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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1979, p. 8

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8 The Canaclian Statesman, I3owmanville. ADril 18, 1979 Miss Leah Woodward and Miss Norma Metcalf, Bow- manville have returned from a most enjoyable' holiday in Acapulco, Mexico. Students will soon be return- ing from universities and, colleges, at the conclusion of this year's terrns. We'll be pleased to publish news re their plans for summer and for next year. Please phone 623-3303. We'll be happy to write the news for yeu. On April 7, 1979 the Fifteen- th Annual Elmira Maple Syrup Festival was to have taken place. However, April 6 brought our area this winter's worst storm, with blocked roads, zero visibility, and hydro outages. The Festival had to be cancelled! This cancellation brought some very strong reaction. One youngster surnmed it up with "They can't cancel the Festival - that's like cancell- ing Christmas". Consequently it has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 28. Chief, of Police Charles Fletcher and his wife Teresa, of Picton spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. AI. Fletcher and bis sister Audrey. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Warren of Hampton have returned home from holiday- mng at Sun Lakes in Arizona. While there they visited cousins who were born and raised in Ontario. After arriv- ing home they attended the 5Oth wedding anniversary of Mrs. Warren's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and. Mrs. Alex Alexander at Godrich. Spotlight Theatre, Oshawa will present three one-act plays during Oshawa's Down- town Arts Festival Week. on April 27th and 28th at St. Gertrude's auditorium. The plays are "The Bear" by, Chekhov, "The Apollo of Bellac" by Girardoux, and the "Happy Journey" by Wilder. For information phone 576-2558. The Oshawa Symphonly will feature Anton Kuerti, on Sunday, May l3th at Eastdale Collegiate, in a concert of Schuman, Wagner, and Shostakovick. Mr. and Mrs. Mel. SE have just returned visiting their daughter J New Orleans, Louisian2 The f ifth annual Gi Motors Ernployee Art E, featuring a wide varie exhibits including pair paper tole, wood cai and metal work by G. Canada ernployees, w held on April 27, 28 and the Robert MeLau Gallery. Everyone is welcom( mission is free, and the are 1-9 p.rn. Frida, Saturday and 1-5 p.m. Su Refreshrnents will be able. Exhibitors will be on i discuss their work, anc will be dernonstrations in progress. Mr. F. Alan Srnith, dent of General MotorE be welcoming visitorsa p.m. on Friday night. Mr. R.C. Walter, Vice ident and General Mai uring Manager, will we. visitors at 2:30 p.m. on S afternoon. Indian and Northern.A Minister J. Hugh Fat has announced the apç by Treasury Board interim contribution of $500,000 to the Saskatcl Indian Federated Collec t is expected that than 150 full-tirne studen be enrolled at the C( Additionally over 250 sti will follow extension grams on reserves, ine courses in Indian st social work and teacher ing. Independance in Act of Daily Living is the pri planned for Tuesday, 24th frorn 7-9 p.rn. b Durham Region Stroli covery Association i James A. Thornton Da3 pital, 24 Alma Street, Os Everyone interested wel The annual Prový Charnpionship Meeto Ontario Gymnastics Fq tion for the national leve and fernale gyrnnastsv held in Whitby, Iroquois Arena on April 21 and Saturday and Sunday. The meet, hosted b Corsairs Gyrnnastic CI Oshawa, will cI gyrnnasts who have Church at Division St. Office 623-31.' SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 10 a.m. - Age Group -9 years and aider il a.m. - Beginners, Kindergarten, Primary 11 a.m. Worshlp Service Sermon titis "WHY GET MARRIED?" Nursery Cars Provided A Warm Weicomo for Everyone BAPTISM SUNDAY IS MAY 13 Requests for baptlsm should be ln church offie by April 25 ~~Anglican Qiurr 8:00 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 a.m. MORNING PRAYER MASONIO SERVICE Brass Quartet -'Joy Dawned on Easter Day' JESUS IS LOVE Wednesday 9:30 a.m. - HoIy Communion and iaylng on of hands for heaiing Sundav Schooi and nursery care for your chiidren Temperance ai uueen ARtCHDrAcoV Tum GRACI ---mm-- --- -m--ý- - JOANNAS RUMMAGE SALE Thursday, April i9th10 arn. -4 p.m. MiN ST E R: Rov. N.E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M. Div. ORGANIST: Mr. D. Dewell Sunday, April 22nd 11:00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP "AFTER EASTER .. WHAT? Jr. Sunday Schooi - 11:00 a.m. Nursery Care durlng service Nursery-Modern "Play and Lsarn" Nursery for pre-school chiidren every Sunday. Annuel Sprlng Dance Saturd 'ay, AprIl 21let at 8:00pm. Sponsored by St, Pauls H i-C Tickets available at the door. Items 0f Inferesf phen. 623-3303 'aelis mernbers of teams which have from represented Canada in Joan in countries such as Russia, ia. Rornania, Japan and China. During the Whitby meet, al leneral participating gyrnnasts will be xhibit, vying for placed on the tearns iety of which will be representing intings, Ontario in the Canadian arvings Champienships and ulti- ;.M. Of mately Canada in the 1980 vill be Olympics in Moscow. id 29 at Lughlin S a k il e. Ad- St r vil eheurs On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. y and Bert Trirn returned frorn their )unday. 