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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1979, p. 10

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10 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, April 25, 1979 Honor 20- Year Veteran of Newcastle Village Fire Department Newcastle Lumber Celebrates lat Anniveraary Newcastle Lumber bas recently been celebrating its first anniversary at its store in Newcastle. This photo shows some of the staff on duty at the store on Saturday. Front row left to right includes: Store Manager Doug MeVittie; IJorella Chard and JoAnne Alldread. Back row from left to right includes Wallace Boughen and AI Pears. Those hard-working Newcastle Arena Fund Raisers are holding an'auto show at the arena this weekend on Sat., April 28, and Sunday, April 29. They would certainly appreciate your support! We extend congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ibbot- son, Cowanville, who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary last Saturday, April 21. They were complete- ly taken by surprise by their family who gathered with friends ta honour them on this occasion. With Mrs. Kathleen Kimbal for Saturday dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stapleton, Orono and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gardon, Port Hope. Mrs. Wilda Johnson and Mrs. Pauline Storks returned last week from an eight-day holiday in Nashville, Tennessee, witb Mr. and Mrs. John Parker. Mrs. Peggy Visser spent Monday and Tuesday with ber brother and sister-în-law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. Miss Jessie Lamb, Omemee, was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley and together they visited relatives- in Toronto. The Women's Institute had a Pot Luck Dinner on Wednes- day, April 18, at the home of Mrs. May, Burley. At this Annual Meeting reports were given and officers elected. About twenty-five in ahl attended the meeting. The Senior Citizens also enjoyed a Pot Luck Dianer on Thursday evening, Aprîl 19 at the Newcastle Community Hall. Over sixty attendants enjoyed the dinner and the musical programme which followed. Plans were made for an upcoming bus trip. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred, Oshawa, were Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Woodhams, Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott were among the Newcastle couples who atteaded the Masonic Ladies' Night in Part Hope on Saturday eveniag. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were Friday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Dennis, Mississauga. They motored on ta London for the remainder of the weekend wbich was spent at the Holiday Inn, the highligbt being the President's Select Club and Dinner of the Ontario Automo- bile Association. Mrs. May Burley visited an Saturday afternaon with her brother-in-law, Mr. Lloyd Burley, who is a patient in Cobourg Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Rumbles and Krista, Norwood, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rumbles, Belleville, were Sunday visîtors with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ormiston, Bowmanville were Tuesday evening, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pat- terson and family, West Hill, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Dorothy Harmer. To celebrate the sixty-first wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Powell, Lake Shore, the family took them ta dianer at the Dutcb Oven on Friday evening, April 2lst. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Powell, Colleen and Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Powell and Gary, Mr. Floyd Powell, Miss Dorrene Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Craga, Mrs. Frank Rudge, Malton, Mrs.'Maurice Coulter, Downs- view, Mr. and Mrs. Dana Caulter, Beeton and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sherman, Beeton. After the dinner, a social evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Powell. Mrs. Nettie Butler remains a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Mrs. Hazel Malley is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmaaville. Mr. Ross Embley continues ta be in Kingston General Hospital. His mother, Mrs. Reta Embley