stove, fridge, canopy, etc, sleeps 8, excellent condition. Cali 623-7640. 16-1 N 10 SPEED bike, 24" wheeis. Kitchen table and chairs. Cali 623-7884 affer 4:30. 16-1 N 14 h.p. CASE gardon fractor, mower and snow blade, wheol weights and chains. 10 manths aid. $3000. Utiliiy trailer, 5'6"w x il' long. $375. Box frailer, 5' x 10', 13" wheels, ,springs, steel sides 6" high and steel Tait gale ana TiiT. $475. Phono 987-5222. 16-1 N OUTBOARD motar, 5 h. Chrysier.-Dri Aine dehumidi - fier. Three aiuminum window scneens. Two stone fineplace siabs, 41/2 ft. long, 21/2 inches thick, one 8 inches and one 12 inches wide. One used 12 voit batfery. Phono 623-2541. 1- KITCHEN table and four chairs. Phono 623-2940. 16-1 WARDROBE with double mimrons, manual typowrifon, 2 end tables, record rack, vanîty, single continental bed, hase, rake, sprinkler. Phono 579-8358 affor 6: 00 p.m. 16-1 N 1974 HONDA, CB35O, 4 cyl1. Good condition. Phono 623-7257. 16-1 N Watkin Products CONTACT HENRY ADAMS 67 Tempenance St. Bowmanville 623-2039 HIGH quality, centified, and foundat ion seed potatoos, also table potatoos and onions. Joe Bouma 623-2847. 14-tf N E VE RGRE ENS Flaworing Shrubs, Hedging Shade Trees Ail Reasoniably Priced Brunt's Nursery South side of 401 at Liberty St. Exit Ph. 623-3971 BOX trailer, tent (9 x 15), men's 5-speed bike, 1 queen size maftress. Phone after 5:30, 623-6237. 16-1iN Ail makes and madels for FREE piçkup and delivery in Osh- awa, Whitby, Bowmanvilie, Ajax and Pickering 571-1385 Bernina Sewing Centre Whitby Mail Whitby Compete tuneup $15., inci. clean, ail, adjust tension an~d timing. 8-tf 1974 HON DA motorcycle, C.B. 360. Excellent condition, 6,000 miles. Best offer. 1974 Dart Sporte, small V8, floor shift, 50,000 miles, good condition $900 or best offer. Phone Orono 983-9462 after 4 o'ciock. 15-2 SEED GRAIN OATS and BARLEY Cîeaned and Treated WESLEY J. YELLOWLEES Phone 263-2023 14-4N J and- M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-,1220. 46-tf SEED GRAIN Highest Quaîity BARLEY - OATS SOYBEANS and CORN Custom Cleaning and Treating CE RESMORE FARMS LTD. 623-3552 623-7233 11-12N PADDY'S Markef now has new fumniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and also used furniture and appliances. Wil1 accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 3t ANTIQUES, stamps for cal- lectors, ieweliery, coins, hand knitting, cnafts, refinishing,, caning, Minwax Products, home baking, European Smoked Meats, Snack Bar -' ail af The Talisman Em- Pori um, 11/2 miles north of No, 2 Highway af Newcastle, Ont. Open 10Oa.m. - 5p.m. Sat., Sun. and hoiidays. 1 8-tf USED furniture and ap- p liances. Paddy's Market. Ham mpon. 263-2241. 33-tf QUANTITY of good quaiity mi xed hay. Phone Fran Hoag, 263-2082. 13-3N APPLES- CID WILL DELIVER Phone 623-369, H. PEL No Sunday Sales SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY J ad MivTIRE S ervice Tor Michelin tires, youn one-stop radiali centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 35-ff N )ER '78 1/2 TON Chev pick-up, 22,000 km, Perma Shine. Excellent condition. Phono 623-5843. 16-1N - '69 CHE V wagon, as i s. Phone 623-3959. 