g~kloog rmmmmmmmummm' Annual Sale of Fine Furniture' PIONEER àINTEBRIORS Making the legacy of our past part of your future. 111 Dunlop St. West. Whitby Hwy. 401 to Hwy. 12 9 blocks north f0 Dunlop St. 668-4231 181-Church St., Oakville, 1 bock north of Hwy. 2 21/2 blocks west of Trafalgar Rd. 842-2062 I-ours: Mon.-Wed. 10-6, Thr-r. 09 at 06- "KE b'NDIj'týALj NEWS Kendal Women's Institute members put their quilt for the Penny Sale in frames on Tusdyfor a quilting bee. A p ot luce dinner was enjayed by all present. Mrs. G. Cathcart and Mrs. R. Elliott attended the Newcastle United Church Women Easter Thankoffering Service ast Monday evening March 9. The guest speaker was Rev. J. Peters from Trinity United Church, Bow- manvilie. Mrs. Dorothy Turansky spent ast Wednesday visiting her daughter Diane in Toronto. . 1 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Boyd of Toronto visited with Helen Boyd Thursday of ast week. Those from Kendal who attended the Gaod Friday Service in Newtonville were Miss Catherine Stewart, Mrs. E. Foster, Mrs. R. Ellîott, Mrs. Garland Cathcart and Arthur Thompsan. The guest speaker was Mrs. Joyce McLeen, President of Oshawa U.C.W. Preshyterial. SA pretty wedding was solomnized in Kendal United Church on Saturday evening when Miss Peggy Foster and Mr. Ralph Bridgeland were married by Rev. A. Tizzard. The reception was held at the New Dutch Oven. They will be residing in London. Mr. and Mrs. John Hender- son attended their eldest son David's graduation exercises at the Police Academy in London. The Couples' Club met at the Downes Sugar 'Shack on Saturday evening for a supper of pancakes, sausages, maple syrup., There was a short session of playing cards then three films were shown includ- ing Making Syrup at Downes' Sugar Bush, Vic and Audrey Gilmer's Home with their music, and Bihl Reid's Trotters. The tables were stacked and ail enjoyed danc- ing ta good musie provided by Mrs. Helen Wood with the accordian and four viains, Mrs. Audrey Gilmer, Mrs. Nurse, Lloyd Ransberry and Keith Wood. Vic Gilmer also added ta the orchestra with spoons. One big highlight of the evening was the officiai opening of the new sugar shack when Mr. and Mrs. Downes cut the ribbons. Mr. and Mrs. George Russo of Buffalo spent the weekend with Mrs. Eleanor Foster and attended their niece 's wedding. Mrs. Jim Short and daughter Miss Mary Short of Barrie spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Foster, also attending the Foster wedding Saturday evening. Mrs. Marie Stukel and family from St. Catharines spent the weekend with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Martin Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Baily and family of Orono spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Little and Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. Harland Eiliott, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beaudreau and son Brian visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Keane and family of Scarborough, and George Lofthouse of Whitby visited on Sunday with Miss Catherine Stewart. There was a large attendance out ta the Easter service including many visitors. Rev. A. Tizzard's Easter message was entitled 'He is always there first'. The 1979 Project of Kendal Church, ta obtain and hang pictures of the ministers who preached in this charge since 1917, was completed. These pictures were unveiled and a dedication service an Sunday morning. Rev. Tizzard and Mrs. Helen Wood conducted the service while Miss Stewart and Arthur Thompsan unveil- ed the pictures. In place of a children's story by the minister Mrs. Frank's class put on an impressive skit of the Crucifictian and Christ arising on Easter morning with Steven Hellebust reading the text. Six girls sang an Easter Hymn accompanied by Mrs. Helen Wood at the organ. The Sacrament of Hoiy Com- munion was served. Next Sunday marning Rev. Rex Norman, District Secre- tary of the Canadian Bible 1f~a4 groom, and the bridesmaids were Shirley Hone, sister-in- law of the groom, Kathy Stephenson, and Carnie Watt, sister of the bride. Wearing formal blue gowns with ivory lace they carried a bouquet of white rases with blue baby's breath. J unior bridesmaid was Pamnela MacIntyre, daughter of the bride wha wore a formal îvary gawn and carrîed a bouquet of white roses with blue baby's breath. Best man was Arther Hone, brother of groom, the ushers were Ralph Keilet, Daniel, Waiker and Mike Snyder and Randy Hone, son of the groom. Dutch Schooi last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Irene Burley, Mrs. Lena Clysdaie and Mrs. Violet Gilmer were supper