8The Canadian Statesman, Bowrnanville, April 25. 1979 Local Teachers As part of their comritrnent to the United Nation's Vear of the Cild, Unit One of the Northumberland and Newcastle Wornen Teachers Federation are throwing their support behind the upcorning Red Cross Blood Donor Clmnic. The Clinic will be beld on May 2 from 1:00 - 8:30 p.rn. at the Lion's Centre, Beech Avenue Bowmanville. Pledge cards bave been distributed to, all teachers in tbe area. Caroi ixeo, cornrittee chairman bopes for 100 per cent involvement by the teachers. "Some people can't give blood for medical reasons. We are asking thern to give a donation or provîde a ride for otber teachers in their scbools." Money raised tbrough thus carnpaign will pay for advertising in local papers and purchase the food for the tea room at the clinic.' The teachers are also canvassin&_local food store rnanagers to obtain staples for the Red Cross tea roorn. Many service groups help witb clinics on a regular basis. Four clinics are held yearly. As qSon as one is over the planning begins for tme next one. As president of the Durham East Branch of the Red Cross, Bruce Colwell's responsibility is to set up sub-comrnittees within the organization. Linda Rohr is the chairman of tie Blood Donor Cinics and has several committees working under ber. The success of the Clinic falls finally on ber shoulders. The local responsibîities are nurnerous, For several weeks before tii day of the clinic, advertising is placed in local newspapeii, Service groups in the arei S eek Di Li*braryw- The town's cornnui ty services cornmittee decided Tuesday, April 17 that it wants to'know how rnuch it would cost to develop a parking area in front of the Bowrnanville Library. A resolution passed by the cornrittee requests that the director of public works sub- mit-a schedule for anticipated expenditures involved i Section Two Support Red rt sucfl as the Pine Ridge volunteers a: Kinsmen are regular and other eqi ni supporters. The B & P Club unloaded ani , (Business and Professional Lion's Cen y Women's Club> phone p ast provided freE ,s donors to remind tbemn of the Red Cross. [a clinic, and in May th qWrnl K-ettes look îe look after serving in the tea during the s, ts room. hour day. ig Shirley Coyle bas for member of tl te several years. lined up in and out of r volunteer nurses from the il area to supplernent the Red s. Cross nurses who corne out ie fromn Toronto. This year Élie is is also in charge of Public s.Relations for the clinics. ,a On the day of the clinic more Parking :y creating parking spaces south ýd of the library's front step s ,s between the steps and thbe El boundary of the library a property. ýe The cornmunity services I~ cornrittee also suggested that Be four parking spaces directly e across from th e library be : )- allocated for 15-minute park- >d ing for library users. in In a letter to the town's counilors, Library Board * Chairman Pat Best suggested that parking spaces be provided directly in front of ~ the ibrary to provide a f. 15-rinute parking area for y projector, filrn and book returns as well as pick-ups. "As you are aware since Our rise in the '78 book budget eacb month we are experienc- &~ ing greater volurnes of new members, books and filmns. Our parking for this upsurg e at the library is corn et e inadequate. We will stil nee long-tern parking," Mrs. Best said in bier letter. Creating parking spaces at Organizq the front of the library would arrangemn involve moving the library week. Froi 1sign and flag pole. land and b the Blood1 OSBORNE & SHANK May 2ndce INSURANCE AGENCY of their"'ý LTD. 108 Lberty St. North BOWMANVILLE, Ontario I LIC 31r TD1.)introduces For farm land, buildings or majyor im1provements Features include: srepayment terms up to 25 years eopfional interest rate- fixed or floating TORONrO DOMINION Sthe bank ~hee ffpelke the dff-errz See your local ID Manager Behold the Rabbit GTI as il transmission and AM/FM gleams in our showroom. Here stereo system with cassette., is no ordinary Rabbit. For a finish, it -VI Neu For a start, it is equipped wïth cornes in Alpine n % features like sports seats, White, Mars Red ('VI sports steering wheel, or Black. tachometer, 5-speeci Super, man! f OWASCO Volkswagen Audi Ltd. 1425 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-9383 Toronto Line 361-1128 Cross Blood Drive ire needed. Cots quipment must be ad set up ini the mter wbich is ,e of charge to tbe ;.Kinettes and. after registration, seven and a baîf Stan: Dunn, a tie local Legion 15 ftbe clinic ail day driving donors wbo are unable to provide their own transportation. Last year 350,000 people received blood from the Red Cross that enabled them to stay alive. Blood is required for people suffering from leukemia, for bemopbiliacs, bura and accident victims