spent Easter weekend witb daughter-in- law, Doreen, Trenton, and they visîted with Ross in Kingston. Birthday greetings ta Har- aid Cauch, Carol Gray, Joe Smith, Evert1 Vierhout, Betty Brown, April LeBlanc, Ana Srpivey and Jack Craga. Mr.Jack Perrin, andi daughter Kim, speat a week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Perrin and son Lee, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. We extend congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Harper Kelsey an their silver weddîng anniversary. Mrs. Pat Bernard, Flesher- ton, visited on Wednesday with hier mother, Mms. Nellie Spencer. Mr. Harve Bonathon and Ruth have retumned home af ter spending their winter months in Floida. Anglican Church News Saint George's Choir sang a quartette Living for Jesus at the il: 15 Service. The Sermon was based on the appearance of Jesus ta the twa men on the road ta Emmaus. The tbeme was Don't Turn Easter Off . Ia the eveniag a great crowd attended the seventh annual St. George's Day Roast Beef Dinner la the Parish Hall. The Fellawship Club had a great group of helpers and the food was plentiful, wbich made the event most successful. Af ter helping with the serving, St. George's Young People went bowling and had a great time. The Anglican Church Women had a meeting on Wednesday, April 18 and Mr. Alfred Brown, Bowmanville, -Newcas tie Couple Enjoy Return Trip to Jamaica At the Seawind Beach Hotel in Montego Bay, Jamaica, returning guests are welcomed back at a special cocktail and dinner party hosted by management. Seen here with the Financial Cornptroller, Enid Dear (3rd left), General Manager- Tony Henry (3rd right) Representative of Strand Holidays (Canada) - Norma Chalmers (2nd right), Are: Ron and Betty Locke (left) of Newcastle, Ontario and Mrs. Edna Cave (right) of Albany, New York. The Lockes were celebrating their second visit to Seawind. came ta talk about St. John's Ambulance work. United Church News You See? It's Really True! was the ongoing Easter sermon preached by Rev. David Spivey on Sunday, April 22nd, at Newcastle United Church. Next Sunday is National Camping Sunday but St. Andrew's, Oshawa, held theirs on Apr. 22nd and some Newcastle youths joined in the worship there. On Sunday, April 29, worship will be led by some of the campers and the congregation is invited ta came in camp attire if you feel comfortable tbusly dressed. Sunday School Aaniversary with guest speaker Rev. Morley Hawley is May 6. A Faith Festival in which Steven Allia is participating is being held at Northminster United Church, Oshawa, on May il and 12. The Hi C Club met at 7 p.m. in the Pit and the Couple's Club met in the Sunday School Room on Sun., Apr. 22nd. On Sunday, Apr. 29 the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen are entertaining the Senior Citizens at theSunday School Hall from 2 ta 4. Entertain- ment and refreshments will be provided. Newcastle Community Bowling 200 and Over Ladies G. Henry 212, A. Allia 229, 1. Brown 258, M. Wind 201, N. Prescott 208, R. Kelly 277, D. Kelly 211-218-207, E. Meadows 242-218, R. Sinou 201, L. Crockett 212, P. Kidd 217-216, J. A. Jones 200, B. Major 210-207, T. Langstaff 204-236, D. Langstaff 228-224-239, A. Langsaff 202-294, S. Foster 227, K. Mercer 200, H. Couroux 270-211, D. Walker 200-212, V. Watson 214. Men T. Embley 227, J. Graham 205, B. Farrow 262-222, G. Cowling 211, M. Henry 249, P. Gardner 201-228, B. Bicknell 209, D. Brown 230-201, W. Flintoff 201, J. Clapdarp 277, G. Watson 236, E. Taylor 222. Congratulations ta the "FUELLERS" for taking the championship - Ron Sutcliff, Bill Farrow, Ken Cowling, Gord- Cowling, Dave Brown, Merril Henry. Thursday Mixed W. Forget 203, R. Forget 210, V. Dunlop 202, B. Glan- ville 238, K. Southern 210, G. Forget 235, J. Worr 202-251- 211, J. Forget 276. Friday Mixed One'of the champ's names was missed last week, Jack 4hapman, sorry Jack. -R. Good 250-270, E. Kellery 215, S. Keller 326-253-213, A. Pearce 252-267, J. Turnbull 200, M. Turnbull 274, H. Nickolson 212-249, S. Nickol- son 208 - 207, R. Couch 205, T. Couch 213, T. Ton 207, H. Cal 257, B. MadilI 225, N. Madili 223, R. Burley 210, M. Burley 237, M. Pearce 248, M. MacDonald 205-223, D. MacDonald 214, T. Nowland 206, G. Henry 208, T. Sluymers 249-231, L. Pearce 200-247, A. Vogels 