2The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 2, 1979 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION to The* Ontario Municipal Board by thé Corporation of The Town of Newcastle for approval of a By-Law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act.> TAKENOTICE that: the Council of the 'Corporation of the Town of Newcastle intends f0 apply to The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 35 of The Plan- nIng Act for approval of By-Law No. 784117 passed on the 9th day of April, l1979. A copy of the By-Law is furnished herewith and a note givlng an expanation of the purpose and effeot of- the by-law arnd stating the lands affected thereby is alsoi furnished herewlth. ANY PERSON INTERESTED MAY, within twenty-one, (2.1) dais ailter the date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver f0 the lerk of the Town of -Newcastle notice of objec- tion to approval of the said'by-Iaw or part thereof giving det ails of ail or the portion of the by-Iaw to which you object and detailed reasons therefore, and shahl indicate that if a hearlng is held the objector or'an agent wili attend at the hearlng to support the objection. ANY PERSON wishlng to support the application for approval of the by-awînay Within twenty-one (21) days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Townof Newcastle notice of his support of approval of the said by-Iaw together with a request for notice of any hearing that may be held giving also the name and address ta which such notice should be given. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOAR.D may approve of the saîd by-Iaw but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the by-Iaw wiIl be consîdered. Notice of any hearing that may be held wiII be given only to persons who have flled an objection or notice of support and who have eft wth or delivered to the Clerk undersigned, the ad- dress ta which notice of hearing Is to be sent and, similary, to any persoi who has f iled a request for a change in the provisions of the by-Iaw. THE LAST DATE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS wiII be May 17th. _19,_. DATED at the Town of Newcastle this 25th day of April, 1979. J.M. Mcllroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk 40 Temperance Street, BOWMANVILLE, Ontario LiC 3A6 Purpose and Eff ect of By-Law No. 78-117 The purpose and effect of Ry-iaw 78-117 is to amend the Darlington Zoning ByLaw by changing the zone designation of, a 1 .5 acreparcel of land in part of Lot 18, Concession 7, (Ennlskilen) f rom "D" (Deferred Development> f0 "Ci -2". The "C1-2" designation is a ste-specific zoning which wil permit the continuation of the exlsting single family dwelling and butcher shop on the site, and the eventual expansion of the butcher shop ta a maximum gross floor ares of 800 square feet. The defînition of "butcher shop" introduced by the By-law encompasses the cutting, processlng, wrapping and sale of meat and the manufacture of cold cuts, but specifically ex- cludes an abattoir, general purpose store, or smoke shop. THE CORPORATION OFèTHE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE 8y-Law No. 78-117 Being a by-Iaw f0 amend Restric- ted Area By-Iaw Number 2111, as amended, of the former Township of Darlington. WHE REAS the Çouncil of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems tl advisable to amend Restricted Ares By- Iaw Number 2111, as amended, of the former Township 0f Oarilngtoni. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS as f ollows: 1. Sectio n 2 of the By-Iaw 2111, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following Sub- section (y)(?.) entit!ed "SHOP IBUTCHER". (y) (2) "SHOP. BUiTCHJER" - means a building or part of a'buildlng where meat and poultry only are cut, -prooessed, wràýpped and offered or kept for sale f0 the public. This definition shah flot include an abattoir or a general purpose store. For the purpose of- ths definition, processing shall in- clude' the curlng, as weIl as the manufacture of cold cuts, but flot smokinq of meat." 2. 