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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1979, p. 13

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~E'E NO GAMBLE WHEN YOU BUY A "CERTIFIED'USED CAR F ROM MacDonald Ford BOWMANVILLE WE GIVE YOU A WRITTEN If for any reason you are unhappy with the car you buy, you may return It within 7 days for a ful -refund. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 623-4481_ 1977 Le MANS, 2 door, brown, 305, one owner, 27,000 miles, air condltioning, rustproofed, Pioneer AM-FM cassette. Phone 623-9442. 17-1 1974 FORD 1/2 ton, heavy duty, V8, $2000. 1-983-9707. 17-1 N HOSKINS 986-5517 See us for vans, plck-ups and one tons, aiso gas truck, '65 Ford,' approx. 2000 gai. with meter, hose, ree , (less nozzle ). 10-000 tires Lic. J31702. '76 Mini home, sieeps four, Lic. NXH291. '72 34 Ford -with sth wheel, 21 ft.'trailer, sleeps 4, Lic. H74825. Winne- bago truck cap, insulated, 36'. 17-lN 1970 OLDS Delta Custom, new paint, radiai tires, radio, low mileage, $1300. Phone 623-3130 or 723-9542. Ask for Bruce. 17-1 N J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 35-tf N '67 DODGE window van, 6 cyl. std. Seil as is. Phone 263-2657. 17-2 1978 HONDA Civic hatchback, like new, 8,000 mi-les, 4 speed standard, radia, defogger. Phone 579-1858. 17-1 N '77 IMPALA, 2-door coupe, 350 V-8, p.s., p.b. Excellent condi- tion . Phone after 5, 623-5231. 17-1 '76 CELICA GT, 5 speed, excellent condition, asking $3990. Phone after 5, 623-7697. 17-1 N 1973 OLDS Royale, 350 engine, steer radiais, ecletconal tIon, certif led. Phone 987-5080. 17-1iN 1978 CH EV. Impala, 4 door, 6 cyl., autamatic, p.s., p.b., 2 tone blue, $5300. Phone Oshawa 644-5426 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Orano 983-9391 evenings and weekends. 16-1 N '77 FORD Econoline van, F100, 6 cylinder. Certlfied. $4300. Phone 623-3613. 17-1 N 1972 PLYMOUTH Springer, 2 door hardtop, power steering, 318 motor. Swap for best 1/2 ton pick-up truck offered. Phone 623-3257. 17-1iN 1976 HONDA Civic hatchback, AM-FM cassette. Certifled. Good condition, $2400 firmn. Phone 623-2610. 16-1 N '75 CH EV. V8 automatlc, power steeriýng and brakes, 4 door, as Is, $1200. Phone 623-2469. 17-1 N DOESN'T ANYONE NEED A GOOD USED CAR? 1975 ýFORD LTD WAGON'-- One awner, certif ied. Drap in ta Bev's Floral Creations, 162 King St. E. and make us an afer. 623-3377 after 6 p.m., 579-5021 and ask for Bey. CASH for gold, silver, coins, guns, dlocks, jeweliery, dishes, furniture, cracks, paintings, sealers, appliances, Fr iendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf N CASH for your aid decays, cracks, chairs, tables, cup- boards, jeweliery, post cards, coins, stam ps, quiits, blanket boxes, etc. Phone 623-3060. 13-tf N SMALL engine repair, also used furniture and appliances. Cail Elmers Furniture, Liberty and Scugog Sts., Hampton, 263-2294. 16-tf N CASH - highest prices paid for diamands and gald. Annis Jewellery, 53 King St. E., Bowmanville. 6-tf N C& H WRECKERS Top Prices for Scrap Cars Will pick up aid fridges and stoves, etc. f ree of charge. 728-6609 or 725-5618 14-4N USED Furniture and Ap- plances. Paddy's Market, Hamnptan 263-2241. 26-f Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKE RS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-tf FOR DOGS ONLY PUPPIES ON HAND Afghan Bishon Frise Cock-a-poo -,Cockers Great Dane (Harlequin) Lhasa Apso Poodies Fox Terriers (Wire Hair) Other Breeds Available - NEEDLES, WORMED - LOW PRICES - FREE TRIAL PERIOD - CERTIF lED GUARANTE E -EXCELLENT QUALITY 2BOND ST. E. OSHAWA 723-6882 il-tf N FREE ta gaod home, part German Shepherd and Callie dag. -Good temperment and gaod watch dag, has dog tag for 1980. Phone 987-5134. 