12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 16. 1979 CLASIFI ED DEADLIN E Tus.12 noo 623.33O3 e.- - ALEXANDER - Here's a bia weîcome ta Amy Jane from her parents Philip and Carol (nee His)- and her sister Meredith An ne. Amy was born May 2nd, 1979, at O.G.H. weighing 7 lbs. 71/2 ozs. Sincere thanks ta everyone who helped our waiting go so SMOOthly. 20-1 O'NEILL - Kelly Jennifer is pleased ta announce her arrivalat9:30 a.m. on May 10,' 1979 at the Oshawa General Hespital where she weighed in at 8 lbs. 10 ozs. Proud parents Bob and Carol would like ta cangratulate Bob and Doris Hunter, Agincount on the blrth of thein first g nandchild and Nonm and Gerfrude O'Nel I on the birth of their first grand- daughter. Many thanks te Dr. Lai and the staff at Oshawa General. 20-1 Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Bannes wlsh ta announce the forth- camlng manniage of their daughfen Deanna te Carl, son et M ns. Arvilla Banett and the late Thernîey Bannett. The marniage te take p lace June 16, 1979 in Hampton United Chunch. 20-1 Mn. and Mrs. Larne Banker, Lindsay, anneunce the forth- ceming maniage et their da ughter N ancy ta Ronald Pearce, son of Mrs. Heward Pearce, Newcastle. The manniage wll11 be on Satunday, June 2, 1979 in the United Church, Lindsay. 20-1 Marion and Bill Burg ess, George and Millie Read are happy te announce the forth- coming maniage of their children, Kathy and Stan. Weddin gt take place in TrnityUnited Chunch at 4:30 p.m. J une 9, 1979. 20-1 Mn. and Mns. J. Elliott of Coutice wish ta anneunce the marniage of thein daughter Phyllis te Denis Deherty, son of Mn. and Mns. John Doherty et Bnookville, August 11, 1979 at 2 p.m. at St. Getrude's Chunch, Oshawa. 201 CARR - William, and his beioved son, CARR - Steven. Suddeniy as the-nesuit et an accident near Sol ina on Fiday, May 11, 1979. Bill Caret 222 Nonquon Rd., Oshawa, in his 46th year, and his beloved sen, Steven, of the same address, in his l6th year, survived by Doreen, Brenda, Brian and Susan. Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home, Bowmanviile. Funerai service was held at 1:30 o'clock Manday atternoon. Interm ent Bowmanvilie Cemetery. 20-1 N COCHRANE - Leslie. Sud- deniy at his home on Th ursday, Ma y 10, 1979. Les Cochrane et R.R. 2, Black- stock, in his 68th yean, beioved husband of Norma Cowling, dear fathen af Kenneth and Ralph. Rested at the North- cutt Eliott Funeral Home. Funeral service 1:30 o'clock Saturday atternoon. Inter- ment Hampton Cemeteny. i ~20-1 N On the occasion cf their Wedding Anniversary, and Mrs. J.J. Gibson, Perry ilIl be entertainir an" Oýpen House- to be h Saturday, May l9th f ron p.m. at the Latcham Ce Port Perry. Best wishes Ine ir th GRI FFIN -Russell. In laving Mn. memery et a dean husband Port and fath en whe passed away ng at Ma 19, 1975. ld on Gog saw the noadl was getting ým 2-4 neugh and the his wene :ntre' hard te climb eniy. Se he cîosed your weary eyes 19-2N thine. -Lovingi y nemembered by wife Lau, family and grand- chlldnen. 20-1 M 2 The tamily of Mr. and Mrs. Aleck Moffat wish te invite their friends, relatives te a reception and dance in honour ef their 25th wedding anni- versary Saturday, May 19, 1979, Newcastle Town Hall, 8 p.m. Best wishes only. BEST - In loving memory' et a dear son and brother, Bob, who passed away May 16, 1965. Beautiful memories are wonderful things, They Iasttill the Iongest day, They neyer wear eut, t hey neyer get lest, And can neyer be given away. To some you mnay be forgot- ten, But ta us who Ioved and iost you, Your memery wiil always Iast. - Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his family. 