2 week holiday spent in avail- Florida. While there, they were guests cf Bert's beyhood hand te friend Mr. and Mrs. Oral d there Pinch, Sarasota, Flerida. of art On Tuesday, Miss Dyana Layng set up) the Bishop Brent Presi- Exhibit at Trinity College rs will Boys School, Port Hope. t will at 7:30 remain there for one week and then go on te Orono Museum. e Pres- On Wednesday, Mr. Bruce nufact- Trirn and Jessica, Newrnarket elcorne visited his mother, Mrs. Sunday Isabelle Trirn and Jessica stayed for a few days holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell Affairs were Monday supper guests of .ulkner Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell iproval and Jirn. of an Mr. Jirn Stark visited Tues- fup te day evening with Mr. and Mrs. hewan Carlos Tarnblyn, Orono. ge. On Thursday, Mrs. Isabelle more Trirn and Jessica with Mrs. nts will Marilyn Rutherford, Michelle ollege. and Mark, Orono visited Mrs. udents Bill Trirn, Oshawa. n pro- Mrs. Ada Hallowell spent eluding Thursday afternoon with Mrs. ;tudies, Greta Falls, Bowrnanville. rtrain- On Good Friday affernoon, a special Good Friday service was held in Newtonville tivities United Church. Guest speaker ograrn was Mrs. Joyce McLean, 1April Pickering, President of by the Oshawa U.C.W. Presbyterial. ke Re- A goed nurnber attended and in the Newtenville U.C.W. served Iy Hes- lunch following the services. ishawa. Attending frorn Starkville lcorne. were Mrs. Margaret Todd, Mrs. Wilrna Robinson, Mrs. vincial Dorethy Trim and Mrs. of the Bernice Stark. 'edera- Mr. and Mrs. George el male Carson, Orono visited Friday will be evening with Mrs. Warren is Park Carson and Wlson. J 2 2nd, Miss Tiffany Rowe, New- tonville and Miss Merrilee by the Trirn, Bewrnanville spent the lub Of Easter weekend with their ,ontain grandparents Mr. and Mrs. been Bert Trirn.' Mr. and Mrs. Bob Robinson,' mamu Scott, Michael and Paula spent the weekend in Kings- ville near Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. John Quantrili and * farnily. Friday supper guests of Mr., and Mrs. Ross Todd and 38 farnily were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barton and Mrs. Irwin Sexsrnith, all of Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. David Scott and Mr. Gerald Hallowell all of Toronto spent the weekend with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy were Friday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold McColm, Kathleen and Ginny, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. George Cook and Rupert, Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs. John Layng and Dyana. -Miss Stephanie Isert, Les- kard Road was a Friday - overnight guest of Miss Kristine Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dobbs, Scott and Janet, North I~Bay spent the weekend with Lades-- Do't rget1 the Mr. and Mrs. Ron Farrow and girls visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sinclair, Todd and Tara. t will ot corne about of ifs own accord. Further info. Public Lîbrary or Box 36, Bowmanville, St. Paul's United Packed for Early Easter Sunday Service The main church auditorium of St. PauI's United was filled on Sunday morning at 8 o'clock for an Easter service, followred by a pancake breakfast. In the lower picture, the Rev. N.E. Schamerhorn is greeting some of the early worshippers as they. enter.__________ Easter Rabbit Catis at Area iNursery School by Karen Tordif f Thursday, April 12th was a very exciting day for our children at the Country Roads- Waverley Gardens Nursery School. We had a great Easter party cemplete with the Easter Rabbit. The children made their own Easter bonnets which were really impressive and very creative. We'd like to thank Mrs. Broorne, Mrs. Dagg, Mrs. Burgess, Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Buchan for supplying the really yurnmy eats. We have such talented parents, ne wonder their yeungsters are creative! Miss Howe read "In a Rabbit's Garden" and we sang 'Here Cornes Peter Cottontail" while our Easter Bunny gave out treats, to fill each childs' Easter basket. We'd like te welcerne Mrs. Paula Ellenington te our staff ef Miss Howe, Mrs. Rudmnan, Mrs. Marner, Mrs. Irwin, Miss Ovenden and Mrs. Mus- cat and rnyself. Once again I'd like te remînd the public that they are welcome te corne eut and visit us any tirne. It's very irnportant in this Year of the Child te becorne aware of the value ef pre-school educatien, Set Sehedule For Summer Sports Here Fees for summer sports and the dates for the epening of rnunicipal pools were recorn- rnended Tuesday at a rneeting of the Town's cornrunity services cornrittee. Acting on the advice of Joe Caruana, deputy director of cornrunity services, the cernrittee recernrended that municipal pools in Oreno, Newcastle Village and Bowrnanville be opened Saturday, June 30. The daily fee schedule preposed fer the pool is net changed frorn last year. The rate, which bas yet te be given final approval frorn Newcastle ceuncil, is 75 cents for a day of public swirnring. Preposed fees for other recreatien pregrarns sponsor- ed by the rnunicipality this year are as fellews: Kinsrnen T Bahl, $3.00; Basebaîl, $700; Softball, $7.00; Soccer, $10; Swimrning lessens: $12.00 te $7,00; Swirn Club, $20. The Canadian movernent for oersenal fitness. ~WHITBY LIONS CLUB PRESENTS 'A Toast to Spring Bail"1 FEATURINO ART HALLMAN'S CELEBRATED ORCHESTRA Satu-rday, April 28, 1979 9 p.m. toi1 a.m. Iroquois Park Arena, Whltby Attendance draw for $1 00.00 at 9 p.m. Six other cash draws of $25.00 and $50.00 throughout the evening. Main draw at 1 arn. is a Zenith 26" Color T.V. Console model with Remote Control. Food 1Included - Dress Optional - Bar Facilities $20.00 per couple ALL PROCEED FOR COMMUN ITY PROJECTS For Reser vations, Please Cali: W. Schatzmann Real Estate - 668-3338; John Townsend - 668-4465; Bill Whittick - 655-3166; Normans Entertainment Centre, Bowmanvile Mal -623-4535 and ail Whitby Lions Club Members Lic. 235464

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