233. YE LV E RTONJI'q Welcome home ta, those "young ladies" who have been holidaying in the British Isles the past couple of weeks. Mesdames Audrie Brown and Hazel Gray arrived home on Friday and although stili suffering from jet lag, report that the British weather was wet and cold, they had a most enjoyable holiday. Mr. Howard Malcolm appeared on C.B.C. T.V. Country Canada on Sunday afternoon--in connectian with the promotion of the Ont. Hog Producers Assoc. promotion of their new innovation, a new restaurant in Toronto serving variaus park culinary delights. As usual Howard did a commendable job in bis capacity as Chairman of O.H.P.M.B. Mr. Eric Alderson shared the honours with Howard in this promotion gimmick. Communion Service was observed in Yelverton White Church on Sunday with Eiders Clare Robinsoni and Floyd A pt-luck dinner honoring the retirement of a 20 year veteran of Newcastle village Fire Department was held last Saturday evening in the rear of Hall Two. Mr. Len Lambert was given a fitting send off for his years of dedication and received three presentations. He's pictured here accepting a watch from the Town of Newcastle. From left: Town of Newcastle Fire Chief Jim Hayman, Len Lambert, Bill Clarke, (representing Mayor Riekard), Sam Brereton, Hall Two Fire Chief. In addition, Mr. Lambert received a plaque from the Hall Two firemen and a sunburst clock from Hall Two Ladies Auxiliary was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Lambert. Stinson assisting and Usherettes Lana Malcolm and C South. Founded fourteen Leanne Preston and organist WE' j* years ago by a group of Mrs. Ernestine Robinson " m E< (.<. interested cîtizens who were patiiating in their various community leaders from cpctes. 'bnsn', business, church, education, Mr. Darryl Rbnsnhas i ~ 1' industry and family sectors, returned home after success- ' Ni this organization has had a fully completing his semester remarkable history. With the at Guelph University. change to regional govern- Mr. Ray Robinson had the ü .r ment, the "Y" changed its misfortune of losing twa name ta reflect the neighbour- yearlings,_ thîs past week - Recently in the Legisiature I burden of an excessive hood and programs which it diagnosis- lead poisoning. No had the opportunity to par- increase in property tax, the was serving. cause has been established ta tîcipate in the Throne Debate. municipality has twa options Today finds the Durham date. In the interest Of your Among the many issues, I as defined in the Municipal Region Family YMCA provid- self preservatian and addressed was the govern- Act. It can, under Section 505, ing services in areas centered longevity, better take the lead ment's move to establish pass a by-law ta phasem the in and around communities of out of your . . . anatomy. greater equality and fairness increase, over a five year Whitby, Uxbridge, Port Miss Valerie Malcolm and with respect ta tax assessment period. This can be done by Perry, Canningtan and classmate Miss Mary Jane under Section 86 of the notifying the Ministry of Oshawa. Fraser Stewart, Murphy of Perth were week- Assessment Act. Intergovernmental Affairs Executive Director tells me end visitors at the Murray In my remarks I highlighted and if the increase is bath $50 that once the summer Malcalms. Mr. and Mrs. Paul the fact that in my riding of and 10 per cent above the tax becomnes a reality, there will Bowen hosted all the Murray Durham East, the tawn of levied before reassessment. be examples of programs for Malcolms and friend on Newcastle, which now en- The other option is Section the Bowmanville and New- Sunday evening for dinner. compasses the old township of 636 whereby the municipality castle areas. The Janetville Choir Clarke, the township of Dar- can pass a by-law ta write off Congratulations and good presented their musical on lingtan, the Village of New- tax increases on whatever luck are in order ta Fred Sat. evening at the Miller castle and the town of Bow- types of properties it feels Manzo of The Hair Hut in Memorial Church near Little manville is presently under- warranted. Thus the cost of North Oshawa wha will be Britain. Mr. Ray Robinson on hsiiitv o h a rt f ilhv ab celebrating an upcomingý and Miss Lane Malcolm of this change. met jointly by aîî