'Subsect ion,6(d) of By-Law 2111, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto the folowing sub- section (2): "2. C1-2: Lot 8. Concession 7 Notwithstanding any provision of Section 6 (a> ta the contrary, the Lot desîgnated "C1-2" on Schedule "A" shahl be used only for the purpose of a single family dwelling and a butcher shop, not f0 exceed 800 square feet in total f loor ares." 3. Key Map 8 of Scheduie "A" fo By-Iaw 2111l, as amended, is hereby further amended by chang- ing f0 "C-2" the zone designation 0f lands in- *UVAOWC UI'WÉfTWEN C*=$»*OtS760 ZOtt CIWIGE 1£ £14 THIS8 IS SCHEDULE Y TO BY-LAW t. P. A1SSED THIS -su-...DAY 0F ..&l9L-.A.D.. 1979. ýtr *met or èô -go Yi. fl - tycrýl. - W. tn.. 9, W,, bt.' P'MMtI 0.t W revenue at $89,629 with a $52,965 deficit. Annuai increases were based on a flat rate of seven per cent for the second year of, operation (hypothetically 1980) and eight per cent for the third (1981). Salaries and wages dlaim the largest chunk of the expenditures with utilities demanding the next largest portIon. Revenue would come from admissions, memberships, pool and squash court rentals, registration fees and board of education rentals. As for board of education usage, it will be up to each schooi principal to decide how much his school uses the pool and other facilities. For preparation of this draft budget, hours of use were~ determîned through conversation w-ith Bill Brunt of Bowmanville High Schooi. Councillor Bill Clarke said he was concerned that no school has absolutely guaranteed it wili use the pool. Mr. Fanning said in 1977 he checked with service clubs and schools around town to see if they were--interested in a pool and al indicated they were and wouid want to use it. "Oh, I'm quite sure they want to use it, but are they going to be able to use it? " queried Clarke. Schools Involved Don Peebles,_ co-ordinator of education services, with the Northumberland-Newcastle Board of Education and member of SPLASH, said he talked with the board's physical education resource teacher before the closing of Pine Ridge Training School was announced. The teacher was setting up a swim program at Pine Ridge for grade five students at ahl public schools in the Town of Newcastle. Ail schoois, except for the one in Newcastle Village, said they wanted to be involved in the program, Peebles said. He reiterated that the decision to participate is made by the individual schooi. Money to cover instructional cost s can corne out the schoo's budget or may be paid by parents. Transportation costs are covered by grants from the government provided the same trip is made for the same purpose 15 times during the year. And further,, SPLASH member Jan Williams said she has made many calîs to public schools in the town and ail have said they would use the pool. Clarke stili wasn't convinced. He said he mentioned at last week's council meeting that people shouid phone him if they want the pool. "Oniy four people phoned me. I have my responsibilities also," he rn Page 1 reminded Williams. "I don't ever remember, being asked if I wanted an arena," replied Williams. "If you're not willing to believe us, then maybe you shouid phone the schools yourself . "I know council wants more industry," she said, since an industrial tax base is more desireable than a residential one. If the same amount of land with the same services at the same price was available to an industry in Oshawa and Newcastle, where would it locate? " she asked. "Why should it locate here? We-- have four arenas to Oshawa's four pools, its squash courts and covered tennis court. If, as a progressive council, you want to encourage industry, you have to give these people something else. " Councillor Jasper Holliday said hie thought perhaps the suggested pool rentai rate of $20 for three hours should be increased in the interest of balancing the budget. Caruana pointed out that his experience of running arenas has shown that an increase in rentai fees usually causes the use to drop off. SPLASH member AI Strike compared the proposed overaîl deficit for the pool and recreational complex's first year of operation with that of two pools in