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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1979, p. 15

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Kathy (Siemon) Coverly bas climbed a couple of rungs bigher in ber ladder of sucess as sbe and ber capable crew and clever performers have staged another superb annual performance in tbe presenta- tion of JOSEPH. Familiar cliches apply as the beros in Horatio Alger's books rose from "rags to riches" so a little country gal adds fame to her namne and proves that "a prophet can bave honor in bis own land." We hasten to add that co-operation from every- one involved was with ber ail the way and she had the best material, wich included 17 local and surrounding area actors and actresses to be found anywhere with which to work including the super Pit Band and piano expertise. The stage and props patterned after those of the Shakespear- ean Festival at Stratford were excellent with Sphinx, Pyramid, and - Camel. The performers were so suitably cbosen to play their roles to mention only two of many e.g. younger brother Benjamin and Pharoah who could easily have overshadowed the late Elvis Presley. All of this happened after weeks of faithful and attentive rehear- sals and despite an unexpect- ed reversal i.e. no theatre available but which was surmounted magnificently by the use of- the local arena. What more can we ask? Oh yes! Thanks to one and all wich includes the very best advertising, as usual, in tis great wekly paper. Mrs. Lou Griffin was enter- tained to a chicken dinner at Manchester Restaurant by Mr. and Mrs. Wally Griffin on Sunday. Mr. David Stainton, Cobourg was a Wednesday visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Len Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, Scarborough, Mr. Cliff Pethick, Bowmanville were Mother's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Pethîck. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Werry rI~ Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission DECIS ION were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry, Mrs. Jean Veale, Vancouver is visiting for a week with the Werry's. Mrs. Zelliah Nichols, May Argunt, Timmy Holmes and friend Chris Ncgleray, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. A Holmes, were visitors of Mrs. Gertrude Lyons, they all attended the Holmes - Sharp wedding on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon and family, Haydon, Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Taylor, Orono were Mother's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor this also being the occasion of Mrs. Taylor's 83rd birthday. Many Happy Returns of the Day, Mrs. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs.Ern Werry and Bert were Mother's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry. Mrs. Tom Sobil was a Saturday caller of the Werry >S. Mr. Milton Stainton, Miss Elva Orchard, Bowvmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Towns,ý Peterborough. Milton and Elva were later supper guests of the Lambs. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Howe, Mr. and Mrs.Dean English and family, Beaverton, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Howe and family, Whitby were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Howe and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Minerva Horn, Little children shaîl lead them and did so on Family Sunday and Motber's Day when a large congregation gathered to worsbip at the Sunday a.m. service and beeded the invitation of the cburch bell. The Beauty of the Sanctuary was enhanced by beautiful spring flowers. Some vases had remained from the Conseil de la radiodiffusion' et des télécommunications canadiennes Following the Public Hearing held in Peterborough, Ontario on 28 February 1979, the Canadian Radjo-television and Telecommunications Commission announces the following decisions effective forthwith. Decision CRTC 79-329 Oshawa, Bowmanvllle, Whltby, Ontario and surroundlng ar@&a- 781981600' Canadian Cablsystems (Ontario) Limited, carrying on business under the name of PlINE RIDGE CABLE TV Ap plication for authority to change the subscriber fees f rom those presently authorized by the Commission for Oshawa, BoWmanvllle and Whitby, Ontario and surrounding area as follows: Fees Installation fee Month ly f ee Present Max. Fees $1 5.00 $ 6.00 Proposed Max. Fees $2000 $ 6.50 The above are maximum indivIdual fees. The applicant proposes special fees which are detailed in the application. Decision: APPROVED Ottawa, May 7,1979 J. G. Patenaude, Acting Secretary General wedding ceremony on Satur- day p.m. The Children's Story was entitled "A Surprise For Mother" when a littie girl and boy planned a special surprise, for their mother and by promising to do many duties. The Intermediate Choir number was led by their director Ulah Chambers in a delightful anthem "We thank tbee, O Lord" with special parts in a musical message. In our minister's sermon with the theme "Accepting the Unacceptable" he clearly explained that being accepted by God does not require credentials and though we may fail to keep our vows God neyer does. The Sacrament of Infant Baptism was observed and directed by Rev. Kempling with Elder Keith McGill opening the Baptismal Font for the Baptism of Amy