20-1 MARCHANT - In Ioving memory et a dear son, Richard James Marchant, who passed away May 15, 1952. Beautiful memeries are wonderful things, They Iast fonever, they neyer wear eut; They neyer get last, and can neyer be given away. To some you may be forgotten TOoethers a part et the past But ta us whe loved you and Iost you Your memory wilI always last. - Lovingly remembered by mether, sister and brothers. 20-1 COLBARY - At Bowmanvlle Memoniai Hospital, on Frlday, May 4th, 1979, Norah Colbary, aged 69 years. Beieved wife of Ka ri1Coiba7ry.Dean mother et Elaine (rs. Gilbert Howard), Mentor, Ohio and Frank, Oshawa. Complete service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanviile on Manday at 1:30 p.m. Cremation. 20-1 N STEEN - William. in Kingston General Hos pital on Ma y 14, 1979, Willi1a m Steen of Picton, formeriy of Bowman- ville, in his 69th year. Beleved husband of Edna Sheehan. Dean fathen of Patsy (Mrs. Jim Latchford), Bilily and Terry, ail et Picton. Aise survivied by a brother Tom Steen, Picton and a sisten Dorathy (Mrs. Muihenin), Mississauga, and predeceased bv a brother Ma ion John Steen. Dean grandfather of Kevin, Timmy', Cissy, Tracy, Billy and Dannv. Funeral service' will be heid at Whattam Funeral Home in Picten at 2 p.m. on Thursday. Interment Gienwood Cemetery. Morris Funeral Chapel ESTABLISHED 1881 4 DIVISION ST. BOWVMANVI LLE 62 3*5480 TWO OFF STREET PARKING AREAS Jlliuurt othtt THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE Concer -n for the demnands upon you . . . ou r f irst consideration. To ensure you the helpfulness you need. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Ontario LIA 3W High Qua lity at Reasonable Pices Phone 885-5216 Home 885-5222 WýORKMANSHIP - QUALITY_ PEARCE- In Ioving memory of Ernest who passed away May 15, 1961. His memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away. - Always remembered by Diana, Isabel, Ron, Margaret, and familles. 20-1 The family of the late Clifford Richardsen wlsh to express their sincere thanks and appreciation te relatives, friends and neighbours for their floral tributes, cards and expressions of sympathy during the loss et our dear brother. Special thanks te Rev. Winnifred Bridges, Ponty Pool U.C.W., A.F. & A..M. Lodge No. 325 and contributions te the different organizatiens, aise the staff at Morris Funenal Chapel for their kindness. Ruth Fisk and Madeine Kerr. 20-1 The family of the late Emily Mairs would like to express our sincere and heartfelt thanks to our friends, rela- tives and neighbours for their expressions of sympathy'for the loss of our beloved mother. Special thanks to Strathaven Nursing Home and the nurses on Floors 1 and 2 of Memorial Hospital for their wonderful cane. To Morris Funeral Chapel and also Rev. R. Fellows for his words of comfort. Freda and Ken Dave and Joan Bruce and Lorraine 20-1 I wish to extend my sincere thanks to my famîly and friends, the doctors and staff of the hospitals in which I recelved excellent care. A special thanks to those who prayed for my recovery. Mrs. Sophie Currie 20-1 We wish f0 thank ail our relatives, friends and neigh- bours for the lovely wedding gfsLouis and Kathy Real We would like to thank all our friends, neighbours and relatives of Long Sauît and Tyrone for the beautitul presentation gifts. It is deeply appreciated. Bob and Linda Bartley 20-1 FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanviîîe Mall Phone 623-3365 PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE FOR ALI YOUR FLORAL D NEEDS tf BEV'S FLORAL CREATIONS "Fîowers with Feeling" For any Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Hoidays Bey. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 il-tf 1P )pil CARNATION FLOWER SHO 33 Division St., Bowman623-7141 HOSPITAL and 7 SYMPATHY ARRANGEMENTS e Flowening Plants and CutF lowens "F OWE à,Say I Best' VAN BELLE DAI LY Delivery te.. Oshawa - Bowmanville A Phone 623-4441 lu= EAR PIE RCING $8.00 (ne appointment necessary) Plus la per cent off f irst purchase of ea rrings with release slip. Hooper' s Jewelîers Lt. 29 King St. E. Bowmanviîle 623-5747 For women only; Yc have free lounge wea lingerie by having a Cherie Party". For mc please cail 728-9343 aft p.M. BE A BIG SISTER Volunteens are needled i anea ta be a fniend te g aged 7 - 17, who are in nE suppotative relationsl CAL L SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOL at 728-7525 REWARD, lost in Bowman- ville, May 7, tan purse with leather trim. No questions psked. Phone 263-8892. 20-1 ORANGE cat, micaht be inlured, white plastic coîlar with name Ben on it, in Liberty and Saunders area, 623-3168. 20-1 LOST in Bowmanville Mail àrea, maie, beagle, light tan head, white nase, white blaze, wearing iight brown eollar. Answers to name et "Toby". A sad littie girl woulId appreciate the return of her campanion. R EWA RD. Cdli11623-7726. 20-1 SMALL, maie white dog with tafty ears and two taf ty coliouredspt on his back, Please phone623-4576. 20-1 ONE pair cf gold tramed glasses in red case. Reward. 623-5821 or the Beckers Store at King and Temperance. 20-1 WATCH in Pretessionai Medicai Building area. Owner can have same by identitying. Phone 623-5265. 20-1 Ontario Hydro's Darlington generatinq station informa- fion centre is open Tuesdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Thursdays, noon to 5 p.m. The Centre is at the corner of Hoit Road and the South Service Road. Tele- phone Dennis Flaherty, 623-7122. 18-9 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SOCIAL PLANNING COU NCIL invites you ta attend its meeting on Thursday,, May l7th at 8.n. Special Problems of Courtice as part of the Town cf Newcastle SPEAKER ANN COWMAN Ebenezen United Church Courtice 20-1iN Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Faber, Hampton Village, House of Amber residence are pleased to become Amway Products Distributors. We wilI be pleas- ed ta show you these 100 per cent gu araInteed cleanîng, items, ewel1ler y and many more wonde rul1 products. CarIl today or drop in, Hampton 263-2981. 20-2 NOT IC E 0F ANNUAL MEETING 0F SHAREHOLDERS The Port Darîington Harbour Company TAKE NOTICE that the Annuai Meeting et Shanehoid- ers cf the Port Darlington WH arbour Company wiIli be held >~ at 76 Scugog Street, Bowman- ~v' ville, Ontario, on Menday the 4th day of June, 1979, at the heur of 8:00 in the evening, 12-tf local time, ton the toilowing pur poses: 1. To receive and censiden the Report and Financial State- ment cf the Accountant; 2. To eiect the Directors ot the Company te hold office until the next Annual Meeting of the ers Shareholdens; t 3. To ap peint the Accountant IrI and auth onze the Directors te tix their remunenatien; 4. To transact such further and other business as may preperly corne betene the meeting. Dated at Part Dalington, rea th is lth dayof May, 1979. il Onrder 0f The Board "J. Thempson" 43-tf President A - e - - SOPER CREEK NURSERY SCHOOL Open House 98 Concession St. E. MAY 14 to MAY 18 9 -11:30 a.m. and 1 -3:30 p.m. Registration for Sept. 1979 sessions wiII1 be taken. For information cal 623-3613. 20-1 N 23-tf N Eldad Sunday - School Anniversary ou can May 27th arand at Eîdad Church S"Ma Afternon service: 2p.m. re 5:30 uestspeaker: Mr. Donald 18-TF:3 Genge, Administrator at 18-TF Camp Quin-mo-Iac Special music by choir and Sunday school. Evening service: 7:30 p.m. Guests: The Living Hope Singers, from Toronto. n this Everyone welcome including giilsfomrcmes ieed of fome0cmpr 2 ;hips. 2- DELICATESSEN USE Vic's Smoked Meats Delicatessen at the Talisman Emporium, Newcastle every Saturday and Sunday. 