17-1 N F R E E ta good home, neutered maie and spayed female cats, used ta aduits. Phone 725-3947 after 4. 15-3N BEAUTIFUL kittens. $10 each. Phone 263-2313. 17-1 N FREE ta good home, part Persian ki ftens, good with chIldren. 623-2733. 17-1 DOG FOOD SPECIAL 20 kg Purina Dog Chow ...1........X. $10.65 10 kg Purina Puppy Chow......... $7.38 VANSTONE FLOUR AND FEED MILL King St. W. Bowmanville 15-3 ASPHALT PAVING SERVING THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE INDUSTRIAL and COMMERCIAL PARKING LOTS DRIVEWAYS, TENNIS COURTS, ETC. WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES BERT REID TOM FOSTER 786-2501 797-2548 MACKIE &REID PAVING LTD. 16-2 N LEGAL secretary required for Newcastle firm. Shorthand required. Saiary carrmen- surate with experience. Cali 579-5522 or 987-4773. 17-1 N WANTED - a middle aged woman to live in with an aider lady in a village. Cail coiiect 1-705-743-0574. 17-1 RESPONSIBLE person to babysit for one hour in the evenings, 10 p.m. - Il p.m. whiie father goes ta wark and mother cornes home. Ontario Street area. Phone 623-7602 in morning. 17-1 MATURE waman ta day care yaung baby in my home in Waverl ey area.- Phane 623-6862. 17-1 PART-TIME haurs, fuli-time earnings. lnstruct athers in Tri-Chem iquid embraidery decarating. No experlence necessary. Twa apenings avalIabIe. Cail 723-4162. 17-2N INCOME tax deadline camin too soon? For help with individuai and small business forms, cali1986-4257. 16-2N l+ WANTED - Managers and Consultants for' a rapldly expanding company. We need you ta seil one of the most papular items on the party plan toda y. Plants, and a new systern 0f grawing themn. No experience necessary, we will train. Car a must. Cali collect 1-666-1771 between 9 a.m. and 5 P. M. 17-2N NEWCASTLE Community Hall Board will receive applications for Janitorial Services and some night duty. Applications must be received by May l2th at 6 p.m. Please appiy stating qualifications and salary expected ta Box 1 531, Newcastle, Ontario LOA 1HO. 17-2 SALESPERSON required for youth ariented clath ing store. Must be responsible and reliabie. Some heavy lifting involved. Write, listing age, experience etc. ta Advertiser 813, c-o The Canadian States- man, Box 190, Bowmanvilie, Ontario, Li C 3K9. 17-1 Canada Farm Labour Pool ATTENTION! Farmer and Farm Empîoyees Seasonai and full time lobs wili be availabie in just a few short weeks. Be prepared. For f urther information cali your local Canada Farm Labour Pool. 623-3880 17-2N Person between ages of 16 - 18, to learn the Goss Webb Offset Press. Contact Donald Bishop Plant Manager, Canadian Statesmnan 62 King St. W. Bowmanvi île 17-tf N IWO bedroam apartment availabie June 1lst, $175 month, nat including heat and hydro. First and last month's rent required. Phone 723-1727. 17-1 N FIVE acres in Newcastle, use for planting, or grazing lnterested parties Caîli Mr. Sherman, 725-0411 or 725-5494. 17-1 N SMALL store or office, 17 T7emperance St., Bowman- vil le, nicely decarated. Phone 623-7438. 17-1 ONE bedroam apartment in Newcastle, includes fridge, stave, heat and water, iaun ry facilities. Available May 1. First and last manth's rent. Phone between 4:30 - 8:30 p. m. 987-4020. 