Louise Ashton, littie daughter of Karen and Charles Ashton whose sister, Tara, cousin Elisabeth and Richard Wor- den, grandparents Margaret and Orville Ashton and Ruth and Andrew MeMullen, aunt Lois Worden, aunt Elspeth and uncle Blair McMullen and great grandmother Anma Mc- Mulan attending the service. Rev. Kempling extended a hearty welcome to everyone especially the guests. A lovely flower basket was placed at the altar in loving memory by the family of the late Les Cochrane. Next Sunday 2 p.m. Enni- skillen Sunday School Anni- versary service will be beld in the sanctuary, with the Rev. Bill Wells of Peterborough as guest preacher and special music by the S.S. choir. Watch Coming Events for the details of Anniversary supper on Wed., May 23rd. No Sunday Scbool at regular time on May 2oth. Advance Notices - 1. Frîday, May 25th - 10 a.m. Monday, May 28th - 12 noon the Annual Meeting of Bay of Quinte Conference will be held on the campus of Trent University, Peterborough with the Youth Forum workîng in conjunction with it from Friday 4 p.m. until after the ordination service on Sunday evening. 2. Sunday, May 27th is Confer- ence Sunday so Tyrone are pleased to invite Enniskillen Congregation to worsbip with them in joint service at 10:30 a.m. Dawn Vaneyk will be guest preacher. Mr. and Mrs. Toff, Welland, Mr. Rickey Holmes and friend St. Catharines were Saturday callers of Mrs. Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gregg, Leslie and Brian, Pasedena, Maryland, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gregg, Christopher, Nathan, Nanapolis, Maryland attended the Holmes - Sharp wedding and are remaining for a visit with the Sharp families. We are sbocked to learn of the tragic accident causing the death of Wm. Carr and his son Stephen and wish to extend our deepest sympathy to their sorrowing famîly and other relatives. Our "good cooks" have catered again on Saturday at the Lions Centre for the Holmes - Sharp Weddîng reception. Margaret Ashton accom- panied ber daughter Lois ENNISKILLEN, NEWS Worden on Saturday to enjoy the opera "Cinderella" matinee performance at the Royal Alexander theatre in Toronto. Among the guests at a birthday party for Gordon Beech, Bowmanville hosted by bis daughters Janice and Bonnie wereý Orville and Margaret Ashton. Many happy returns, Gordon. Sunday was a double cele- bration family party at Karen and Charles Ashton's home, Oshawa for the christening of their littie daughter Amy Louise and to honor their mothers and grandmother. The traditional stork is hovering low over 'our area, now and has already dropped some littie "bundies of joy" for sorne couples wbo reside here or did formerly i.e. - blue bundies for Carol and Brian Christie, June and Laurence Wright (Pontypool), Karen and Gordon Brown, Patti and David Cecchetto (Sudbury), pink bundie for Linda and George Marshall (Digby, Nova Scotia.) The Sunday morning church service included the annual act by the S.S. pupils to bonor their mothers and grand- mothers by presenting each with a pretty spring flower from large baskets placed at the church by their teachers. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 16, 1979 15 Students.Study New Playground Bowinanvie Wl The Bowmanville W.I. met Thursday, May 3 at 2 p.m. in Trinity Cburch Hall. Mrs. Twist opened the meeting with Institute Ode and repeating Mary Stewart Collect in unison. Roll Caîl - "Something made from farm produet" was answered by 24 members. Mrs. C. Downey's group was in charge of the program - Agriculture and Canadian In- dustries. The topic was Agriculture and she intro- duced our speaker, Mr. Daîrymple from the Depart- ment of Agriculture. He told of the early beginnings of this industry and the need for scientific studies thus belping farming to be more productive and aid in combatîng disease of grain, fruits and vegetables and animal husbandry. The first Horticultural and Agri- cultural Society was organized 165 years ago. In, 1874 the Agricultural College was started. He also spoke of the specialists in various fields of Agriculture and Home Economics. He gave a resume of the, forming of various Junior Clubs in the Bowmanville area, and their value to the community. The executive meeting business was discussed and passed. The meeting closed with God Save the Queen. A social haîf hour followed. q Students at the Vincent Massey Public Sehool look over a model of the creative playground which will be installed in their schoolyard soon. The playground will be equipped with slides, ropes, tires, ladders and other interesting features. So it's no wonder that the students are as enthusiastic over the project as thei paet.Wieteprnsi hrgeo h roject arrange for construction, the students are plamg unfir torie'nafr h iyrud Admiring the model shown in this photo are, lef t to rîght C hrsLnowoepaet r ertrnd treasurer of the playground commttee; John Hall, whose fahruitteodlLarSiewh is the daughter of the cairerson of the playground commi te n aiaHies hs ahrdsgned plans for the playground. BOOKINOS Now available to * Barbados H Hawaii * Florida * London, England Limited space available for Christmas and March Break - 1980 BOOK NOW while space is avallable! Bowmanville Travel Centre1. Telephone 623-3182 47 King Street West

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