26tfN NaturalIly cured, hardwood smoked cold cuts- We Also Cater Ma 9-tf N Dôa ncin g Tyrone Community Centre Saturday, May 19 8:30 - 1 a.m. Music b y WILLIE and BOB Dness: Hardtime Free admission 20-1 N B'INGO N EWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tues., May 22 Eariy Bird Games 7:30 Reguiar Bingo08:00 ?550 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Spýonsoned by NEWCASTLE LIONS 20-1 N SOL INA COMMUNITY HALL DANCE Sat., May 19, 1979 Ra y Avery's Orchestra Evenyone Weicome $6.00 per couple 20-1iN Bowmanviîle Horticultunal Society is holding their ANN UAL PI ANT CAl 9 SUNDAY SCHOOL May 16 at 6:30 p.m. ANNIVERSARY AT THE LIBRARY92 SERVICE192 May 20th at 2 p. m. Manvers Township GUEST SPEAKER ARTS and CRAFTS REV. Wmn. E. WELLS, Peterborough SHOW and SALE Assisted by MANVERS ARENA Rev. H. Kempling Hwys. 35 and 7A ANNUAL MAY 26 and 27 BUFFET SUPPER 1 -10 P.m. Wed., May 23rd Admiîssion-S50c, 25c Senving froM4:30 -6:30 p. m. Chu dren under 12 -$1.50 Ad uits - $3.50 19-2 CAMPING FOR BOYS An exciting camping prognam for al1 boys. Residentiai Camps: Camp Samac - Oshawa 8 toll11 s.* Camp Samac Aiveint une Base Halibunton, Ontario il ta 16 yrs. Pragram is open f0 ail beys. For information and brochures contact: Boy Scouts of Canada, 1711 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa, Ont. L1G 4Y1 or phone: 416-725-4734. 19-5N The Elva Reid Gallery OPENS FOR THE 1979 SUMMER SEASON ON Wed., May l6th Please loin us fer a cup of cottee and peruse our fine selection cf art, cnafts, antiques and Canadian books. Open Wednesday thru Sunday and Holiday Mendays. Heurs il a.m. - 5 p.m. Located on Durham Road 9, 2.8 miles east of Kinby (Hwys. 115 and 35) Phone 983-9339 19-2N a Iso May 26 - 2 p.m.- Music Workshop wîth Maple Sugar and Graham Townsend - $5.00 8 p.m. - Concert with Maple Sugar, Graham Townsend and local talent -$3.00. May 27- 2 pm. Magic Show 7 p-rn. - Pola Dot Door No Admission, 20-1 N GREAT PINE RIDGE KINSMEN CLUB DANCE Saturday, May 26 TOWN HALL "Little Bit of Country starning Jack Bailey" Tickets -$10 couple Available from: Char les Gra y 983-5920 Don Hylan d 983-5658 Kirby General Store 983-5476 20-2N ROLLER SKATING MANVERS COMMUNITY CENTRE AND ARENA Hi ghways 7A and 35 MON DAY WEDN ESDAY FRIDAY 7:30 p.m.to 10:30 p.m. Admission: Adult $1.50 Child $1.00 Spectator .50 Skate RentaI $1.00 Beginning Mon., May 28 20-3N Bowmanville Nursery School OPEN HOUSE AND REGISTRATION MAY 29th to 31st 9 to11: 30 a.m. and 1 to 3:30 p.m. AT THE SCHOOL IN THE LIONS CENTRE 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanviîîe The School operates half-day programs tram Monday to Thursdlay beginning mid-September and ending mid-June. For more information, call623-4381 during school hours or 623-7095 evenings. 19-4 HADASSAH JEAN AND FABRIC SALE BRAND NAME JEANS, ALL SIZES. REASONABLE PRICES GOOD SELECTION 0F USED CLOTHING CLEARING AT Sc, 15c and 25c Tuesday and Wednesday May 22 -23 f rom 9a.m. - 1 p.m. Beth ZMon Synagogue 144 KING ST. E., OSHAWA. BETHANYMAY DAY CELEBRATION Friday, May l8th ai 8 p.m. FI REWOR KS DISPLAY. Admission Aduits $1.00, Students 50c, Public Schooi 25c. - No persona l finecrackers - Satu rday, May 19th at 9 p. m. in Manvers Community Centre GARY BRISTOW &THE COUNTRY FEVER Admission $3 per persan Monday, May 21st at 12 o'clock sharp PARA DE Entries include Bands, Floats, Soaap Box Derby Carts, Commercial Vehicies, Antique Cars, Decorated Bicycles and Tricycles. Monday, May 21St - Afiernoon ai the Athîetic Park Durham Region Police Tug-O-Wan