17-1 ROOM, home priviieges, board as desired, preferably warking girl. Phone 623-7590. 17-1 ONE bedroom apartment, semi-furnished new ap- pliances and carpet, spaciaus cupbaards, $220 a rnanth. Write Advertisier 812, c-a The Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanviiie, Ontario, LiC 3K9. l12N HASTINGS - Apartment for rent in town. Near water and fishing. Four raams and bath. $185 plus utilities. Phone 623-7523. 6-tf N caîl: JOHN ARBUCKLE R.R. 1 Nestleton 416-986-5080 16-2 N BYAM PLUMBING & HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING NEW WORK AND RENOVATIONS FREE ESTIMATES Village of Tyrone, R.R. 5,Bowmanville 263-2650 50-tf N DRESSMAKING and altera- tions. Have your wardrabe taiiored ta fit yau. Cali Lorraine, 623-3273. Evenings and weekends. 15-3N BOWMANVILLE - two bed- roomn apartment aver store, fridge and stove included, broadloorn, $250 rnonthly, fIrst and last month's required. Phane 623-2871. 17-1 EXECUTIVE home, 2 storey, 4 bedroom, family roomn wifh firepiace and balcony, double car gara ge, 21/2 bathrooms, walk-out basement, walking distance ta bath separate and ý ublic schools. $495 monthly. hane 623-4303. 17-1 SPACIQUS furnished base- ment apartrnent, suitable for reliable, single persan. Phone 623-3125. 17-1 STORAGE for SMALL TRAILERS, VANS, SKI DOOS, CARS AND OTHER ITEMS. Phone 263-2042 il-tf BOWMANVILLE, central - apartment, four rooms and bath, immediate possession, reasonable, Cabie TV. Phone 623-7523. 13-tf N THREE bedroomn brick bungalow for sale or rent. No agents. Address ail replies ta Advertiser 814, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowman- vil le, Ont. 17-1 113111S sMIN ER'S n 72ý3 GASand MIRRORS LTD. ECVTN 11.1,, Division St., Bowmanvllle, -Ontario. Phone623-5187. FOR TRENCHING, Mon. - Fr.S8:00- S:00 EXCAVATION AND Sat. 9- 12noon SEPTIC TANKS. 'ARE Sheet and Float Glass PHONE NEWCASTLE SeaIed Units - Storm Windows 9749 Store Fronts - Float MIrrors 9749 S Patterned and Colored Glass No Suniday Cails and Glazing. 14-tf 4NDSCAPE9-tf N Bowmanville Glass ïid-'I ATTICS CLEANED 13Wligo t YARD CARE 13Wligo t ~f- ~and 6331 GARBAGE REMOVAL 6331 RYS PLUS LIGHT MOVING Secializing in Cash and .nare<~ arry glass, mirrors, alumi- :,riMiIlit, Phone 987-5298 num products (sliding doors). n Ir44Ki28-tf N D&R CUSTOM FENCING' CUSTOM CHAINSAWING Phone Orono 983-5005 or 983-9627 il-tf - April 28 Auction Sale of Livestock Implements and Household Furniture The property of the late Charles W. Waye, lot 9 con. 6, Carke Twsp., Regianal Town of Newcastle, 1/2 mile south of Kendal or 5 miles north of Newtonviile on Kendai New- tonville Road, MF 35 gas tractor, MF baier No. 9; M F 7 ft. rnower 3 pt.; AC hay conditioner, George White 6 ton wagon, 16 ft. rack 11ike new, Int. piow3 furrow, trip beam 3 ¶,t.; 8 ft. fertilizer spreader, nt. seed drill; MF disc 8 ft. 3 pt., McKee cultivator 21 tooth 3 pt. like new, bale buncher, snow bucket; loading chute;- 200 gai. gas tank; single scuffer; chain harrows, fenc- ing supplies; 100 new steel posts, lumber, fence stretch- ers; submerg ibie pump; Jamesway log feeders, pile of wood, 150 cedar posts, 2 portable eiectric heaters, 2 sofas, 3 occasional chairs, Cherrywood end tables, Finlay refridgerator, Brent- wood stove, flbar polisher, desk, cutlery. Cattle: 2 reg istered Hereford cows with cal ves by side, 5 reg. Hereford cows due sale tirne, 3 reg. Hereford hiefers open, 6 black white face yearling steers, 4 black white face yearling heifers, cows bred to unit bum[ Lovada Defiance 170. Sale 1 p.m. Terms cash. No reserve. Implements property of Stiri- ing Swerdflger, Arnot Wotten Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Hampton, 416-263-2583. 