and fjor regia n eejny surgery patients . The present executive of the Red Cross is new and would appreciate knowing tbe names of previous volunteers wbo Mnay not have been contacted for this clinic. As well, any people interested in becoming, involved are urged to contact Bruce Colwell at 623-3421 or 623-7374. ILetter April 10,1979 Brian Lavis R.R. 1, Nestleton, Ont. LOB iLO John M. James, Editor c-o The Canadian Statesman Dear Sir: I would at this time like to acknowledge the fine work of our Ontario Provincial Police. In particular, to send rny thanks to Constable George Ostrander, for bis belp and services on April lst, at approxirnately 2 a.rn. Sorne friends and I were returning frorn a visit in Lindsay wben our . vebicle becarne inoperable and we were stranded. At two in the rnorning and miles from home, we were looking at a couple of hours of walking. Constable Ostrander came by and gave us a Mif. He inforrned us that if he received a cail, we would again be lef t on our own. Fortunately he did not et a cal, and we were saved forn starting off April Fools on the wrong foot. Constable Ostrander showed the fine attitude of our force and served to reinforce' the fact that our police are bere, to 'Sèrve and Protect. This atti- tude must be hard to keep in this bard and often tii nkess job. So, I send rny thanks to Constable George Ostrander along with all the other fine officers of our Newcastle Detachrnent, a Model Force. Thankfully yours Brian Lavis.. Bowrnanville, Ontario April 20, 1979 The Editor The Canadian Statesman Dear Editor: ~Iread with disrnay an unsigned letter to the editor in tis ,Week's Statesman cers of the May 2nd Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic were making final concerning, the work of Andy ent fo th clnicat owmnvile' Re Crss eadiuaters last Thornpson, cbairrnan of our .iens fr te cinicat owmnvile' RedCros hadqar chool Board, during the Dm left to right are: Carol Yeo, representative of the Northumber- present strîke of custodians. Newcastle Women Teachers' Federation; Linda Rohr, Chairman of In rny opinion 'these Donor Clinic; and Shirley Coyle, Chairman of Public Relations. The narneless concerned parents unieat he ion Cetreis ein suportd b loal eacersas artare more interested in wbo is clinc a th Lins ente i ben-gsuportd b loal eacersas artdoîng the cleaning in' the Year of the Child" projects.1 schools than in the continuous es tothe]1 and uninterrupted schooling of tbeir children. Mr. Thornpson was elected by us to provide a scbool system available at ahl tirnes to our cbildren, s0 tbey may obtain an education. He brings to the job rnany, rnany years of exrrience in the education- al field, tbrough teaching and administration. He bas spent unending extra bours in Cobourg and Toronto, working toward a settlernent of this strike, involving 18 bour days and mniles of travel. To even mention the arnount paid to hlm for tbese services is laughable. If we bired an education consultant with bis knowledge, we would soon see our taxes soar. The schools are being in- spected by tbe Dept. of Health, and can be shut down if necessary for healtb reasons. I question that the scbool referred to is as dirty as is stated. v- PEACOCK LUMBER LTD. Building supplies. Our speciality is lumber ana lumber produots. A complete mie of Uin dried hardwood and softwoods. . Walnut . Cherry . Maple . Redwood . Teak . Oak . Phil. Mahog. . 80f twoods Hardwood & softwoodplywoou'. 328 Riteon Rd. N., Oshawa 725-4744 Speciality Custom Milling Mr. Clare Sflank, President of Osborne & Shank Insurance Agency Ltd. is pleased to announice Gayle Windsor has successfully completed the Ontario Department of Insurance Examination and is now a ienced insurance agent. For the past six years, Gayle has been involved in varlous aspects of the insurance business and is presently furthering her education by studios through the Insurance Institute of Canada. Gayle wiII be pleased to quote on any of your insurance needs. Phone 623-2527 THAPAR DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC. 163 Simcoe St. South Oshawa 579-8752 Open Mon. to Sat. and evonings - by appointment only AND 140W LOCAL MERCHANTS HELP HER TRIUMPH OVER EVERYDAY TRIALS e i mq EditorI I arn happy to sign this. letter, as I feel it is cowardly to criticize or praise a publie, figure without being wi ing to reveal your identity. Sincerely Joyce Weekes. April 11, 1979 Dear John: I woùld like to thank you, and your staff- again for the fine job you did in printing our 1978 edition of te Bowmanville Merchants Basebail Program and look forward to 1979 when once again we will require your services. Yours truly Doug Smart President, Bowmanville Merchants Senior Basebali Club. P.S. Thank you for the pictures. We will be using thern, in the '79 Program construction. Aw