Team vs Manvers Fire Dept. Lob Bail Game - 1 p.m. Durham Region vs Bethany Admission $1L00, Student 50c, Public Schoel FR EE. 20-1iN PATIO SLABS BRICK - STONE MASONRY SUPPLIES N EWCASTLE CEMENT BLOCK CO. LTD. KING ST. E., NEWCASTLE 987-4444 OSHAWA SCREENED SAND GRAVEL &STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS ALL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL &DIRT FILL Phone Oshawa 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. y1 Mile North of Hwy. 2 ANTIQUE CLOCKS -Repaired- Parts available for most antique dlocks, pockei watches and modern watches, and dlocks and 400 dlay dlocks. Our repairs are done with modern up-to-date equipment and qualified Swiss tnained watchmaker. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-5747 16-tf N WEEKEND SPECIAL BOUQUET 0F MIXED MUMS $2.49 Cash and Carry CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Divison St. N. Bowmanville 623-7141 20-1 12' WINATOU, polyethylene canoe with seat cushions, $165. Phone 623-5068. 20-1 N 1976, 20' LARSON, day cruis- er,' 175 h.p., O.M.C, inboard- outboard. Trailer, spare wheel and new tires. Loaded with extras. In mint condition. Port Hope, 885-8055. 20-1 N 20-2 ANTIQUE Shenaton style sideboard (walnut finish on ash). Solid oak library table (desk). Phone 1-983-5843. 20-1 N '78 HARLEY Davidson, excel- lent condition. Best effer. Kendal 983-9391. 20-1 N VOLKSWAGEN transmission fan 1600 motor;g arden tracter and til1ler; benchgrinden; 1970 Bluebird bus; overhead ?arage doors; fluorescent ixtunes; single and double house doors; 427 GM mater and transmission. Phone 986-4454. 20-1 JOHN Deere balen and cultivator. Phone 576-6693. 20-1 ANTIQUE mahogany, jacknife diningroem suite, man's 5 speed bicycle with kick stand and carrier. Best offen. Newtonville 786-2319. 20-1 N REFRIGERATOR, General Electric, harvest gold, 13.7 cu. ft. As new. Phone Orono 983-5669. 20-1 N FRESH FROM OUR GARDEN ASPARAGUS 99c a lb. Cantrolîed Atmosphene Apples Spys, Mac Intosh, Deliciaus, Matsu BOX PLANTS FRED'S FRUIT MARKET Hwy. 115, Orona 20-4N 15 FOOT Gleneil1 house trailer, sleeps four, fridge and steve. Ca nbe seen atl126 Bal1dwi n St., Newcastle or phone 987-4675 atter 5.1 20-1 N 1978 KAWASAKI 125 K.D. Excellent condition. 1972 Volkswagen gas heater and some body parts in good condition. Phone 987-4287. 20-1iN WELL made picnic, deck, baicony and patio tables. Reasonably priced. 623-5837. 20-1 14' RUNABOUT, gaod condi- tion; air conditioner; canoe, 7 p ress back chairs; tricycle; iawnmower, tertilizer spread- er; chain saw; cottage; heaters; '66 Pontiac' goad second car; lakeshere lot. 1-983-5817. 20-1 5 h.p. LAWNMOWER with brakes and Stratton motor, good condition, $300 or best offer. Aise self propelled reel type lawnmower, good condi- tion. Phone 263-8027. 20-1 N BABY carniage, Gendron. $50. Swing-a-matic, playpen, car seat, other items. Phone 623-3528. 20-1 N TRUCK cap ton Datsun or import trucks. Phone 983-5762. 20-1 N TRAVELAIRE house trailer, 17' sleeps 6, toilet, furnace, fridge, stove, awning, mimrons, electric brake unýit etc. $3000. Aise TV tewer, raton, two heads, cables $150. Phone 623-7647. 20-1 8 AQUARI1UMS, 2 manths aId, (suitable for tish breeding), 5 - 23 gallons, plus pumps, heaters, filters, tish, and assorted accessories. Willing t0 seil separately. Phone 623-1236. 20-1iN IROQUOIS, Vernal, Saranac, Valor and Canada Ne. 1 Alfalfa. Centified Timothy Brome, Trefoil, and Canada No. 1 Red Claver. Certified seedi oats and barley. AIse some soy bean seed. bwain Seed Cleaners and Dealers Ltd. 986-4331. 20-1 ONE 7 foot Ferguson Dyna Balance hay mower, three p oint hitch. Onetthree point hitch cultivator. One Ferguson, three funrow plow, 3 - 14 inch. One Century tield s prayer, three peint hitch. Phone 263-2056. 