17-1 N Saturday, April 28 12:30 p. m. Orval McLean Auction Center Lindsay On Little Britain Rd. just south of Highway 7, estate of late A gnes Brown, Carneron, goad furniture, appliances, some antiques, Rayai York cook stove, square dining table and leaves, 5 chicken coop chairs, aid cabinet radio, studio couch, Frigidaire refri gerator, Frigidaire green a part ment size automatic el ectric range, exceptional oak high boy chest with mirror, g aad oak dresser, chests, box top sewing machine, beds, cedar chest, mirrors, floor lamps, excep- tionai chesterfield wing chair- and foot stool, (newly rebuilt), wooden coffee and end tables, smoker's stand, console tele- vision, 2 pr. bei ge drapes, wringer washer,E lectrolux, palisher, carpet sweeper, wash stand, trunk, m agazine rack, parlour table, pair pressback chairs, antique dresser, lawn furniture, b lue rug, Maytag spin washer, 18 cu. ft. freezer like new, blue sofa and love seat, desk bookcase, pictures, seaiers, dishes, cookng utensils, same taols, alsa excellent 9 pc. dining raom suite. No reserve, Orva i McLean, auctianeer, 324-2791 days, 324-2783 nights.' 17-1 N Saturday, April 28, 10Oa.m. Farm by Auction Machinery and Antiques Auction sale for the estate of the late Wm. Gray, R.R. 2, Uxbridge, Lot 23, 'Con. 5, Uxbrldge (former Scott). Farm on Con. 6 - 1 mi. west and 1 mi. north of Leaskale. 100 acre farm, river crasses back of praperty. Frame house - 2 storey, 4 bedrooms upstairs, house in original condition, exterior wood shingies - woodwork with original finish - no hydro, bank barn, drivinci shed. Farm must be sald ta settie estate. Terms $5,000. down in certi- fied cheque or cash day of sale. Balance ta be arranged in 30 days. Ai Ian Gray - administrator. Praperty wili be open for inspection an Saturay, April 21lfrom 9 a.m. - 3 p.rn. Praperty wiii be sald at 1l a.m. Aiso seiiing A-C B tractar, Int. 2 furrow piaw, Dion threshing machine, M-H seed drill, patato digger, M-H binder, steel wheel Wagon, sing le piow, aid harness, sca les, scuffiers, buzz saw frame, Rambler car (as is), pine chest of drawers, chairs, numerous ather articles. Contents seil at 10 a.m. Sale managed and soid by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 17-1 V andergaast Roofing Calîl now for free esti mate New and reroof ing since 1965 in Bowrnanviîle 623-7400 or 623-7659 (30 yea rs experience) 17-tf N Ref rigeration and AppIlance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days .............. 623-5774 Nights .. .........623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tf WHYT ES UPHOLSTERY Have your chesterfieid and chair professionalîy upholstered. For free estimate cail RALPH WHYTE 623-5252 Auction Sale of Antiques and Collectibles Monday evening, April 30 7 p.m. Bannister's Auction Hall, Bewdley, consisting of pine table, washstand, chests of drawers, chairs, tables, dishes, glassware, ail lamp, horse drawn sleigh, picture fra mes, cracks, and ather items stili belng consigned. Rager Bannister, auctianeer, 797-2651. 17-1 N Auction Sale Saturday, April 28 1: 15 P.m. Bannister's Auction Hall, Bewdiey, consisting of chesterfieid and chair, set of four chairs, day bed, smali office desk, chest of drawers, tables, chairs, dishes, glass- ware, iamps, T. V.' s, asf,liances and other items ,being consigned. Rager Bannister, auctioneer, 797-2651. 