praperty birthday and competing in the community participated on I pointed out that any owners. International Hair Style, this program. initiative for changes is If you are nat satisfied with Cantest. .and irls of Oshawa were usually accompanied by some your property assessment you alnd ia.rden gessha a t confusion and uncertainty. should eÉther approach the RENT Sunday iinr us a te And I think the town of Newcastle Council or the A RABBIT! classmates of Mona's). ewcastle is no exception. regional assessment office Anyone who has neyer been I think the confusion arises located at 605 Rossland Road $9 a Day involved in the planning of a when people who have East in Whitby. In this 7' per kilometre farm auction has no idea of the previously been underassess- respect, I have also notified SPECIAL Weekly & work involved. Here at ed are faced with a tax the Minister of Intergovern- monthly RATES Malclm's with "count-down" increase. 0f course there are mental Affairs of the severe AVAILABLE already ia progress we are in certain property owners who tax increases faced by same of *Aiso the final throes of preparation. have been paying more than my constituents and that7,8&1 asne Surprising enough the their fair tax shares, and thus financial support ta the BUSES AVAILABLE greatest interest ta date has will have bath their assess- municipality be considered ta been in aur flock of Suffolk ment and their property taxes alleviate the problem. ewes. PerbaDs not s0 surpris- reduced. There are also many I just like ta reacquaint ing since our new arrivais others who have been properly constituents with the Durham have just started ta arrive - assessed in the past and whose Regian Family YMCA whose the first three ewes have just taxes wîll nat change as a central headquarters are given birth successfully to 8 result of reassessment. located at the Whitby Centen- cute little lambkins. In order ta alleviate the nial Centre, 416 Centre Street The Big Brothers Association of Newcastle would like 10 thank bowters at Liberty Bowl in Bowmanville and Newcastle Village Lanes and their sponsors for their support du ring the Annual ~9ILi]IH¶1mpa i gn. The, financial success of the event will enable us t0 carry oui our pro- gram for 1979 and ta make more people aware of the tact that volunteer Big Brothers are urgently needed in this area. Prize Wlnnors - 1979 Liberty BowI Lanes - Bowmanville Judy Robichaud, Bowmanville, Ont. Vicky Mu rphy, Bowmanville, Ont. Onie Etcher, Bowmanville, Ont. Jackie Braybraok, Bawmanville, Ont. Ross Wright, Bowmanville, Ont. Darne Rawe, Bowmanville, Ont. Robbie Harrison, Bowmanville, Ont. Calleen Bannister, Bowmanville, Ont. 7 Glen Dennis, Bowmanville, Ont. Mike Lugtenburg, Bowm nville, Ont. RandyçCowling, Bowmanville, Ont. Lisa Murphy, Bowmanville, Ont. Kathy Jaques, Bowmanville, Ont. Jeff Jaques, Bowmanville, Ont. Angela Theriault, Bowmanville, Ont. Diana Thompson, Bowmanville,.Ont. Shawn Woolley, Bowmanville, Ont. Colin Reid, Bowmanville, Ont. Florence Draper, Bowmanville, Ont. Karen Burns, Bowmanville, Ont. Sherryl Barrett, Bowrnanville, Ont. Pat Lunn, Bowmanville, Ont. S. Adams, Bowmanville, Ont. Newcastle Lanes - Newcastle Rosie Couch, Newcastle, Ont. Earl Keller, Newcastle, Ont. Lamna Crockett, Newcastle, Ont. Betty Mercer, Orono, Ont. H. Nicholson, Newcastle, Ont. Jim Beam, Newcastle, Ont. Brian Forget, Newcastle, Ont. Brandon Coyle, Newcastle, Ont. Paul Pfeiffer, Newcastle, Ont. Dorothy Walker, Kendal, Ont. Ch ris Wilsher, Newcastle, Ont. Lori Rowe, Newcastle, Ont. Hilda Caîl, Newcastle, Ont. Theresa Cowle, Bowmanville, Ont. Bill Farrow, Newtonville, Ont. Fae Forget, Orono, Ont. Joe Forget, Newcastle, Ont. Fat Johnson, Newcastle, Ont. Debbie Miller, Newcastle, Ont. Jenny Montgomery, Newcastle, Ont. Manique Sluymers, Newcastle, Ont. Sherry St ere, Newcastle, Ont. Robbie Wannamaker, Newcastle, Ont. Wiit <E Noera» tit 3 ub tptub eut Telephone 987-4201A IiEditors: Hazel and Jack Crago r Mlassey-Ferguson MF 124 BALER $49995.111 "The Sure lie Knotter" OUR NEW BALERS ARE IN Corne and talk about Your Haying Equipment Needs Today Alspo Available A.imited quantity of Used Balers, Seed Drills, Rakes & Wagons RIENSTRA'S 3mi. East of Newcastle on Hwy..2 786-2424 780-2423 'l j

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