16-1 N 1963 FORD window van, 6 cyl inder standard, chromo, wheels, good condition, $800. Phone days 623-2279 and" evenings 987-4091 or 623-5466.- 16-1 N 1970 G.M.C. STAKE truck, 350, 4 speed, 14' box with racks and tarp, dual wheols, $1000. Phono days 623-2279 and evenings 987-4091 or 623-5466. 16-1 N '71 TORONADQ, air, ilt, sterea, tape dock, ail power, $1695 certlfied. Trade con- sidered. 623-3363 or 623-2492. 16-1 '77 HONDA Civic, 4spood, FMI"" 8 track sterea, radiais, very good gas, excellent condition,ý certif ted, $3300. Phono 576-3628 or 987-5227. 15-2 '74 VEGA GT, 4 speed, good-- condition, no rust, new,- radiais, mofor needs work. $600. Phone 1-983-5755. '70 CATALINA. As is. $300 or. best offer. Many new parts.- Phono 623-6619. 16-1 '68 Chev, 327 turbo 400, $250;- '70 OIds Cutlass, recently* certifiod, $475. Bath as lS.ý 987-4929. 16-MN '78 PONTIlAC Acadian Deluxe,,ý 4 door, brown, automatlc,'," 48-tf N 20,000 miles, snows, rlmis, - IM rustproofed, as new, 987-511 (evonings). 16-1 1976 HON DA Civic hatchback, - AM-FM cassette. Certif ied. Good condition. $2400 f irm. -, 4- Phoneo623-2610. 1 16-1iN., 1972 CHEV Belair, power steening power brakes, 63,000 miles, asking $850. Phone 723-9887. -16-1 DOESN'T ANVONE NEED A GOOD USED CAR? 1975 FORD LTD WAGON One awner, cent if led. Drap in +i Bev's Floral Creafions, 162 King St. E. and make us an affer. 623-3377 affer 6 p.m., 579-5021 and ask fan Bey. 16-tf N CLASSIFIED DEADLINE Tues.,12 noon 623-3303 Second Bowmanville Energy Fair Sat., April 21 10 to 4 FUN FOR THE W OLE FAMILY F reeAdissi Films, Speakers, Ex ibits, Refreshments, Entert inment DURHAM CHRIS IAN HIGH SCHOO' Scugog Road, Bawm nivilie 16-1 N Rummrage a nd Ba ke Sale St. Joseph's SchcoI Grade 5- 6 THIRD ANNUAL RUMMAGE SALE ta sponsor Children in Honduras Saturday, April21 .at 9a.m. St. Joseph's Church Libert St. S., Bowmanville Rumma ge Donations? Cal: M r. O'Brien St. Joseph's SchoDI 623-5151 15-2N DANCING TYRONE COMMUNITY CENTRE Saturday, April28 8:b3-l1a.. $5 per couple Tickets at door, D.J. 15-2N i i . Tenders wil11 be recelived to 5. p.m. April 27, 1979 for a' Massey F-eriguson tractor, 1967 model. Tenders are to be-- submitted tQ the Newcastle, Arena Management Board, P.0., Box 455, Newcastle, Ont.. Envelopes should be clearl y> marked tractor tender. 162 Tenders to replace roof on Newcastle United Church manse. Send tenders to Stanley Powell, Box 104, Newcastle, Ont. by May 1, 1979 For information phone 987-4534. 16-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors and others havlng dlaims against the estate 0 MARY ETHEL GRIFFIN,- who dled at Newcastle, Ontario June 4th, 1978, are, requested to send partîculars of such dlaims to the under..- signed, solicitors for the administratrix, on or before the 9th day of May, 1979 after which date the estate wilI be- distributed having regard only ta dlaims that have been received. WORBOY, BOLOTENKO Barristers, Solicitors 153 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario IR E NO GAMBLE 7"CERTIFIED"USED CAR F ROM MacDonald Ford BOWMAN VILLE WE GIVE YOU A WRITTEN I FOR MTONRE 1

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