Oshawa. Costs Cornpared He said that the suggested $40,00 deficit for Newcastle pool amounts to approximately $1.30 per capita. In 1977, Centennial Pool in Oshawa had a $1.56 per capita deficit and Donevan Pool had a $1.66 per capita deficit. Most pools in Oshawa have decided to keep their rentai rate down and operate with a bit of a deficit. "You make the choice consciousiy, " said.Mr. Strike. .At the present time there is a need for an indoor pool," said Mr. Fanning in his report. "In the long run, it would be more economical to have an indoor pool than three outdoor pools due to the fact that outdoor pool use is limited and regulated by inclement weather. "The SPLASH committee has put a valiant effort towards the needs of children, teens, and aduits of the community. Other communîties have developed an excellent aquatic program due to having an indoor pool. We, could have the same program here, if, we had the proper facilities. Since itran out of time Monday night, the committee decided to discuss the proposed agreement between the town and school board, outiining ternis for transfer of land and construction of the recreational complex at the May 7 council meeting at 3:30 p.m. * j FLOWERS] -DRIED FRESH ~TROPICAL .GREEN PLANTS 3,STORES: Ç~Highway No. 2' King St. E., Oshawa Simcoe St. N., VNBl Oshawa REN A RABBIT! $9a a 7' pe rk ilomet re SPECIAL Weekly & monthly RATES AVAILABLE C o st $40OOO pi Coumty Town Singers Coining The Newcastle Hockey Mothers are again working very hard to raise funds for the Newcastle Arena, and to bring a big treat to the public as well.. 1on Monday, May 7th at 8:15 in the Newcastle Town Hall, tbey will present the much sought after "Wbitby County Town Singers". This group of about 60 amateur singers, has performed in Europe, at the Lions National Convention in California, at the opening of Expo and the Olympics in Montreal and many other .They have made several albums which may be purchased at the concert. Their programs are revised constantly to present fresb material to audiences. Don't miss this outstanding event. Tickets available at the door., Mr. Bob Coatham of Red Deer, Aberta bas been visit- ing his mother Mrs. Halstead Coatham and family for the past two weeks. Lt. Neal Wood, Mrs. Wood and their sons Shawn ând Manni of Camp Borden spent Saturday with Neal' s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrabal who reside in the new senior citizen's complex of Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morton bad Sunday dinner with Mrs. George Morton and in the afternoon visited ber cousin Mr. Sidney Lockbart at tbe Hope Haven Nursing Home in Port Hope. At Orono United Cburch un Sunday, May 6th miembers of the Masomec Lodge will be present for their District Divine Service. Mr. and Mrs. R. Pears of Orillia were recent visitors of their son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Len Pears. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ruther- ford spent Sunday with their son Mr. Douglas Rutherford of Toronto. St. Saviour's Anglican Church Womnen beld their Spring Salad Supper on Wed- nesday, May 2nd -in the I.O.O.F . Hall. Members of the Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges of Orono and District attended the regular miorning service at the Orono United Church on Sunday, April 29th followéd by dinner served in the I1.0.07F Hall. Orono United Church Women beld three meetings on Tuesday, May lst at 2 p.m. Unit 2 - at the home of Mrs. W. E. Armstrong and in the evening Unit 3 at the home of Mrs. Jack Moffat and Unit 4 at the home of Mrs.. Jack Williams. On Wednesday afternoon Unit 1 in the Main Hall and Unit 5 in the Leskard Churcb Hall. The Orono Senior Citizens meeting on Thursday, May 3rd at1: 30 p.m. In the I.O.O.F. Hall. Bits and Pieces NEW OWNERS - The popular Liberty towl establishment wiil be under new owners as o f August lst. Erv Brooks, welI known service station operator and Brian Evans of Hunt St., a GM employee better known as 'Farmer' will be taking over. Best of luck to them. FIVE CANDIDATES - There are néw five candid- ates running for election