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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1979, p. 17

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Bm1ETHANY 1Mrs. Mildred Bristow and ber daughten, Mrs. Joan Graham. Omnemee were visitors to Oshawa necently attending the Grand OIe Oprey show from Nashville, U.S.A. The United Church welcom- ed to their Sunday service guest speakers, Miss Mignon Mayneord, and Mr. Eric Whitely, Peterborough, representing the Division of Stewardship of Peterborough Presbytery. The Fellowship Group of the Bethany United Church meet each Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Herb iNeals. This is a time for bible study, (at present the Gospel of John from the New Testa- ment) and also provides an opportunity to discuss matters of religion and faith with the minister, Mr. Wilmer Graham. Anyone interested is centainly welcome to attend these meetings. The U.C.W. will hold their May meeting at the home of Mrs. Vincent Jackson, on Monday, May 7th at 1: 00 p.m . Members please note change of time. We are glad to have Mr. Pat Mantie hack after a stay in the Civic Hospital, Peterborough. Mr. Roy Ferren is a patient in Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, Birthday greetings to three of our senior citizen ladies who have celebrated birthdays recently: Mrs. Irene McDonald, Mrs. Mable îEWS Preston, Mrs. Vercedes Strong. Recent visitors with Mn. and Mrs. Wilmer Graham were their married daughters and families: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Joynt and daughten Sonya of Ottawa, and Mn. and Mrs. Jim Duncan, and children, Debbie, Graham and David. Mn. and Mrs. W. McMahon were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bowins, Ononc. We are glad to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Vince Jackson back home aften their recent bus tour of 23 days to California. This was organized by Trent- way Tours and there were 43 on the bus, with an excellent driver and an obliging hostess. They visited many places of interest some of which are as follows: A guided tour of al the big cities, the Arizona- Sonora Desent *Museum, Old Tuscan, where they saw a gun fight on the street, the San Diego Zoo, and a guided tour of Disneywonld at Los Ange- les. They visited Universal Studios and the Farmers Market. A drive through Zion National Park and saw the famous Grand Canyon, look- ing down for a distance of 4 miles! They visited the Paint- ed Desert and the Petrified Forest, the Golden Arch at St. Louis, Missouri, the gambling SPRING & SUMMER GEl TOGETHER Artistic Barber & Beauty Salon, Thbe Perm your heur loves te Ilvewlt...mw o speoil Don't miss'this fantastic produci. NEW GREEN LEAF Great misa for men (curiy or body). 8 essential herb & spice oils t hat moisturize and MA protect your hair. La' q Regular $3000 ...........N 0W 6 ATTRACTIVE GIFT FOR * MOTIIER'S DAY" 1Hey fellows get your wife a gift *of beauty. ..and don't forget your] Lmother-in-law too! 6 ADVANCED HAIRSTYLISTS TO SERVE YOU BETTER. We have private styting rooms for men for comfort and privacy. Artistic Barber &I Beauty 235 King St. E. Salon 623-2931 Bowmanvllle strip at Las Vegas. At San Francisco they went to Fisher- man's Wharf and took a boat to see the jail on the island at Alcatraz and then came home on the trolley car. The y walked across thp bridge at El Paso Texas to Juarez, Mexico. A hi-light was a drive along by the, Pacific Ocean from San Francisco to Los Angeles. Sounds as if theyý had a wonderul time, and will have a lot of happy memnories. No place like homne, though, what say, folks? Congratulations too, are in order for the Jacksons, who celebrated their 36th Wedding Anniversary soon after their return from their trip. Plans are well underway for the annual May 24th Holiday weekend doings sponsored by the Bethany Athletic Society, whose president is Robt. Kerr. They are hoping for a real gala parade on Victoria Day, Monday the 2lst. Why not put on your thinking caps and enter a float or decorate your car or yourself! ! The more the merrier, might even get into the act myself with dog 9"Jim"! The Bethany Athletic Society was formed in 1908, and they have continued on through the years to provide leadership in the sports field, It is interesting to note that the first "Field Day" held in 1908 the admission was 15c and 10c. Meals were served on the Park by the ladies of the Preshyterian Church, which at that time had a large congregation. Two tents were erected on the grounds to accommodate the. people. And in the minutes of the first meeting a committee was formed to make arrange- ments to accommodate horses! How times change - but the spirit of community co-operation has lasted down through the years making this annual event a success. (Excerpts of the past taken from the Bethany Women 's Institute Tweedsmuir Village and Community History Book.) It seems that May is going to be a busy month, what with the holiday weekend and the Bethany "Doings" at that tixne, then the election, and the next