17-1iN Corneil's Auction Barn Friday, April 27th et 7p.m. 3 miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay - Little Britain Rd. Pine chest of drawers, oak buffet, pîne cradie, wicker chairs, hall table, oak book- case, colour T.V.'s, dressers, parlour table, or gan stoals, chesterfieid and chairs, p me blanket box, hanging lamp, piatform rocker, packet watches, quantlty of waoden chairs, coaa ail lamps, quanti- ty of cracks, cernent mixer, lawn rnawers, quantity of tools, quantity of china and g lassware, 14 ft. aiuminurn boat with trailer and 12 h.p., Elto motor, 1973 Datsun, autamatic (certified), plus many more antiques, furni- ture and household items. Don Corneil, auctianeer, R.R. 1 Little Britain, 705-786-2183. 17-1 N Oshawa Second Annual AUCTION FLEA MARKET and CAR SHOW Buying or seiling an antique, ciassic, convertible, Corvettes, Sports or Graffitti cars. "iDon't miss ht.1 May il, 12 and 13 T.O. Auto Auction 401 at Courtice For information, consignments or space 725-6011 17-3N Auction Sale Saturday Evening, April 2Sth at 7p.m. At Pethlck's Barn, Haydon, one mile east of Enniskillen. Large quantity of furniture and small articles. Yes, we have four buggy wheeis, two fridges, electric stoves, a real good chesterfieid and chair, diningroom suite, old ice box, many more. Terms cash or good cheque. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 17-1 N Auction Sa le Monday evening, April 30 at 6:30 p.rn. For Douq Terwiilegar, lot 32, concession 5, aid Darling- ton Township, 1/2 mile west of Mitcheli's Corners, and north 1/2 mile, ail his farrn machinery. Ford disc - 3 pt. hitch, seed drill, 3 furrow tractor plough, Massey Fergus 7' mower, MF baier (lke new), 3 nt. hitch hay or straw rake. White field spray 150 tank. Cockshutt Diesel tractor with loader, cultivat- or, fertilizer spreader, harrows, baie elevator, 12 bushels of seed bariey, water bowis, hay stooker, small articles. Be sure ta look at the day and tirne of this sale. No reserve. Ail impiernents are in good shape, ready to go to work. Terrns cash or good cheq ue, Lawrence Harris, cler k, Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 17-1 N Auction Sa le Saturday, April 28th 1 p.mr.> Farm implements and some furniture for the estate of the late Charlie Penwarden, 1/2 mile east of Tyrone and south ta first farmn on the west side, Old Dariington Township, 310 Cockshutt hay rake, McLaughlin cutter, Massey Harris clipper combine, thrashing machine (Deering), Massey Harris 7' cut binder, Vesset and Joliette 9Y/4 - 101/2 frinder, 2 fanning milis, ba motors, cuvtr F tractor 20-85, AC WD45 tractor, tiller, double disc, roi 1er, stone boat, Cockshutt manure spreader, fertilizer spreader, tractor drawn corn scuff 1er, grain sprayer (Allis Chalmers), two F-arrow crates, turnip pulper and cut box, 100 ft. new eavestroug h, scales, forage, cernent bl ock machine and forms, purnp, hay, mixed grain, water bowls, heat lamp, extension iadder, numerous smaii tools, Coleman lamp and ianternis, combination record and radio, 3 sIngle beds, copper pip e, table saw, chesterfieid, e lectr ic stave, wooden pump (made in Ham pton), gramophone, loveseat, fern stand, aid irons, six gallon crock, mirror, grain cradie, other small household effects. No reserve. Terms cash. Lawrence Harris, cierk, CI iff Pethick, auctioneer. 