guests Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer and famiiy. Miss Carol Henderson and friend, Miss Karen Rose, of Kingston, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson. Local people among those attending the U.C.W. Easter Service held in Weicome Church last Wednesday after- noon included Mrs. Amelia Lancaster, Mrs. Janet Pae- den, Mrs. Mary Jones, Mrs. Margaret Elliott, Mrs. Mary Vînkle, Mrs.Rowena Tizzard, Mrs. Bea Jones, Mrs. Violet Gilmer, Mrs. Jessie Best, Mrs. Inez Boughen and Mrs. Jean Payne. President Mrs. Kellogg pre- sided, and Mrs. June Nichoils was soloist with severai mem- bers assisting with the inter- esting program, at the open- ing. The special speaker was Mr. David Hailman, Secre- tary of the National Division of the Mission for Persans of Special Need, and is a Co-ordinator of the United Church Focus. He was intro- duced by Mrs. Kennedy wha had worked with him in that speciai cause. At the close of his interesting and inform- ative talk, we were ail invited downstairs ta enjay refresh- ments, and, in many cases, ta renew aid friendships with some people we hadn't met in years. The Annual Good Friday U.C.W. Service, in Newton- ville United Church had a goad attendance as usuai. This even included haif a dozen or mare gentlemen amang them being aur former Pastor and his wife, Rev. and Mrs. Gardon Montgomery, of Peterborough whom we were ail glad ta see. President Carole Gardner presided assisted by Vice President Mary Vinkle with Mrs. Myrtie Kioster at the organ. A printel program entîtled "If We Had Been There" was foliowed by the Leader and the Congregation with the choir assisting. Mrs . Jvcp MeLen of The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 18, 1979 3 Pickering. President of the Communion was administereu Oshawa U.C.W. Presbyterial with Stewards Amelia Lan- gave the sermon several caster, Jessie Best, Clinton Faster Hymns were sung and Farrow. and Jack Kimbaîl, the choir's anthem was "He assisting the minister. Lives". Mrs. Rowena Tiz- Next-Sunday, April 22 Rev. zard's solo "A Crown of T. Rex Norman, District Thorns" was enjoyed as well Secretary of the Canadian as the 4M's Quartette, "Kneel Bible Society wiil be the At The Cross" with Violet special speaker, here, at 9:45 Gilmer at the piano. Ushering a.m. and later at Kendai. and Receiving the Offering Mrs. Violèt Gilmer spent were Mrs. Carolyn Gilmer, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mrs. Jean Kimbail, Mrs. Gilmer and family in Port Bernice Henderson and Mrs. Hope, after attending the Shirley Stapieton. Refresh- Easter Service, in the United ments were served downstairs Church, there, which was at the close of the service and filled with a capacity crowd, a social time of' gond feliow- even to the balconies. ship was enjoyed by ahl Rev. Peter Wyatt's sermon present. was entitled, "The Reversai of There were ten tables. in Shame" and the Child-ren's play at the Card Party in Junior, and Intermediate Community Hall, last Thurs- Chairs ahl joined with the day evening with these Win- Seniors, in providing very ners: 50-50 Draw - Mrs. enjoyable Easter music. Gordon, High Lady - Norma The lovely flowers at the Moffatt, High Man - Alf Altar were piaced there by Graham. Draws - Ladies - relatives, and friends, in Mrs. George Buckley, Kim memory of departed loved Gilmer, Men- Richard Weir- ones, amang them being Mrs. meir, Scott Yeo. Clinton Brown, and Mr. Frank Please ýnote that the proper Gilmer, who were remember- name of our new Church ed by Jim and Dorothy Organ i§ Omegan, sorry 1 Gilmer. made the mistake! Miss Heather Lane of Port Carolyn and Phil Gilmer Hope was a luncheon guest were the Greeters at our here, with Mrs. Mary Jones church door, Easter Sunday last Tuesday. mornîng when there was a Rev. and Mrs. Gordon good attendance and the Montgomery of Peterborough following were received into were supper guests with Rev. miembership by Profession of and Mrs. Tizzard on Friday. faith - Mary Mihîson, Carolin Visitors recently with Mrs. Stapieton and Warren Staple- Agnes Burley included Mr. ton and by Certificate of and Mrs. Ron Burley of Transfer - Mrs. Doreen Green Newcastle and Mrs. Mar and Bonnie Green. The theme Burley, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis of Rev. Tizzard's sermon was Burley and family of Ennis- "He Is Always There, Firstl' mare, and Mr. and Mrs. E. and the Sacrament of Holy McEwen of Peterborough. liff OPTICAL BODIODE Society wiil speak at the service. Kendai U.C.W. Meet- ing which had ta be cancelled because of the weather and roads on 'Apr. 4th wili be held the evening of April 23rd with guests fromn Peterborough