20-1 N DEEP freeze, 8 ft. long, SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY EVERGRE ENS Flowerin hrubs, Hedging Shade rees Alil Reasonably Priced Brunt's Nursery South side of 401 at Liberty St. Exit Ph. 623-3971 18-tf N SEED GRAIN Highest Qua lity BARLEY - OATS SOYBEANS and CORN Custom Cleaning and Treating CE RESMORE FARMS LTD. 623-3552 623-7233 11-12N Ail makes and models for FREE pickup and delivery in Osh- awa, Whitby, Bowmanville, Ajax and Pickering 571-1385 Bernina Sewing Centre Whitby Mail Whitby Complete tuneup $15., inci. clean, ail,' adjust tension and timing. 9.ti SHEEP manure, weII rotted. Excellent for Iawns and, gardens. By the bushel or truckload, pick-up. No de- liveries. 623-5817. 17-5N BILL'S Sharpening Service, chain saws, Iawnmowers, skil saws, etc. Also wiII do minoir repa irs.1 Phone 263-8430.1192 PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and also used furniture and appliances. Will accept trade-ins. Paddy's, Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave.,' Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf GAR DE NING Marnie Processed Top Soi Screened No. 1 Top Soul for gardens. No. 2 TopSli for soddmg. PICK-UPor DELIVERED Phone 576-4430 20-2N* NON-DRINKERS CAN GET SOBER INSURANCE RATES If pou abstan from alcohol, the chances are we can save you money, Statistics prove non drinivers are Iess ii keyo have a fine n their fome or an accident when rvng thcr car.As an agent for Abstainers Insurance we fan probably write 'ou a uum ple ic pfor les^than yov'd normafpy puy. Calius or drop in Abstainers- I nsurance Company OSBORNE &SHANK INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS and MARKERS Look for this seal. Itl s your guarantee of pemnec. eOaeFe SFFORD BREV . LTD. idfoeze Deakr- Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 WHEEL Horse garden tractor, A-i condition, and attachments, hydrauîic lift. Asking $1300. Phone 263-2649. 20-1iN DAHLIAS, large size, beauti- fui colors, 3 for $1.00. 29 Scugog St. Phone 623-5898. 20-1 NINE piece walnut dining- room suite, excellent condi- t ion. Phone 623-4550. 20-1 N '66 HARD top camper. Phone 623-7457. 20-1 TAURUS trailer. Phone 623-51"16. 20-1iN 15' C EDA R stri p ski boat, 1ight weight and 40 h. p. E vin rude, electric start,, speed prop., canvas top, trailer, $975. 623-2250 atter 5. 20-1 N GERANIUMS, apple bîossom variety, very rare kind..Also boys 26" - 3 speed bike. Phone 623-5872. 20-1 RASPBERRY canes (Latham), fresh rhubarb, glad corms. Perennials - iris, peony roots, taîl phlox, dwarf asters, tiger li ly. 623-7490. 20-2 TROPICAL fish - big selection of fish, plants, power filters, tanks, etc. Drop in at the Tropical Fish Circle, Hampton, 263-8838. 17-6N USED furniture and ap- p lianctes. Paddy's Market. Ha mpton. 263-2241. 33-tf, am_-d.cj TWO car top carriers, Iatest ramn gutter style, one used, the other neyer used. Excellent for boat, etc. Good as new. Phone 263-8430. 20-1 N KENMORE vacuum cleaner copete with aIl attachments ncuing Powermate beater brush. Generous supply of bags. Used 6 months. Asking $110. Phone 623-5237 atter 6 p.m. 20-1 N SEED - Potatoes, Irish Cob- blers and Kennebec, certif ied. Also Suneriors. Sebaonq and Red Chiettans. .be Bouma 623-2847. 19-TFN BOB'S Lawn Care, top soli, 49c - 1/2 bu. bag. Highway 2, 3 miles east of Newcastle, north side. Bring own containers. 35c - 12bu. -17-tf N APPLES- CIDER WILL DELIVER Phone 623-3699 H. PEL No Sunday Sales 48-tf N TALISMAN Flea Market - open Sat. and Sun. and holidays, 10Oa.m. - 6 p.m. Hwy. 115 and North St., Newcastle. Outside dealers welcome. $5.00 per day. 987-5021. 19-tf N y s