here, including a new- corner, Robert Platt of Oshawa, representing the Marxist Leninist Party. So, voters can go for the PCs, the Liberals, the NDP, the Libertarians or the Commies. What no Socreds? ROLLING STONES - Any devotees who would like to buy pictures taken at The Rolling Stones concert. in Oshawa recently can order them from the Oshawa Times by phoning 723-3474 and asking for Mrs. Pleau. OPEN HOUSE - Both Durhamn Christian High Sehool and Knox Christian School will be holding open House this Friday, May 4th NOT May 5th as mentioned last week. Ail are welcorne to attend and view the many displays. r From Page 1 west of the school propert, proposal inVolving the schoc Participation House "Minister of Commun Social Services, Hon. Keith has not been too receptivi Participation House propq rBOWMANVILLE MSU Opening Night Friday, May'l8th Celebratlng the Deslgnation of this property as an HistorlcSite. Presontation of Plaques MRefreshments WatCh for more details Ear Piercing Secial for Mother5s D ayI OnIay$4,00 for Mothêrs When aCCOmpanied by a daughter who gets her ears pierced at the Regular price of $8.00 SAVE $4.00 HOOPER'S JEWELLE-RS 29 KINO0 ST. E. 13OWMAN VI LLE TELEPHONE 623-5747 ______________________ z ne Ridge date for reusons of economics," said y or the Mn. Cureatz. DI, stated Though it's possible Pine Ridge school and the 95 acres involved may lend itself to a variety of uses, Mn. ity and Cureatz said he felt municipal 1Norton, offices and---sports- complex ,e to the combined would be a neahistic osais to approach if the Town of Newcastle _______purchased the property. "It is flot affordable for t he town to purchase the school soleiy on the open market See and then attempt to support See maintenance costs," he said. The centralization of municipal pg. 16 office s and othen recreational facilities, and possibly an amalgamation with SPLASH plans, for would be the path of the least economic resistance. he said. More où the Pine Ridge Training School NOTICE TO THE PROPERTY OWN ERS 0F The Township of Scugog The Township of Manvers and The City of Oshawa The attention of property owners of the above mentioned municipalities is directed fo notices published elsewhere on this page regarding applications f0 the Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation of the Town 0f Newcastle for approval 0f by-laws fo regulate land use. Enjoy THE NEW DUITCH OVEN Sunday, May 13, Noon to Eight p.m. Reservations appreciated ... (416) 983-5001 colleCt SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY MENU ,~avsI~"f~ÇvyourseÇf' safa 6ar, incfucCedtfJsjeaenes THE HOUSE SPECIA LiTY.. Tutcý i&ven $chiiazef ,AS5enerous Jbortion. ofour own 6readé(efsinitzef, ,qriffec( in 6utter, t9yye( witfi sficed-i'am, turky ,w4ofe 6roifed-(musfirooms, coverecf wîtf meftec[s wiss c(heese ani(swimmin, in our own wine sauc e, serve( witf roastea§potatoes, 6utterec{ 6a6 )arrts, wfhofegreen Ceans, sweetyiked{ eets and.fresf - 6aIýedc c1icar cfýeese tea 6isc.uits. -afrast. ...$95 tler p$eciafntrees t@ven-roasted)(oin of ~ork , $Dutc/i <Dven pfelearnisfil. ... .. . .. . . . . . . $7.95 ,fndiviuaf J3roied £a46 Sfiis4-ka-6o6s, rice i,pi .. .. . .... .. .. .......8.95 £onfon ýBroifWoj-q$irlfoin Steà 6 roifeJ, to our ordèer servedslicedon ayfatterfrr two (on[y~) or more .. .. .. .. .. .. ............ . . . . ... . . 9.95/person $Dutc/i eOven ,famify$ Sjfe Roast T7urkýY and- irinia Ham, serv4 'onyfatters witfl diressinô5, ji/ietravj> raisin sauce, frr two (on&f) or more . .. .. .. . .. .. . .7.95/,erson JCentrees incCudê d/e safcu(6ar, rated{oaos eeîno "fieCpyoursef'vçýeta6fes andjfres/-/ia/ed ciedd(ar c/eese tea 6iscuits. ($ales 'T-ax extra) THE NEWDUTCH OVENVIwu FuIIy icensed, plenty of parking. H IGHWAY 115 at TAUNTON ROAD, ORONO For reservations ... (416) 983-5001 collect Kig StreeOKt RenuConstructionm In view of the progress-being made with Phase 2 of the re-ConstruCtion of King Street, Bowmanville, notice is hereby gîven that Phase 3, Division Street to TemperanCe Street, wiIl commence on or about May 3rd, 1979. J.« Dunham Director of Public Works Town of Newcastle c