17-1 N 11:00 .m. Mchinesale'at noan. Livestock sale at 3:00 p. M. Carl Hicksoni, auctioneer, Reabaro, Ont. 705-324-9959. Auction Sa le Brooklin Community Centre 'Saturday, April 28th at il a.m. Large sale of furniture including: 80 chairs in sets and singles, 120 lots of glass- ware, 115 lots of coins. Plan ta attend this choice sale. Terms cash. Earl Davis, auctianeer, 728-4455. 17-1 N Auction Sale Stirtevant's Auction Hall 33 Hall1 Street, Oshawa Tuesday, May 1, 6 pa. Property of Mrs. F. Coiten, 264 Dvisian S t., Oshawa. Modemn and antique furniture, Coldspot side-by-slde two-doar refrigerator (i ess than one year aid), electric stove, chrome suite, 9 pc. dining raomr suite, waSh stands, gramaphane, wine two piece chesterfieid suite, bridge lamp, pine hall table, antique floor model radio, twa haif moan tables, antique wicker ba by carniage (original), antique wicker stroiler (bath with waoden wheels), hall tree, large quantity of aid records, press back chairs, antique book sheif, antique chesis of drawers, dressers, beds complete, treadie sewing machine, pine bianket box, bedroomn suites, rugs, complete uine of kitchen dishes and a piances, large quantity of aniu 'hna and glass- ware (Nippon, R.S. Germany, R.S. Prussia, depression). This is a large sale. Ail furniture in original condition. Terms cash. No reserve. Myles King, auctianeer, 725-5751. 17-1 Saturday, April 28, 10 a.m. Farm By Auction Machiner y and Antiques Auction sale for the estate of the late Wm. Gray, R.R. 2, Uxbridge, Lot 23, Con. 5, Uxbridge (former Scott). Farm an Con. 6 - 1 mi. west and 1 mi. narth of Leaskdaie. 100 acre farrn, river crosses back of praperty. Frame house - 2 starey, 4 bedraarns upstairs, house in original condition, exteriar wood shingles - waadwork with original finish - no hydra, bank barn, driving shed. Farm must be sald ta settie estate. Terms $5000 dawn in certif led cheque or cash dayý of sale. Balance ta be arranged in 30 days. Ailan Gray - administra- tor. Property wili be open for inspection an Saturday, April 21 from 9 a.m, - 3 p.m. Praperty wili be sald at il a.m. Also seliing A-C B tractor, Int. 2 furrow piow, Dion threshing machine, M-H seed drill, patato digger, M-H binder, steel wheei wagon, single piaw, aid harness, scales, scuffiers, buzz saw frame, Rambler car ( as is), pine chest of drawers, chairs, numeraus other articles. Contents seil at 10 a.rn. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 16-2 Saturday, May 5 12:30 Auction Sa le Bake and Craifts To, be held at Kedron United Church, Ritson Rd. N., Oshawa. Antique rockers, pine washstand, eiectric staves, dishwasher, dryer, floar palishers, (appliances in excel lent working condition). Bed, dresser, lawn fertilizer, chairs, dishes and rnany mare househoid items. Na reserve. 17-2 Saturda y, April1 28th Auction Sale of Livestock,. Implemnents, Furniture and Antiques The property of Harvey Malcolm, Lot 1 and 2, Con. 7 Manvers Twp. 3 miles west of North Junction of Hwys. 35 and 7A (Port Perry) ta 4 corners of Yelvertan and 11/2 miles sauth on Angle Road. 89 head of Aberdeen Angus and Hereford Cross cattie. 39 Aberdeen Ana us cows, some with caives by side, remain- der due sale, ti me. 4 Aberdeen Angus and Hereford crossbred caws. Cows pasture bred after July 1, 1978 ta Purebred Poliled Hereford Bull. 38 Hereford and Pol Angus stockers 1 yr. aid haif steers - haif heifers - suitable for breeding. 40 ewes and 2 rams - purebred nat reg istered. Ewes due time of sale. John Deere 530 tractor power steering3jpt. John DereAT ba.er.John Dre ý71

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