weekend the Victoria Spring Festival of the Arts and Sale, May 26 and 27th. On the Friday evening the 25th, the Manvers Lyric Society presents "Spring Melodies" with guest entertainer Billy Meek. Be sure to neserve this weekend and plan to attend these festivities held in the Manvers Township Arena and Community Centre. The cottage formerly owned by the late Lila Davis on South Street is beginning- to get- "a new look" at least inside. It is now owned by Ken Crawford of Blackstock. Old plaster is being, tomn off, new walls put up. New kitchen cabinets will be installed and drinking water piped in. The days of the old pump outside are number- NýOTIICE We' re to a New at 49 King Street West ed. Meanwhile, next door, where your correspondent hangs her hat (since last faîl -we are now city slickers) we plan on some improve- ments and tidying up. This property was formerly owned by the late Lila Davis too. Recently we planted a mountain ash tree - and I am reminded of the "saying: "A man-has a true conception, of life when he plants a tree under which he may neyer sit." But, boy, 1 sure am hoping to sit unden this tone! It's fun s.eeing little green things ppig up here and there, an=yu wonder what they'll turn out to be. (Not weeds, hopefully). 1Saw two lovely geese flying overhead a few days ago, quite low too and thought you would like to read this composition on geese by a school boy: "Geese is a low bird", - Geese is a low heavy set bird which is mostly meat and feathers. His head sits on one side and he sits on the other. Geese can't sing much on account of dampness of the moisture. He ain't got no between-the-toes and he's got a little balloon in his stummick to keep from sink- ing. Some geese when they get big has curîs on their tails and is called ganders. Ganders don't haîf to sit and hatch but just eat and loaf and go swimming. If I was a geese I would rather be a gander. (This was givem, to me for my scrapbook by the late Winifred Spencer, whom many of you knew so well and loved for her sense of humour>. Bethany and District Ladies Bowling Banquet On Monday, April 23, 36 .ladies from Bethany, Ponty- pool, Cavan and Millbrook wound up their bowling season with a delicious smorgasbord at the Rockhaven, Peter- borough; Following the 12:30 p.m. buffet, President of the league, Yvonne Fallis and Secretary Marie' Finney proceeded with the presenta- tion of trophies and prizes. Gertie Clark had topped the league in ahl categories - high single, high double and high average, but since she could only receive one, she was presented with the trophy for high single 305. Runner-up, Beulah Robinson, received a trophy for her double of 489 and Hilda Cochrane was presented with the trophy for high average of 179 - Chris Neals, a spare, received honourable mention for bowl- ing games of 263 and 264 for a 527 dlouble. Members of the top team for the year were Alta Curtis, Toby Arbeau, Grace Fallis, Joan Bedford, Gwen- ffiespie and Isobelle Fluery. They were presented with the Ambrose Trophy and each received a "Champ" pin. Members of the second place team were Beulah Robinson, Hilda Cochrane,, Ruth Richardson, Bessie VanDam, Ina Harkness, and Ina Dyer. Each lady received a bowling vase. In the play-offs the winning team was: "the B-Jays" with Barbara Cochrane, Betty Durham, Joyce Edwards, Janice Jenkins, Joan Jeffries and Yvonne Fallis. This team received the Lucille McMullen Memorial Trophy, presented to the league by Jim McMul- len in memory of his late wife, Lucille, who was an avid bowler and one of last year's captaîns. Each memben also received a vase. The second team, just 85 pins behind, was "The Rolling Stones" with Marie Finney, AudreyDavid- son, Diane Adams, Vicki Campbell, Kay Youngman and Darlene Muller. Bowling 200 and over in the playoffs were: Audrey Davidson 255, Vicki Campbell 240, Belle Smith 238, Hilda Cochrane 231, Kay Youngman 228, Gertie Clark226,r29, oyceEdwrd given to the 1978-79 executive. The 1979-80 officers are: President - Joan Bedford, Secretary - Toby Arbeau, Treasurer - Hilda Cochrane. Bowling will be held again on Monday afternoons com- mencing in September. To finish off the afternoon many of the ladies continued on to the Brookdale Plaza for a couple of fun games at the bowling alley. Consolation prizes were taken home by rdarg Murphy and Barb Cochrane. Twenty-one members of the Bethany Senior Citizens Club, the "Golden Stars"~ were in Cobourg recently'to take part in a bowling tournament. Bowlers from Senior Citizens Clubs of Cobourg, Trenton and Port Hope took part. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. May 2, 1979 17 INTRGDUCTORY CELEB IO Iili decorating centre' We now carry a complete line of Glidden paint. Biowmanviile Mal 623-91 21 pMriumoce only Dealer rnay seil for less Container may be underfilled for tintng, See label for net contents, I e moving Location, in August, 1979 Watch for Grand Opening Meanwhile. Business As Usuala 7 King Street West- Bowmanville i

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