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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1979, Section 2, p. 13

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Spawning Trout Moved Uptream to Avoid Dam at Miii PondI ~~ ~ Bowmanville W.I. .LV.U.~..F LAL~..iA. .L I 1*4 SALE. ~ '~..F ~ ~A~/A.[~VLAA~ AAL1..LA~A. This net full of rainbow trout would make a tasty fish fry, however, when the photo was taken these big fellas were out of season to wouid-be angIers. The regular monthly meet- ing of Bowmanville W.1. met Thursday, April 5th, in Trinity Church Hall. Following the opening of 0 Canada, Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Col- lect , President Mrs. Twist welcomed ail. Regular busi- ness was conducted and the correspondence, referred to dates of visiting Erland Lee Home, and the District Annual at Maple Grove on May 9. A thank you card from Arnside Institute, England. Current events were given by Mrs. Brine and Mrs. Wood. Roll Caîl - "What country have you visited and what country would you like to visit? was well answered by 23 present, and pay your membership fee. Program was presented by Mrs. Amacher. We were favoured with two very delightful solos by Mrs..Vivian Wetherall, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Amacher. Mrs. Aider gave the motto - "Customls of Other Countries." She gave an intersting account of her visit to Spain, recalling the many differences. As this was also our Annual Meeting, Mrs. Bryant, District President spoke on the International Year of the Child, reminding us that,, home, health, and economics have a bearing on future of the child, capturing the potential, of the child helps also in his future. Closing ber address with a lonely poem "The World One Neighbourhood. ", Committee reports were given by President, Secretary- Treasurer, Mrs. T. Buttery; Tweedsmuir History - Mrs. C. Downey; Auditors - Mrs. A. Woods; Agriculture and Canadian Industries - Mrs. M. Flintoff; Citizenship and World Affaîrs - Mrs. Amacher; Education and Cultural Activities - Mrs. 'C. Bell; Family and Consumer Affairs - Mrs. J. Brine; Public Relations - Mrs. L. Touilinson. Mrs. Bryant then asked for the nomination report, after its passing she installed the new officers for 1979 - 1980. Past President - Mrs. M. Wiseman; President - Mrs. E. Twist; lst Vice - Mrs-. J. Brine; 2nd Vice - Mrs. C. Downey (1 yr); Secretary- Treasurer - Mrs. L. Tomlin- son; Assistant Secretary - Mrs. Ron Hetherington; District Director - Mrs. M. Wiseman; Aternate - Miss Pearl Leach; Branch Directors - Mrs. Wm. Mafley, Mrs. S. Buttery, Mrs. C. Bell; Public Relations Officer - Mrs. R. Hetherington; Tweedsmuir The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. April 25. 1979 Section Two History Curator - Mrs. C. Downey; Cards - Mrs. R. Patfield; Pianists - Mrs. A. Amacher, Mrs. B. Mutton; Auditors - Miss Pearl Leach, Mrs. M. Flintoff; Pennies For Friendship - Mrs. A. Cryder- man, Mrs. A. Spicer; Agricul- ture and Canadian Industries - Mrs. M. Fllntoff ; Mrs. C. Downey; Citizenship, World Affairs and Resolutions - Mrs. C. Bell; Education and Cul- tural Acitvities - Mrs. Ron Aider; Family and Consumer Affairs - Mrs. J. Brine. The meeting closed with the singlng of God Save The Queen. A social half-hour followed with tea and fruit bread. Newtonville, About one hundred and twenty young people, of al ages ', enjoyed t he "Teen Dance,,in our community Hall, Saturday, night, April 14th. Chaperones included Mr. and Mrs. Paul Morris, Mrs. Lena Clysdale, and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen. The next dance will be held on May 12tb. Erma and Reid Wood were the Greeters at our church door, Sunday morning when our Special Speaker was Rev. Rex. Norman, Secretary of the Bay of Quinte District, of the Canadian Bible Society. He gave us a vivid description of the living conditions in some of the p laces ne nas visited, recently, making us feel we are, indeed, fortunate in having our own pleasant living conditions. Our choir sang "Burdens Are Lifted At Calvary."' Rev. Tizzard conducted Devotions at Nel Gor, and South Haven Nursing Homes, Sunday afternoon, withViolet Gilmer at the piano, and Marlene Stacey assisting with the singing. Mr. and Mrs. John Carlaw, of Warkworth, spent Friday evenmng, and Satur- day, with Mrs. Bea Jones, and enjoyed lots of Bridge with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones, also. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Downey, of Brampton and Mrs. Irene Boyce, of Totten- ham, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott. Mrs. Irene Burley, of Bow- manville, was a weekend visitor, here, with Mrs. Lena Clysdale. Recent visitors with Mrs. Agnes Burley, were Mr. and Mrs. ron Burley, of Newcastle, Mrs. Perry Burley, of Bowmanville, and Mr. Earl Burley, of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Perrin, Of Cowanville, were Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson. Congratulations to Robin Ibbotson and Blaine Gflmer, representing Clarke High School, at the L.O.S.S.A., in- No it's nof a scene from Jaws! The action took place below the dam at Vanstone's Mill last week THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION AUDITO)R'REPORT To The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education We have examined the Balance Sheet of The Northumber- land and Newcastle Board of Education as at December 31, 1978 and the Revenue Fund Statement of Ope rations and the Capital Fund Statement of Operatiofls for the year then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted audîting standards, and accordingly included such tests and other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, these Financial Statements present fairly the financial position of the Board as at December 31, 1978 and the results of its operations for the year then ended in accord- ance with generally accepted accounting principles for Ontario sehool boards applied on a basis consistent with that of the prece-ding year. Cobourg, Ontario March 20,1979 Langhorne & Lynch, license number 889 Charte red Accountants BALANCE SHEET AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1978 REVENUE FUND ITATEMENT 0OF OPERATUONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER-31,1978 Elementary Expenditu re Business administration ....... $ 391,174 $ Computer services..... ........ 