showing slides and teling of their experiences while on the Thomas Crosby V Mission boat on the west caast. N,,ewtonville NeSws Mrs. Bea Jones, Mrs. Mary Jones, Mrs. Dora DeSmit and Mrs. Acey Farrow were among those attending the 0THE VISUAL ARTS CENTRE 0F NEWCASTLE Invites you ro a wuvrshop with CAROL REYNOLDS DATE: Saturday, May 5th and Sunday, May 6th, in the mqrning from 10:00 arn. ta 12:00 o'clock faon, in the atter- noon f rom 1:00 p.m. ta 4:00 p.m. Monday, May 7th, to Fr!iday, May llth, in the after- noon from 1:00 p.m. ta 4:00 p.m. in the evening from 7:00 p.m. ta 10:00 p.m. PROGRAM: This workshop promises ta give an excellent in- troduction for the beginner as well as an important discipline for the advanced student. Lite drawing, water colour, ail painting, pen & ink, egg tempera, mono printing, acrylics. REGISTRATION: at the Visual Arts Center of Newcastle, Bowmanville, Ontario. Tuesday, April l 7th, 1979 12:00 noon ta 3:00 p.m. Thursday, April lg9th, 1979'l12:00 noon ta 3:00 p.m., Thursday, April lgth, 1979 7:00 p.m. ta 8:30 p.m. Late registration will be accepted if course is not filIed. Shouild you wish further information, or for late registration, please cail the Visual Arts Ceriter ai (416) 623-5831 or Mrs. C. Reynolds at (416) 263-2937. Get a Personalized Perni through Hair Analysis!. There's 0ne way 10 ind out what condition voar hair is realin. That's Sp a hait anayiss Here's 00w 000 Cao have your hair aoaiyzed. Conne in an illiicul a Rediren Hait Anaiyss Oues tionoaire, Thn we'i sop a sample o pour hair vthich we'i eamine microscopicaiiy. And ,se' icheck poat hairs mechanicai properties, Afterwards weIi UrUcuss the indingo wthpou. Our salon Hait Anaipsîs Program, whch rorks io conjUtcion wth Redkeo Laboratoîtes, enabies us to par a pogram te heip reÇondtioo and muîtaîo the conditiono f your hait. Give pouf hait a phpsicai checkr vp bh itting us gîve hou a aî avrýrayisMaire an appoitmno today, SPECIALIZED *REDKE1W PERMANENTS Short Hair - s 20.11 Medium Hair - s 25.00 Long Hair - $ 30. 0 0 (plus cut) Comploe.wlth Trlchoanalysls. A par,, guaranteed flot to damage or frlzz your hair. 1,KREDKEN' Perm... the gontie onos. 'Fre Parking ai Reor 14 Silver Street 623-5455 DORMANT SPRAY Gof.. Lâ« ood ire_ Now is the time ta apply your cambination dormant spray tri your fruit frees, tri fight insecfs and scale that overwinfered, cornes in complete kit form. GOLFOREEN A professional type lawnfood which will teed your lawn for at leasf two months and keep it the envy of the neighlbourhood. Cornes in a 2200 sq. ft. size and a 4400 sq. tt. size. TREE AND H EDGE A welI balanced plantfood just right for your hedge, trees and shrubs, just apply along the base and slightly work into the soil. CRABGRASS PREVENTER Now is the only time you canactually contrai the spread o0'f the crabgrass. By applying this product n0w it will prevent the crabgrass seeds tram germinating. BABY TEARS A lovely rosette of green foliage Excellent as a table decorat ion ori sill. .69 3 FOR 1.99 0 f tiny leaves. on the window SILK FLOWERS Yes aur silks are washable, slightly higher priced, but of a better quality in color fane, flower structure and easily arranged to r bouquets or corsages, buy them separate or have aur design- ers design one ta your faste. Lily of the Valley, Carnations, Iris, Daisys, Gladioli, Snapdragon, Roses, Tulips and many More ta choose ftrom... Dalsy Carnation Iris Gladioli Snapdragon Floral Shoppes 62-41 5911 2-159 6318 <xi Highway 2 Se. aur new Showroom wlth a FIreplace. OSHAWA WEST 292 King Street West Garden Centre and 1 Floral Shoppe _____________ 4 I Open 9w6 Fr1. 9 OSHAWA NORTH 1124 Simcoe Street North ' Floral Shoppe Open 9.6 Fr1. 9 - I I BOWMANV ILLE 31 Klng Street W est Dally Dellvery fo Open 9-6 Fi. 9. 4/10(t J Jusi one of our unique looks bý Mary Chong . . . 3 piece, ready for Summer, worn for Spring. Exclusively ours in Oshawa. Avajlable in SmaII-Medium-Large c ' rttr'!5of igonib treet Bond Towers Shopping Mauf OSHAWA 44 Bond St. W. Downtown Oshawa 576-7152wlo "A Special Shop for Special Women" SQUARE On Saturday, March lth, 1979 at Trinity United Church, Bowmanvilie ' at 4:30 Reverend John Peters united in marriage, Edith Elizabeth MacIntyre, daughter of Mrs. Mary Watt and the late James Watt, of Perth, and Douglas Everett Hone, son of Mr. Charles Hone and the late Mrs. Francis Hone of Bow- manville. Given in marriage by ber, brother-in-law, Mr. Norman North, the bride ware a formai gawn of ivory satin with lace trim' featuring a matching train and veil, and carrying a bouquet of reci roses. The mnatron of honar was Lillian Hone,. sister-in-law of the,