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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1979, p. 16

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16 The Canadian Statesman Bowmanville, April 25. 1971 STARK VILLE NEWS Cartwright High School Crowns its Queen Queen and Princesses Enthroned at Cartwright Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robin- son, Mr. Gordon Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Easter and Mark were Monday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Austin, Kevin and Charlene, Wesleyville. Miss Norma Hallowell, Bowmanville spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell and Jim. Miss Tanya Fonk was a luncheon guests Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bamsey and family. On Monday evening, Mrs. Jean Todd held a baby shower for her sister Georgina and new baby Chad of Oshawa. Mr. Llew Hallowell visited Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. John Layng and Dyana. On Tuesday evening, Mrs. Winnie McKay visited Mrs. Edna Dobson. Mrs. Jennie Falls, Kendal and Mrs. Milton Wannan, Kirby spent Tuesday after- noon with Mrs. Clara Souch. On Tuesday evening, Mrs. Ruth Robinson accompanied the Reverend A. Tizzard, Newtonville to Brooklin Unit- ed Church to attend a Pres- betry Meeting. Mrs. Isabelle Trim and Mrs. Dorothy Trim attended the luncheon on Wednesday of the Past Noble Grands of Orono Rebekah Lodge in Orono I.O.O.F. Hall. Mr. Orme Falls, Bowman- ville visited Wednesday even- ing with Mr. Jim Stark. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallo- well were Wednesday supper gusts of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reid, Orono. In the evening, Mrs. Hallowëll accompanied Mrs. Reid to the Variety Concert put on by the Orono Church Choir in Orono United Church. On Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Van Neste held the Grand Opening of their new hardware store in Pinecrest Shopping Plaza, Port Hope. Mrs. Mary-Lou Fonk visited Thursday evening with Mrs. Jean Hoy, Sixth Line. On Friday morning, Shiloh U.C.W. held a very successful bake sale in Bowmanville Mall. Helping were Mrs. Bernice Stark, Mrs. Margaret Todd, Mrs. Mary Caswell, Mrs. Ada Hallowell, Mrs. Ruth Andrews, Mrs. Janet Lynn and all were luncheon guests of Miss Norma Hallo- well, Bowmanville following the bake sale. Mrs. Margaret Todd and Mrs. Bernice Stark visited Friday afternoon with Mr. Stan Bowen, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Woods, Kristine, Patrick and Paul spent the weekend in Burling- ton, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Viegener and family. On Sunday, all were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Breckon, Michael and Andrew, Toronto and attended the christening of Andrew. -On Saturday evening, Mr and Mrs, Bruce Todd held a party for the parents of the Newcastle Atoms Hockey Team. Attending from Stark- ville were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sinclair. Mrs. Dorothy Stark visited Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Joan Murphy. Miss Sheri Kennedy, Kendal was a Saturday overnight guest of Miss Alyson West- heuser. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McDonald, Hastings were Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Todd, Cathy and Robbie. On Saturday evening, Mr and Mrs. Keith Caswell, Port Hope visited Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell and Jeff. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Little, Kendal and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark visited Saturday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy. Mr: and Mrs. Jake Dykstra, Kristi and Joel, Bowmanville BOYS' AND GIRLS' MOC CASIN OXFORDS Suede and Leather ONLY Values to $16 98 Sizes 8 to 3 $o 00 Limited Stock Not Exactly as Shown Cartwright Higb School held its annual "At Home" last Saturday and the highlight of the evening was the crowning of the queen. Tammie DeMerchant, a grade 13 student, won the crown this year. She's shown here receiving the crown from Anita DeJong who was queen last year. visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rypstra and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fonk and Tanya visited Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Olesen and Jennifer, Orono on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stark, Christopher and Shannon, Knoxville. Glad to report that Miss Tara Sinclair is only bruised after her accident on her bicycle on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Todd, Cathy and Robbie were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barton, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thickson, Elizabethville and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Manders, Kendal were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Westheuser, Alyson and Lesley. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Savery and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Yule, all of Oshawa were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson, Ross and John. Shiloh U,CW. Meeting The April meeting of the Shiloh United Church Women was held on Wednesday evening, April 18th at the home of Mrs. Clifford Fonk with 21ladies present. Our President,e Mrs. Rowena Tizzard opened the, meeting by reading 'the Purpose'. Our humn 'Rise Up, Christian Women' was sung followed by a responsive reading. A meditation was given by Mrs. Mary-Lou Fonk, 'Life Mter Death' based on the book Life After Life by Dr. Ray- mond Moody. Following a prayer, Mrs. Fonk read the minutes of the last meeting. Following roll call, the business was discussed. We are to cater for the wedding- reception of Miss Anne Todd to be held at Brownsdale Community Centre on Aug. 25th. A committee was put in' to arrange the menu with the bride. The upcoming bake sale and bus trip were discussed, also the Garden Hill U.C.W. Bazaar in May. A Yard Sale and Bake Sale is to be held in May at Starkville Corners at Mr. Jim Stark's. All donations of used clothing and furniture would be appreciated. A letter from Mrs. Joyce McLean, Pres. of Oshawa U.C.W. Presbyterial con- demning drugs and alcohol was read. Mrs. Gloria Todd is to write a letter to Alcohol and Drug Concerns and all members will sign it. Our U.C.W. Anniversary Service will be held in Sbiloh United Church on June 3rd at 2:30 p.m. with a woman speaker, if possible. The Annual Report of Ohawa U.C.W. Presbyterial from Mrs. Marilyn Martin, Newcastle was read. Our next meeting will be held May 16th at the home of Mrs. Rowena Tizzard, Newtonville. Meeting closed with the benediction. Follow- ing lunch, the prize for having the lucky cup was won by Mrs. Margaret Todd. The nearest birthday prize went to Mrs. Ruth Andrews. BLACKSTOCK JoAnne Russell and Dana tine were the honored guests returned home Friday even- at a family dinner party prior ing after a week in her to the At Home on Saturday hometown of Windsor. evening in honor of their JoAnne's parents, Stan and forthcoming fortieth wedding Kay Bondy of Windsor spent anniversary. Guests at the the weekend in Cadmus. dinner which was held at Cartwright has been Steve's Seafood and Steak- honoured by the efforts of two bouse, Oshawa were Mr. of our young people once and Mrs. AI Asselstine, again. Cathy Clark a Grade 8 Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Les student and Craig Paisley a Asselstine, Kitchener, Mr. Grade 6 student at C.C.P.S. Floyd Asselstine and Miss each placed in the Mount Ruth Smitherman, Mr. Colin Albert Public Speaking Asselstine and Miss Judy Contest sponsored by the Malin. Congratulations Vera Lions' Club and moved on to qnd Vern on this happy the Zone Finals at Markham. occasion, Cathy won second prize of $50 Mrs. Chaplin, Hillsdale in the Girls' Section with her Manor, Oshawa was a Sunday speech on "Male Chauven- guests with Vern and Vera and ism" and Craig likewise took happy household of guests. second place in the Boys' Mr. and Mrs. AI Asselstine, Section with "My Trip to Tania, Michael and Mark Pittsburg". Heartiest congrat- spent the weekend with her ulations to you both. parents Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mr. and Mrs. Wîhl Dugn Frey. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Litleaof Just as the birds return in Lochlin were Sunday visitors spng looking very fit so have of Mrs. Wilbert Archer. Dur- Most of our residents vaca- ing the week Mr. and Mrs. tioning in tbe Sunny South Hugh Corry of Little Britain returned wikewise looking very visited their aunt. fit and weii. Welcome back to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Saddler ail of you. of Nestieton were Sunday On Wednesday evening evening dinner guests of Mr quite a number of Cartwright and Mrs. Kenneth SameoMs. students and their parents attended the Scugog Schools A welcome to the area is Annual Musical Evening held extended to Mr. and Mrs. at the Port Perry High School. Bernie Gotham who have Taking part were the recorder moved to the former Wes group directed by Miss Sweet Farm. Morton the Gospel Singers At the Senior Citizen's Card and tbe C.C.P.'s Band under Party on Tuesday evenng the direction of Mrs. Kiezi- there were 24 tables with the brink, the Cartwright Sounds following winners - 1. Norman directed by Mrs. Dixon and Birkett 87 2. Violet Luke 84, 3. tbe Higb Scbool Choir directed Carl Wright 83, 4. Olive by Mr. R. Ashton. The music Gimblett 83, 5. Ella Venning was all well done and a credit 81, 6. William Forder 80, Low - to the teachers and pupils of Lionel Byam. the Scugog Township. Without Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gunter a doubt the highlight of the and family of Newmarket evening was the number visited Mrs. Ella Venning and "Mine Eyes have Seen the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner on Glory" performed by the Sunday. three bands and all the choirs. On Saturday evening the April Nursery School Meeting 21st Annual At Home of the Blackstock Nursery School Cartwright High School was met on April 10 in the Nursery very successful. Irwin Smith Scbool Room at the Rec. provided lovely music for tbe Centre.RThirty members dance. Tammy DeMerchant enjoyed the film "The Value of was chosen Queen witb Linda Play" presented by Judy Duivestyn, fist princess and Crawford assa follow-up to tbe Lois VanCamp as second March Parent Education pro- princess. gram. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Assels- Jackie Danter read the minutes of the March meeting followed by the Treasurer's report given by Joanne Lee. Beth Schryburt suggested that a memorial plate for dedication of the playground be looked into regarding cost and arrangements. Plans for the class photographs and individual pictures were read by Beth. Proofs will be available to choose from at the May meeting. End of the year trip was discussed in detail. It was decided that Peterborough Zoo would be appropriate for the Nursery Children. Beth and Joanne will be in charge of the details. Chris Cliff announced that the next Parent Education Program will take place on April 25 at 7:30 in the library. Cartwright High School's reigning queen and princesses were chosen Saturday evening at the high school's 21st annual "At Home". Shown here from left to right are Lois Var Camp, 2nd princess; Tammie DeMerchant, Queen; and Linda Duivesteyn, lst princess. The queen and her court are all grade 13 students at Cartwright. The annual "At Horne" was held in the Blackstock Recreation Centre. Dr. Stewart will speak on children's health and safety. A member of St. John Am- bulance will be on hand and a health nurse will talk on Nutrition. The coffee hour wiil take place in the Art Room combined with parents visit- ing the Science Fair. Plans are underway, in co-operation with the Durham Board of Education, for a fall session on 'Parent Effective- ness Training". This ten week course is designed for both parents to attend. Details at a later date. Alice Waldriff and Brenda Bryant reported on the Fair project. The School Plans are underway for a float for the Blackstock Fair Parade. It will be in honor of "Internat- ional Year of the Child". Any parent interested in assisting with the prepariations or wanting their children on the float should contact Kathy White or Alice Waldriff. President Chris Rollo passed on the information that the health inspector had asked that a soap dispenser be placed in the bathroom. Chris Cliff will check into the purchase through the hospital. Larry Schryburt will replace the table top recently dam- aged by an outside activity at the Rec. Centre. Joanne Lee read the propos- ed 1979-80 budget Branda Walker, and assistants Ellen Russell and Pat Mowers will be returning in the fall. After a brief coffee break nominations were taken by secret paper for the nominat- ing committee in preparations for the vote for next Year's officers to be held at the May meeting. Report by Beth Schryburt. Cas of Caad is pleased to announce the opening of their newest dIealership inOsa wac Thfet» àne w Rus;)stan Sub5----compact that everyone 's,- talking about. aO you'II be Siinard ogtors Ltd 1428 King Street East Telephone 571.1000 Durham Region's Exclusive Lada Dealer Corme in soon for a test drive amnazejd I

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