80,368 Instruction ................. 13,291,027 Educational services............ 350,164 Attendance, health and food services 11,956 Plant ope ration and maintenance 2,496,760 Transportation ................1,614,677 Tuition fees ....... ............ 38,390 Capital expenditure (non-allocable) 4,455 Other operating expenditure 142,66 Debt charges and capital boan interest............... 1,149,760 Non-operating expenditu re excludi ng transfers to reserves.......... 53,842 Secondary 221,133 149,832 12,988,685 92,871 111,995 1,995,491 1,108,872- 95,974 2,404 84,331 1,17 73,421 52.803 Totalexpenitur ... .........~l,2,37$-T7,1 Recovery of Expenditure Other school boards - tuition fees and miscellaneous .............. $ 12,673$ dýovernment of Ontario, tuition fees and miscellaneous ........... ......12,875 Government of Canada.......... 15,088 Individuals - tuition fees 691 Other revenue, excluding transfers f rom 65,870 44,685 51,122 93,636 reserves ..................... 104,248 165,828 Total recovery of expenditure. .. . $ 145,575$ '421,141 Net expenditure.......... ..... $1 9,479,662 $1 7,656,671 ASSETS Current Assets Cash............... Accounts receivable Under-requisitions - (elementary) ......... Under-requisitions - (secondary).. .. .. Other................................ Prepaid expe nses...................... 386 2,006 30,387 1,878,843 $ 1,917,560 Capital outlay to be recovered in future years..... 13,403,495 $15,3'21,055 Financing of Net Expenditure Govmrment of Ontario General Legislative Grants .................... $1 2,463,136 Local Taxation Previous year's over (under) requisition Note 6................. ......88,400 Local taxation raised in the cu.rrent year.. ................... 7.003,239 Decrease (increase) in reserve other tllan reserve for.refund 0f taxes.... (60,1500) Total ...................... . .$1 9,494,275 To be applied to the fol bowing year's taxation Net under (ove r) requisition (14,.. 61 3) Total........................ $1 9,479,662 $1 1,453,0 26 109-224 6,103,284 -(39,250) $1 7,626,284 30,387 $1 7,656,671 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT 0F OPERATIONS ,Schools of rainbow trout responding to the call of mother nature forged upstream to spawn Iast week but reached an impass at Vanstone's Miii dam. They were physicaily assisted by Ministry of. Natural Resources employees who carriedhundreds of them by hand to the creek aboVe the dam. In the process, the Ministry recorded their length, sex, markings and whether the fqh wpre ripe to snawn. Mins r iaualResources worKers nietteci trout from the spiliway tunïnel teiow Vanstone's Mill dam. Only those fish lucky enough to swim into the tunnel were transported by the Ministry to the creek above the dam to continue up stream tÔ spawn. LIABI LITI ES Current Liabilities Bank and other short-term borrowing ......... $1,303,495 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Ove r-requisitions - (elementary)............ Other .................. ............ Other current liabilities................... 16,619 604,548 $ 1,941,898 Net long-term liabilities. .. Reserve for working funds., Equity in reserve funds... Unexpended capital funds. 13,057,715 178,847 124,750 __17.845 $1 5d321,055 The accompanying notes are'an integral part of these financial statements. FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBIER 31,1978 Capita. Expenditure Fixed assets and work in progress Buildings, furniture and equîpment............ $425,592 School sites and improvement to sites............ 6,859 Federal saltes tax refund .................... (15,821) Total capital expenditure. ..........$41 6,630 C3apital Financing Unexpended funds at beginning of year, or (Balance at beginning of year not permanently finançed) Secondary..............................$ Capital expenditure f rom the revenue fund...... 11,744 76,951 Balance at end of year not permanently financed or (Unexpended funds at end of year) Elementary ............................... 345,780 Secondary............................... (17,845) Total ......................... ............ $416,630 The accompanying notes are an integ raI part of these f inancial statements., Belleville, last Thursaay, coming in fourth place, ina ai Ontario! Sunday dinner guests, '-vith Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Henderson, included Mr. and Mrs. L. St. John, of Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. David Hender- son and Bob Henderson, of Oshawa, Douglas Henderson and friend, and Mr. Clinton Brown. ail of Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Bfi Lane, and Heather, of Port Hope, were Monday visitors, here, with Mrs. Leone Lane. Letter to Editor April 11, 1979 The Honourable Tom Wells Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, 6th Floor, Mowat Block Toronto Dear Mr. Wells: As you are aware, the Town of Newcastle have asked the province to investigate S.86 of The Municipal Act to re-adjust assessment within the Town. The request was complied with. However, in some cases there has been a severe increase in taxes. 1 would ask that under the circumnstances your Ministry might consider financial support to the municiality to alleviate some Of the dastic increases. Yours sincerely, Sam L. Cureatz.

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